US event to polish Israel's face turns into protest against it

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- An Israeli student symposium was organized recently in a US university to improve Israel's tarnished image suddenly turned into a rally in support of the Palestinian people and the besieged Gaza Strip.

According to Jerusalem Post newspaper on Monday, a group of Jewish students dubbing itself as "stand with us" from Davis university in California invited two Zionist figures, an Israeli soldier and a Druze woman, to give speeches in support of Israel and its policies, but both of them were interrupted by the audience and more than 40 attendees started to leave the hall.

More than half of the audience chanted slogans against Israel and some of them waved Palestinian flags. Questions like "How many women have you raped?" and "How many children have you killed?" were loudly heard denoting Israel's crimes against the Palestinians.

The protestors also demanded an end to Gaza siege and to prosecute Israel's war criminals. The chants lasted for about 15 minutes.

The organizers of the symposium called in the police to stop these chants, but they refused to quell the protestors and decided to terminate the event.

US event to polish Israel's face turns into protest against it
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OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- An Israeli student symposium was organized recently in a US university to improve Israel's tarnished image suddenly turned into a rally in support of the Palestinian people and the besieged Gaza Strip.

According to Jerusalem Post newspaper on Monday, a group of Jewish students dubbing itself as "stand with us" from Davis university in California invited two Zionist figures, an Israeli soldier and a Druze woman, to give speeches in support of Israel and its policies, but both of them were interrupted by the audience and more than 40 attendees started to leave the hall.

More than half of the audience chanted slogans against Israel and some of them waved Palestinian flags. Questions like "How many women have you raped?" and "How many children have you killed?" were loudly heard denoting Israel's crimes against the Palestinians.

The protestors also demanded an end to Gaza siege and to prosecute Israel's war criminals. The chants lasted for about 15 minutes.

The organizers of the symposium called in the police to stop these chants, but they refused to quell the protestors and decided to terminate the event.

US event to polish Israel's face turns into protest against it
It appears that some Syrian squatters (who call themselves Palistinians) and their supporters(lickspittles) managed to show the world what they are best suited for: disruption and confusion.

The first guy looks like a leftist looking for Western peace. The other five? I put forwards that there's a good chance peace means submission to those fellows.
Despite hostile hecklers, protestors, and angry students shouting "rapists" "child molesters" and "liars", the two Israeli reservists brought by StandWithUs as part of its Israeli Soldiers Stories told their stories and handled themselves with dignity. Ran, the 28 year-old IDF reservist, and Ranya, the 20-something Druze woman, spoke from the heart about their lives in Israel and how they wish for peace. While the protestors represented the true face of Israel-haters, Ran and Ranya represented the heart of Israel. This event was co-sponsored by the UC Davis Chabad student club "Chai.” What the group lacks in numbers is made up by their courage and convictions, that the story of the Jewish people and the mitzvah of defending Israel remain paramount. As fear of physical altercations mounted, several "911" calls were made. The campus police appeared but refused to remove, reprimand or otherwise take any action against the disrupters. The police stated they were given "orders" not to take action against the disrupters, but instead, to close down the program if it got out of hand. What happened to our first amendment rights of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, and the University of California's "principles of community" to ensure a "hate-free" campus?

The program continued, punctuated by slanderous and heinous bellowing from members of the audience. In all, at various times, there were approximately 150 in attendance. There were some 20 or so hecklers that would act as the cheerleaders who would cause the others to erupt with hoots and howls during the presentation.
Gail Rubin's Report on Ran and Ranya at Davis

Sounds like a good time was had by all

The first guy looks like a leftist looking for Western peace. The other five? I put forwards that there's a good chance peace means submission to those fellows.
Your observation is quite true but the photographer said the culprits were actually signaling the waitress for "two beers."

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