The Obesity Pandemic

To me, America's obesity problem is not the real issue when it comes to nutrition.
The fact that most obese people in America are in fact malnourished AT THE SAME TIME is downright startling. You would obviously think that it would be impossible to be significantly overweight and malnourished. But in America, it is not only possible, but normal.
And THAT is the real issue. The quality of food in America is in critical decline. And only a few folks are talking about it.
Ask any adult which is healthier a hot fudge sundae or a plate of steamed veggies and I will bet that all of them will say the veggies.

People know what is healthy and what isn't. Fat people just don't care so they eat the junk
It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Sorry still none of your business.

So we don't have the right to examine what's going on? It's "none of our buisness" what the food supply contains? It's "none of our business" what effects HFCS and GMO and trans fats and vast increases in sugar and transmogrified wheat have on us and we should just shut up and gurgle, "yes master may I have another"?

It is our business to know what's in our food and how it affects us. But in the end, it comes down to choice. You can choose to eat the high-cal, sugar/fat/salt laden/processed foods or to eat cleaner/healthier/less processed foods ... or any combination of both groups. You can choose to live a sedentary lifestyle or choose to get up and move. In the end it comes down to personal choice.
Is it really. :rolleyes:

adjective \ˌe-pə-ˈde-mik\
: affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time <typhoid was epidemic>


I must have missed it but apparently we all had a meeting to "choose" to get fat in the last two decades.

Looks like the meeting took place in the South -- maybe Louisiana. Which is odd since that's where I was living at the time. Why didn't they call me for this meeting? Damn. I bet they served beignets too.
If people didn't choose to get fat then how did they get fat?

Is fat contagious? Is fat a transmissible disease?

The answer to both is a resounding NO.

So now you tell me how all these people got fat if it was not by their own hand? Did someone tie them down and force feed them Big Macs and Twinkies?

Explain the dates then. Show me the minutes of that meeting where America decided to start eating more.


Why don't you show me who is making people eat more against their will?

Don't have an answer, do ya?
There's a reason for that.
You don't seem to have an answer to my question either do you?

Yours doesn't have an answer either. That's because your premise is fucked. That premise being that alimentary ingestion is a matter of personal choice and that's all there is to it. Which is horseshit. If we lived in a world where everyone grew/raised/hunted/gathered their own food, or at best if the food supply chain were not fatally processed to death (literally) by outside entities, then that premise might have legs. But that world no longer exists.

My rhetorical question doesn't have an answer because I posed it as an absurdity to demonstrate why your premise doesn't work. You'd need an answer to that question to make it work. Obviously America didn't get together at a picnic in 1990 and collectively decide to eat more. That tells us some outside influence is at work. Think about it.
Ask any adult which is healthier a hot fudge sundae or a plate of steamed veggies and I will bet that all of them will say the veggies.
People know what is healthy and what isn't. Fat people just don't care so they eat the junk

Look deeper.
The small plate of steamed veggies cost twice as much as the ice cream sundae.
Fresh produce is outrageously high. Fresh bakery items are also. And good meats? Get out of town.
A lot of people eat crap because the crap is CHEAP.
24 cans of coke at Walmart - $.24 cents a can. $5.98
A large bag of Doritos this week is $1.98...oh wait..a can of Pringles is $.88
Oh look - one of those big packages of Oreos - $2.29!!!
A package of bologna - $1.99
Total = $13.12
How far will $13 get you in the fresh produce section?
Or in fresh meats?
I admit that I don't get out much, but spending a weekend amongst the crowds at the Smithsonian and other tourist venues this past weekend has strongly reinforced my belief that we Americans are just toooooo fat.

Looking around me it seemed like almost everyone has this problem (I know that's an exaggeration, but...), and the older we get the worse it is.

As if to illustrate the point, I went to the hotel buffet breakfast on Sunday, and seated at a large table near me was what appeared to be several generations of the same family, ranging in age from 5-6 to 70. The obesity was almost linear. The little kids were thin, the highschool age kids were chunky, the adults (20-45) were significantly overweight, and the grandparents were morbidly obese.

