Two Navy SEAL's missing off the coast of Somalia


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
They were doing a nighttime boarding operation, if you fall off the net, you're in big trouble if your wearing any heavy gear, especially if the seas are rough. I sure hope they are safe but if they are missing it would be a miracle to find either of them alive. It's important to recover them no matter what.

"On the evening of January 11, two U.S. Navy Sailors were reported missing at sea while conducting operations off the coast of Somalia," said a statementfrom U.S. Central Command issued Friday that disclosed that the sailors had gone missing.

"Search and rescue operations are currently ongoing to locate the two sailors," said the statement. "For operational security purposes, we will not release additional information until the personnel recovery operation is complete."

The statement did not disclose what type of operation the sailors were conducting at the time other than to say that they were "were forward-deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet (C5F) area of operations supporting a wide variety of missions."

"Out of respect for the families affected, we will not release further information on the missing personnel at this time," it added.

A former U.S. official described nighttime boarding operations as some of the most complex and dangerous operations that Navy sailors can carry out and that ocean sea states and environmental considerations are constantly being monitored.

Don't send US Seals on tricky operations .
It's unfair to ask them to emulate more successful countries and incidents like this are a tragedy for their families .

Keep the Seals dry seems a good idea .
Go with it Team US --- Keep Seals Dry .
2 more retarded white guys dying for a country that hates them because of their ancestry.
You are an idiot and fool.
Probably .
But absolutely correct . As usual .,
The last people they wanted for Nordstream were the USeLess .

You are living in John Wayne days when America probably was the strongest bully nation . But now the opposition is almost happy when it is Americans who turn up .;
UK forces did everything possible to be distanced from US forces in Iraq and sepately in Helmand
How did your elites fare in Ukraine ? Rubbed out and surrendered en masse at Mariupol
There are a number embedded in the IDF which is probably why they withdrew five brigades from Gaza City .
ROFL . .

Could be why The Freedom Fighters represent such a good value bet .
After Trump, The US Military is not what it used to be, what with all of his attacks on military men and women. Trump demeaned and disrespected multiple highly dedicated and decorated military personnel. Biden is bringing it back -- the greatness of the US military, but it's taking time , all the damage Cpl Bonsespurs has done.

Combined, the violence make clear that even after U.S. and British forces launched dozens of strikes last week on Houthi targets, the militants are intent to and capable of continuing their attacks on commercial shipping in an unpredictable cycle of violence.

U.S. forces have sought to stem the attacks in part by interdicting the supply of weapons from Iran to Yemen. On Thursday, Navy SEALs boarded a small ship known as a dhow in the Arabian Sea, finding Iranian-made missile warheads and related weapons components. Two SEALs were lost at sea during the operation, prompting a search-and-rescue operation that was still underway Tuesday.

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