Trump delivers knockout blow to Clinton/Obama

He showed up. That puts him above obama and clinton. At least he made the effort. Thats more than those other two have done.

You know what I keep asking, that no one yet has answered?

Suppose a Clinton or an O'bama does show up.
------- what exactly are they supposed to DO?
Reach into their own pockets and help, like Trump did. Like real Americans do.

"Own pockets"? You mean the Play Doh? You think he bought that with his own cash? :lol:

Even so --- how is it necessary to go there to do that? You know we have this stuff called "mail" now? I've got this cool little tool myself -- it's called PayPal.

The question, to flesh it out for y'all in the dimbulb section, is what are they supposed to DO --- that can't be done from elsewhere?
Ok. If your wife ever has to be in a hospital, DON'T GO to show support. Just paypal her some fucking money at the hospital gift shop to be delivered to her room. You just stay home and watch tv, ok? DAYUM and FUCK.

So you think trump visited all those displaced people? You know that didn't happen.
Baton Rouge airport was traffic as usual .
Trump's visit didn't interrupt any vital services in flooded areas.

play doh is a joke ? ever think that might be only thing lotsa these kids in shelters have to play with. ?

Um... if you're in a situation where your dilemma is "what to play with" --- then you're hardly in an emergency, are you?

Actual "desperately needed supplies" (the OP's term) in this situation, which I remember well, would be stuff like .... water...... MREs..... clean clothes.... stuff for survival.
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Transgender qu33r, Rachel "Blink" Maddow attempted to pre-emptively apologize from Barry The Butthurt Obama playing golf while folks in Louisiana drown by having the democrat governor on who suggested it is best if Barry stays on the golf course and not help and show support for American citizens.

Typically hypocritical, Maddow under the same circumstance but with a Republican presidency.

Actually I've said all along, in threads before this one --- what the hell is any of them expected to DO?
Never got an answer. But didn't expect one.
I gave you an answer, you just didn't like it although you just quoted it.

49 seconds of unloading Play Doh. "Desperately needed supplies".
No, stupid. The tractor trailer full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.

QED. Wanna buy a bridge?
Wanna kiss my ass?
Actually I've said all along, in threads before this one --- what the hell is any of them expected to DO?
Never got an answer. But didn't expect one.
I gave you an answer, you just didn't like it although you just quoted it.

49 seconds of unloading Play Doh. "Desperately needed supplies".
No, stupid. The tractor trailer full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.

QED. Wanna buy a bridge?
Wanna kiss my ass?

Wanna whistle so we can tell which end is which?
Transgender qu33r, Rachel "Blink" Maddow attempted to pre-emptively apologize from Barry The Butthurt Obama playing golf while folks in Louisiana drown by having the democrat governor on who suggested it is best if Barry stays on the golf course and not help and show support for American citizens.

Typically hypocritical, Maddow under the same circumstance but with a Republican presidency.

Pretty typical of that dyke.
he tractor trailer full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.


Hey, you know who was in that area just before the flooding started?

George H. W. Bush.

Run with that. :rofl:
You're the conspiacy theorist, YOU run with it, asshole. BTW, why are you trying to change the subject? Maybe because I just bitch slapped you again?
Actually I've said all along, in threads before this one --- what the hell is any of them expected to DO?
Never got an answer. But didn't expect one.
I gave you an answer, you just didn't like it although you just quoted it.

49 seconds of unloading Play Doh. "Desperately needed supplies".
No, stupid. The tractor trailer full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.

QED. Wanna buy a bridge?
Wanna kiss my ass?

Wanna whistle so we can tell which end is which?
What are you doing out of bed?
he tractor trailer full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.


Hey, you know who was in that area just before the flooding started?

George H. W. Bush.

Run with that. :rofl:
You're the conspiacy theorist, YOU run with it, asshole. BTW, why are you trying to change the subject? Maybe because I just bitch slapped you again?

Woo hoo, I just delivered a "knockout blow". :dance:
Actually I've said all along, in threads before this one --- what the hell is any of them expected to DO?
Never got an answer. But didn't expect one.
I gave you an answer, you just didn't like it although you just quoted it.

49 seconds of unloading Play Doh. "Desperately needed supplies".
No, stupid. The tractor trailer full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.

QED. Wanna buy a bridge?
Wanna kiss my ass?

Wanna whistle so we can tell which end is which?
What are you doing out of bed?

Get a room already.
Even LA residents & a local paper is pissed that Obama isn't there.

Louisiana flood: Worst US disaster since Hurricane Sandy, Red Cross says -

I know in my area of 2 major disasters.....Mt St Helens eruption of 1980 and the Nisqually Flood in 1996....the Presidents at the time had been there within a week or less.

Video: May 22, 1980: Carter Visits Mt. St. Helens

What did they DO??? They seen for themselves the devastation, they visited areas to see and hear from the people directly of their struggles, and they were there to assure the people that the government had their backs in such uncertain times.

So just what is Obama's excuse???
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Oh, and Trump would have done this had he not been Presidential candidate? No, he wouldn't.

So, he's decided this will make him look good, and so he's doing it.


Doesn't make him look any worse than Hillary who is at home "resting" amid the prolific health concerns rumors.

Rumors are what? I mean the Republicans have been using rumors for a long time.

It's AUGUST, it's summer time, it's holiday time, it's time to have a rest before the hectic September and October.

Oh, if Trump goes missing a little it's just he's like everyone else, having a holiday, if it's Hillary, she's dying of brain disease, or broken bones or something.

