The Obesity Pandemic


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I admit that I don't get out much, but spending a weekend amongst the crowds at the Smithsonian and other tourist venues this past weekend has strongly reinforced my belief that we Americans are just toooooo fat.

Looking around me it seemed like almost everyone has this problem (I know that's an exaggeration, but...), and the older we get the worse it is.

As if to illustrate the point, I went to the hotel buffet breakfast on Sunday, and seated at a large table near me was what appeared to be several generations of the same family, ranging in age from 5-6 to 70. The obesity was almost linear. The little kids were thin, the highschool age kids were chunky, the adults (20-45) were significantly overweight, and the grandparents were morbidly obese.

This is worse than smoking. At least smokers can function (can't run but they can do everything else), but when you are fat you are shut off from a lot of the activities that, for me anyway, make life fun.

And ironically, we are obsessed with sex. I can't even imagine wanting to copulate with a woman who is built like Rosie O'Donnell. I'm sure the same is true of women looking at all the fat men. There must be a lot of sexually frustrated people out there. Thank God for internet porn and self-help.

I personally don't claim to be in wonderful physical condition, or to have any self-restraint for that matter. I have made a deal with my body: I eat like a pig and work out five days a week. With that deal, I'm not svelte, but presentable.

What could the Surgeon General do about the obesity pandemic?
I admit that I don't get out much, but spending a weekend amongst the crowds at the Smithsonian and other tourist venues this past weekend has strongly reinforced my belief that we Americans are just toooooo fat.

Looking around me it seemed like almost everyone has this problem (I know that's an exaggeration, but...), and the older we get the worse it is.

As if to illustrate the point, I went to the hotel buffet breakfast on Sunday, and seated at a large table near me was what appeared to be several generations of the same family, ranging in age from 5-6 to 70. The obesity was almost linear. The little kids were thin, the highschool age kids were chunky, the adults (20-45) were significantly overweight, and the grandparents were morbidly obese.

This is worse than smoking. At least smokers can function (can't run but they can do everything else), but when you are fat you are shut off from a lot of the activities that, for me anyway, make life fun.

And ironically, we are obsessed with sex. I can't even imagine wanting to copulate with a woman who is built like Rosie O'Donnell. I'm sure the same is true of women looking at all the fat men. There must be a lot of sexually frustrated people out there. Thank God for internet porn and self-help.

I personally don't claim to be in wonderful physical condition, or to have any self-restraint for that matter. I have made a deal with my body: I eat like a pig and work out five days a week. With that deal, I'm not svelte, but presentable.

What could the Surgeon General do about the obesity pandemic?

You notice both of these instantly if you take a trip abroad too. "How come everybody's so thin and sex doesn't permeate every thought"?

It's partly cultural and party the food supply. The latter is relentlessly and constantly engineered to sell more and more processed food with worse and worse (and cheaper) additives from corn syrup to frankenwheat; the cultural aspect has a populace living in a virtual world staring fixedly at a pixel screen, rather than engaging in the RW physically. We have descended to a mentality that e-mails a person who's sitting across the table and looks up a weather website to see what the temperature is instead of walking outside. Then we're enticed at every turn to have yet another snack of yet more processed junk, and by the way save time with this frozen shit -- it will give you more time for texting. And supersize it for only a quarter more -- appeal to value. Pay no attention to that man behind the sugar.
Honestly, who the fuck is the "surgeon general" to begin with? And SG hasn't done anything about smoking, so nothing will get done about obesity.
I partially blame the horrid convenience of all the fast food (part of Big Corporation). We need to wipe out the fast food and all the other highly processed food from the grocery stores.
I'm almost 200 lbs, but I'm pregnant and tall so it's okay. I'm (mostly) comfortable with my body.
Fast food companies and food factories are thriving right now because the majority chooses to buy those products. Most people don't realize the damage they're doing to their bodies by eating all those processed foods. I guarantee that 80% (if not more) of food contain GMO's, antibiotics, and God knows what else---fast food included. Not only do all these chemicals add up, but we aren't the only ones getting the short end of the stick. The animals are the first to have to endure this horrible experiment.
Anyways, if you keep buying something unhealthy (that also causes environmental waste and pollution) then the products will still be produced.
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.
I admit that I don't get out much, but spending a weekend amongst the crowds at the Smithsonian and other tourist venues this past weekend has strongly reinforced my belief that we Americans are just toooooo fat.

Looking around me it seemed like almost everyone has this problem (I know that's an exaggeration, but...), and the older we get the worse it is.

