To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
. A bunch of gangland thugs just stopped in the past week, and they spray painted some gang graffiti on my friends building that he owns. The family that lives up the hill from the road in which the thugs traveled, (who are good black folk), tried to tell my friend what the vehicle description was, and they wanted to call my friend when saw something suspicious going on, but didn't have his phone number at the time. Well he's got their number now, and them his.

Anyway, are you ready to defend these disrespectful varmints ?? Another sad thing that parents don't realize, is that these gangland thugs have infiltrated the public schools, and they are using intimidation tactics and other such bully methods to make your child's school experience a flippin nightmare. You still want to defend the gangland thugs ?? Just because you want to run your mouth about something here, doesn't mean crap to most.

We had some thugs come through our neighborhood and they busted car windows, busted mailboxes and stole the outdoor lightbulbs off every house down the block. They were white, however still thugs. Color of ones skin doesn’t make you a thug. Anyone can be a thug, that some racist thinks that only blacks can be thugs is unbelievably ignorant.

It's really not about crime--it's the type of crime.

When my suburb was white, we did have crime. We had kids turning on outside water faucets, lawn turfing, toilet papering trees, but nobody feared for their lives because some kid was driving around with Black Sabbath playing on their car radio.

When blacks moved in, that crime turned into armed robberies of stores, being mugged on the streets, shootings and murders, and school teachers being attacked at least once a month.

Crime is just a common part of society, but once again, it's the type of crime that counts.
Blacks are discriminated against so they turn to crime.

Then why aren't they all in prison?
There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid.

Yes there is. If that's all they can get, there is something wrong with that person.

If you aren't happy with what you make at a job, find a better job. But don't demand twice what you're worth because you're incapable of doing something more than throwing a prepared patty on a griddle or a basket into a deep fryer.
. Good grief.. Who is demanding more than they are worth ?? All people want is a wage that keeps them from begging for a handout after they leave a 40 hour job. All I want is for the multi-gazillion dollar company they work for, to then consider paying better, because I'm tired of the government taxing me to death just so it can get the revenue needed to subsidize their business friends employee labor cost, while the employer's then make huge profits not having to do right by their employees.
Where is it written that 0ne 40 hour a week job has to pay enough to pay all your bills?

You work whatever number of hours it takes you to be able to pay your bills.
. Who said anything about it paying all ones bills ????? It at the least needs to pay well enough (within that 40 hours) for a person to pay their monthly rent, they're electric bill, they're food or grocery bill, and they're transportation expense to and from work (i.e their gas bill). No they don't need the new car on minimum wage (a used one or hand me down will suffice), and no they don't need cable (a digital box for local channels will suffice), and no they don't need a huge home to start out with (a small more efficient one will suffice), and no they don't need to eat out every night (eating healthier at home will suffice), and no they don't need that smart phone (a flip phone will suffice), otherwise all the luxury items beyond the nessesities in life will come later as you get raises above the minimum wage levels.

Problem is that we have companies that didn't want to pay people enough to sustain them as employees without government assistance, and when they couldn't hang any longer, the company would just get government to send them another poor soul to exploit or either they got that illegal to fill that void. Then the illegals were living 15 to a house or 40 to a trailer park with only 6 or 7 trailers with vans in the yard that we're ready to take them to the American job sites.

Sad dam situation it all is and was for the American workforce who had never experienced such bullcrap as this in the not so distant 80's past, and going all the way back to world war two and before we hadn't seen this kind of direct assault on the citizens of this nation from within and from without.
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Rest assuredly now that the tax bill will be law, cuts in spending will be to medicare and medicaid and social security. So people making pittances up to 50 grand per year will be taking it on the the elitists get to rake it in. Things are not looking up for workers unless one is blind.
Rest assuredly now that the tax bill will be law, cuts in spending will be to medicare and medicaid and social security. So people making pittances up to 50 grand per year will be taking it on the the elitists get to rake it in. Things are not looking up for workers unless one is blind.

Quit listening to those left-wing sites. Do you really believe that the Republicans would cut Medicare and SS?

Think about it: if you are not retired, you probably have somebody in your family who is. You have parents or grandparents on one or both of these programs.

Scare tactics work on people like you, and you just believe them. Use some common sense.
There are things society can do. When parents are enabling their kids and the taxpayers are left holding the bag, you have an addressable situation. Since we're both agreed, when parents are aiding in this kind of destructive behavior, we should put the proposal out there to make it a crime wherein we label it abuse of some sort or another.

