The Senate Resolution That Will Help Obama Become President


Nov 13, 2008
Buffalo, NY
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The Preamble of the United States Constitution does not grant any particular authority to the federal government and it does not prohibit any particular authority. It establishes the fact that the federal government has no authority outside of what follows the Preamble, as amended.

"We the people" is one of the most-quoted sections of the Constitution. It was thought by the Federalists during this time that there was no need for a Bill of Rights as they thought that the Preamble spelled out the people's rights.

The people of this nation have a right to the truth. We have a right to ask our elected officials to prove to us beyond a shadow of a doubt their candidacy before we elevate them to one of the most powerful positions in the world let alone the most powerful position in our federal government.

A brief aside before continuing. Some people have quietly expressed their concern that Look Up Fellowship is becoming a Political Website instead of remaining a Religious/Christian Prophecy Website. I can see how anyone who's visited this site over the past few weeks might think that.

However, I can also assure you that politics - both domestic and international - is extremely important to our discussions and studies here. We all know that a particular type of one-world government, economy, and religion needs to emerge before the Antichrist can rise to power and use that global structure to control the masses. I believe that a President Barack Obama is exactly the type of political figure to help pave the way for this to happen. In addition, we also know from Daniel 2:21 that God "He changes times and seasons, desposes kings and sets up kings" so we would be wise to view governments and their plans and actions with a Christian worldview as well.


With that in mind, I want to revisit a topic that I've reported here that has somehow become associated with pure "conspiracy theory" despite the evidence and the facts.

Perhaps it's because the mainstream media hasn't reported on the subject, and many people still hold to the notion that in order for a story to have any merit it needs to be presented by the talking heads on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Fox News.

What if the Supreme Court thought the topic had merit? Would that be enough for you to finally accept this as a potentially HUGE story? In fact, that's exactly what we have in the case of whether or not President-elect Barack Obama is eligible to hold the office of President according to the clear rules outlined by the U.S. Constitution.

In my never-ending quest to prove "media bias" (which is probably better described as a "media blackout") here are the facts to what has the potential to become one of the biggest stories in recent memory. I sincerely hope that nothing comes of this because I'd hate to think what that could mean for our nation, but apparently the Supreme Court - not the state Supreme Court, but the national Supreme Court - thinks there is merit to all of this since they've decided to try and resolve this case before the Electors meet to officially cast their votes for Barack Obama on December 15, 2008.

In an ironic and dramatic twist of fate, Justice Clarence Thomas - the second black man appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and a strict Constitutionalist - could determine the fate of the first black man elected to the office of U.S. President. Adding more subtext to this story is the fact that back in August it was Obama who ignited a firestorm with conservatives when he said that had he been President at the time he would not have nominated Thomas.

Read these news articles (in the order that this story has unfolded) to get yourself acquainted with the potential Constitutional crisis we could be facing in just a few short weeks:

Judge Dismisses Obama Birth Certificate Lawsuit

October Surprise?

Supremes Asked To Halt Tuesday's Vote

State Declares Barack Obama's Hawaii Birth Certificate Is Genuine

Obama's Gamble: Possession Nine Tenths Of The Law

Obama REFUSES To Show His ORIGINAL Birth Certificate. Why?

U. S. Supreme Court Awaits Response To Philip Berg's Writ of Certiorari From Obama, DNC And Co-Defendants

Obama Presidency Challenged By New Jersey Voter

Time will tell whether or not anything substantial and historic comes from this. Regardless of what the Supreme Court eventually rules on the issue, there is also a grass-roots movement underway by concerned Americans across the country to try and get the Electors to do what's right.

Many of these "underground" groups say they're only trying to see that we uphold the Constitution. They have no problem with Obama becoming President after the Electors vote for him. However, they do want the Electors to take a stand and request that Obama and the DNC come clean on this issue because of the seriousness of the charge in relation to the Constitution.

If there's nothing to hide then why not simply produce the evidence - like every other presidential candidate before him - and finally put this issue to rest (not to mention make people like me look like lunatics for even suggesting something like this)? Each day that passes that this is ignored simply adds more fuel to the fire, and it give pundits like me a reason to question his eligibility. I mean, in my particular line of work, people I help get hired have to provide more documentation than he has!

Plus, it's also important to note that contrary to popular belief, until those Electors meet on December 15, 2008, cast their vote, and those votes are counted on January 6, 2009, Obama is not the next President. Furthermore, Electors are not bound to cast their vote for the candidate presented as a result of "Election Day." Electors who stand up for what is right are called "faithless." Does it ever happen? In 1976, a Republican Elector in Washington voted for Ronald Reagan instead of Gerald Ford.

