The NFL controversery and television viewership


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The government needs a way to document and analyze what people are watching on TV. This would enable them to identify individuals who may be unwittingly supporting subversive organizations and help them understand why they must stop doing it. If people who are watching a lot of NFL games can be individually talked to by government officials and educated on the subject, it could have an effect on the base of the NFL's support.

Also, the government should talk with sponsors of the NFL, television networks that broadcast their games, as well as merchandise manufacturers and retailers and persuade them to break off their relationship with the NFL until they straighten out their behavior and apologize to the nation. Additionally, people continuing to purchase tickets could be looked at as well.
Who's going to take names as their fans are pouring into the stadiums? I watch two games today and it sure looked like both were packed with fans.
The government needs a way to document and analyze what people are watching on TV. This would enable them to identify individuals who may be unwittingly supporting subversive organizations and help them understand why they must stop doing it. If people who are watching a lot of NFL games can be individually talked to by government officials and educated on the subject, it could have an effect on the base of the NFL's support.

Also, the government should talk with sponsors of the NFL, television networks that broadcast their games, as well as merchandise manufacturers and retailers and persuade them to break off their relationship with the NFL until they straighten out their behavior and apologize to the nation. Additionally, people continuing to purchase tickets could be looked at as well.
Is this sarcasm?

The answer to that is not only no, but fuck no.

The fans can deal with the NFL. If the government starts that shit, that really IS a violation of the Constitution.

Change their (the NFL) behavior with your wallet, not government thugs.
Who's going to take names as their fans are pouring into the stadiums? I watch two games today and it sure looked like both were packed with fans.

They stand at the exits and talk to them as they leave. They document them, give them material to read and then allow them to leave.
Who's going to take names as their fans are pouring into the stadiums? I watch two games today and it sure looked like both were packed with fans.
They stand at the exits and talk to them as they leave. They document them, give them material to read and then allow them to leave.
That's more unAmerican than kneeling. Don't you realize that or are you just another shitposting troll? :rolleyes:
Who's going to take names as their fans are pouring into the stadiums? I watch two games today and it sure looked like both were packed with fans.

They stand at the exits and talk to them as they leave. They document them, give them material to read and then allow them to leave.

Well, then they are having their rights infringed upon. I think I have died and gone to Nazi Germany. Thank you for clarifying you're just another Nazi.
The government needs a way to document and analyze what people are watching on TV. This would enable them to identify individuals who may be unwittingly supporting subversive organizations and help them understand why they must stop doing it. If people who are watching a lot of NFL games can be individually talked to by government officials and educated on the subject, it could have an effect on the base of the NFL's support.

Also, the government should talk with sponsors of the NFL, television networks that broadcast their games, as well as merchandise manufacturers and retailers and persuade them to break off their relationship with the NFL until they straighten out their behavior and apologize to the nation. Additionally, people continuing to purchase tickets could be looked at as well.

Not sure what "apologizing" would be about but presumably that's the military for setting up all this prostituted fake-patriotism with taxpayer money.

They did get spanked for that; whether it involved "apologizing" I don't know or really care --- but as for the NFL it did return some $723,000 of that military pimp money and supposedly are auditing to return any more over that.

Not sure what your point is here.
There's an NFL controversy? Again? Maybe one day I'll actually try to watch TV again. It might be safe, don't want brain cells exploding........
If people who are watching a lot of NFL games can be individually talked to by government officials and educated on the subject, it could have an effect on the base of the NFL's support.

"talked to by government officials"? :wtf:

Would the conversation involve the phrase "ve haff vays...."?

I just scrolled up to see if this thread was posted under "Satire". It isn't. So thanks for confirming everything I've been saying about mindless robotic mob mentality and what it leads to. I may quote you in future to illustrate that point.

Also, the government should talk with sponsors of the NFL, television networks that broadcast their games, as well as merchandise manufacturers and retailers and persuade them to break off their relationship with the NFL

Ah yes, Bigly Gummint in charge of the corporations. Vere haff I heard zat before....

Additionally, people continuing to purchase tickets could be looked at as well.

They'll need a Dachau to be set up first. Think FEMA should do that?
Who's going to take names as their fans are pouring into the stadiums? I watch two games today and it sure looked like both were packed with fans.

They stand at the exits and talk to them as they leave. They document them, give them material to read and then allow them to leave.

"allow them to leave"

Are you Dim Dung? Posting from Pyonyang?
The government needs a way to document and analyze what people are watching on TV. This would enable them to identify individuals who may be unwittingly supporting subversive organizations and help them understand why they must stop doing it. If people who are watching a lot of NFL games can be individually talked to by government officials and educated on the subject, it could have an effect on the base of the NFL's support.

Also, the government should talk with sponsors of the NFL, television networks that broadcast their games, as well as merchandise manufacturers and retailers and persuade them to break off their relationship with the NFL until they straighten out their behavior and apologize to the nation. Additionally, people continuing to purchase tickets could be looked at as well.
Who's going to take names as their fans are pouring into the stadiums? I watch two games today and it sure looked like both were packed with fans.

They stand at the exits and talk to them as they leave. They document them, give them material to read and then allow them to leave.
Give them material to read?

Oh. You mean propaganda.

No thanks.
Dude they already know. They watch you through your TV.

The Deep State knows everything. Everything you do. Everywhere you go. Everyone you know.

Wait a minute, I know that one.


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