At the other end of the spectrum, we can do something when people get incarcerated by taking that opportunity to give those dependent upon the system the ability to become self sufficient.
All that talk about losing liberties, yet here you are advocating more laws that will remove a parents liberty to help their own child and increase the size of govt. SMFH

You are nothing more than a libertarian socialist.

Which means a Socialist.

Libertarians are Capitalists.
There are many factions of Libertarian-ism. Not all Libertarians are capitalists.

Libertarian socialism - Wikipedia

Libertarian socialism is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp or journalistic integrity.

The heart of liberty is the right to private property. That the Chomskyites pervert the word "libertarian" no more makes them ones than does the name "Knights of Columbus" makes modern Catholics medieval warriors.
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I am retired....have been for almost 20 years. Even thinking of messing with those 3 programs would send the nation into a craze.
There are things society can do. When parents are enabling their kids and the taxpayers are left holding the bag, you have an addressable situation. Since we're both agreed, when parents are aiding in this kind of destructive behavior, we should put the proposal out there to make it a crime wherein we label it abuse of some sort or another.

At the other end of the spectrum, we can do something when people get incarcerated by taking that opportunity to give those dependent upon the system the ability to become self sufficient.
All that talk about losing liberties, yet here you are advocating more laws that will remove a parents liberty to help their own child and increase the size of govt. SMFH

You are nothing more than a libertarian socialist.

Which means a Socialist.

Libertarians are Capitalists.

Since you pretend to have a monopoly on the understanding of socialism, one wonders if you are the consummate socialist.

I have no need of pretense as I posses something you do not, knowledge and an education.

While you eschewed Dr. Rothbard's brilliant book, I have read it, along with "the General Theory" and "Das Kapital." You have read none of these. You've not read "Capitalism and Freedom". You don't know who wrote these books or why they matter.
I’m the guy that wants to wait for all the facts.

sure you are... funny how you guys seem to think all the facts are "the cop was totally right in shooting that guy."

So you need to approve of the person in order for them to get 50 million. Lol!

Do you sit there all day and think, "How can I miss the clearly stated point?"

I mean, are you really this fucking dense?

If you don’t think a CEO should get 50 mill., boycott the company, don’t buy stock in them.

Or we can REGULATE CEO PAY. The thing is, when you have a guy like Ed Hanaway of Cigna getting a NINE FIGURE retirement payout, he got that by cheating people like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant after her father had worked for/paid for insurance for years.

Say what you want about Tom Cruise, he didn't cheat me with "The Mummy". We knew there was going to be a mummy in that movie, and we knew there was going to be Tom Cruise in that movie.

I have come down on both sides of the issues depending on the case, I’m also not “you guys” I realize labeling makes things easy for you but it is really silly. I only speak for myself.

I didn’t miss the point you are deciding who you think should get paid, what they should get paid and why the should get paid. Again put your money where your mouth is and use it to effect change, of course crying about it and how you are the victim is easier for you and you can clear your conscience with doing a damn thing.
We had some thugs come through our neighborhood and they busted car windows, busted mailboxes and stole the outdoor lightbulbs off every house down the block. They were white, however still thugs. Color of ones skin doesn’t make you a thug. Anyone can be a thug, that some racist thinks that only blacks can be thugs is unbelievably ignorant.

It's really not about crime--it's the type of crime.

When my suburb was white, we did have crime. We had kids turning on outside water faucets, lawn turfing, toilet papering trees, but nobody feared for their lives because some kid was driving around with Black Sabbath playing on their car radio.

When blacks moved in, that crime turned into armed robberies of stores, being mugged on the streets, shootings and murders, and school teachers being attacked at least once a month.

Crime is just a common part of society, but once again, it's the type of crime that counts.
Blacks are discriminated against so they turn to crime.
. Didn't know that poverty discriminates. People of all races are affected by poverty, but do they all become criminal violent gangsters because of it ?? Nope !!! Millions upon millions have worked and figured their way out of poverty, and they never considered violence or theft as one of their options.
No Republicans and many Democrats discriminate against blacks duh... And now one sixth of blacks are felons so how well do they do getting jobs LOL?

So why are they felons and who made them into felons?

Franco did by being a poor educator would couldn’t inspire those he was entrusted to teach.
Or we can REGULATE CEO PAY. The thing is, when you have a guy like Ed Hanaway of Cigna getting a NINE FIGURE retirement payout, he got that by cheating people like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant after her father had worked for/paid for insurance for years.

Former President Bill Clinton tried to limit CEO pay. His financial advisors told him he was crazy but he did it anyway. How has that worked out?