No if it is Trump it is "Trump's campaign is in chaos and he had to leave the road" or "Trump has to stop campaigning to address his 3500 lawsuits". It is political theater. I mean how many democrats have mentioned just on this site that he was unloading play doh, and why would they even notice that in the first place if they were not being hyper sensitive to the optics? Could it be that they are so clueless that they don't realize that when your house gets washed away, so do all the kids' stuff to? I mean if you want to be honest, God forbid, if Hillary weren't running for office, it would be costing somebody $300K just for her to show up somewhere and you would still not see the video of it because she retains the rights to the video and the transcripts as part of her contract riders.

And isn't that politics?

I mean if you go for a job interview, which is essentially what we're seeing here, would you expect to have to play silly games, or actually tell people why you're the best person for the job.

But the person interviewing, ie the general public, is just interested in entertainment.

So it's more like going for an interview and being told to act like a monkey in order to get the job.
Um... if you're in a situation where your dilemma is "what to play with" --- then you're hardly in an emergency, are you?

But for kids, who are in shelters, scared, possibly without some family members or beloved pets, no personal belongings.....yes, play doh or some toy can help to calm them
he tractor trailer full of goods he paid for out of his own pocket.


Hey, you know who was in that area just before the flooding started?

George H. W. Bush.

Run with that. :rofl:
You're the conspiacy theorist, YOU run with it, asshole. BTW, why are you trying to change the subject? Maybe because I just bitch slapped you again?

Woo hoo, I just delivered a "knockout blow". :dance:
Still trying to change the subject, I see. :lol:
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Oh, and Trump would have done this had he not been Presidential candidate? No, he wouldn't.

So, he's decided this will make him look good, and so he's doing it.


Doesn't make him look any worse than Hillary who is at home "resting" amid the prolific health concerns rumors.

Rumors are what? I mean the Republicans have been using rumors for a long time.

It's AUGUST, it's summer time, it's holiday time, it's time to have a rest before the hectic September and October.

Oh, if Trump goes missing a little it's just he's like everyone else, having a holiday, if it's Hillary, she's dying of brain disease, or broken bones or something.

No if it is Trump it is "Trump's campaign is in chaos and he had to leave the road" or "Trump has to stop campaigning to address his 3500 lawsuits". It is political theater. I mean how many democrats have mentioned just on this site that he was unloading play doh, and why would they even notice that in the first place if they were not being hyper sensitive to the optics? Could it be that they are so clueless that they don't realize that when your house gets washed away, so do all the kids' stuff to? I mean if you want to be honest, God forbid, if Hillary weren't running for office, it would be costing somebody $300K just for her to show up somewhere and you would still not see the video of it because she retains the rights to the video and the transcripts as part of her contract riders.

And isn't that politics?

I mean if you go for a job interview, which is essentially what we're seeing here, would you expect to have to play silly games, or actually tell people why you're the best person for the job.

But the person interviewing, ie the general public, is just interested in entertainment.

So it's more like going for an interview and being told to act like a monkey in order to get the job.

Silly games. That is what interviews tend to be. I have been on interviews that took 6 stages when 2, at best, would have done.
Um... if you're in a situation where your dilemma is "what to play with" --- then you're hardly in an emergency, are you?

Actual "desperately needed supplies" (the OP's term) in this situation, which I remember well, would be stuff like .... water...... MREs..... clean clothes.... stuff for survival.

ORIGIN:On 19 August 2016, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump traveled to Louisiana to survey property damaged by recent flood waters. While Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards warned Trump that this visit should not be turned into a campaign photo-op, the news media managed to snap at least one photograph of Trump unloading a box of Play-Doh brand modeling clay from a truck.

The picture was widely spread on social media and gave many the impression that Trump had donated nothing but Play-Doh to help those who had lost homes to the floods in Louisiana:

The GOP nominee has not yet issued a press release detailing what items he donated, nor how those donations were funded. (Were these personal donations? Did he collect items from supporters? Did the campaign pay for them?) But although Donald Trump did donate Play-Doh modeling clay to flood victims in Louisiana, this was not his only donation to those in need, as a video of Trump helping to unload a truck clearly shows that he donated much more than Play-Doh:
Oh, and Trump would have done this had he not been Presidential candidate? No, he wouldn't.

So, he's decided this will make him look good, and so he's doing it.


Doesn't make him look any worse than Hillary who is at home "resting" amid the prolific health concerns rumors.

Rumors are what? I mean the Republicans have been using rumors for a long time.

It's AUGUST, it's summer time, it's holiday time, it's time to have a rest before the hectic September and October.

Oh, if Trump goes missing a little it's just he's like everyone else, having a holiday, if it's Hillary, she's dying of brain disease, or broken bones or something.

No if it is Trump it is "Trump's campaign is in chaos and he had to leave the road" or "Trump has to stop campaigning to address his 3500 lawsuits". It is political theater. I mean how many democrats have mentioned just on this site that he was unloading play doh, and why would they even notice that in the first place if they were not being hyper sensitive to the optics? Could it be that they are so clueless that they don't realize that when your house gets washed away, so do all the kids' stuff to? I mean if you want to be honest, God forbid, if Hillary weren't running for office, it would be costing somebody $300K just for her to show up somewhere and you would still not see the video of it because she retains the rights to the video and the transcripts as part of her contract riders.

And isn't that politics?

I mean if you go for a job interview, which is essentially what we're seeing here, would you expect to have to play silly games, or actually tell people why you're the best person for the job.

But the person interviewing, ie the general public, is just interested in entertainment.

So it's more like going for an interview and being told to act like a monkey in order to get the job.

Silly games. That is what interviews tend to be. I have been on interviews that took 6 stages when 2, at best, would have done.

And how many for President?

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