Trump delivers knockout blow to Clinton/Obama

While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
Doing more for children in 10 minutes than the Dumbocrats as a whole have done in over 100 years...

"10 minutes"??

It was forty-nine seconds. Then he was out of there.

If that is really true, and I am not bothering to read the link, then at least he was there rather than playing golf. Admit it or not Pogo, it is the truth.

I admit, it is the truth that he was there 49 seconds unloading Play Doh. As for golf, no idea. Golf is absolutely indefensible. I have standing orders with my friends that if I ever start showing an interest in golf, just shoot me between the eyes.
The dem governor told Obama not to visit until the emergency was over. Trump went for a photo op he was warned about doing and his comments were all about him. lol The dupes....
But of course he did, he did not want Trump to look good. If somebody is a dupe it is you.

A visit by Rump doesn't tie up nearly as many resources as a POTUS does with all the Secret Service and bomb sniffers and traffic coordination that has to go on.

In other words, to put it in terms Rump will stay up all night sending whiny tweets about ------- he just ain't that important.
..and that ties into what I said, how?

Really? :banghead:

Read your own post. It's about why a governor would want a POTUS to stay out of the way while emergencies are being handled.

Just as, if there's a building on fire you send the Fire Department ---- you don't send the freaking Mayor.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…
The Governor explicitly asked Obama to NOT VISIT at this moment because our first responders are STILL saving people’s lives. Donald Trump’s visit was not welcomed by residents because it tied up precious resources that could be used in rescue and relief efforts. The Governor literally told Trump he is welcome but if he’s coming he better be volunteering or writing a sizable check to assist with recovery. Trump neither volunteered nor wrote a sizable check.

The real help will come from Obama who is visiting the area on Tuesday as the governor asked.

Trump blew it again. This illustrates quite well why I say Trump does not have what it takes to be president. He keeps making stupid political mistakes like this because he lacks the political knowledge, experience, and insight a president needs. He claims to be worth a 9 billion dollars. Don't you think he could have done a little better than soup and crackers, play doh, and some toys? My wife just donate thru the red cross for flood disaster relief. I'll bet we gave as much as Trump and our net worth is about one million what his is.
You saw a 49 second clip of him handing out supplies, and assumed that was the extent of his visit?

Did the semi the supplies were in also leave after 49 seconds?

Nope. That was in the report I linked. The video is actually almost a minute and a half. I like the video because he says "I"m just here to help" and immediately turns and walks away. That's where it ends.

I don't know anything about the truck, or if it actually was a semi. For all we know it closed up and went on to its next scheduled stop at Winn Dixie.

I read the link, you can tell by the doors on the truck it's a semi.

By your own admission, you have no idea how long the trump was there, only that Trump only handed out things for 49 seconds.

I'm sure Obama took longer to sink one of his putts

I know trucks a little too well to make an assumption like that, so no I have no idea how big the truck was or, more to the point, what else it was loaded with.

And again, it's in the link I already put up -- 49 seconds, and not "10 minutes" that Buttsoiler posted because he's too stupid to keep up with this shit.

Don't know what kind of truck it was, don't know what was in the truck, (other than Play Doh), don't know how long either the truck of Trump was there, but a 'website' said it was 49 seconds, and like a good parrot, you stick with it.


You have info to the contrary?

Of course you don't.


Drive a semi into an area with needed supplies, stay 49 seconds, and leave.

only a fool would accept an explanation like that
Nope. That was in the report I linked. The video is actually almost a minute and a half. I like the video because he says "I"m just here to help" and immediately turns and walks away. That's where it ends.

I don't know anything about the truck, or if it actually was a semi. For all we know it closed up and went on to its next scheduled stop at Winn Dixie.

I read the link, you can tell by the doors on the truck it's a semi.

By your own admission, you have no idea how long the trump was there, only that Trump only handed out things for 49 seconds.

I'm sure Obama took longer to sink one of his putts

I know trucks a little too well to make an assumption like that, so no I have no idea how big the truck was or, more to the point, what else it was loaded with.

And again, it's in the link I already put up -- 49 seconds, and not "10 minutes" that Buttsoiler posted because he's too stupid to keep up with this shit.

Don't know what kind of truck it was, don't know what was in the truck, (other than Play Doh), don't know how long either the truck of Trump was there, but a 'website' said it was 49 seconds, and like a good parrot, you stick with it.


You have info to the contrary?

Of course you don't.


Drive a semi into an area with needed supplies, stay 49 seconds, and leave.

only a fool would accept an explanation like that

Well said, I agree.

Now tell that to the OP. He thinks it constitutes a "knockout punch". :cuckoo:
I read the link, you can tell by the doors on the truck it's a semi.

