The newt pandering for hispanic votes.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

What the Newt said was that we are not going to deport 11 million aliens by rounding them up. Not going to deport them does not mean we cannot. Over 400,000 were deported last year. No one has suggested that and that is just more pro-amnesty rhetoric for amnesty. But Newt rounding them up and putting them in holding camps and them putting them on busses, trains, planes and donkeys are not the only way to deport them. If the cannot work them will leave. The present economy has proved that. One million plus have self-deported because they cannot find work. Does that mean there is work in Mexico where the unemployment rate is 4.5%?

Is the Newt for amnesty? You bet he is. Has he not heard of E-Verify?
Someone please tell the Newt the damage that illegal aliens are doing to America and Americans and why we are spending million trying to secure the border and why border patrol agents are busting their butts chasing illegal aliens cross the desert day and night.
People like the Newt is the reason we have illegal immigration in the first place.

Is Gingrich pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants? Please. - The Insiders - The Washington Post
not a smart move.....

most hispanics wont be voting in the primaries and this stance will turn away many republicans......
If he had said anything else, you'd be talking about how he wants to destroy families. So, yawn, can't expect anything else from a leftist.

Because I saw the debate, what he did say was that there is no will in America to deport anyone here over 25 years and had children and grandchildren. Can the left tell the truth? No.

Personally, I would like to see illegals taken out of hospitals and nursing homes and put on the bus, train or plane back. I'd like to see Grandma and Grandpa put in chains and dragged bodily from the baby's first birthday party. I can tell you, categorically, after years in the anti illegal movement, that there is no will in this country to do that so what Newt said was absolutely correct.

The left cannot tell the truth.
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Appartenly, according to Newt---when an illegal alien commits a crime 25 years ago it is okie dokie.
But if that crime of illegal coming to America happened 3 years ago, that is a crime and not okie dokie?

He is riding a slippy slope. If he allows amnesty for illegals who have been here for 25 years. The one that came yesterday will clog up our court houses making arguments how they have the right to stay.

Illegal immigration is the one issue I thought the Rep had it right--secure the borders and deport illegals. Newt has changed the party stance. What is he thinking. Enough is enough. No amnesty!
If he had said anything else, you'd be talking about how he wants to destroy families. So, yawn, can't expect anything else from a leftist.

Because I saw the debate, what he did say was that there is no will in America to deport anyone here over 25 years and had children and grandchildren. Can the left tell the truth? No.

Personally, I would like to see illegals taken out of hospitals and nursing homes and put on the bus, train or plane back. I'd like to see Grandma and Grandpa put in chains and dragged bodily from the baby's first birthday party. I can tell you, categorically, after years in the anti illegal movement, that there is no will in this country to do that so what Newt said was absolutely correct.

The left cannot tell the truth.

And he's absolutely wrong about the Debates and your post have shown. The right wing hates everyone.
If he had said anything else, you'd be talking about how he wants to destroy families. So, yawn, can't expect anything else from a leftist.

Because I saw the debate, what he did say was that there is no will in America to deport anyone here over 25 years and had children and grandchildren. Can the left tell the truth? No.

Personally, I would like to see illegals taken out of hospitals and nursing homes and put on the bus, train or plane back. I'd like to see Grandma and Grandpa put in chains and dragged bodily from the baby's first birthday party. I can tell you, categorically, after years in the anti illegal movement, that there is no will in this country to do that so what Newt said was absolutely correct.

The left cannot tell the truth.

And he's absolutely wrong about the Debates and your post have shown. The right wing hates everyone.

LOL Misdirected memo?
I wana know how Newt plans to prove someone has lived here for 25 years or not when they are illegal... What huge massive Government function will he create just to figure this out? Every illegal will claim they have been here for 25 years, have 3 kids, have paid taxes and go to church...
Newt is right.. Some of these folks have been living here illegally for decades. They have kids and grandkids born here so they are citizens. Its to bad we can't kick em out but it just ain't never gonna happen.