As if to illustrate the point, I went to the hotel buffet breakfast on Sunday, and seated at a large table near me was what appeared to be several generations of the same family, ranging in age from 5-6 to 70. The obesity was almost linear. The little kids were thin, the highschool age kids were chunky, the adults (20-45) were significantly overweight, and the grandparents were morbidly obese.

This is worse than smoking. At least smokers can function (can't run but they can do everything else), but when you are fat you are shut off from a lot of the activities that, for me anyway, make life fun.

And ironically, we are obsessed with sex. I can't even imagine wanting to copulate with a woman who is built like Rosie O'Donnell. I'm sure the same is true of women looking at all the fat men. There must be a lot of sexually frustrated people out there. Thank God for internet porn and self-help.

I personally don't claim to be in wonderful physical condition, or to have any self-restraint for that matter. I have made a deal with my body: I eat like a pig and work out five days a week. With that deal, I'm not svelte, but presentable.

What could the Surgeon General do about the obesity pandemic?

Dunno what effectiveness ciggy and alcohol warning labels have had, but it's a place to start the SG should be authorized to do. Put warnings on junk food. While most of us understand the term 'junk food' we may not understand just how junky it in fact is.

Junk food today is specially formulated with the sweet spot blend of sugar, fat, and salt to effect the brain just like a narcotic. The food stimulates the pleasure receptors exactly like heroin. Thus people eat it until it's gone because they're literally getting addicted to it.
It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?

By that logic it's none of your business if somebody notices an epidemic that reaches everybody, is it?
Obesity is not an epidemic.

In case you haven't figured this out yet obesity is a choice not a disease.

Is it really. :rolleyes:

adjective \ˌe-pə-ˈde-mik\
: affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time <typhoid was epidemic>


I must have missed it but apparently we all had a meeting to "choose" to get fat in the last two decades.

Looks like the meeting took place in the South -- maybe Louisiana. Which is odd since that's where I was living at the time. Why didn't they call me for this meeting? Damn. I bet they served beignets too.
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It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?

pretty much what I was thinking. but some people have a need to poke their noses and into everyone's lives. their reason for this is they HAVE TO PAY for them or something like that. Now you see why the Federal government thinks it has a right to tell us what to eat, what size cups we should drink from, the kinds of light bulbs we are allowed to have, etc etc
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.

Ignorant pap.

Not everyone has the time or background to sit on the interwebs looking up the latest dastardly plan in HFCS or GMOs. But on the other hand being mammals, everybody's gotta eat, all the time. As noted elsewhere, they have labs working 24/7 to get the next competitive profit edge though development of the newest synthetic poison. We get 30 seconds to read a label that gives us a lot of gibberish.

And that's only in the grocery store -- in a restaurant, faggetaboudit.

"Choice" my ass. That's a "Choice" in the same sense that I can "choose" to buy a Daihatsu. Sorry, going for a drink and finding the options are Coke, Pepsi or 7-Up, that's not a 'choice'.
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.

Ignorant pap.

Not everyone has the time or background to sit on the interwebs looking up the latest dastardly plan in HFCS or GMOs
. But on the other hand being mammals, everybody's gotta eat, all the time. As noted elsewhere, they have labs working 24/7 to get the next competitive profit edge though development of the newest synthetic poison. We get 30 seconds to read a label that gives us a lot of gibberish.

And that's only in the grocery store -- in a restaurant, faggetaboudit.

"Choice" my ass. That's a "Choice" in the same sense that I can "choose" to buy a Daihatsu. Sorry, going for a drink and finding the options are Coke, Pepsi or 7-Up, that's not a 'choice'.

:lol: Bullshit.

First bolded: everyone has five minutes to look up the calorie and nutritional content of what they are going to purchase.

Second bolded: You don't need hours to find out the information or hours to understand it. Ignorant people who choose to remain ignorant will remain so.

Third bolded: Once again, nutritional info is on the web. Easy to access, even on the go. I paired down a Red Robin burger because it was too high in cals. by looking up the nutritional info prior to going out out to eat. I made the choice.

Fourth option: you forgot water, tea, coffee.
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.

Ignorant pap.

Not everyone has the time or background to sit on the interwebs looking up the latest dastardly plan in HFCS or GMOs
. But on the other hand being mammals, everybody's gotta eat, all the time. As noted elsewhere, they have labs working 24/7 to get the next competitive profit edge though development of the newest synthetic poison. We get 30 seconds to read a label that gives us a lot of gibberish.

