The problem is Trump the person


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.

aside from him being an old worn out piece of shit human, there is that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.

I was thinking that maybe, just maybe this new tax proposal was going to wake up Trump supporters so they can finally realize they are using the poor to get more rich. But no matter what they seem to care more about furthering whatever agenda Trump has more than their own well being.

And let' be honest, the tax bill has been opposed by everyone EXCEPT the Republican elite. If you believe that Trump is pushing a tax bill that won't help himself then you don' realize how Trump makes money.
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.


The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
------------------------------------------------- your whole post is silly Elmer . The only problem i have with the President is that he MAY be bowing to Elephant lovers that won't mind their own business as hunters do a legal activity . President though is doing fine as the USA is secure and thats pretty much all i want from a President or USA Government Elmer .
The founders designed the office of president to be that of public servant, can anyone make the case that Trump is serving anyone but himself? He does not have it in him to be the president this country needs.
I love it when leftardz think they have to preach how to be a better conservative to their political opponents. . . No matter what their reasons for doing so is.

Though the incessant whining aspect of it does tend to get old, fast.
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.

He was the only one willing to take the Pro-American stance on Trade and Immigration.

Pun intended, that TRumped everything else.
i'm thinking these lefties just want some FREE stuff and The TRUMP isn't handing out any FREE stuff out .
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.


Trump is the guy who’s been indicted and settled law suits over criminal acts. Neither Clinton nor Obama have been charged with a crime much less convicted.

Crooked Donnie’s charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fine by the IRS for illegal campaign contributions and cited for misuse of funds.

The Trump Corporation is under criminal investigation for skimming over $3 million from donations Eric raised for St. Jude’s.

9 months into Crooked Donnie’s administration and there is already a special prosecutor, two grand juries, a Senate Investigation, 3 indictments and one guilty plea.

That’s more than we saw in 8 years of the Obama administration.

I’m sick and tired of lying Republicans going on and on about the criminals among the Democrats when they ran a candidate who had conducted his business affairs in such a sleazy, dishonest fashion that it wasn’t a question of “if” as it was “when” would Trump get into legal problems as President.
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.


Trump is the guy who’s been indicted and settled law suits over criminal acts. Neither Clinton nor Obama have been charged with a crime much less convicted.

Crooked Donnie’s charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fine by the IRS for illegal campaign contributions and cited for misuse of funds.

The Trump Corporation is under criminal investigation for skimming over $3 million from donations Eric raised for St. Jude’s.

9 months into Crooked Donnie’s administration and there is already a special prosecutor, two grand juries, a Senate Investigation, 3 indictments and one guilty plea.

That’s more than we saw in 8 years of the Obama administration.

I’m sick and tired of lying Republicans going on and on about the criminals among the Democrats when they ran a candidate who had conducted his business affairs in such a sleazy, dishonest fashion that it wasn’t a question of “if” as it was “when” would Trump get into legal problems as President.

The IRS has nothing to do with campaign funds. That would be the FEC.

None of those people indicted worked for the Trump administration.

I am sure you have links to all this bullshit. No?

That just shows you are back to your old M.O. and making shit up as you go!
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.



Obama Tax Audit Exposes MILLIONS In Offshore Accounts Stolen From Taxpayers

Politifact claims this is untrue......but Politifact is run by two liberals out of CA, and funded by the Ford Foundation.....their only function is to provide cover and false propaganda for Hillary and Obama.
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.

He doesn't lack a moral compass, if anything, he allows his moral compass to temper previous rhetoric. He's not unqualified to lead, he meets all the criteria required in the Constitution and he was duly elected by the people. How you find him to be is your personal opinion and that's fine, you're entitled to that... but you live in a representative republic where the free citizens get to vote and we all have opinions.

I agree that he's not a conservative. He is not any type of ideologue. In a way, that's kind of not a bad thing. He is not a despot or despotic and if you believe he is then you need to go look up that word and study some real world despots. When you make charges like that it marginalizes you as a nutball kook. You don't have to like him but that doesn't mean he's a despot.

His policies are driven by populism. The quality of appealing to or being aimed at ordinary people. The people who tend to dislike his policies the most are extremists on either side.
The founders designed the office of president to be that of public servant, can anyone make the case that Trump is serving anyone but himself? He does not have it in him to be the president this country needs.
He could had let the shop lifting b-ball players rot in prison in China.
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.


Trump is the guy who’s been indicted and settled law suits over criminal acts. Neither Clinton nor Obama have been charged with a crime much less convicted.

Crooked Donnie’s charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fine by the IRS for illegal campaign contributions and cited for misuse of funds.

