Tucker Carlson is crushing the ratings and lefties and the neo conservatives can’t stand it

Tucker is perhaps the best journalist in America. He interviews people from the right and from the left. He’s also not beholden to Israel or Ukraine, which upsets the neo conservatives and the BLM lefty.

Why is it that left-wingers and neo conservative lie about Tucker Carlson. They make things up about him on a daily basis. They call him a “white supremacist” they call all sorts of names ie “Russia stooge” It’s complete nonsense.

Carlson previously interviewed a lawyer who is highly critical of Russia.

Tucker recently interviewed Dave Smith a libertarian who is highly critical of Israeli policies and actions in Palestine.

^Hardly something that a die hard right winger would do.

^Hardly something that a white supremacist would do. Sometime ago Carlson interviewed a black left-winger who is being targeted by the justice department.

I know right?

I went to the break room to get some coffee and one of my coworkers was spazzing out; hitting walls, screaming, throwing stuff.

I asked them, what's wrong?

They turned toward me with a haunted look in their eyes and said,"It's Tucker! His ratings are so high!"

I tried to explain his ratings are only high because he has tapped into the Russian market because Putin loves him but they were too upset to listen.
Tucker is perhaps the best journalist in America. He interviews people from the right and from the left. He’s also not beholden to Israel or Ukraine, which upsets the neo conservatives and the BLM lefty.

what I don't u/stand about him is that he at one time despised Trump..

I just can't understand any conservative being against Trump, often called Best President Ever

Tucker is perhaps the best journalist in America. He interviews people from the right and from the left. He’s also not beholden to Israel or Ukraine, which upsets the neo conservatives and the BLM lefty.

Why is it that left-wingers and neo conservative lie about Tucker Carlson. They make things up about him on a daily basis. They call him a “white supremacist” they call all sorts of names ie “Russia stooge” It’s complete nonsense.

Carlson previously interviewed a lawyer who is highly critical of Russia.

Tucker recently interviewed Dave Smith a libertarian who is highly critical of Israeli policies and actions in Palestine.

^Hardly something that a die hard right winger would do.

^Hardly something that a white supremacist would do. Sometime ago Carlson interviewed a black left-winger who is being targeted by the justice department.

Too bad I am too angry to watch. Nary a peep out of anyone in MSM about 2020 Election Fraud (including Tucker). All are “in on the Deep State” or part of the problem? Now After all the damage is done, they need to make more millions and they begin to chirp. No thanks.
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