And that's only in the grocery store -- in a restaurant, faggetaboudit.

"Choice" my ass. That's a "Choice" in the same sense that I can "choose" to buy a Daihatsu. Sorry, going for a drink and finding the options are Coke, Pepsi or 7-Up, that's not a 'choice'.

:lol: Bullshit.

First bolded: everyone has five minutes to look up the calorie and nutritional content of what they are going to purchase.

Second bolded: You don't need hours to find out the information or hours to understand it. Ignorant people who choose to remain ignorant will remain so.

Third bolded: Once again, nutritional info is on the web. Easy to access, even on the go. I paired down a Red Robin burger because it was too high in cals. by looking up the nutritional info prior to going out out to eat. I made the choice.

Fourth option: you forgot water, tea, coffee.

:lol: Bullshit.

"I can spend my time looking up the intricacies of hydrogenated fats, therefore everyone can. What's more I never ever have to eat or drink anything that wasn't pre-planned". :eusa_hand:

This just in -- there's more to the world than Numero Uno and his OCD lifestyle.
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.

Ignorant pap.

Not everyone has the time or background to sit on the interwebs looking up the latest dastardly plan in HFCS or GMOs
. But on the other hand being mammals, everybody's gotta eat, all the time. As noted elsewhere, they have labs working 24/7 to get the next competitive profit edge though development of the newest synthetic poison. We get 30 seconds to read a label that gives us a lot of gibberish.

And that's only in the grocery store -- in a restaurant, faggetaboudit.

"Choice" my ass. That's a "Choice" in the same sense that I can "choose" to buy a Daihatsu. Sorry, going for a drink and finding the options are Coke, Pepsi or 7-Up, that's not a 'choice'.

:lol: Bullshit.

First bolded: everyone has five minutes to look up the calorie and nutritional content of what they are going to purchase.

Second bolded: You don't need hours to find out the information or hours to understand it. Ignorant people who choose to remain ignorant will remain so.

Third bolded: Once again, nutritional info is on the web. Easy to access, even on the go. I paired down a Red Robin burger because it was too high in cals. by looking up the nutritional info prior to going out out to eat. I made the choice.

Fourth option: you forgot water, tea, coffee.

:lol: Bullshit.

"I can spend my time looking up the intricacies of hydrogenated fats, therefore everyone can. What's more I never ever have to eat or drink anything that wasn't pre-planned". :eusa_hand:

This just in -- there's more to the world than Numero Uno and his OCD lifestyle.

So the government making food mfgrs, restaurants, etc post nutritional information so people can inform themselves is just a waste of time and money? Give them a call and let them know, mmkay?

Like I said, ignorant people who choose to remain ignorant will remain so.
It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

So i guess we need to ban skiing, mountain biking, and mountain climbing because they all increase the risk of injury, thus the risk of medical costs, and thus my premiums.....
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.

Ignorant pap.

Not everyone has the time or background to sit on the interwebs looking up the latest dastardly plan in HFCS or GMOs
. But on the other hand being mammals, everybody's gotta eat, all the time. As noted elsewhere, they have labs working 24/7 to get the next competitive profit edge though development of the newest synthetic poison. We get 30 seconds to read a label that gives us a lot of gibberish.

And that's only in the grocery store -- in a restaurant, faggetaboudit.

"Choice" my ass. That's a "Choice" in the same sense that I can "choose" to buy a Daihatsu. Sorry, going for a drink and finding the options are Coke, Pepsi or 7-Up, that's not a 'choice'.

:lol: Bullshit.

First bolded: everyone has five minutes to look up the calorie and nutritional content of what they are going to purchase.

Second bolded: You don't need hours to find out the information or hours to understand it. Ignorant people who choose to remain ignorant will remain so.

Third bolded: Once again, nutritional info is on the web. Easy to access, even on the go. I paired down a Red Robin burger because it was too high in cals. by looking up the nutritional info prior to going out out to eat. I made the choice.

Fourth option: you forgot water, tea, coffee.

:lol: Bullshit.

"I can spend my time looking up the intricacies of hydrogenated fats, therefore everyone can. What's more I never ever have to eat or drink anything that wasn't pre-planned". :eusa_hand:

This just in -- there's more to the world than Numero Uno and his OCD lifestyle.

So the government making food mfgrs, restaurants, etc post nutritional information so people can inform themselves is just a waste of time and money? Give them a call and let them know, mmkay?

Like I said, ignorant people who choose to remain ignorant will remain so.

--- said the army of one to his mirror. :lol:

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