The "next" Democratic FEAR tactic?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The have used the Health care debate to claim thousands would die with out passage, even though almost none of the provisions occur for YEARS. So what will be the next one? I know, Conservatives ( and there for Republicans) are a threat to peace and will cause killings and other asundery mayhem. The are already doing that on a smaller5 scale now.

I imagine they will make dire predictions if their liberal SC Judge pick is opposed as well. And of course they will find someway to claim Republicans are preventing jobs as well.
The "next" Democratic FEAR tactic?

Sarah Palin will be President
Cap & Trade!

We'll all die when the ice caps melt!



The have used the Health care debate to claim thousands would die with out passage, even though almost none of the provisions occur for YEARS. So what will be the next one? I know, Conservatives ( and there for Republicans) are a threat to peace and will cause killings and other asundery mayhem. The are already doing that on a smaller5 scale now.

I imagine they will make dire predictions if their liberal SC Judge pick is opposed as well. And of course they will find someway to claim Republicans are preventing jobs as well.

Unless we confirm Angela Davis as next supreme court justice women will be forced to have abortions in back alleys.
Unless we institute a VAT our dollar will become worthless and we'll be a backwater nation.
Unless we pass comprehensive immigration reform that allows illegals and their underage children to vote Democrat and collect from the middle class, millions will die die die die die die die dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
dieeeeeeee from Global Warming tooooooo

Here's little Paco, his Mommy died because she was afraid to go for free health care

You killed Paco's Mommy!!!
I think the next Democratic fear is for them to realize that come the next couple election cycles, as they are exposed for what they really are, they will loose control of the House, the Senate and the Presidentcy. This in itself isn't such a bad thing but the one single thing that will bring them fear is what in the hell are they going to do with Nancy Pelosi when they have to keep her caged up due to her lunatical ranting and ravings about how she was the one single person who brought financial stability to America.
Democratic fear tactic? If the party doesn't reinvent itself, it will become irrelevant. Or some such statement on a certain Wednesday morning in November.

Until then, immigration, cap and trade or jobs creation are not on their side.
The have used the Health care debate to claim thousands would die with out passage, even though almost none of the provisions occur for YEARS. So what will be the next one? I know, Conservatives ( and there for Republicans) are a threat to peace and will cause killings and other asundery mayhem. The are already doing that on a smaller5 scale now.

I imagine they will make dire predictions if their liberal SC Judge pick is opposed as well. And of course they will find someway to claim Republicans are preventing jobs as well.

Oh, I've already answered that. Here is some "required reading" for all "Republicans" to help develop better "sound bytes".

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