Turkey warns of ‘wound’ to relations after Biden recognizes Armenian genocide


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Turkey warns of ‘wound’ to relations after Biden recognizes Armenian genocide
The US and Turkey are NATO allies, but Biden’s recognition of the Armenian genocide might sour relations.
28 Apr 2021 ~~ By Mari Eccles

Turkey said it has summoned the U.S. ambassador to protest President Joe Biden's recognition of the mass killing of Armenians in the early 20th century as genocide. It warned the decision has left a "deep wound" in relations between the two NATO allies.
Biden’s declaration Saturday that the 1915 massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted genocide has sparked outrage in Ankara.
Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu said he "entirely rejects" the U.S. move.
The decision comes among continuing tensions in the region. Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced today that he was resigning to clear the way for new parliamentary elections. He has been facing calls for months from army officers to step down over defeat in last year’s war with Azerbaijan.

Indeed, it was genocide. That was settle decades ago. Chyna Joey Xi has decided to stir the Turkey pot.
This is just more limp wristed inflamitory foreign policy from Joey Xi the Sock puppet-n- chiefs handler Bathouse Barry. Now the little Sultan of Turkey will unleash another herd toward Eastern Europe and Greece to show his displeasure.
Big Question, why has Joey Xi decided to do this. Certainly, not because he cares about the Armenians. Odd.
Estranging Turkey an ally in the Middle East is playing with fire. Meanwhile Putin is looking to annex more or all of the Ukraine under the Russian umbrella.
One can say that Joey Xi and his handlers are truly screwing up M.E. foreign policy....
I would highly suspect that this is above Biden's pay grade to meddle with. There will be some perceived foreign policy advantage in Biden's proclamation.

On the surface it appears to be playing into Russia's/China's hands.

Does anybody have any ideas that can be accepted as rational answers?
I would highly suspect that this is above Biden's pay grade to meddle with. There will be some perceived foreign policy advantage in Biden's proclamation.

On the surface it appears to be playing into Russia's/China's hands.

Does anybody have any ideas that can be accepted as rational answers?

Hah, Maybe Chyna Joey Xi, should go to his traitorous spy John Francois Kerry for advice on this M.E. problem...:abgg2q.jpg:
The US should accept that Turkey is and will be playing it's own role in the region. Not always it will be in Anerican interests. The US will have to adapt to this and rethink their policy about Turkey, NATO and the Middle East.
The US should accept that Turkey is and will be playing it's own role in the region. Not always it will be in Anerican interests. The US will have to adapt to this and rethink their policy about Turkey, NATO and the Middle East.
Gee! That hints at some intelligence, but it doesn't hint at any answer on what Biden is trying to do.

Or more correctly, what Biden's handlers are trying to do?
National leaders all over the world are seeing Biden for the airhead DUPE that he is. Obrador in Mexico is mad at him. Erdogan in Turkey is unhappy with him. Netanyahu is just about ready to cancel diplomatic relations with the US, Kerry & Biden, in particular.
Putin just tested Biden with Russian troops outside Ukraine, sucking Biden into revealing his Ukraine money tree. Duterte in the Phillipines said Trump should have been re-elected. Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia likewise, is for Trump. Orban of Hungary stated he wanted 4 more years of President Trump. "What the president represents is good for Central Europe, which is why we are rooting — at least me, personally — for him to win the election," he said. Kim of North Korea said he will only talk to Donald Trump, not Biden. Bolsonaro of Brazil, an avid Trump supporter was miffed by Biden's comments (if not threats )about disastrous, "significant, economic consequences" if devastation of the Amazon rainforest continues.

In general, world leaders are leery of Biden's cognitive unsteadiness, and in sharp contrast to Trump (who was always out in public), they are uncomfortable with Biden's public abscence, using staff members to do his talking for him.
The US should accept that Turkey is and will be playing it's own role in the region. Not always it will be in Anerican interests. The US will have to adapt to this and rethink their policy about Turkey, NATO and the Middle East.
Gee! That hints at some intelligence, but it doesn't hint at any answer on what Biden is trying to do.

Or more correctly, what Biden's handlers are trying to do?
It is a complex question. Is trying to do, can do or should do? These are three questions that can have three different answers.

I think that the US should try to establish something like East Mediterranean 'NATO'. Needles to say that Turkey wont be included in it. On the contrary, its goal among others will be confronting Turkey.
The US should accept that Turkey is and will be playing it's own role in the region. Not always it will be in Anerican interests. The US will have to adapt to this and rethink their policy about Turkey, NATO and the Middle East.
Gee! That hints at some intelligence, but it doesn't hint at any answer on what Biden is trying to do.

Or more correctly, what Biden's handlers are trying to do?
It is a complex question. Is trying to do, can do or should do? These are three questions that can have three different answers.