Nataline Sarkisyan was not cheated. Hundreds of thousands of people need organs they're never going to get. There just aren't enough to go around. What do you think the death panels are for in Obamacare? If there were enough organs, there would not be enough money.
There are things society can do. When parents are enabling their kids and the taxpayers are left holding the bag, you have an addressable situation. Since we're both agreed, when parents are aiding in this kind of destructive behavior, we should put the proposal out there to make it a crime wherein we label it abuse of some sort or another.

At the other end of the spectrum, we can do something when people get incarcerated by taking that opportunity to give those dependent upon the system the ability to become self sufficient.
All that talk about losing liberties, yet here you are advocating more laws that will remove a parents liberty to help their own child and increase the size of govt. SMFH

You are nothing more than a libertarian socialist.

Which means a Socialist.

Libertarians are Capitalists.

Since you pretend to have a monopoly on the understanding of socialism, one wonders if you are the consummate socialist.

I have no need of pretense as I posses something you do not, knowledge and an education.

While you eschewed Dr. Rothbard's brilliant book, I have read it, along with "the General Theory" and "Das Kapital." You have read none of these. You've not read "Capitalism and Freedom". You don't know who wrote these books or why they matter.

I've read more books than you've ever looked at. I have one of the largest private libraries in this state. What can we say though? You are a legend in your own mind.

Man has tried his theories for a number of years and the standard fare isn't serving him well. It's time to try something that hasn't been tried. BTW, I haven't eschewed anybody's work. I'm simply thinking outside the box. You should try it and quit being a troll and a dumb ass.
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
Ridiculous. Do you mean they intended to have cheap child labor run their business? Why? Those people work hard and McDonald’s makes a lot of money. Why not pay a living wage?

And I don’t mind you automating everything if that’s your business model but the people you do hire should be paid a fair wage.

Also if you can get people to work for $10 then you shouldn’t have to pay more but hopefully trump you guys said would increase wages by booting illegals. McDonald’s should have to pay $15 because no American will work for less. There should be lots of $15 hr jobs out there after trump makes America great again right?
There are things society can do. When parents are enabling their kids and the taxpayers are left holding the bag, you have an addressable situation. Since we're both agreed, when parents are aiding in this kind of destructive behavior, we should put the proposal out there to make it a crime wherein we label it abuse of some sort or another.

At the other end of the spectrum, we can do something when people get incarcerated by taking that opportunity to give those dependent upon the system the ability to become self sufficient.
All that talk about losing liberties, yet here you are advocating more laws that will remove a parents liberty to help their own child and increase the size of govt. SMFH

You are nothing more than a libertarian socialist.

Which means a Socialist.

Libertarians are Capitalists.

Since you pretend to have a monopoly on the understanding of socialism, one wonders if you are the consummate socialist.

I have no need of pretense as I posses something you do not, knowledge and an education.

While you eschewed Dr. Rothbard's brilliant book, I have read it, along with "the General Theory" and "Das Kapital." You have read none of these. You've not read "Capitalism and Freedom". You don't know who wrote these books or why they matter.

I've read more books than you've ever looked at. I have one of the largest private libraries in this state. What can we say though? You are a legend in your own mind.

Man has tried his theories for a number of years and the standard fare isn't serving him well. It's time to try something that hasn't been tried. BTW, I haven't eschewed anybody's work. I'm simply thinking outside the box. You should try it and quit being a troll and a dumb ass.

Yea but you probably live in RI or ME. Lol. Not a big state. Lol
No we can't have idiots like you meddling in the business of private companies. But hey if you want everyone to be able to vote on how much you can make in your little cut and paste hobby then get the laws passed and we'll see how you like your pay determined by the whim of everyone in the country

again, guy, I charge less than most of my competitors.... some of whom are pretty unethical. (There's the one guy who only sends his finished product in PDF so you have to keep going back to him for minor updates.)

But to the point, given that we all support these big corporations through the tax code and corporate welfare, maybe we all SHOULD have a say in what htey make.
All that talk about losing liberties, yet here you are advocating more laws that will remove a parents liberty to help their own child and increase the size of govt. SMFH

You are nothing more than a libertarian socialist.

Which means a Socialist.

Libertarians are Capitalists.

Since you pretend to have a monopoly on the understanding of socialism, one wonders if you are the consummate socialist.

I have no need of pretense as I posses something you do not, knowledge and an education.

While you eschewed Dr. Rothbard's brilliant book, I have read it, along with "the General Theory" and "Das Kapital." You have read none of these. You've not read "Capitalism and Freedom". You don't know who wrote these books or why they matter.

I've read more books than you've ever looked at. I have one of the largest private libraries in this state. What can we say though? You are a legend in your own mind.