This is worse than smoking. At least smokers can function (can't run but they can do everything else), but when you are fat you are shut off from a lot of the activities that, for me anyway, make life fun.

And ironically, we are obsessed with sex. I can't even imagine wanting to copulate with a woman who is built like Rosie O'Donnell. I'm sure the same is true of women looking at all the fat men. There must be a lot of sexually frustrated people out there. Thank God for internet porn and self-help.

I personally don't claim to be in wonderful physical condition, or to have any self-restraint for that matter. I have made a deal with my body: I eat like a pig and work out five days a week. With that deal, I'm not svelte, but presentable.

What could the Surgeon General do about the obesity pandemic?

Well, for one, if a person is on federal food assistance, or getting free lunch, and is obese, the federal government should intervene.

Same thing for the morbidly obese on Medicaid.

Morbid obesity is a national security issue.

It is breaking our healthcare system.

Only 1/4 of draft age Americans are fit for the draft.

Harder to make a case for intervention for those who "carry their own weight".
Honestly, who the fuck is the "surgeon general" to begin with? And SG hasn't done anything about smoking, so nothing will get done about obesity.
I partially blame the horrid convenience of all the fast food (part of Big Corporation). We need to wipe out the fast food and all the other highly processed food from the grocery stores.
I'm almost 200 lbs, but I'm pregnant and tall so it's okay. I'm (mostly) comfortable with my body.
Fast food companies and food factories are thriving right now because the majority chooses to buy those products. Most people don't realize the damage they're doing to their bodies by eating all those processed foods. I guarantee that 80% (if not more) of food contain GMO's, antibiotics, and God knows what else---fast food included. Not only do all these chemicals add up, but we aren't the only ones getting the short end of the stick. The animals are the first to have to endure this horrible experiment.
Anyways, if you keep buying something unhealthy (that also causes environmental waste and pollution) then the products will still be produced.

How tall are you?

Nine feet?
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.
No junk food should be allowed to be purchased with food stamps.

No kid in a food stamp family should get a free breakfast and lunch at school just so the family can have junk food at home.

Families on food stamps should have to pack a lunch; and a Michelle Obama approved one at that.
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.
Michelle had a good idea but her idea won't stop obesity. Removing the fast food and processed foods from the market will greatly reduce the obesity rate.
Not feeding the free lunch kids 360 extra meals a day(180x1 breakfast and one lunch), and making the family use the food stamps for food instead of junk would be a greater step toward ending obesity.

Also, return the playgrounds to the kids, and end PC pussy no exercise recess(where junk food is often the main attraction) and let the kids get out and play.
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.

Ignorant pap.

Not everyone has the time or background to sit on the interwebs looking up the latest dastardly plan in HFCS or GMOs. But on the other hand being mammals, everybody's gotta eat, all the time. As noted elsewhere, they have labs working 24/7 to get the next competitive profit edge though development of the newest synthetic poison. We get 30 seconds to read a label that gives us a lot of gibberish.

And that's only in the grocery store -- in a restaurant, faggetaboudit.

"Choice" my ass. That's a "Choice" in the same sense that I can "choose" to buy a Daihatsu. Sorry, going for a drink and finding the options are Coke, Pepsi or 7-Up, that's not a 'choice'.
Never heard of water, and tea?
pogo said:
:lol: Bullshit.

"I can spend my time looking up the intricacies of hydrogenated fats, therefore everyone can. What's more I never ever have to eat or drink anything that wasn't pre-planned". :eusa_hand:

This just in -- there's more to the world than Numero Uno and his OCD lifestyle.

So the government making food mfgrs, restaurants, etc post nutritional information so people can inform themselves is just a waste of time and money? Give them a call and let them know, mmkay?

Like I said, ignorant people who choose to remain ignorant will remain so.