By your own admission, you have no idea how long the trump was there, only that Trump only handed out things for 49 seconds.

I'm sure Obama took longer to sink one of his putts

I know trucks a little too well to make an assumption like that, so no I have no idea how big the truck was or, more to the point, what else it was loaded with.

And again, it's in the link I already put up -- 49 seconds, and not "10 minutes" that Buttsoiler posted because he's too stupid to keep up with this shit.

Don't know what kind of truck it was, don't know what was in the truck, (other than Play Doh), don't know how long either the truck of Trump was there, but a 'website' said it was 49 seconds, and like a good parrot, you stick with it.


You have info to the contrary?

Of course you don't.


Drive a semi into an area with needed supplies, stay 49 seconds, and leave.

only a fool would accept an explanation like that

Well said, I agree.

Now tell that to the OP. He thinks it constitutes a "knockout punch". :cuckoo:

The OP is the one saying Trump only stayed 49 seconds?

I'm fairly sure YOU posted that link
I know trucks a little too well to make an assumption like that, so no I have no idea how big the truck was or, more to the point, what else it was loaded with.

And again, it's in the link I already put up -- 49 seconds, and not "10 minutes" that Buttsoiler posted because he's too stupid to keep up with this shit.

Don't know what kind of truck it was, don't know what was in the truck, (other than Play Doh), don't know how long either the truck of Trump was there, but a 'website' said it was 49 seconds, and like a good parrot, you stick with it.


You have info to the contrary?

Of course you don't.


Drive a semi into an area with needed supplies, stay 49 seconds, and leave.

only a fool would accept an explanation like that

Well said, I agree.

Now tell that to the OP. He thinks it constitutes a "knockout blow". :cuckoo:

The OP is the one saying Trump only stayed 49 seconds?

I'm fairly sure YOU posted that link

Oh I did. The OP thought it was "10 minutes".

But he accepted the idea of driving in a semi (and I'm sure Rump didn't drive it -- he's probably not qualified to drive at all), handing out Play Doh (which the OP called "desperately needed supplies") and leaving as a "knockout blow".
The dem governor told Obama not to visit until the emergency was over. Trump went for a photo op he was warned about doing and his comments were all about him. lol The dupes....
But of course he did, he did not want Trump to look good. If somebody is a dupe it is you.

A visit by Rump doesn't tie up nearly as many resources as a POTUS does with all the Secret Service and bomb sniffers and traffic coordination that has to go on.

In other words, to put it in terms Rump will stay up all night sending whiny tweets about ------- he just ain't that important.
..and that ties into what I said, how?

Really? :banghead:

Read your own post. It's about why a governor would want a POTUS to stay out of the way while emergencies are being handled.

Just as, if there's a building on fire you send the Fire Department ---- you don't send the freaking Mayor.
Don't get smart you anti-American POS. Your critical thinking shit won't cut it. I did not refer to the POTUS, I referred to a Democrat governor trying to keep a Republican pres nominee out. Trump's presence did not pull away vital emergency responders from anywhere, he has his own private security and SS security. We have no idea what conversations the governor had with the POTUS and how did they come up with the "don't come here" bullshit. Who the fuck is a governor telling the POTUS not to come to the state?
Yeah, but people see right through this. Do your really think Trump would have done the same thing had he not been the nominee for the Republican party?
Not any more than you would have. But the fact is that he is the Republican nominee. And he acted like Americans would want their President to act.
Don't know what kind of truck it was, don't know what was in the truck, (other than Play Doh), don't know how long either the truck of Trump was there, but a 'website' said it was 49 seconds, and like a good parrot, you stick with it.


You have info to the contrary?

Of course you don't.


Drive a semi into an area with needed supplies, stay 49 seconds, and leave.

only a fool would accept an explanation like that

Well said, I agree.

Now tell that to the OP. He thinks it constitutes a "knockout blow". :cuckoo:

The OP is the one saying Trump only stayed 49 seconds?

I'm fairly sure YOU posted that link

Oh I did. The OP thought it was "10 minutes".

But he accepted the idea of driving in a semi (and I'm sure Rump didn't drive it -- he's probably not qualified to drive at all), handing out Play Doh (which the OP called "desperately needed supplies") and leaving as a "knockout blow".

I like you pogo

you always leave me laughing

(at your inane remarks)
I referred to a Democrat governor trying to keep a Republican pres nominee out.

Of course you did. Because your tiny little binary-bot mind can only think in terms of "Democrats" and "Republicans" at a time when both are irrelevant, since this is all some kind of comic book football game to you.

