The Politics of Pregnancy.

That is a religious belief not a scientific fact.

That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

Really? Please cite the scientific source for this "fact".

We don't need science. Take a 8 week old fetus out of a woman's body and it will not survive.

"We don't need science."

And here we have the mantra of the blood-thirsty Left abortionist.

No we have the words of a far right wing religious fanatic.
Is the baby just a "Clump of Cells"? We are all a clump of cells so why not just kill or murder "Undesirables"?

A Zygot is not a human life, or so I've been told anyway. Sorry, but what happens when sperm meets egg is a human life and should be afforded every right that we all enjoy.

When does water become water?
Is an oxygen molecule water?
What about an hydrogen molecule, is that water?
No, they are not but when you put the two together, two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen, they become water. They aren't almost water, or in the early stages of water, together they are water. There is no in between. The same goes for when sperm fertilizes an egg. Apart, they are just sperm and egg. Together they make a human life, not almost human or the potential of becoming human, they are human.

Careful, Busy will tell you this is "religion", because the people who do her thinking for her told her that "science" is defined as "whatever the fuck Busy wants to believe", and "religion" is defined as "anything that disagrees with Busy and suggests that she's the stupidest ambulatory object on the planet."
That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

Really? Please cite the scientific source for this "fact".

We don't need science. Take a 8 week old fetus out of a woman's body and it will not survive.

"We don't need science."

And here we have the mantra of the blood-thirsty Left abortionist.

No we have the words of a far right wing religious fanatic.

No, we have the words of a brainless vagina-on-legs, who is the only person who has actually mentioned religion. That would be you, since it's painfully obvious that you're not bright enough to figure that out yourself.

Tell me, what's it like to be a walking, talking, non-thinking embarrassment to humanity?
That is a religious belief not a scientific fact.

That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.
That is a religious belief not a scientific fact.

That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

I've got truth so its easy to debunk your lies. If you were taken off this planet and placed on uranus, you wouldn't survive.......but you're still life.

What you have is your religious beliefs. You are another one who wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. Name a scientist who thinks a fetus can survive outside of the woman's body.

Democrats support abortion......and infanticide.
Just as you do.

Every Democrat who voted for laws that allow children born due to a botched abortion favors killing you do.

Every state that allows abortion up to birth allows infanticide:

a. It would allow the slaughter as the child is partially out of the birth canal

b."The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Virginia governor faces backlash over comments supporting late-term abortion bill - CNNPolitics
...allowed to quietly die: infanticide.

You don't get to define what I believe. You are a religious fanatic just like the mullahs in Iran. Except you want to use the bible instead of the koran for your theocracy. I agree with the majority of the voters.'re a Leftist.

Still lying.

Show me one post where I've argued in favor of "the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
That's what you claimed I support. You're either a complete idiot (I'm leaning this way) or an unscrupulous liar (also a distinct possibility).

More proof? Sure.

You're fine with this:


LOL - yes, this is the disagreement that prompted your mistake. From this, you concluded that I was a "leftist". In particular that I favored "the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech". That's not true, and you've failed to provide ANY evidence that these are my views. Because they are not. You're simply lying because I disagree with you about abortion.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

More proof? Sure.

You're fine with this:


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

And this....

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky're a Leftist.

Let me know when I've beaten sense into you, and you change your views.

Until're simply a cookie-cutter boiler-plate Leftist.
That is a religious belief not a scientific fact.

That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

Really? Please cite the scientific source for this "fact".

We don't need science. Take a 8 week old fetus out of a woman's body and it will not survive.

"We don't need science" = This is why you get laughed at.

Now, see if you can plug your brain in and at least ATTEMPT to make it think. I know it'll be hard, being such an unfamiliar activity, but give it a try. You told me something was a scientific fact, shitforbrains. I asked you to prove that it was a scientific fact, and you responded that "We don't need science." Basically, pond scum, you just admitted that you lied your ass off.

A position you can't defend without lying is a position you know is wrong, and don't care. Another word for that would be "evil".

What you are encouraging that one to do may result in an aneurysm!!
You know this is not true, even Republicans take life support off of an infant. When a fetus in born, there is not an abortion, and murdering an infant is against the law in the US.

A human fetus is a human being.

That is a religious belief not a scientific fact.

THAT is a talking point, not a reality.

YOU are using talking points and no science.

Yes, I'm sure that's what the hive mind told you to believe. But since all you've had to say is "You just think that because of religion, which you never mentioned", I think I can live just fine with not caring what a fanatic drone thinks.

You espouse religious beliefs not scientific facts. A fetus is not a human being. A human being does not rely on a woman's body for support.
That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.
That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

I've got truth so its easy to debunk your lies. If you were taken off this planet and placed on uranus, you wouldn't survive.......but you're still life.

What you have is your religious beliefs. You are another one who wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. Name a scientist who thinks a fetus can survive outside of the woman's body.

Democrats support abortion......and infanticide.
Just as you do.

Every Democrat who voted for laws that allow children born due to a botched abortion favors killing you do.

Every state that allows abortion up to birth allows infanticide:

a. It would allow the slaughter as the child is partially out of the birth canal

b."The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Virginia governor faces backlash over comments supporting late-term abortion bill - CNNPolitics
...allowed to quietly die: infanticide.

You don't get to define what I believe. You are a religious fanatic just like the mullahs in Iran. Except you want to use the bible instead of the koran for your theocracy. I agree with the majority of the voters.


Everything I've posted and documented is based on science.

