Thinking about death

I don't have a lot of lust for life. I feel bad that I am healthy and well, while other people die that actually love other people and contribute to the world. I often wish I would have a terminal diagnosis because I don't contribute anything meaningful to life, nor, do I really want to, not enough to make any effort. It doesn't seem right that I get to live when other people are fighting to live.

I think about it often, if not, then just disappearing but that requires a lot of work so...
You can contribute by bringing me a beer wearing your birthday suit.

Congrats. You made it to my ignore list, in only 3 posts. That's a record. You should be proud. I'll never know if you are now, because the ignore feature is absolute. But, there you go. Congrats.

It's okay, at least he's honest in his callousness. I actually appreciate that.
It's hard to hurt my feelings. I don't cry easily, and when I do, it's normally because I'm feeling sorry for myself.
I deserve that comment - and - find it humorous
I was kind of trying to cheer you up. This thinking about death thing seemed to be getting you down in the dumps.

That's very sweet. I'm not down.
I'm very aware of my life, and, it's OK.
I think it's great people can enjoy life and be positive. I have my moments. But I'm okay with my moments that other people may consider down or dark. I consider them my moments of high clarity.
I think about death all the time.

Of course, It usually involves other posters here, but I do think of it a lot.
I don't have a lot of lust for life. I feel bad that I am healthy and well, while other people die that actually love other people and contribute to the world. I often wish I would have a terminal diagnosis because I don't contribute anything meaningful to life, nor, do I really want to, not enough to make any effort. It doesn't seem right that I get to live when other people are fighting to live.

I think about it often, if not, then just disappearing but that requires a lot of work so...
You can contribute by bringing me a beer wearing your birthday suit.

Congrats. You made it to my ignore list, in only 3 posts. That's a record. You should be proud. I'll never know if you are now, because the ignore feature is absolute. But, there you go. Congrats.

It's okay, at least he's honest in his callousness. I actually appreciate that.
It's hard to hurt my feelings. I don't cry easily, and when I do, it's normally because I'm feeling sorry for myself.
I deserve that comment - and - find it humorous
I was kind of trying to cheer you up. This thinking about death thing seemed to be getting you down in the dumps.

That's very sweet. I'm not down.
I'm very aware of my life, and, it's OK.
I think it's great people can enjoy life and be positive. I have my moments. But I'm okay with my moments that other people may consider down or dark. I consider them my moments of high clarity.
On the bright side, I set a new record today.......Wahooooooo!
I don't fear death at a matter of fact, I embrace it and I would never allow anything to be done to me to prolong my existence here. I do not wish to spend even one more second on this earth than what is required of me. Once you find out that you have always been an indentured debt slave chasing financial security that only few will achieve because the system is 100 percent rigged? What is really left? Your sweat equity was stolen from you in the form of a bond the day you were born without your consent which is the birth certificate which the banking oligarchs are the trustees of and collect the balance when you die with your death certificate. I have calculated that over my working career that I have worked and slaved away 10 years for free and I am only 52 in order to pay on a debt that I was not responsible for....try wrapping your mind around that very salient fact.

Huh? I was right with you, until you started the debt-servant thing. What are you talking about?

I make a massive $20,000 a year. I have zero debt on anything anywhere. I have money in the bank, and $10,000 in stocks.

Rigged? What is rigged? You can declare bankruptcy, and have most of your debt completely erased for almost nothing. You realize that the USA, is one of the few countries on the planet, that allows you to just wiped off your debts? In Canada, you have to pay back every cent you borrow. In the UK, you can delay payment, but you have to pay back almost everything.

You are in one of the very very few countries on the planet, where you can file bankruptcy on especially consumer debt, and walk away scott-free, AND you can do it every 7 years. People have filed bankruptcy 3, 4 even 5 times.

If ANYTHING.... the system of debt in this country is rigged in your favor here, more than anywhere else in the world.

So I don't know what you are talking about....