I think that the US should try to establish something like East Mediterranean 'NATO'. Needles to say that Turkey wont be included in it. On the contrary, its goal among others will be confronting Turkey.

The oil is running out in strategic quantities, soon the ME region is back to fighting over water holes and stealing each others' sheep and goats. Turkey's only strategic importance is also greatly diminished since the fall of the Soviet Union, at least to the U.S.; it's still a big deal to Europe, but Europe is busy speeding up its own decline as well, no point in us continuing to finance their defense when they don't want to themselves. With no global hegemon to keep all the assorted vermin and gangsters in check, re-alignments are inevitable, and usually that means lots of murders and wars.

A 'NATO' in the eastern Med is what we already had with Israel. Biden and the Democrats are Iranian allies, openly so. hence the Israeli moves in other directions. Israel has itself refused to acknowledge the genocide, same as Palestinian Jews made apologies for and supported Turkey back when they committed the massacres, and not a good sign for the future. They will regret their support for the current genocide of Armenians they're making a buck providing weapons for, for very fleeting short term gains.
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I would highly suspect that this is above Biden's pay grade to meddle with. There will be some perceived foreign policy advantage in Biden's proclamation.

On the surface it appears to be playing into Russia's/China's hands.

Does anybody have any ideas that can be accepted as rational answers?
Fuck Turkey. They cannot even get into the EU. They do not have a reputation as good people, and they are guilty as charged as far as the Armenians.
The US should accept that Turkey is and will be playing it's own role in the region. Not always it will be in Anerican interests. The US will have to adapt to this and rethink their policy about Turkey, NATO and the Middle East.
Gee! That hints at some intelligence, but it doesn't hint at any answer on what Biden is trying to do.

Or more correctly, what Biden's handlers are trying to do?
It is a complex question. Is trying to do, can do or should do? These are three questions that can have three different answers.

I think that the US should try to establish something like East Mediterranean 'NATO'. Needles to say that Turkey wont be included in it. On the contrary, its goal among others will be confronting Turkey.

The oil is running out in strategic quantities, soon the ME region is back to fighting over water holes and stealing each others' sheep and goats. Turkey's only strategic importance is also greatly diminished since the fall of the Soviet Union, at least to the U.S.; it's still a big deal to Europe, but Europe is busy speeding up its own decline as well, no point in us continuing to finance their defense when they don't want to themselves. With no global hegemon to keep all the assorted vermin and gangsters in check, re-alignments are inevitable, and usually that means lots of murders and wars.

A 'NATO' in the eastern Med is what we already had with Israel. Biden and the Democrats are Iranian allies, openly so. hence the Israeli moves in other directions. Israel has itself refused to acknowledge the genocide, same as Palestinian Jews made apologies for and supported Turkey back when they committed the massacres, and not a good sign for the future. They will regret their support for the current genocide of Armenians they're making a buck providing weapons for, for very fleeting short term gains.

The crazy part about Democrats now rooting for an alliance with Iran, it was a Democra president they insulted and made to look like a weak fool. That's right Jimmy Carter... They'll do the same to Chyna Joe too....another Democrat weak fool.
Turkey warns of ‘wound’ to relations after Biden recognizes Armenian genocide
The US and Turkey are NATO allies, but Biden’s recognition of the Armenian genocide might sour relations.
28 Apr 2021 ~~ By Mari Eccles

Turkey said it has summoned the U.S. ambassador to protest President Joe Biden's recognition of the mass killing of Armenians in the early 20th century as genocide. It warned the decision has left a "deep wound" in relations between the two NATO allies.
Biden’s declaration Saturday that the 1915 massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted genocide has sparked outrage in Ankara.
Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu said he "entirely rejects" the U.S. move.
The decision comes among continuing tensions in the region. Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced today that he was resigning to clear the way for new parliamentary elections. He has been facing calls for months from army officers to step down over defeat in last year’s war with Azerbaijan.

Indeed, it was genocide. That was settle decades ago. Chyna Joey Xi has decided to stir the Turkey pot.
This is just more limp wristed inflamitory foreign policy from Joey Xi the Sock puppet-n- chiefs handler Bathouse Barry. Now the little Sultan of Turkey will unleash another herd toward Eastern Europe and Greece to show his displeasure.
Big Question, why has Joey Xi decided to do this. Certainly, not because he cares about the Armenians. Odd.
Estranging Turkey an ally in the Middle East is playing with fire. Meanwhile Putin is looking to annex more or all of the Ukraine under the Russian umbrella.
One can say that Joey Xi and his handlers are truly screwing up M.E. foreign policy....

Destabilizing the middle east is to the advantage of Biden's Chinese owners, who are looking to have their oil interests in Asia and Africa take a bigger role, thus it's being done.
The US should accept that Turkey is and will be playing it's own role in the region. Not always it will be in Anerican interests. The US will have to adapt to this and rethink their policy about Turkey, NATO and the Middle East.
Gee! That hints at some intelligence, but it doesn't hint at any answer on what Biden is trying to do.

