"Trump-cine" Trump Ignores Trump-cine Death and Injury Toll, Now Lies Like a Democrat with "Lockdown DeSantis"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
If there is anything I remember clearly it is the sense of relief that one state was showing signs of sanity. I had never even heard of DeSantis. Trump is too smart not to know that what he is saying isn't true so that means he thinks the MAGAs are stupid.

Trump' recent tweet is downright delusional.

"Earlier this year, Trump dubbed DeSantis the "lockdown governor," even though the governor’s restrictions were among the least heavy-handed – and short-lived – in the country.

Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this ‘freedom,’ never closed their States," Trump wrote in March."

Florida is the third highest population state. So Trump takes a page from CNN, insulting voters as if they don't understand "per capita," and saying in 2021 that covid was now worse than the Spanish Flu because it surpassed the number of people dying in absolute terms, neglecting that the population of the US was one--third of what it is now.

Add to that Trump's complete lack of remorse with what is happening with his "Trump-cine" mRNA vaxxes, what he bragged they should be called.

I now take back any support I ever gave Trump. I'm done with him, alert the media. Yes he was robbed in 2020. Yes the court cases against him are bull crap. And I appreciate him standing up to China.

I don't mind a flawed man. But one thing I hate is a bald-faced liar.
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If there is anything I remember clearly it is the sense of relief that one state was showing signs of sanity. I had never even heard of DeSantis. Trump is too smart not to know that what he is saying isn't true so that means he thinks the MAGAs are stupid.

Trump' recent tweet is downright delusional.

"Earlier this year, Trump dubbed DeSantis the "lockdown governor," even though the governor’s restrictions were among the least heavy-handed – and short-lived – in the country.

Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this ‘freedom,’ never closed their States," Trump wrote in March."

Florida is the third highest population state. So Trump takes a page from CNN, insulting voters as if they don't understand "per capita," and saying in 2021 that covid was now worse than the Spanish Flu because it surpassed the number of people dying in absolute terms, neglecting that the population of the US was one--third of what it is now.

Add to that Trump's complete lack of remorse with what is happening with his "Trump-cine" mRNA vaxxes, what he bragged they should be called.

I now take back any support I ever gave Trump. I'm done with him, alert the media. Yes he was robbed in 2020. Yes the court cases against him are bull crap. And I appreciate him standing up to China.

I don't mind a flawed man. But one thing I hate is a bald-faced liar.
I wish they would both lose in the primary, and we might have a choice,
If there is anything I remember clearly it is the sense of relief that one state was showing signs of sanity. I had never even heard of DeSantis. Trump is too smart not to know that what he is saying isn't true so that means he thinks the MAGAs are stupid.

Trump' recent tweet is downright delusional.

"Earlier this year, Trump dubbed DeSantis the "lockdown governor," even though the governor’s restrictions were among the least heavy-handed – and short-lived – in the country.

Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this ‘freedom,’ never closed their States," Trump wrote in March."

Florida is the third highest population state. So Trump takes a page from CNN, insulting voters as if they don't understand "per capita," and saying in 2021 that covid was now worse than the Spanish Flu because it surpassed the number of people dying in absolute terms, neglecting that the population of the US was one--third of what it is now.

Add to that Trump's complete lack of remorse with what is happening with his "Trump-cine" mRNA vaxxes, what he bragged they should be called.

I now take back any support I ever gave Trump. I'm done with him, alert the media. Yes he was robbed in 2020. Yes the court cases against him are bull crap. And I appreciate him standing up to China.

I don't mind a flawed man. But one thing I hate is a bald-faced liar.

You're just now figuring out that Trump is a bald faced liar? I (as well as many other people) have known that for years.
Trump acting the school yard bully is not going to fly this go-round....We have tasted Trump's mutton and found it wanting....At least to the point where we would rather not be served another helping if it can be avoided.

It only worked last time because there was a field of RINO cucks (or fellow travelers) that really did need to be knocked down a peg or three. The only one in the whole field worth a shit was Rand Paul.

Some talk about Ted Cruz.....What did he do when Trump tied-up the necessary delegates for the nomination....He got with the Romney/Lee cabal and tried stealing delegates away.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.
If there is anything I remember clearly it is the sense of relief that one state was showing signs of sanity. I had never even heard of DeSantis. Trump is too smart not to know that what he is saying isn't true so that means he thinks the MAGAs are stupid.

Trump' recent tweet is downright delusional.

"Earlier this year, Trump dubbed DeSantis the "lockdown governor," even though the governor’s restrictions were among the least heavy-handed – and short-lived – in the country.

Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this ‘freedom,’ never closed their States," Trump wrote in March."