Both parties have had ample time to secure the border but it never gets done. They are both vying for the Hispanic vote and getting reelected trumps what it costs the taxpayers in social services to support these illegals.

We need our border secured and I'm hoping a new President will see that its done.
Appartenly, according to Newt---when an illegal alien commits a crime 25 years ago it is okie dokie.
But if that crime of illegal coming to America happened 3 years ago, that is a crime and not okie dokie?

He is riding a slippy slope. If he allows amnesty for illegals who have been here for 25 years. The one that came yesterday will clog up our court houses making arguments how they have the right to stay.

Illegal immigration is the one issue I thought the Rep had it right--secure the borders and deport illegals. Newt has changed the party stance. What is he thinking. Enough is enough. No amnesty!

This won't fly with RWers...just ask Frank Luntz.
Based upon what, your imagination?

no, based on facts, something you have only a passing familiarity with.......

Facts and Figures: Latino Voters . NOW | PBS


* By 2050,

fucking comical.

yes, you have trouble with facts, we know that......

you misssed.. or ignored.....

Latinos Move Back to the Democratic Party
% of registered voters saying they identify with or lean to a party

Top Issues for Latino Voters in 2008

comical indeed.......
Newt is right.. Some of these folks have been living here illegally for decades. They have kids and grandkids born here so they are citizens. Its to bad we can't kick em out but it just ain't never gonna happen.

Both parties have had ample time to secure the border but it never gets done. They are both vying for the Hispanic vote and getting reelected trumps what it costs the taxpayers in social services to support these illegals.

We need our border secured and I'm hoping a new President will see that its done.

I consider myself fairly conservative, but I agree whole-heartedly with Newt. Considering the parameters he listed, I'm fine with such folks staying.

The key word for me was 'families.'

What the Newt said was that we are not going to deport 11 million aliens by rounding them up. Not going to deport them does not mean we cannot. Over 400,000 were deported last year. No one has suggested that and that is just more pro-amnesty rhetoric for amnesty. But Newt rounding them up and putting them in holding camps and them putting them on busses, trains, planes and donkeys are not the only way to deport them. If the cannot work them will leave. The present economy has proved that. One million plus have self-deported because they cannot find work. Does that mean there is work in Mexico where the unemployment rate is 4.5%?

Is the Newt for amnesty? You bet he is. Has he not heard of E-Verify?
Someone please tell the Newt the damage that illegal aliens are doing to America and Americans and why we are spending million trying to secure the border and why border patrol agents are busting their butts chasing illegal aliens cross the desert day and night.
People like the Newt is the reason we have illegal immigration in the first place.

Is Gingrich pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants? Please. - The Insiders - The Washington Post
At the current capacity of DHS to deport illegal aliens.....which is bottlenecked at the immigration court level, and DHS detention would take 74 years to deport 11 million people. Add to that....the time and manpower it takes to identify, and round up all 11 million. You'd be looking at 100 years....AND more spending from the government!

Crime statistics are down in Arizona, California, Texas, and New Mexico. The numbers of illegals are down. The number of jobs available to illegals is down.

Illegal populations are declining, and the way the economy is going, the problem will solve itself.

I'm not for amnesty per se'.....but how expensive, and effective would a "round up and deport" be?...especially with our still unsecured border?
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Newt is right.. Some of these folks have been living here illegally for decades. They have kids and grandkids born here so they are citizens. Its to bad we can't kick em out but it just ain't never gonna happen.

Both parties have had ample time to secure the border but it never gets done. They are both vying for the Hispanic vote and getting reelected trumps what it costs the taxpayers in social services to support these illegals.

We need our border secured and I'm hoping a new President will see that its done.

I consider myself fairly conservative, but I agree whole-heartedly with Newt. Considering the parameters he listed, I'm fine with such folks staying.

The key word for me was 'families.'
You're not fairly're arch righty conservative........Ann Coulter conservative.........maybe not Lyndon Larouche conservative...........but nowhere near "fairly" conservative.....:lol:

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