Do you know what 'science' is?
That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.
That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

I've got truth so its easy to debunk your lies. If you were taken off this planet and placed on uranus, you wouldn't survive.......but you're still life.

What you have is your religious beliefs. You are another one who wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. Name a scientist who thinks a fetus can survive outside of the woman's body.

Democrats support abortion......and infanticide.
Just as you do.

Every Democrat who voted for laws that allow children born due to a botched abortion favors killing you do.

Every state that allows abortion up to birth allows infanticide:

a. It would allow the slaughter as the child is partially out of the birth canal

b."The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Virginia governor faces backlash over comments supporting late-term abortion bill - CNNPolitics
...allowed to quietly die: infanticide.

You don't get to define what I believe. You are a religious fanatic just like the mullahs in Iran. Except you want to use the bible instead of the koran for your theocracy. I agree with the majority of the voters.

She's not defining what you believe, you meaningless clump of cells. She's stating the actual facts of the situation - something that I realize you don't have the brain power to recognize on your own - and pointing them out to you. Everyone here can see that what you believe has no relation whatsoever to facts and reality.

And once more, YOU are the only person mentioning religion. It must really suck to be a complete failure just by inhaling and exhaling. You have my pity.
That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

Really? Please cite the scientific source for this "fact".

We don't need science. Take a 8 week old fetus out of a woman's body and it will not survive.

"We don't need science."

And here we have the mantra of the blood-thirsty Left abortionist.

No we have the words of a far right wing religious fanatic.

There is no 'Far Right' in this country.

Don't you know anything????

Government schooling, huh?
That is scientific fact. I'll not argue with your delusional absurdity and stupidity.

It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

Really? Please cite the scientific source for this "fact".

We don't need science. Take a 8 week old fetus out of a woman's body and it will not survive.

"We don't need science" = This is why you get laughed at.

Now, see if you can plug your brain in and at least ATTEMPT to make it think. I know it'll be hard, being such an unfamiliar activity, but give it a try. You told me something was a scientific fact, shitforbrains. I asked you to prove that it was a scientific fact, and you responded that "We don't need science." Basically, pond scum, you just admitted that you lied your ass off.

A position you can't defend without lying is a position you know is wrong, and don't care. Another word for that would be "evil".

What you are encouraging that one to do may result in an aneurysm!!

Ssssshhhhh!!!! You'll ruin my plan!!!
A human fetus is a human being.

That is a religious belief not a scientific fact.

THAT is a talking point, not a reality.

YOU are using talking points and no science.

Yes, I'm sure that's what the hive mind told you to believe. But since all you've had to say is "You just think that because of religion, which you never mentioned", I think I can live just fine with not caring what a fanatic drone thinks.

You espouse religious beliefs not scientific facts. A fetus is not a human being. A human being does not rely on a woman's body for support.

YOU are the only one talking about religion, you walking tumor. A fetus is a human being; YOU, however, leave a lot of room for doubt.

"I just KNOW it's fact that life is defined by location . . . because I'm too pig-stupid to understand anything else! Nothing exists except what I can see!"

Seriously, you should stop talking where real people can hear you, or you might wind up in a lab with scientists trying to find out how a grunting Neanderthal managed to survive all this time.
Until're simply a cookie-cutter boiler-plate Leftist.


You said that I favored "the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech". That isn't true. You know it, and you know you fucked up. But you're too much of a coward to admit to a mistake.
Until're simply a cookie-cutter boiler-plate Leftist.


You said that I favored "the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech". That isn't true. You know it, and you know you fucked up. But you're too much of a coward to admit to a mistake.

I don't use vulgarity.

Leftists do.

And Losers.

Raise your paw.
Until're simply a cookie-cutter boiler-plate Leftist.


You said that I favored "the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech". That isn't true. You know it, and you know you fucked up. But you're too much of a coward to admit to a mistake.

I don't use vulgarity.

Leftists do.

And Losers.

Raise your paw.

You got nuthin. Proven wrong and floundering.
Until're simply a cookie-cutter boiler-plate Leftist.


You said that I favored "the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech". That isn't true. You know it, and you know you fucked up. But you're too much of a coward to admit to a mistake.

I don't use vulgarity.

Leftists do.

And Losers.

Raise your paw.

You got nuthin. Proven wrong and floundering.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

More proof? Sure.

You're fine with this:


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

And this....

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky're a Leftist.

Let me know when I've beaten sense into you, and you change your views.

Until're simply a cookie-cutter boiler-plate Leftist.
It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.
It is not a life as it cannot survive outside of the womb. That is a scientific fact.

I've got truth so its easy to debunk your lies. If you were taken off this planet and placed on uranus, you wouldn't survive.......but you're still life.

What you have is your religious beliefs. You are another one who wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. Name a scientist who thinks a fetus can survive outside of the woman's body.

Democrats support abortion......and infanticide.
Just as you do.

Every Democrat who voted for laws that allow children born due to a botched abortion favors killing you do.

Every state that allows abortion up to birth allows infanticide:

a. It would allow the slaughter as the child is partially out of the birth canal

b."The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Virginia governor faces backlash over comments supporting late-term abortion bill - CNNPolitics
...allowed to quietly die: infanticide.

You don't get to define what I believe. You are a religious fanatic just like the mullahs in Iran. Except you want to use the bible instead of the koran for your theocracy. I agree with the majority of the voters.


Everything I've posted and documented is based on science.

Do you know what 'science' is?

There is no scientific consensus on this. Even scientists have differing opinions on when a fetus is actually a life.

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