What's right and for the good of our republic must trump worrying about staying in the good graces of some political party. Let's hope the nation - and the Electors - are listening.

So, to quickly summarize, at this point, Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s Clerk informed Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who brought the case against Obama, that his petition for an injunction to stay the November 4th election was denied (obviously), but the Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of 4 Justices) by December 1, 2008. At that time, Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond.

If Obama fails to do that, it is sure to inspire the skepticism of the Justices, who are unaccustomed to being defied. They will have to decide what to do about a president-elect who refuses to prove his natural-born citizenship.

“I can see a unanimous Court (en banc) decertifying the election if Obama refuses to produce his birth certificate,” says Raymond S. Kraft, an attorney and writer. “They cannot do otherwise without abandoning all credibility as guardians of the Constitution. Even the most liberal justices, however loathe they may to do this, still consider themselves guardians of the Constitution. The Court is very jealous of its power - even over presidents, even over presidents-elect.”

If it is determined that Obama is ineligible to become President of the United States, the Electors will be duty-bound to honor the Constitution. If Obama is found ineligible, maybe the election would not be voided. The Electoral College delegates would then have only one candidate to cast their vote for - John McCain. There would be no "do-overs," "Mulligans," or re-votes. At least, that's the way I see it.


There is no precedent for preventing a President-elect who has been discovered to be “Constitutionally ineligible” to be President from taking office, or for what happens next. Does Biden become President - permanently or temporarily? Is Bush held over and a new election called? Do leaders of the Democratic Party get to put together a new slate of candidates or propose someone else other than Biden to be a placeholder until a new election can be held? Does whoever Obama beat out for the nomination - Hillary Clinton - now become the nominee in a new election?

The DNC’s rules need to be carefully read. A thorough reading of the Federalist Papers, the various writings of the principal Founding Fathers, and the Debates of the Continental Congress may turn up some idea of what the Founders might have envisioned would happen in such a case or something similar.

If this last scenario were to happen, you can be sure of riots all over this country (Martial Law too?) - generated and whipped up by the reporting from the Left, the mainstream media, and the Democrats (or, realistically, the Left - since these three are no longer separate entities, but, rather, one in the same) saying that “the Republicans are trying to steal the election, just like they did in 2004" - with the prospect, perhaps, of a new Civil War down the road, no matter which way things finally settle out.


Surprisingly, the Democrats in Congress have already set up a way out, by the Senate’s passage, just a few months ago, of the sense of the Senate resolution, S. Res. 511 - which Obama, very uncharacteristically, helped craft - and containing brief concurring legal opinions from eminent legal scholars (both conservative and liberal) regarding McCain’s situation, Presidential candidates being born overseas, and the issue of being a “natural born citizen.”

In such a desperate Constitutional and political crisis, it will not matter that this sense of the Senate resolution is not binding law, you can count on the fact that it will be used. S. Res. 511, introduced on April 10, 2008 by Senator Claire McCaskill and co-sponsored by Senators Leahy, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Tom Coburn and Jim Webb, reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee by Senator Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, without amendment and by unanimous vote of the Committee, S. Res. 511 expressed the “sense of the Senate,” confirming that Senator McCain, who was born in the Panama Canal Zone to parents who were both U.S. citizens, McCain’s father in the U.S. military and the McCain family living and on a U.S. military base, was, indeed, a “natural born” U.S. citizen and, thus, eligible to run for President and, if elected, to be President. The resolution was adopted in the Senate by unanimous consent on April 30, 2008.

You should be able to smell a rat when you consider how nice the irascible Leahy was, and the smell of that rat got a lot stronger when I ran across commentary that Obama, usually a no show and out campaigning, was in attendance and had a hand in crafting the specific language in this resolution, in particular, McCaskill and Obama added what some Senators thought was the unnecessary phrase,

“Whereas previous presidential candidates were born outside of the United States of America and were understood to be eligible to be President;”

If it is ruled that Obama is ineligible and there are riots, contentious debates, and never-ending anger and confusion - national turmoil like you would not believe - look for the “just let it slide” option, relying heavily on this sense of the Senate resolution as a rationale, and allowing Obama to take office, to be proposed and to win out, only postponing, though, an eventual day of reckoning.

Personally, I look at this Senate resolution coupled with the mainstream media aggressively ignoring the issue, and see a good reason to strongly suspect Obama is, in fact, Constitutionally prohibited from the office of the Presidency. They’ve known it all along, and are maneuvering the issue so that it seems to explode on the national consciousness, should the SCOTUS rule as such.

Perhaps they are counting on a Nixonian response, a “good of the country” willingness to turn from the truth. If we are in fact too afraid to enforce our most basic, sacrosanct laws, we deserve what is to come, from an illegitimate President unfettered by any sense he is held in any way in check.