The Trump Corporation is under criminal investigation for skimming over $3 million from donations Eric raised for St. Jude’s.

9 months into Crooked Donnie’s administration and there is already a special prosecutor, two grand juries, a Senate Investigation, 3 indictments and one guilty plea.

That’s more than we saw in 8 years of the Obama administration.

I’m sick and tired of lying Republicans going on and on about the criminals among the Democrats when they ran a candidate who had conducted his business affairs in such a sleazy, dishonest fashion that it wasn’t a question of “if” as it was “when” would Trump get into legal problems as President.

The IRS has nothing to do with campaign funds. That would be the FEC.

None of those people indicted worked for the Trump administration.

I am sure you have links to all this bullshit. No?

That just shows you are back to your old M.O. and making shit up as you go!
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.


Trump is the guy who’s been indicted and settled law suits over criminal acts. Neither Clinton nor Obama have been charged with a crime much less convicted.

Crooked Donnie’s charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fine by the IRS for illegal campaign contributions and cited for misuse of funds.

The Trump Corporation is under criminal investigation for skimming over $3 million from donations Eric raised for St. Jude’s.

9 months into Crooked Donnie’s administration and there is already a special prosecutor, two grand juries, a Senate Investigation, 3 indictments and one guilty plea.

That’s more than we saw in 8 years of the Obama administration.

I’m sick and tired of lying Republicans going on and on about the criminals among the Democrats when they ran a candidate who had conducted his business affairs in such a sleazy, dishonest fashion that it wasn’t a question of “if” as it was “when” would Trump get into legal problems as President.

The IRS has nothing to do with campaign funds. That would be the FEC.

None of those people indicted worked for the Trump administration.

I am sure you have links to all this bullshit. No?

That just shows you are back to your old M.O. and making shit up as you go!

The IRS is in charge of charities and how they conduct business. The Trump Foundation was fined by the IRS for making political campaign contributions because charities aren’t allowed to do that.

All of this stuff is a matter of public record. Google it you lazy piece of shit.
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.


Trump is the guy who’s been indicted and settled law suits over criminal acts. Neither Clinton nor Obama have been charged with a crime much less convicted.

Crooked Donnie’s charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fine by the IRS for illegal campaign contributions and cited for misuse of funds.

The Trump Corporation is under criminal investigation for skimming over $3 million from donations Eric raised for St. Jude’s.

9 months into Crooked Donnie’s administration and there is already a special prosecutor, two grand juries, a Senate Investigation, 3 indictments and one guilty plea.

That’s more than we saw in 8 years of the Obama administration.

I’m sick and tired of lying Republicans going on and on about the criminals among the Democrats when they ran a candidate who had conducted his business affairs in such a sleazy, dishonest fashion that it wasn’t a question of “if” as it was “when” would Trump get into legal problems as President.

The IRS has nothing to do with campaign funds. That would be the FEC.

None of those people indicted worked for the Trump administration.

I am sure you have links to all this bullshit. No?

That just shows you are back to your old M.O. and making shit up as you go!
The problem is Trump the person.
I take issue with Trump's narcicisstic, self indulging personality that results in lack of a moral compass, making him unqualified to lead. I find his politics are driven by his need for self-aggrandizing, not conservative doctrine.
He has the qualites of a despot, not the leader of the free world.
Add to that the criminal element and you have Hillary and Obama in a nut-shell.


Trump is the guy who’s been indicted and settled law suits over criminal acts. Neither Clinton nor Obama have been charged with a crime much less convicted.

Crooked Donnie’s charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fine by the IRS for illegal campaign contributions and cited for misuse of funds.

The Trump Corporation is under criminal investigation for skimming over $3 million from donations Eric raised for St. Jude’s.

9 months into Crooked Donnie’s administration and there is already a special prosecutor, two grand juries, a Senate Investigation, 3 indictments and one guilty plea.

That’s more than we saw in 8 years of the Obama administration.

I’m sick and tired of lying Republicans going on and on about the criminals among the Democrats when they ran a candidate who had conducted his business affairs in such a sleazy, dishonest fashion that it wasn’t a question of “if” as it was “when” would Trump get into legal problems as President.

The IRS has nothing to do with campaign funds. That would be the FEC.

None of those people indicted worked for the Trump administration.

I am sure you have links to all this bullshit. No?

That just shows you are back to your old M.O. and making shit up as you go!

The IRS is in charge of charities and how they conduct business. The Trump Foundation was fined by the IRS for making political campaign contributions because charities aren’t allowed to do that.

All of this stuff is a matter of public record. Google it you lazy piece of shit.

I cannot find something that does not exist. You made the claim, therefore you get to provide the link!

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