Here is the deal, due to the fact that Americans have never been paid in REAL money since 1933 when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and everyone that had gold bullion or gold coin had to turn it in under the threat of prison or a huge fine? Our signature was as good as the Federal Reserve Bank printing actual fiat currency because our debts were suppose to be paid for in advance. The deal made with the international bankers that took USA.INC into receivership was that the gold that was turned in for FRNs meant that our signature was as good as fiat currency...thus the Promissory note.Banks do not go into a vault and pull out fiat currency to give to the seller of a home...they create a Promissory note and your signature is what gives that note value. The buyer takes that Promissory note and puts it into one of their affiliated banks and he has credit that is nothing but computerized ledger numbers When you are extended credit on a credit card, they are not going into a vault and pulling out fiat currency to give to which ever store you bought something from, they extend them credits that are nothing but computer is the mother of all scams and in 2003, they changed bankruptcy law which limits one's ability to write off one's debt with the securitized birth certificate bond based on actuary tables and the commerce, taxes and other "gubermint" fees that you have paid into over your lifetime........this is a fact.
I only have a few years left where I can look decent enough where that might actually interest someone....
I am not cut out to be old and ugly.

Well that's life. The flower fades. I never was nice looking, but I'm for sure worse now than I was in my teens.

Although if you got the money, Cher still looks nice. Not sure it's worth it though. So much plastic in that girl, they should call her Charbie.
Know what I did today? Went to the market, hit two thrift stores, came home...and discovered that my blouse was inside out. LOL

I look awful. I did not grow old gracefully. But, with age, comes with the emotion of...."who the fuck cares cuz I sure don't" mentality. I woulda died of embarrassment if I had done that 5 years ago. Now? Meh.

Be old, Bonzi. Nobody cares. Well, except you and it shouldn't.



I only have a few years left where I can look decent enough where that might actually interest someone....
I am not cut out to be old and ugly.

Well that's life. The flower fades. I never was nice looking, but I'm for sure worse now than I was in my teens.

Although if you got the money, Cher still looks nice. Not sure it's worth it though. So much plastic in that girl, they should call her Charbie.
Know what I did today? Went to the market, hit two thrift stores, came home...and discovered that my blouse was inside out. LOL

I look awful. I did not grow old gracefully. But, with age, comes with the emotion of...."who the fuck cares cuz I sure don't" mentality. I woulda died of embarrassment if I had done that 5 years ago. Now? Meh.

Be old, Bonzi. Nobody cares. Well, except you and it shouldn't.

Since I have learned the things that I know? I am not interested in taking on someone else's shit and having to take responsibility for their I shun any venture that might lead me into a relationship...nope, not gonna happen.
I never thought I would get attached to a roomie, but I have. This is my last guy that moved out last month....cuz the CCC sent him to live in the forest for 6 months with a crew of 17 teenyboppers to train in forestry. He does not look amused, lol. He emails me now and then...said he found some bear poop but haven't run across any yet so I had to remind him that bears are as much afraid of them as they are of bears and to just make a lot of noise.

I miss him. He is such a sweetheart. He does not look amused being there, either, lol. Poor guy. But...its a step up the ladder of his job, so he did it even though he did not want to, being from Baltimore and all.

So...taking on his shit..I would in a heartbeat. MrG and the other roomie miss him. A LOT.

How often do you think about death/dying, and in what circumstances? I turned 50 this year, and I think I have thought about death/dying more this year than any before.

My job is occasionally somewhat dangerous. A couple of weeks ago, a shooting happened right in a location I'd left only a few minutes prior. If my timing had been only slightly different, I would have been there when it happened, and could have been injured or killed.

Are you accepting of your own mortality? What do you think happens after death? Do you have thoughts about what you want your life or death to mean?

Yes ,I do think about death, but not with horror.

I hope my death will be quick and painless, that's all I want.

And I do believe there is life after this mortal body dies. We leave this material body and we continue life in a Higher Realm, in a more subtle body.

