There goes the sun, and I say.........The sun to take a vacation in 15 years


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
FOR SALE: 2 XL T-shirts that had been stockpiled for the coming warming that I guess now isn't going to happen.

Winter is Coming: Scientist Says Sun Will Nod Off in 15 Years

Might want to start stockpiling those down jackets: The sun could nod off by 2030, triggering what scientists are describing as a “mini ice age.”

Professor Vlentina Zharkova of Northumbira University presented the frigid findings at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, Wales. Modern technology has made us able to predict solar cycles with much greater accuracy, and Zharkova’s model predicts that solar activity will drop by more than half between 2030 and 2040.

Solar activity was thought to be caused by a turbine-system of moving fluid within the sun. In search of a more accurate system of prediction, Professor Zharkova and her team discovered fluctuating magnetic waves in two layers of the sun. By studying the data of the dual waves, she says, predictions are far more precise.
Winter is Coming Scientist Says Sun Will Nod Off in 15 Years Van Winkle s
Just read about this myself.

"ICE AGE NEWS REPORTS ARE EXAGGERATED: Stop the presses. The mainstream media is reporting a sensational new study about the sun's inner magnetic dynamo. According to a double-dynamo model advanced by researchers at Northumbria University, solar activity could drop by 60% in the 2030s, mimicking conditions during the Little Ice Age of the 17th century. A widely copied quote-fragment from lead researcher Valentina Zharkova notes that "...we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97%." In fact, the model has never successfully predicted any future solar activity. So far it has only been used to "predict" solar cycles from 1976 to 2008. Almost any model can be fine-tuned to match the past. As forecasting tools, previous dynamo models have failed spectacularly. The double-dynamo model of Zharkova et al may yet prove to be correct, but until it passes the test of correctly predicting future solar activity, there is no reason to worry about an historic decline in sunspots, much less an Ice Age. Indeed, it is more likely that the reverse is true." -- News and information about meteor showers solar flares auroras and near-Earth asteroids


Seems appropriate. :)
Our deniers scream and puke at the fact that we have models that show how GHGs increase the temperature of our oceans and atmosphere, yet here they are singing hosannas about a model solar activity that has yet to pass any kind of test. A simple model that Dr. James Hansen used to write an article in 1981 predicted the opening of the Northwest Passage in this century, and the increase of droughts in the American Southwest. That solar model has yet to be tested. Yet you are acting like it is scripture. Silly on your part.
Global warming effecting shark attacks too they said during Shark Week on Discovery. As waters warm, sharks are moving closer to shore and people.
It's about time some lefty kooks cook up another alleged climate drama virtually just around the corner that's gonna kill all of us who've survived their previous cataclysmic predictions.

Meanwhile, my Cubbies trail the Cardinals by 8 at the break.
Our deniers scream and puke at the fact that we have models that show how GHGs increase the temperature of our oceans and atmosphere, yet here they are singing hosannas about a model solar activity that has yet to pass any kind of test. A simple model that Dr. James Hansen used to write an article in 1981 predicted the opening of the Northwest Passage in this century, and the increase of droughts in the American Southwest. That solar model has yet to be tested. Yet you are acting like it is scripture. Silly on your part.

Not at all, I think most people will take most all of these so-called studies with a grain of salt. Scripture ? Hardly.

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