Today may be Do or Die


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Ram It Through! - The Daily Beast

So, if the party of "NO!" feels that voting no on HC will help their party, then they will. This is a perfect example of party over country. While the bills offered by the Democrats is not perfect, the GOP has no reason to even negotiate with the Dems to bring a better Bill forward. They feel killing HC will limit Obama to one term.

In other words, forget that HC is going to see yearly double digit increases in the coming years. The GOP is more important than looking out for the interest of the US citizen.

Please no whiners in here when your health insurance rates go through the roof in a few years.
I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?
I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?

Good question. I don't believe it will be the end if it either.....Better to get things right in that bill than pass something just for the sake of saying you passed a bill. The consequences of a bad bill could end up causing a different kind of trouble for the American people.
as i said in another thread:

if this is really so important and only 38% favor the current bill......why are the democrats and obama stupidly not starting over? obama claims he wants to have bi partisanship, yet he won't start over....he claims we have waited decades for this, yet he can't simply start over?
I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?

Good question. I don't believe it will be the end if it either.....Better to get things right in that bill than pass something just for the sake of saying you passed a bill. The consequences of a bad bill could end up causing a different kind of trouble for the American people.

Too bad Obama, Reid and Pelosi don't see it that way. They'd prefer to get anything passed, to say they did. And then they could tweek it anyway they'd like. After the fact.

To Nancy Pelosi ... enjoy your time as Speaker now, because you're out of there when the House flips in the fall. And I do believe it will.

Today is a dog and pony show. Political Theater if you will. The leading role ... none other than the charismatic Barack Obama.
Ram It Through! - The Daily Beast

So, if the party of "NO!" feels that voting no on HC will help their party, then they will. This is a perfect example of party over country. While the bills offered by the Democrats is not perfect, the GOP has no reason to even negotiate with the Dems to bring a better Bill forward. They feel killing HC will limit Obama to one term.

In other words, forget that HC is going to see yearly double digit increases in the coming years. The GOP is more important than looking out for the interest of the US citizen.

Please no whiners in here when your health insurance rates go through the roof in a few years.

This "bill" needs to be killed.It does NOTHING to help Health Care and is nothing more than a series of back room deals for votes.

Start over, this time actually listening to the American people and the Republicans. In fact make a series of smaller bills that do not involve the US Government taking over any part of the health Care Industry. Pretty simple concept.
I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?

The Republicans have made numerous suggestions including submitting a BILL. Get your facts straight. If nothing happens it will be because the Democrats refuse to do anything.
It is all about power and party, on both sides. The Dems want their power to continue and the Repubs want Obama out. The GOP will be happy to do nothing on HC. Even you far right people will agree with that. So, if nothing is done, we the American people get screwed again. CNN is right when they say Government is broken, as do others I am sure.

We are in a sad partisan catch 22. Personally, if a real reform bill passed with a public option sometime in the future, it would benefit me. But to those who already have a "government funded" health care plan, be happy and remember when youR rates double in the next few years that we were close to real reform.

Have you read what the GOP and Insurance companies want to hammer into HC. PLEASE!
Why can't the GOP and Dems compromise? Power and Party! Remember it!
I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?

The Republicans have made numerous suggestions including submitting a BILL. Get your facts straight. If nothing happens it will be because the Democrats refuse to do anything.

The Rep's "no-ness" in this instance is the fact that they are saying no to the Dems bill, and that's a good thing. But to start over they need to put that aside and both sides need to work together. And if this HC bill gets shot down the Reps will act smug. My facts are straight, thanks.
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I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?

Hell no. When the Repubs shot down President Clinton's health care proposals, did they ever revisit the issue?

The rich are getting even richer collectiong premiums and not paying for neccessary procedures. Why the hell would the Republicans do anything to end such a wonderful arrangement?
You are victims. You are helpless against the wiles of big corporations and insurance companies, and you need protection. You need the government to take over and do things you cannot do for yourself.

A good read.

Obama's Nanny Care Insults the American Spirit -- Michael Barone -- GOPUSA

Brother I had a good read on the evidence the Republicans presented for WMD in Iraq. I had a good read on "Bin Laden, wanted; Dead or Alive". I had a good read on "The fundementals of the economy are strong".

The hell with your lying 'good reads'. Why should I trust any of this crowd?
I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?

Hell no. When the Repubs shot down President Clinton's health care proposals, did they ever revisit the issue?

The rich are getting even richer collectiong premiums and not paying for neccessary procedures. Why the hell would the Republicans do anything to end such a wonderful arrangement?

If nothing happens this time, the issue is dead for 25 years. Health Insurance lobbiest have the GOP in their pockets. If neither the House nor the Senate Bills will work for the Repubs, they need to work with the Dems. They won't because they want HC reform to die. I hope the Dems grow couple and reconcile their bills. That is the way Democracy works!
I have a question. If what's on the table now regarding HC doesn't go through I've read that 'that will be the end of HC reform for a long, long time'.


If this gets shot down, why wouldn't the Reps put away their smugness and their no-ness and the Dems put away their anger at their loss and at the Reps and both sides sit down and start over? Why wouldn't they try for something smaller, some things that would actually bring the cost down?

Hell no. When the Repubs shot down President Clinton's health care proposals, did they ever revisit the issue?

The rich are getting even richer collectiong premiums and not paying for neccessary procedures. Why the hell would the Republicans do anything to end such a wonderful arrangement?

If nothing happens this time, the issue is dead for 25 years. Health Insurance lobbiest have the GOP in their pockets. If neither the House nor the Senate Bills will work for the Repubs, they need to work with the Dems. They won't because they want HC reform to die. I hope the Dems grow couple and reconcile their bills. That is the way Democracy works!

Then we, the people, need to get them to hear our voices.
It the Dems decide to push their crap through, we have literally days to make our voices heard. I recommend that anyone with a democrat critter, calls and emails them to make your position clear. A simple 'you vote for it, I vote against you' will suffice.
Hell no. When the Repubs shot down President Clinton's health care proposals, did they ever revisit the issue?

The rich are getting even richer collectiong premiums and not paying for neccessary procedures. Why the hell would the Republicans do anything to end such a wonderful arrangement?

If nothing happens this time, the issue is dead for 25 years. Health Insurance lobbiest have the GOP in their pockets. If neither the House nor the Senate Bills will work for the Repubs, they need to work with the Dems. They won't because they want HC reform to die. I hope the Dems grow couple and reconcile their bills. That is the way Democracy works!

Then we, the people, need to get them to hear our voices.

We only have voices and not money like the corporations which is what is really heard therefore it is like :banghead:

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