Deception rules the day.

Lord come quickly!

SOURCE: Look Up Fellowship

*All facts, quotes, articles referenced in the above column are sourced with direct links, pictures, audio, video on this website.
Such a broad sweeping mandate of the people to elect Obama. It must be a conspiracy- to take the country back!

Bye Bye W.
His birth certificate has been posted here.

His mother was a US citizen.

Right, he was born in Kenya and smuggled back in.
This is stupid. Unless you prove he was not born to an American citizen it REALLY does not matter where the hell he was born. A person born to an American citizen is a NATURAL Citizen. No matter where the birth occurred.

As for what happens if Obama is ruled unable to be President, his Vice President assumes the position.

From the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution.

then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Have fun with this. Just keep peddling away at it... It'll be so much more fun when this all caves in...

then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President

But, if it happens before Jan. 20 then he is not the president ...... so that amendment doesn`t apply ........ right???
This is stupid. Unless you prove he was not born to an American citizen it REALLY does not matter where the hell he was born. A person born to an American citizen is a NATURAL Citizen. No matter where the birth occurred.

As for what happens if Obama is ruled unable to be President, his Vice President assumes the position.

From the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Not true, and I have the naturalization papers to prove it. I was born to American parents on an American Air Force Base in England. My brother was born in Japan to American parents on an American Air Force base in Japan. After serving in the Air Force himself during the Vietnam war and coming home, he tried to bring his wife here from Thailand. Imagine our surprise when we were told he wasn't an American citizen. My brother and I had to go down to the immigration office and become naturalized citizens.

Now, my sisters kids were born in Canada and she's an American and they got passports based on them being "American's born abroad". They got a better deal than my brother and myself.

The truth is our government makes up their own rules and follows or ignores them at will.

then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President

But, if it happens before Jan. 20 then he is not the president ...... so that amendment doesn`t apply ........ right???

NO, If it happens before the electoral Vote it may not apply, otherwise it applies. However I suggest that the intent is clear, if the President elect can not fill the office the Vice President shall.
Not true, and I have the naturalization papers to prove it. I was born to American parents on an American Air Force Base in England. My brother was born in Japan to American parents on an American Air Force base in Japan. After serving in the Air Force himself during the Vietnam war and coming home, he tried to bring his wife here from Thailand. Imagine our surprise when we were told he wasn't an American citizen. My brother and I had to go down to the immigration office and become naturalized citizens.

Now, my sisters kids were born in Canada and she's an American and they got passports based on them being "American's born abroad". They got a better deal than my brother and myself.

The truth is our government makes up their own rules and follows or ignores them at will.

You should sue. My child was born in Okinawa and has the born aboard papers also but that does not negate the fact he is a natural born citizen, it just establishes he was born outside the US.

This argument is a waste of time, get over it, Obama won the election fair and square. There is no way that 7 million votes were faked. He is our President. Unless someone proves he is not born of an American citizen this argument is a WASTE of time.
First of all, the definition of "natural born citizen" is disputed. Currently, however, precedent is that one must be born on American soil to be president. Personally, I think it's rather obvious what is meant by "natural born citizen."

But I do have a question about this:

We all know that a particular type of one-world government, economy, and religion needs to emerge before the Antichrist can rise to power and use that global structure to control the masses. I believe that a President Barack Obama is exactly the type of political figure to help pave the way for this to happen. In addition, we also know from Daniel 2:21 that God "He changes times and seasons, desposes kings and sets up kings" so we would be wise to view governments and their plans and actions with a Christian worldview as well.​

People who believe in Revelation are actually looking forward to Armageddon; the return of Christ. That is what I have always heard, mind you. So, if it's true that the return of Christ is something longed for, why, then, are you so hellbent on preventing Obama, the man who will "pave the way for this to happen," from taking office?

In my opinion, your actions and your convictions contradict one another. On one hand you are a Christian who longs for the return of Christ; for Good to once and for all triumph over Evil. But on the other hand you are trying to prevent what you believe is necessary for Good to finally triumph over Evil, which in your opinion is an Obama Presidency.

How do you reconcile the two? Also, tell us why we shouldn't regard you as a political hack who will stop at nothing, not even fear-mongering, to prevent the opposition (political, that is) from assuming office? Make us believe you're not an idiot who doesn't realize that the crowning failure of his entire "essay" are contradictions he cannot reconcile. Either you're not a tried and true Christian, or you're just full of it.

I vote the latter.

Anyway, check your facts: Born in the U.S.A.

In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."

We beg to differ. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always.

Be sure to visit the FactCheck link and look at the photograph of a FactCheck staffer touching, holding, and examining the birth certificate.

