Trump has no path to victory in 2024

Somebody's getting nervous with 3 years to go.

Joe ain't running again, and there is literally NOBODY on the left that the people will vote for, so it is Kamletoe or nobody, but even if she were in position to do so, Kamletoe would look really bad doing it on her own behalf.

What agreat way to cause an outright revolt and constitutional crisis. Perfect catalyst for Texas independence.

I hope Kameltoe wins the nomination AND pulls this off. DO IT!

Manchin is going to run.
Why would the TRUMPmob riot if VP Harris overturned the election?

They already rioted because VP Pence wouldn’t
This nation is on the verge of breaking apart right now. It’s like the straw that broke the camel’s back.

This article was written in 2018

these articles are more recent.

There are plenty of people in this nation that DO NOT want to see the democrats transform our nation with all its freedom into a Marist socialist workers paradise Like Venezuela.
There are plenty of people in this nation that DO NOT want to see the democrats transform our nation with all its freedom into a Marist socialist workers paradise Like Venezuela.
Democrats fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way
All REAL Americans support the Democrats

Republicans are trying to destroy our Democracy
Trump will be 78 years old in 2024. I doubt he will run for President again. If I had his wealth and all his responsibility, I would not run. He will continue to influence the GOP but I don't think he will run.
Trump will run.
Democrats fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way
All REAL Americans support the Democrats

Republicans are trying to destroy our Democracy
Then why did the democrats run a liar like Joe Biden for President?

Plus you say you are for justice and the American Way.

Do you want to see Joe get justice for his corruption with China and the Ukraine? After all that would be the American Way.

Then why did the democrats run a liar like Joe Biden for President?

Plus you say you are for justice and the American Way.

Do you want to see Joe get justice for his corruption with China and the Ukraine? After all that would be the American Way.

Our President is Building Back Better
Just passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill to prove it

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Somebody's getting nervous with 3 years to go.

Joe ain't running again, and there is literally NOBODY on the left that the people will vote for, so it is Kamletoe or nobody, but even if she were in position to do so, Kamletoe would look really bad doing it on her own behalf.

What agreat way to cause an outright revolt and constitutional crisis. Perfect catalyst for Texas independence.

I hope Kameltoe wins the nomination AND pulls this off. DO IT!
You forgot Dem stars AOC, Talib, and Omar.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Gotta LOVE Conservatives as they now equate modern roads and bridges to Communism

Safe Bridges? COMMIE
Clean Drinking water? COMMIE
Modern rail and ports? COMMIE
Too bad less than ten percent of the infrastructure bill is actually for infrastructure.
Of that remaining the time it passes the through the municipal pilferage, union graft and regulatory sabotage....we will be lucky If 1 percent gets applied to it's actual original purpose. This is why the roads in Cuba and Venezuela are next to being totally unusable. So yeah....communism.

Too bad less than ten percent of the infrastructure bill is actually for infrastructure.
Of that remaining the time it passes the through the municipal pilferage, union graft and
Regulatory sabotage....we will be lucky If 10 percent gets applied to it's actual original purpose. This is why the roads in Cuba and Venezuela are next to being totally unusable.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You still trying to sell that 10 percent lie?
Trump has taught you well
Maybe MAGAMorons will believe you

Nobody else does
How are protesters on 1/6 a coup specially since the FBI investigated and found no sign of anyone attempting a coup?? You Dems keep spouting that nonsense anyway.
How did they investigate? Did they have access and subpoena power to get testimony from all the people involved in the administration, and records from the oval office? Trump's FBI investigated it you say..... But how? When Congress can't get the perpetrators or witnesses to testify or turnover those related to Jan. 6th, records???

No one investigated it, with any seriousness at the could they? :dunno:
Even given the remote chance that he can get 270 Electoral Votes in 2024.
Even given the remote chance that he can get the Republican nomination in 2024.

Or is Trump so insane and arrogant as to run as an independent?

And that there are Republicans who want Trump to run in 2024 – who want Trump to be president again – illustrates just how reprehensible conservatives truly are.
Even given the remote chance that he can get the Republican nomination in 2024.

Or is Trump so insane and arrogant as to run as an independent?

And that there are Republicans who want Trump to run in 2024 – who want Trump to be president again – illustrates just how reprehensible conservatives truly are.
Trump still controls the MAGA Republicans

Other Republicans are afraid of him
We don’t need it
The Trump Doctrine will ensure a Republican never takes the White House again

As long as a Democrat is Vice President, we can ensure that a Democrat will assume the position of President and Vice President


Okay Troll - the next Republican president hasn't been born - your Reich is a thousand year Reich - we've heard your shit before.
Okay Troll - the next Republican president hasn't been born - your Reich is a thousand year Reich - we've heard your shit before.
Not if sitting Vice Presidents get to decide which Electoral Votes will count

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