Trump and GOP make 'socialism' the bogeyman of 2020, as DeathRATS bristle

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
DeathRATS bristle, but Republicans have successfully framed the 2020 election as a struggle against socialism -- an ideology that not one Democratic contender says they advocate.

President Donald Trump set the table in his State of the Union speech when he declared that “America will never be a socialist country.” He has reiterated the warning over and over since then, most recently on Saturday, when he set off thunderous applause at a major conservative gathering by depicting a push toward “total domination” by government.

“Socialism is not about the environment. Socialism is not about justice. Socialism is about only one thing, it’s called power for the ruling class. Look at what’s happening in Venezuela,” he said at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. “The future does not belong to those who believe in socialism.”
DeathRATS call the comparison ridiculous and inflammatory. Embracing a more expansive social safety net, they say, is fundamentally different from the autocratic socialism practiced in Cuba, Venezuela or the former Soviet Union.

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"Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" said every Democrat Socialist running.....
an ideology that not one Democratic contender says they advocate.

Yes...not one...but ALL of them!

We’re a constitutional Republic. Our constitution is written around LIBERTY. Individual LIBERTY.

DeathRATS and Socialist (mostly the same) are constantly trying to take our LIBERTYS away. Those who are politicians in DC have signed a piece of paper stating that they will defend the constitution. They need to be jailed as traitors.
Sorry at this point the only place I see for any D policy thread is in satire. They are a pack of idiots trying mightily and failing to become morons
Sorry at this point the only place I see for any D policy thread is in satire. They are a pack of idiots trying mightily and failing to become morons

You know if you stop spending all of your time thinking you're better and smarter than everybody that disagrees with you you might actually fucking learn something.
Sorry at this point the only place I see for any D policy thread is in satire. They are a pack of idiots trying mightily and failing to become morons

The real problem the libs are having for 2020 is that you have more than a dozen- and probably 2 dozen by the time of the convention next year- all out-liberaling each other. They sound more and more stupid, making it less likely any will get traction.

The Democrat Party needs to get united behind Mrs. Clinton right now and re-nominate her. Obama has stated she is the most qualified individual ever to run for President in this nation. This is the rematch that the people want to see- on both sides of the aisle. Trump says he wants Clinton again- the Democrats have said that she was cheated.

If someone was cheated, you have to give them another chance.

I remember as a kid, a wrestler from the Empire of Japan, Professor Tanaka, tried to cheat Bruno Sammartino out of the title by illegally bringing in a steel chair. They gave him a rematch, signed the match for a steel case. That's what decent people do, that's what our allies, the Japanese and Italians did to settle their differences.

Time for the Democrats to get behind Clinton, and support the idea of a Rematch.

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