Or more correctly, what Biden's handlers are trying to do?
It is a complex question. Is trying to do, can do or should do? These are three questions that can have three different answers.

I think that the US should try to establish something like East Mediterranean 'NATO'. Needles to say that Turkey wont be included in it. On the contrary, its goal among others will be confronting Turkey.

The oil is running out in strategic quantities, soon the ME region is back to fighting over water holes and stealing each others' sheep and goats. Turkey's only strategic importance is also greatly diminished since the fall of the Soviet Union, at least to the U.S.; it's still a big deal to Europe, but Europe is busy speeding up its own decline as well, no point in us continuing to finance their defense when they don't want to themselves. With no global hegemon to keep all the assorted vermin and gangsters in check, re-alignments are inevitable, and usually that means lots of murders and wars.

A 'NATO' in the eastern Med is what we already had with Israel. Biden and the Democrats are Iranian allies, openly so. hence the Israeli moves in other directions. Israel has itself refused to acknowledge the genocide, same as Palestinian Jews made apologies for and supported Turkey back when they committed the massacres, and not a good sign for the future. They will regret their support for the current genocide of Armenians they're making a buck providing weapons for, for very fleeting short term gains.

The crazy part about Democrats now rooting for an alliance with Iran, it was a Democra president they insulted and made to look like a weak fool. That's right Jimmy Carter... They'll do the same to Chyna Joe too....another Democrat weak fool.

Carter's antisemitism led to the needless deaths of American soldiers; he should have been impeached over that.

I think that the US should try to establish something like East Mediterranean 'NATO'. Needles to say that Turkey wont be included in it. On the contrary, its goal among others will be confronting Turkey.

Toothless posturing, just another trillion $ endeavour without any benefit for Amercan people.
The muzzy scum act WORSE than dogs. Leashing them seems appropriate, all things considered...
I think that the US should try to establish something like East Mediterranean 'NATO'. Needles to say that Turkey wont be included in it. On the contrary, its goal among others will be confronting Turkey.

Toothless posturing, just another trillion $ endeavour without any benefit for Amercan people.
I agree. The sooner we alienate the Jews and they realize they are on their own, the sooner they eradicate the Islamic scourge in that region.

Oh, and lest anyone misunderstand my allegiances - AM YISRAEL CHAI!!
The US should accept that Turkey is and will be playing it's own role in the region. Not always it will be in Anerican interests. The US will have to adapt to this and rethink their policy about Turkey, NATO and the Middle East.
Gee! That hints at some intelligence, but it doesn't hint at any answer on what Biden is trying to do.

Or more correctly, what Biden's handlers are trying to do?
It is a complex question. Is trying to do, can do or should do? These are three questions that can have three different answers.

I think that the US should try to establish something like East Mediterranean 'NATO'. Needles to say that Turkey wont be included in it. On the contrary, its goal among others will be confronting Turkey.

The oil is running out in strategic quantities, soon the ME region is back to fighting over water holes and stealing each others' sheep and goats. Turkey's only strategic importance is also greatly diminished since the fall of the Soviet Union, at least to the U.S.; it's still a big deal to Europe, but Europe is busy speeding up its own decline as well, no point in us continuing to finance their defense when they don't want to themselves. With no global hegemon to keep all the assorted vermin and gangsters in check, re-alignments are inevitable, and usually that means lots of murders and wars.

A 'NATO' in the eastern Med is what we already had with Israel. Biden and the Democrats are Iranian allies, openly so. hence the Israeli moves in other directions. Israel has itself refused to acknowledge the genocide, same as Palestinian Jews made apologies for and supported Turkey back when they committed the massacres, and not a good sign for the future. They will regret their support for the current genocide of Armenians they're making a buck providing weapons for, for very fleeting short term gains.
Well, it may well be that after decline of oil industry the most of ME countries will see significant economic and social decline. Maybe some form of disintegration. Does it mean that global powers will lose their interest in it because of that? Not sure, seeing an example of Afghanistan. The Suez canal is also there.

About Israel. They will be seeking alliances there no matter what the US policy will be. And something tells me it is better to have Israel on your side.

If under current Armenian genocide you mean the Karabakh war and the last developments there, then I think that was inevitable. Nagorno-Karabakh as a sovereign state isnt recognized by anyone, including Armenia.
If under current Armenian genocide you mean the Karabakh war and the last developments there, then I think that was inevitable. Nagorno-Karabakh as a sovereign state isnt recognized by anyone, including Armenia.

I mean that Biden alienating Turkey is done with a strategic purpose in mind. America and all of it's presidents have supported some of the greatest evil the world has ever witnessed and so would have little interest in the Armenian genocide. If you have any idea then you have an ear.

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