The Tables Turn on Pelosi and the Media


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Tables Turn on Pelosi and the Media
Saturday was National Popcorn Day, but I’ve been nibbling on popcorn all week as Nancy Pelosi learned a lesson about presidential power and the media was gut checked by the special prosecutor. I haven’t had this much fun since election night 2016.... While she might have thought otherwise, the power of the commander-in-chief is far greater than that of the speaker of the House, and the humiliating way this was brought home to the congressional equivalent of Maerose Prizzi (h/t Michael Walsh) was something. She anticipated that she and her posse of cronies and their families (reports of a ninety-some entourage in all) would hop a military plane for a free trip to Brussels, Afghanistan, and Egypt, doubtless with fawning media coverage, leaving the president to sit alone in the White House hoping fruitlessly they’d toddle in there to negotiate an end to the shutdown. Reports vary as to whether she was on the tarmac or on her way there when the president cancelled the flight as incompatible during a shutdown when federal workers were not being paid and illegal aliens were continuing to invade.... The president twisted the knife, suggesting she was free to fly commercial, which served as a reminder of the enormous tab she ran up on such flights the last time she was speaker. She thought she had the upper hand in this. She learned she certainly didn’t, and was last seen at Reagan Airport, with one aide and a single security agent, heading out of town to somewhere on a commercial flight. The president cancelled his own trip to Davos and required other similar travel on military airplanes be made only at the approval of the secretary of defense until there is a budget he can sign that provides for a secure border barrier.... Meanwhile, there’s some big real news that the major media studiously avoid -- like what appears to be a major rounding-up of crooks in Illinois. (Ed Burke, a fifty-year alderman, was just indicted for extortion.) The latest arrest is of a DEA agent charged with conspiring to traffic guns and drugs with an international gang.

Queen Pelosi and her Progressive Marxist Socialist Globalists have become a political road block. The deplorables in the hinterland fly commercial. Now Pelosi and the elite have been moved to the status of a deplorable and the President never even had to state that. It was obvious. They can't stand it.
By informing Pelosi and her Congressional retinue to stay home and negotiate DJT actually let her make the point that the government shutdown was not the big deal that the LSM would have the public to believe.
Pres. Trump contemplated they would attempt to do this... he could go on national TV now and honestly say that he has tried to get Democrats to the table, but they refuse his next step is to close the border and declare a National Emergency and get the Military/Corps of Engineers to begin building that border wall?
The media complains about DJT, 24/7 and they can't lay a glove on him. President Trump, has now become a force of nature by rewriting the rules of politics, has not only put the LSM in their place with the term "Fake News", he has highlighted the actions of the elite like Nancy Pelosi, who gorge themselves on the public dime, while the government is shut down. In his spare time he has dispensed with many elite like FBI employees Comey, McCabe, Baker, Ohr, Strzok and Page.
The cabal infiltrated by Obama and his PMS criminals into the DOJ, FBI, and 17 intelligence agencies from 2009 have been out in force to get him since before he was elected and they haven’t touched him. They have failed several times to usurp the presidency till now.
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...
“American ‘thinker’”


You can’t be serious.

A subjective, wrongheaded, and biased opinion from a conservative blog.

Too funny.
and the OP writes like some bot designed to make ideologues look even dumber than they (wingnut ideologues) really are, which is dumber than dirt.

the style .. that dead, silly, old, cold war jargon :abgg2q.jpg:
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog
“American ‘thinker’”


You can’t be serious.

A subjective, wrongheaded, and biased opinion from a conservative blog.

Too funny.

Whats sad is that libs are showing their compete utter disdain and hate for this country as they hold the country hostage with their total obstruction. They truly do hate this country to the core. Luckily, we're all seeing that now.
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
A reporter wrote that we should not have believed the BuzzFeed story-we should have known it was BS. What! You reporters couldn't wait to slam Trump with it, and now that Mueller says no, you try to blame your readers for believing what you wrote. This goes from fake news right to throw anything in print-people will believe it. The media is out of control.
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.
You're a week behind. The Trump offer soon to be passed by McConnell will hopefully start meaningful negotiations to get the Budget passed. If the dems don't negotiate then the shutdown continues. Trump is seeing that the shutdown doesn't really affect him as much as congress whose constituents are going to get the pitchforks out in 2020.
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.

He offered them an out and they refused to even negotiate.
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...
--------------------------- just hearing the news for the last couple days and i think that you may be correct that the 'dems' are getting ready to cave . I just hope that TRUMP doesn't reopen 'gov' until he has what he wants RamB .
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.

You're a week behind. The Trump offer soon to be passed by McConnell will hopefully start meaningful negotiations to get the Budget passed. If the dems don't negotiate then the shutdown continues. Trump is seeing that the shutdown doesn't really affect him as much as congress whose constituents are going to get the pitchforks out in 2020.
Poll: Trump Approval Down, Slips With Base

NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll Results | Home of the Marist Poll

now your spin is stupid:

because facts:


WASHINGTON — In a bid to put pressure on Democrats, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, plans this week to bring up legislation that would immediately reopen the government and incorporate President Trump’s proposal to offer temporary protections to some immigrants in exchange for $5.7 billion for his border wall, a top aide to Mr. McConnell said Sunday.

By coupling government funding with the plan Mr. Trump unveiled on Saturday, Mr. McConnell — who has until now stayed on the sidelines in the shutdown debate — is hoping to shift blame for the shutdown to Democrats, who have said repeatedly that they will not negotiate over border security until the government is fully open. McConnell to Pair Bills to Reopen Government With Trump’s Immigration Plan

Trump has the blame .. McConnell is trying to SHIFT the blame

Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.

He offered them an out and they refused to even negotiate.
"He offered them an out?" an out of what? His shutdown?

They did not refuse "to even negotiate." What they did was refuse to allow Trump to hold the government and America hostage for his most precious wall
Pelosi and the dems are losing this fight....I predict a group of dems are going to meet with Trump in an attempt to go around Pelosi...

and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.

He offered them an out and they refused to even negotiate.
"He offered them an out?" an out of what? His shutdown?

They did not refuse "to even negotiate." What they did was refuse to allow Trump to hold the government and America hostage for his most precious wall

This is what the public sees. I do not care. He offered them a deal, they refused. This is what will be publicly seen. Ignore it. I don't care.
and these Dems would be able to bring what to the floor for a vote?

gawd, you're as dumb as a member who would post fruity crap from the so-called american thinker blah-blah-blah-blog

Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.

He offered them an out and they refused to even negotiate.
"He offered them an out?" an out of what? His shutdown?

They did not refuse "to even negotiate." What they did was refuse to allow Trump to hold the government and America hostage for his most precious wall

This is what the public sees. I do not care. He offered them a deal, they refused. This is what will be publicly seen. Ignore it. I don't care.
your idea of the public is most likely warped by your hatred for the majority of Americans
Dems are holding this country hostage to their nihilistic agenda.
Trump demanded Democrats cave in to his demands for a wall or he is “willing to shut down” the government and blame no one else.

He offered them an out and they refused to even negotiate.
"He offered them an out?" an out of what? His shutdown?

They did not refuse "to even negotiate." What they did was refuse to allow Trump to hold the government and America hostage for his most precious wall

This is what the public sees. I do not care. He offered them a deal, they refused. This is what will be publicly seen. Ignore it. I don't care.
your idea of the public is most likely warped by your hatred for the majority of Americans

That would be the dems who have a distinct hate for americans.

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