Man has tried his theories for a number of years and the standard fare isn't serving him well. It's time to try something that hasn't been tried. BTW, I haven't eschewed anybody's work. I'm simply thinking outside the box. You should try it and quit being a troll and a dumb ass.

Yea but you probably live in RI or ME. Lol. Not a big state. Lol

No, son, I live in Georgia and I write model legislation that actually gets considered by politicians. The local leadership where I live uses my stuff as a starting point. I used to think that these boards were a good place to bounce ideas around and see if there weren't non-partisan solutions we could agree on, But, unlike those who have all the answers, I was wrong.
There are things society can do. When parents are enabling their kids and the taxpayers are left holding the bag, you have an addressable situation. Since we're both agreed, when parents are aiding in this kind of destructive behavior, we should put the proposal out there to make it a crime wherein we label it abuse of some sort or another.

At the other end of the spectrum, we can do something when people get incarcerated by taking that opportunity to give those dependent upon the system the ability to become self sufficient.
All that talk about losing liberties, yet here you are advocating more laws that will remove a parents liberty to help their own child and increase the size of govt. SMFH

You are nothing more than a libertarian socialist.

Which means a Socialist.

Libertarians are Capitalists.

Since you pretend to have a monopoly on the understanding of socialism, one wonders if you are the consummate socialist.

I have no need of pretense as I posses something you do not, knowledge and an education.

While you eschewed Dr. Rothbard's brilliant book, I have read it, along with "the General Theory" and "Das Kapital." You have read none of these. You've not read "Capitalism and Freedom". You don't know who wrote these books or why they matter.

I've read more books than you've ever looked at. I have one of the largest private libraries in this state. What can we say though? You are a legend in your own mind.

Man has tried his theories for a number of years and the standard fare isn't serving him well. It's time to try something that hasn't been tried. BTW, I haven't eschewed anybody's work. I'm simply thinking outside the box. You should try it and quit being a troll and a dumb ass.

Sure you have sparky, but the "Hardy Boy" mysteries are not the level I speak of.

But for fun, which of the schools do you most align with?
There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid.

Yes there is. If that's all they can get, there is something wrong with that person.

If you aren't happy with what you make at a job, find a better job. But don't demand twice what you're worth because you're incapable of doing something more than throwing a prepared patty on a griddle or a basket into a deep fryer.
. Good grief.. Who is demanding more than they are worth ?? All people want is a wage that keeps them from begging for a handout after they leave a 40 hour job. All I want is for the multi-gazillion dollar company they work for, to then consider paying better, because I'm tired of the government taxing me to death just so it can get the revenue needed to subsidize their business friends employee labor cost, while the employer's then make huge profits not having to do right by their employees.
Where is it written that 0ne 40 hour a week job has to pay enough to pay all your bills?

You work whatever number of hours it takes you to be able to pay your bills.
. Who said anything about it paying all ones bills ????? It at the least needs to pay well enough (within that 40 hours) for a person to pay their monthly rent, they're electric bill, they're food or grocery bill, and they're transportation expense to and from work (i.e their gas bill). No they don't need the new car on minimum wage (a used one or hand me down will suffice), and no they don't need cable (a digital box for local channels will suffice), and no they don't need a huge home to start out with (a small more efficient one will suffice), and no they don't need to eat out every night (eating healthier at home will suffice), and no they don't need that smart phone (a flip phone will suffice), otherwise all the luxury items beyond the nessesities in life will come later as you get raises above the minimum wage levels.

Problem is that we have companies that didn't want to pay people enough to sustain them as employees without government assistance, and when they couldn't hang any longer, the company would just get government to send them another poor soul to exploit or either they got that illegal to fill that void. Then the illegals were living 15 to a house or 40 to a trailer park with only 6 or 7 trailers with vans in the yard that we're ready to take them to the American job sites.

Sad dam situation it all is and was for the American workforce who had never experienced such bullcrap as this in the not so distant 80's past, and going all the way back to world war two and before we hadn't seen this kind of direct assault on the citizens of this nation from within and from without.

What do you think bills are? Rent, electric, heat, groceries etc are all bills.

If you want to make more then make yourself worth more to an employer.
I used to think that these boards were a good place to bounce ideas around and see if there weren't non-partisan solutions we could agree on, But, unlike those who have all the answers, I was wrong.

Sealybo is a stupid leftist hack. All he knows is the team for which he plays and the talking points he is expected to provide as a warrior thereof. As such, he is indicative of at least 90% of this forum who play politics as a game of Cowboys and Indians, acting as good little warriors for one side or the other.

If you look hard enough, you will find at least a few posters with functioning intellects who are not mindless hacks, but they are hugely outnumbered here.
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