And here is a Newsweek article (ya know, a mainstream media organization) reporting on Obama's certificate.

Get a life.
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Not true, and I have the naturalization papers to prove it. I was born to American parents on an American Air Force Base in England. My brother was born in Japan to American parents on an American Air Force base in Japan. After serving in the Air Force himself during the Vietnam war and coming home, he tried to bring his wife here from Thailand. Imagine our surprise when we were told he wasn't an American citizen. My brother and I had to go down to the immigration office and become naturalized citizens.

Now, my sisters kids were born in Canada and she's an American and they got passports based on them being "American's born abroad". They got a better deal than my brother and myself.

The truth is our government makes up their own rules and follows or ignores them at will.

It doesn't matter if you were born in Russia, if your parents were American citizens then you are as well considered natural born citizen. How can you not know this? McCain was also born abroad, but he clearly is a US citizen. Dont you have anything relelvant? These lame desperate attempts are so transparent.
Not true, and I have the naturalization papers to prove it. I was born to American parents on an American Air Force Base in England. My brother was born in Japan to American parents on an American Air Force base in Japan. After serving in the Air Force himself during the Vietnam war and coming home, he tried to bring his wife here from Thailand. Imagine our surprise when we were told he wasn't an American citizen. My brother and I had to go down to the immigration office and become naturalized citizens.

Now, my sisters kids were born in Canada and she's an American and they got passports based on them being "American's born abroad". They got a better deal than my brother and myself.

The truth is our government makes up their own rules and follows or ignores them at will.

1934 Act of May 24, 1934, Section 1, 48 Stat. 797.

"Any child hereafter born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States, whose father or mother or both at the time of birth of such child is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States: but the rights of citizenship shall not descend to any such child unless the citizen father or citizen mother, as the case may be, has resided in the United States previous to the birth of such child
You should sue. My child was born in Okinawa and has the born aboard papers also but that does not negate the fact he is a natural born citizen, it just establishes he was born outside the US.

This argument is a waste of time, get over it, Obama won the election fair and square. There is no way that 7 million votes were faked. He is our President. Unless someone proves he is not born of an American citizen this argument is a WASTE of time.

Actually if he was born in Kenya, he's not a natural born citizen. The rules state that if you are born overseas and have one parent that's an American citizen and has lived in America for 5 years after the age of 16 that you are a natural born citizen. Since Obama's mother was 18, if he was born in Kenya, he's not a natural born citizen.

Now, he was just elected our President and when he gets in I intend to give him my support until he does something to deserve my distrust of him. However, that doesn't mean I have to like it. I still have problems with a guy who went to Pakistan at the age of 20 on an Indonesian passport and claims to be a "citizen of the world". IMO, we need and American as our POTUS, but then again, McCain isn't exactly what I would call an American either.
Wait a minute.

So, because you disagree with someone, that somehow diminishes their "Americaness"?

Obama isn't an America, despite being born in America, educated in America, and hellbent on improving America.

McCain isn't an American, despite spending five years in a Vietnamese prison camp for his country, and coming from a family of war heroes.

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Actually if he was born in Kenya, he's not a natural born citizen. The rules state that if you are born overseas and have one parent that's an American citizen and has lived in America for 5 years after the age of 16 that you are a natural born citizen. Since Obama's mother was 18, if he was born in Kenya, he's not a natural born citizen.

Now, he was just elected our President and when he gets in I intend to give him my support until he does something to deserve my distrust of him. However, that doesn't mean I have to like it. I still have problems with a guy who went to Pakistan at the age of 20 on an Indonesian passport and claims to be a "citizen of the world". IMO, we need and American as our POTUS, but then again, McCain isn't exactly what I would call an American either.

There is no Federal Law that says one must spend 5 years in the US after their 16th Birthday. That was an old Hawaiian law before they became a State, as far as I can tell. You have already been provided the law. States do not get to dictate what the law is for US Citizenship.
Actually if he was born in Kenya, he's not a natural born citizen. The rules state that if you are born overseas and have one parent that's an American citizen and has lived in America for 5 years after the age of 16 that you are a natural born citizen. Since Obama's mother was 18, if he was born in Kenya, he's not a natural born citizen.

Now, he was just elected our President and when he gets in I intend to give him my support until he does something to deserve my distrust of him. However, that doesn't mean I have to like it. I still have problems with a guy who went to Pakistan at the age of 20 on an Indonesian passport and claims to be a "citizen of the world". IMO, we need and American as our POTUS, but then again, McCain isn't exactly what I would call an American either.


Do you have a link for your made up law? I posted the law above, it is very clear. Why are you having such trouble grasping a simple concept?

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