That's what I believe anyway!:biggrin:
he sent me that pic about half an hour ago...said one of his crew guys took it for him. He sent one to his mama and one to me.
Every time Jimmy Fallon does the "Thank you" schtick cards....I think of him. He has the same voice and when he said thank you to me or MrG, it was Fallon all over again. Now that he is gone..I still get a dose of him when I watch Fallon. :lol:

This is where they sent him:

Kings Canyon National Park
I don't fear death at a matter of fact, I embrace it and I would never allow anything to be done to me to prolong my existence here. I do not wish to spend even one more second on this earth than what is required of me. Once you find out that you have always been an indentured debt slave chasing financial security that only few will achieve because the system is 100 percent rigged? What is really left? Your sweat equity was stolen from you in the form of a bond the day you were born without your consent which is the birth certificate which the banking oligarchs are the trustees of and collect the balance when you die with your death certificate. I have calculated that over my working career that I have worked and slaved away 10 years for free and I am only 52 in order to pay on a debt that I was not responsible for....try wrapping your mind around that very salient fact.

Huh? I was right with you, until you started the debt-servant thing. What are you talking about?

I make a massive $20,000 a year. I have zero debt on anything anywhere. I have money in the bank, and $10,000 in stocks.

Rigged? What is rigged? You can declare bankruptcy, and have most of your debt completely erased for almost nothing. You realize that the USA, is one of the few countries on the planet, that allows you to just wiped off your debts? In Canada, you have to pay back every cent you borrow. In the UK, you can delay payment, but you have to pay back almost everything.

You are in one of the very very few countries on the planet, where you can file bankruptcy on especially consumer debt, and walk away scott-free, AND you can do it every 7 years. People have filed bankruptcy 3, 4 even 5 times.

If ANYTHING.... the system of debt in this country is rigged in your favor here, more than anywhere else in the world.

So I don't know what you are talking about....

Here is the deal, due to the fact that Americans have never been paid in REAL money since 1933 when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and everyone that had gold bullion or gold coin had to turn it in under the threat of prison or a huge fine? Our signature was as good as the Federal Reserve Bank printing actual fiat currency because our debts were suppose to be paid for in advance. The deal made with the international bankers that took USA.INC into receivership was that the gold that was turned in for FRNs meant that our signature was as good as fiat currency...thus the Promissory note.Banks do not go into a vault and pull out fiat currency to give to the seller of a home...they create a Promissory note and your signature is what gives that note value. The buyer takes that Promissory note and puts it into one of their affiliated banks and he has credit that is nothing but computerized ledger numbers When you are extended credit on a credit card, they are not going into a vault and pulling out fiat currency to give to which ever store you bought something from, they extend them credits that are nothing but computer is the mother of all scams and in 2003, they changed bankruptcy law which limits one's ability to write off one's debt with the securitized birth certificate bond based on actuary tables and the commerce, taxes and other "gubermint" fees that you have paid into over your lifetime........this is a fact.

Ok.... but you can still buy gold. It sucks to buy gold. Gold is a horrible investment. I'd much rather own stocks and securities, than gold. So if you really think money is bad, stock up on gold.

As for hard to bankrupt.... compared to what country? Anywhere else in the world, and you'll be lucky to even have the ability to file bankruptcy. Yes it's a bit harder to file bankruptcy now... but elsewhere, in Canada, if you are upside down on your home, you pay every single penny of debt back. 100% guarantee, you will pay every penny back in debt.

You live in a fantasy world of debt forgiveness in the US. You have abilities to refuse to pay back debt, that other citizens of other countries, could only dream of.
I only have a few years left where I can look decent enough where that might actually interest someone....
I am not cut out to be old and ugly.

Well that's life. The flower fades. I never was nice looking, but I'm for sure worse now than I was in my teens.

Although if you got the money, Cher still looks nice. Not sure it's worth it though. So much plastic in that girl, they should call her Charbie.
Know what I did today? Went to the market, hit two thrift stores, came home...and discovered that my blouse was inside out. LOL

I look awful. I did not grow old gracefully. But, with age, comes with the emotion of...."who the fuck cares cuz I sure don't" mentality. I woulda died of embarrassment if I had done that 5 years ago. Now? Meh.

Be old, Bonzi. Nobody cares. Well, except you and it shouldn't.

Granted you were in two thrift stores. They likely thought you were just trying out a few.

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