But the fact remains there are logistical complications to a POTUS coming anywhere at any time, and when resources are strained as here, it does more harm than good to have to divert those resources NOW rather than LATER. That's true of O'bama in the past week just as it was true of Bush during Katrina.

Trump's presence did not pull away vital emergency responders from anywhere

Correct, as I also already posted. Because he's not important enough.

We have no idea what conversations the governor had with the POTUS and how did they come up with the "don't come here" bullshit.

Oh but we do, if we have been even marginally following the story. Edwards has said he's been in regular touch with the White House every day, and also asked the POTUS to give them time to effect the recovery ops, so they could concentrate the resources where they're needed. See also above.

ALL of which relates DIRECTLY to your little comic book fantasy of cowboys and Indians politics.

Who the fuck is a governor telling the POTUS not to come to the state?

Uh -- the governor. The guy who RUNS the joint. Same guy who requests the federal aid. It's part of his job to see that the operation runs and has what it needs. And what it doesn't need is a gaggle of Secret Service running around looking for bombs in boats while rescues are going on.
Of course you did. Because your tiny little binary-bot mind can only think in terms of "Democrats" and "Republicans" at a time when both are irrelevant, since this is all some kind of comic book football game to you.
Your spinning may work in college campuses buit won't work here. It is an election year and everything is focused on the battle between the two parties. You are not a dumb fuck in a sense of education. You are Academia, Intelligentsia and you try to spin that these visits and non-visits are not partisan at all.
But the fact remains there are logistical complications to a POTUS coming anywhere at any time, and when resources are strained as here, it does more harm than good to have to divert those resources NOW rather than LATER. That's true of O'bama in the past week just as it was true of Bush during Katrina.
Again your spinning is bullshit. The POTUS has no problem with logistics when it comes to fundraising. He has no logistical issues to fly to lavish vacations but he has now. Who are you kidding? You also need to realize that I did not criticize his decision of not interrupting his vacation. What the fuck would he do, walking around to look good and showthat he cares? He declared the disaster just like you pointed out and he did what he had to do with that.
Correct, as I also already posted. Because he's not important enough.
He is important enough in your head otherwise you wouldn't try to spin every shit so desperately. You should have left my post alone since it was not criticizing Obama but you needed to look smart again.
Oh but we do, if we have been even marginally following the story. Edwards has said he's been in regular touch with the White House every day, and also asked the POTUS to give them time to effect the recovery ops, so they could concentrate the resources where they're needed. See also above.
You are drunk. Nobody can possibly know what exactly their conversation was about. Maybe you were on a conference call with them, that's what you allude to?
Uh -- the governor. The guy who RUNS the joint. Same guy who requests the federal aid. It's part of his job to see that the operation runs and has what it needs. And what it doesn't need is a gaggle of Secret Service running around looking for bombs in boats while rescues are going on.
Again, who the fuck is the governor telling the POTUS not to come? Don't fucking give me the story how the secret service is looking for bombs. This whole issue has nothing to do with it. You are so desperate to be always "right." It shows what a little pathetic man you are. Your ego is in your way, you cannot think.
Wow dood. Get a grip and grow a pair. :itsok:

Again ---- Edwards has said both that he's been in touch with the White House every day, that they've been very responsive, and that he advised the Prez to stay away. That's part of a governor's JOB. And these statements are not some kind of 'secret' -- I knew about them and I'm barely following the story. You'll just have to hold your breath 'til you turn blue if you don't like how governors work.
He showed up. That puts him above obama and clinton. At least he made the effort. Thats more than those other two have done.
He showed up. That puts him above obama and clinton. At least he made the effort. Thats more than those other two have done.

You know what I keep asking, that no one yet has answered?

Suppose a Clinton or an O'bama does show up.
------- what exactly are they supposed to DO?
He showed up. That puts him above obama and clinton. At least he made the effort. Thats more than those other two have done.

You know what I keep asking, that no one yet has answered?

Suppose a Clinton or an O'bama does show up.
------- what exactly are they supposed to DO?
Reach into their own pockets and help, like Trump did. Like real Americans do.
He showed up. That puts him above obama and clinton. At least he made the effort. Thats more than those other two have done.

You know what I keep asking, that no one yet has answered?

Suppose a Clinton or an O'bama does show up.
------- what exactly are they supposed to DO?
Reach into their own pockets and help, like Trump did. Like real Americans do.

"Own pockets"? You mean the Play Doh? You think he bought that with his own cash? :lol:

Even so --- how is it necessary to go there to do that? You know we have this stuff called "mail" now? I've got this cool little tool myself -- it's called PayPal.

The question, to flesh it out for y'all in the dimbulb section, is what are they supposed to DO --- that can't be done from elsewhere?

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