Trump electable to ANYTHING? Not hardly

How many HATE TRUMP threads have you started today? As The Donald puts you in your place Rambling Doe.....

Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
He's the 'candidate' for those with an unwarranted hatred of government, and who have no interest in sound, responsible governance.
How many HATE TRUMP threads have you started today? As The Donald puts you in your place Rambling Doe.....

Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.

Young head full of mush.... here are the numbers from todays Gallup poll


Now just think of this for a minute.... besides being the MOST FAVORED, look at the NEVER HEARD OF column... it is a ZERO 0000000000! Do you have any idea about how much NAME RECOGNITION means in politics, it means little dummies that go and vote will pull the lever for Trump thinking they are voting for "THE APPRENTICE" instead of president...all those 18-30 year olds that KNOW NOTHING of politics, will vote for the ONLY NAME they will recognize, and ESPECIALLY if the Hildebeast is indicted, or more likely quits as Obama puts the squeeze on her so that JoJo can be the nominee, and she GETS OUT OF JAIL FREE for her sacrifice! ....or this may happen to the bitch....


Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
He's the 'candidate' for those with an unwarranted hatred of government, and who have no interest in sound, responsible governance.

That leaves YOU out of this conversation, subversive shyster!
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Listen very very very closely.

I don't like that looser crook Hitlery Rodham Klinton one bit.

I don't like looser crooks in general.

I especially don't like her stooges paving the way for her.

Hitlary Clinton is toast. She won't be the nominee. She is no longer the target of my wrath. She is history.

But that evil despicable racist fraud infesting the republican party is still a danger for the party and for the nation. he has to be stopped, before he manages to resurrect clinton like a zombie.
Listen very very very closely.

I don't like that looser crook Hitlery Rodham Klinton one bit.

I don't like looser crooks in general.

I especially don't like her stooges paving the way for her.

Hitlary Clinton is toast. She won't be the nominee. She is no longer the target of my wrath. She is history.

But that evil despicable racist fraud infesting the republican party is still a danger for the party and for the nation. he has to be stopped, before he manages to resurrect clinton like a zombie.

Thank whoever as YOU only have one vote!
Listen very very very closely.

I don't like that looser crook Hitlery Rodham Klinton one bit.

I don't like looser crooks in general.

I especially don't like her stooges paving the way for her.

Hitlary Clinton is toast. She won't be the nominee. She is no longer the target of my wrath. She is history.

But that evil despicable racist fraud infesting the republican party is still a danger for the party and for the nation. he has to be stopped, before he manages to resurrect clinton like a zombie.

Thank whoever as YOU only have one vote!
Do you like looser crooks in general?
How many HATE TRUMP threads have you started today? As The Donald puts you in your place Rambling Doe.....

Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.
Listen very very very closely.

I don't like that looser crook Hitlery Rodham Klinton one bit.

I don't like looser crooks in general.

I especially don't like her stooges paving the way for her.

Hitlary Clinton is toast. She won't be the nominee. She is no longer the target of my wrath. She is history.

But that evil despicable racist fraud infesting the republican party is still a danger for the party and for the nation. he has to be stopped, before he manages to resurrect clinton like a zombie.

Thank whoever as YOU only have one vote!
Do you like looser crooks in general?

I have no idea what DRUGS you are on, but you'd be wise to get off them, it's definitely given you a mental problem!
In the most current poll, Trump is polling at 30%, which is 3% less than Herman Cain was polling at this time four years ago.

Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President. He's a target-rich candidate for the Democrats.

He simply swats them away, the democRATS are even more feckless than the RINO's, and if TRUMP were BLACK instead of the good doctor, he'd have 70% polling! Isn't that why the Manchurian muslim won, WHITE GUILT...I believe it was, and the fact he was a COMMUNITY RIOTER made it even better to assuage that WHITE GUILT!
In the most current poll, Trump is polling at 30%, which is 3% less than Herman Cain was polling at this time four years ago.

Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President. He's a target-rich candidate for the Democrats.
Cain at least had republican ideals. Trump is running as a democrat in republican clothing. And people just don't care. Single payer, high taxes, idiotic foreign affairs, scary military policy, abortion on demand till the 40th week... doesn't matter.
In the most current poll, Trump is polling at 30%, which is 3% less than Herman Cain was polling at this time four years ago.

Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President. He's a target-rich candidate for the Democrats.

He simply swats them away, the democRATS are even more feckless than the RINO's, and if TRUMP were BLACK instead of the good doctor, he'd have 70% polling! Isn't that why the Manchurian muslim won, WHITE GUILT...I believe it was, and the fact he was a COMMUNITY RIOTER made it even better to assuage that WHITE GUILT!

You sure have a low opinion of conservative Republican primary voters.
In the most current poll, Trump is polling at 30%, which is 3% less than Herman Cain was polling at this time four years ago.

Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President. He's a target-rich candidate for the Democrats.

He simply swats them away, the democRATS are even more feckless than the RINO's, and if TRUMP were BLACK instead of the good doctor, he'd have 70% polling! Isn't that why the Manchurian muslim won, WHITE GUILT...I believe it was, and the fact he was a COMMUNITY RIOTER made it even better to assuage that WHITE GUILT!

You sure have a low opinion of conservative Republican primary voters.
Doesn't seem that way to me.... especially when the RINO'S were crying before Trump jumped in that we must back THEIR CANDIDATE and castigated Cruz, Paul, and the few others that acyually had SOME real conservative values... You ever look to see how CLOSE Trump is to many of Cruz's agenda's? Definitely not 100% but damn 75% or better.... You fags on the left should remember the Good LIBERAL mayor of NYC Eddy Koch, and his most famous quote ...


The Donald represents THAT QUOTE, but instead of a DemocRAT, he's now a Republican with a majority of Republican ideals!!!!!...He was also know as the LIBERAL WITH SANITY, and most of the time he displayed it!
Listen very very very closely.

I don't like that looser crook Hitlery Rodham Klinton one bit.

I don't like looser crooks in general.

I especially don't like her stooges paving the way for her.

Hitlary Clinton is toast. She won't be the nominee. She is no longer the target of my wrath. She is history.

But that evil despicable racist fraud infesting the republican party is still a danger for the party and for the nation. he has to be stopped, before he manages to resurrect clinton like a zombie.

So you prefer a tighter Hillary?

That's what Bill said.
Trump is as electable as the community agitating thug you all voted in for President

Senator actually, and state senator before that. Not that that predicts a successful Presidency but at least it renders some degree of experience in how government works. Rump can't even figure out how hair works, let alone running a business without going bankrupt, let alone how to work with anybody other than suing them.

Besides which, in November 2008 the economy had just crashed and was still burning and the other party ran a septuagenarian cancer survivor strongly associated with the crash party, and as a bonus track Sarah Palin. In that kind of contest a crossdressing anteater with diphtheria could have won the election. The memory is the second thing to go...

Too bad you can't dictate other peoples' thoughts as is apparent from the polls. Suck it up and accept it.

I uh, didn't post anything about "polls" there, Evelyn Wood. I addressed the actual topic.
Polls at this point mean absolutely nothing. Check your calendar --- it's not even an election year.

Herman Cain was the victim of the democrat Bimbo Squad, drag out at will. They won't get to do that with Trump, because Trump will have all their asses in court within 24 hours,

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