Florida is the third highest population state. So Trump takes a page from CNN, insulting voters as if they don't understand "per capita," and saying in 2021 that covid was now worse than the Spanish Flu because it surpassed the number of people dying in absolute terms, neglecting that the population of the US was one--third of what it is now.

Add to that Trump's complete lack of remorse with what is happening with his "Trump-cine" mRNA vaxxes, what he bragged they should be called.

I now take back any support I ever gave Trump. I'm done with him, alert the media. Yes he was robbed in 2020. Yes the court cases against him are bull crap. And I appreciate him standing up to China.

I don't mind a flawed man. But one thing I hate is a bald-faced liar.
It's about time. I have been telling you about the Trump vaccine for months and you haven't listened.

Takes longer for some I guess.

Good job.
If there is anything I remember clearly it is the sense of relief that one state was showing signs of sanity. I had never even heard of DeSantis. Trump is too smart not to know that what he is saying isn't true so that means he thinks the MAGAs are stupid.

Trump' recent tweet is downright delusional.

"Earlier this year, Trump dubbed DeSantis the "lockdown governor," even though the governor’s restrictions were among the least heavy-handed – and short-lived – in the country.

Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this ‘freedom,’ never closed their States," Trump wrote in March."

Florida is the third highest population state. So Trump takes a page from CNN, insulting voters as if they don't understand "per capita," and saying in 2021 that covid was now worse than the Spanish Flu because it surpassed the number of people dying in absolute terms, neglecting that the population of the US was one--third of what it is now.

Add to that Trump's complete lack of remorse with what is happening with his "Trump-cine" mRNA vaxxes, what he bragged they should be called.

I now take back any support I ever gave Trump. I'm done with him, alert the media. Yes he was robbed in 2020. Yes the court cases against him are bull crap. And I appreciate him standing up to China.

I don't mind a flawed man. But one thing I hate is a bald-faced liar.
Our choices are all pretty sad, Trump, DeSantis, Biden, RFK Jr. and a few others, if a real leader would step out on either side, the election could be a runaway.
RFK Jr./DeSantis Unity ticket. America saved in the nick of time. Pedo Joe for prison. Do we all really need to live this way?

You're just now figuring out that Trump is a bald faced liar? I (as well as many other people) have known that for years.

I never actually caught him lying before but the lies about DeSantis are whoppers. Worse yet they are transparently not true. So either Trump is stupid, which he is not, or he thinks the MAGAs are.
If there is anything I remember clearly it is the sense of relief that one state was showing signs of sanity. I had never even heard of DeSantis. Trump is too smart not to know that what he is saying isn't true so that means he thinks the MAGAs are stupid.

Trump' recent tweet is downright delusional.

"Earlier this year, Trump dubbed DeSantis the "lockdown governor," even though the governor’s restrictions were among the least heavy-handed – and short-lived – in the country.

Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total # of Cases, at 7,516,906. Other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this ‘freedom,’ never closed their States," Trump wrote in March."

Florida is the third highest population state. So Trump takes a page from CNN, insulting voters as if they don't understand "per capita," and saying in 2021 that covid was now worse than the Spanish Flu because it surpassed the number of people dying in absolute terms, neglecting that the population of the US was one--third of what it is now.

Add to that Trump's complete lack of remorse with what is happening with his "Trump-cine" mRNA vaxxes, what he bragged they should be called.

I now take back any support I ever gave Trump. I'm done with him, alert the media. Yes he was robbed in 2020. Yes the court cases against him are bull crap. And I appreciate him standing up to China.

I don't mind a flawed man. But one thing I hate is a bald-faced liar.
DeSantis did originally fall for the "two weeks to flatten the curve" bait-and-switch.

That he fully opened Florida back up more quickly than anyone else doesn't change the fact.
I never actually caught him lying before but the lies about DeSantis are whoppers. Worse yet they are transparently not true. So either Trump is stupid, which he is not, or he thinks the MAGAs are.

Trump is self absorbed to the point that he thinks he can bullshit his way through anything, and the problem is, there are those out there (MAGAs), who are willing to swallow his swill whole without asking any questions.

What's worse, is when others call him out on his b.s., his supporters scream that Trump always tells the truth, even when it's obvious he doesn't.
Trump had more positive accomplishments in four years than other Presidents have had in eight years. But real world accomplishments don't matter in your dysfunctional universe, do they?

I say off the bat that Trump was a decent president as far as presidents go, minus the Trump-cine. Buthe kept promising to smash the Deep State while hiring and not firing its worst swamp creatures. I mean Nikki Haley? Really? Josh Bolton?
DeSantis did originally fall for the "two weeks to flatten the curve" bait-and-switch.

That he fully opened Florida back up more quickly than anyone else doesn't change the fact.

I the fact that DeSantis can evolve in his views and explain why.

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