
Long 1887 article by HP Blavatsky on "Origin of Evil":

Origin of Evil
The problem of the origin of evil can be philosophically approached only if the archaic Indian formula is taken as the basis of the argument. Ancient wisdom alone solves the presence of the universal fiend in a satisfactory way. It attributes the birth of Kosmos and the evolution of life to the breaking asunder of primordial, manifested UNITY, into plurality, or the great illusion of form. HOMOGENEITY having transformed itself into Heterogeneity, contrasts have naturally been created; hence sprang what we call EVIL, which thenceforward reigned supreme in this "Vale of Tears."
"For the philosopher there is but one real life, Nirvanic bliss, which is a state differing in kind, not in degree only, from that of any of the planes of consciousness in the manifested universe. He knows of, and believes in only the direct cause of that integral homogeneous unit, eternal and ever living, because the ONE uncreated, or rather not evoluted. Hence all his efforts are directed toward the speediest reunion possible with, and return to his pre-primordial condition, after his pilgrimage through this illusive series of visionary lives, with their unreal phantasmagoria of sensuous perceptions."
A series of 14 topical booklets gives a simpler way to study Theosophy. Use this link and search for a specific title or the series:

Introductory Theosophical Manuals
G. de Purucker Series

What Is Theosophy? by Charles J. Ryan
Reincarnation: A Lost Chord in Modern Thought by Leoline L. Wright
Karma: The Law of Consequences by Gertrude W. van Pelt
The Seven Principles of Man by Leoline L. Wright
After Death — What? by Leoline L. Wright
Evolution by Henry T. Edge
Rounds and Races: Our Divine Parentage and Destiny by Gertrude W. van Pelt
The Doctrine of Cycles by Lydia Ross
Hierarchies: The Ladder of Life by Gertrude W. van Pelt
The Astral Light by Henry T. Edge
Psychic Powers by Helen Savage
Theosophy and Christianity by Henry T. Edge
Mahatmas and Chelas by Leoline L. Wright
The Mystery Schools by Grace F. Knoche
Yoga and Yoga Discipline by Charles J. Ryan
Eastern wisdom teaches that spirit has to pass through the ordeal of incarnation and life, and be baptised with matter before it can reach experience and knowledge. After which only it receives the baptism of soul, or self-consciousness, and may return to its original condition of a god, plus experience, ending with omniscience. In other words, it can return to the original state of the homogeneity of primordial essence only through the addition of the fruitage of Karma, which alone is able to create an absolute conscious deity, removed but one degree from the absolute ALL.

Blavatsky, "Origin of Evil" article
The WISDOM-RELIGION was ever one, and being the last word of possible human knowledge, was, therefore, carefully preserved. It preceded by long ages the Alexandrian Theosophists, reached the modern, and will survive every other religion and philosophy.

Blavatsky, Key to Theosophy
Your "belief" is irrelevant, if in fact man does possess a spirit.
Do you believe you're going to survive to see tomorrow? That somehow seems pretty relevant. I mean, given all the information at our disposal (personal health, history, general knowledge of how long humans live, whether or not you are in a dangerous environment, etc.) belief that one will wake up the next day seems well founded. However, if one is say, in a war living in a trench with bullets flying, that belief may not be a strong but, it is sustaining in the face of dire circumstances so, belief is VERY relevant even if one believes they possess a spirit.
The radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of compounds in Nature—from Star to mineral Atom, from the highest Dhyan Chohan to the smallest infusoria, in the fullest acceptation of the term, and whether applied to the spiritual, intellectual. or physical worlds—this is the one fundamental law in Occult Science.

The Secret Doctrine
Fiona C. Odgren compiled Timeless Truths from The Secret Doctrine containing 56 topics. Ideal for one who does not want to read all 1400? pages of the full text.
"Unconcerned about politics; hostile to the insane dreams of Socialism and of Communism, which it abhors—as both are but disguised conspiracies of brutal force and sluggishness against honest labour; the [Theosophical] Society cares but little about the outward human management of the material world. The whole of its aspirations are directed toward the occult truths of the visible and invisible worlds. Whether the physical man be under the rule of an empire or a republic, concerns only the man of matter. His body may be enslaved; as to his Soul, he has the right to give to his rulers the proud answer of Socrates to his Judges. They have no sway over the inner man."

Helena Blavatsky, from "What Are the Theosophists?"
Theosophy or divine wisdom in Mayan secret teachings:

Esotericism of the Popol Vuh by Raphael Girard, Homepage

From the Foreword:

"This book was first published in the Spanish language in Mexico City in 1948. It has since gone through three editions in French, one Italian, and four Spanish editions. The present translation, from the 1972 Mexico City edition, is the first to appear in English. Esotericism of the Popol Vuh is published by Theosophical University Press as a service to all English-speaking students of the ancient wisdom of humanity."
"The adept is the rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers; and to become one, he must obey the inward impulse of his soul, irrespective of the prudential considerations of worldly science and sagacity."

From Mahatma Letters quoted in Insights From the Masters by Fiona C. Odgren
The victor’s crown is only for him who proves himself worthy to wear it; for him who attacks Mara single-handed and conquers the demon of lust and earthly passions; and not we but he himself puts it on his brow. It was not a meaningless phrase of the Tathagata that “he who masters Self is greater than he who conquers thousands in battle”: there is no such other difficult struggle.

Insights From the Masters
The Egyptian Hierophant, the Chaldean Mage, the Arhat, and the Rishi, were bound in days of yore on the same voyage of discovery and ultimately arrived at the same goal, though by different tracks. There are even at the present moment, three centres of the Occult Brotherhood in existence, widely separated geographically, and as widely exoterically – the true esoteric doctrine being identical in substance, though differing in terms; all aiming at the same grand object, but no two agreeing seemingly in the details of procedure. It is an every day occurrence to find students belonging to different schools of occult thought sitting side by side at the feet of the same Guru. Upasika (Madame B.) and Subba Row, though pupils of the same Master, have not followed the same Philosophy – the one is Buddhist and other an Adwaitee.

Insights From the Masters

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