--- said the army of one to his mirror. :lol:

Ha, ha ... you've got nothing so you resort to joking.

Here, since you have no choice in what you put in your body and no way to find the nutritional information on food. Down the hatch!


I can eat that three meals a day, and still keep my weight steady between 180-190, depending on season and exercise.

I average 185, a bit more if it is too hot or cold, a bit less when hunting hard or gardening hard.

Intake v output, more important than what you eat.
No one is holding a gun to your (collective) head forcing you to eat Doritos, Snickers, MickeyD's, etc. Is the sugar/fat/salt combo a strong draw? Oh, absolutely. But that's all it is, a draw. The majority of it is people making the choice to eat shit. The don't know how bad a regular diet of crap is? Please. Of course they do, they just choose to ignore it. They have dietary, nutritional, physical fitness, exercise info at their fingertips via the interwebs. They know. Huge part of the problem is that so many do not understand/practice moderation. Candy bar once in a while, no big deal. Same with anything else. It's the steady, consistent eating of crap that is the problem. Laziness absolutely is a big part of it as well.

No junk food should be allowed to be purchased with food stamps.

Oh I totally agree with that. You let me at that list of approved foods, I'll start cutting out what I nix for myself, and we'll end up with a long-ass list of no longer eligible foods. You'll also get a lot of whining, because it means their food stamp dollar isn't going as far (see post 47). But of course that's true whether you're spending money or EBT isn't it?

But you are correct, and it completely undermines the arguments of the Zooms and Skulls that it's entirely about personal choice. Good show.
Marketing Noggin

We can try to reorient consumerism culture (i.e., Burger King) to understand the humanism behind food marketing. For example, the American cooking instructional television channel, Food Network, presents annual Thanksgiving menu cooking shows. These shows offer glimpses of cultural trends in food ornamentation marketing.

Here's a home-made dish I made --- "Shrimp and Breaded-Beef with Cream of Mushroom & Lemon Juice." I can serve this alternative entree for Thanksgiving with cornbread.

Imagining various savory Thanksgiving items for cornbread pairings can make anyone feel better about food/cornbread hoopla.

The key is psyche.


Hellmouth - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Sorry still none of your business.
I C so you're facts-averse. :thup: Got it. Carry on.
Until you can mandate what another person should weigh there is nothing you can do about it. So let me know when you get the law mandating BMI limits for all.

If and only if that happens will another person's weight be any of your business
Ask any adult which is healthier a hot fudge sundae or a plate of steamed veggies and I will bet that all of them will say the veggies.
People know what is healthy and what isn't. Fat people just don't care so they eat the junk

Look deeper.
The small plate of steamed veggies cost twice as much as the ice cream sundae.
Fresh produce is outrageously high. Fresh bakery items are also. And good meats? Get out of town.
A lot of people eat crap because the crap is CHEAP.
24 cans of coke at Walmart - $.24 cents a can. $5.98
A large bag of Doritos this week is $1.98...oh wait..a can of Pringles is $.88
Oh look - one of those big packages of Oreos - $2.29!!!
A package of bologna - $1.99
Total = $13.12
How far will $13 get you in the fresh produce section?
Or in fresh meats?
Frozen produce is cheap and just as healthy as fresh.
And it's funny how I ate a bologna sandwich every day for lunch when i was a kid and was never fat.

It's the eating of 4 or 5 sandwiches for lunch that's the problem not having one.

There was a time in my life where I lived on Mac and cheese and ramen and was never fat. It's all a matter of degree and everyone knows it.

Ask any fat guy who lives on bologna sandwiches chips and Coke if eating only 2 slices of bologna on a sandwich instead of 20 will result in weight loss or if eating only 10 chips instead of half the bag and having a diet coke will result in weight loss and what do you think the answer would be?

Everyone already knows all this. The fact is they do not care and choose to be fat
It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Sorry still none of your business.
Sorry, it is the business of the people paying the taxes that provide for free food and free medical care.
Not all obese people get free food and health care do they?

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