Secured border will not stop illegal immigration.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(Perry thinks it will)

Secured border will not stop illegal immigration and neither will another amnesty. No matter how secure the border is if there are jobs, Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens, free medical care, social services benefits and free education they will come. Over, under and around a 12 foot electrifying fence, through a moats of alligators. They will eat the alligators and make shoes, purses and belts with their skins. The only way to stop illegal immigration is at the work place and repealing Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens. Trying to stop illegal immigration at the border is a waste time and money and is a 25 year old joke and we have 20 million illegal aliens since the last amnesty in 1986 to prove it. Amnesty now only means another amnesty in another 25 years and so on and so on.

No one really want to do what is takes to stop illegal immigration. Enforcement of our immigration laws. States understand what it take but Obama and the DOJ don’t. Which if not enforced is not worth the time it take to pass them or the paper it is written on.
We need to put the military on the border that will stop the illegal aliens from crossing the border. Say, we put about 150,000 soldiers on the border or more, with orders to shoot to kill that should do it.

This will serve 2 purposes it will help secure our countries sovereignty and also help the soldier’s transition from deployment into civilian life without going through Post Traumatic Syndrome, PTS.

A lot of the soldiers coming home from the Middle East will suffer from Post Traumatic Syndrome, PTS if they are just release in to American society. They need a transition period the border duty would be perfect for that. Patrolling the border would give them the transition time they need to adjust from being released from military duty into civilian life.

The weather and the terrain are much like Iraq and Pakistan and they would be in a relatively safe zone. Except for the drug cartels they might encounter. But they can handle that, it would be a piece of cake for those guys. Because they’re already so well equipped and so well trained. Some of them could also be trained to become Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers. It would be perfect!

One thing for sure we have to vote out all the old politicians that created this mess in the first place. They are the one's who are stopping any progress on controlling the border. Every thing they do is a failure. The illegal aliens are illiterate, 75% of them have less than a 6th grade education and they're smarter than our politicians! Knowing that you know it’s really time to vote out all these old cronies in Washington D.C. and clean house in every state on every level.

It’s obvious the illegal aliens aren’t the problem it’s the politicians who are the REAL problem.

We Need Occupy Wall Street On the Border, ASAP! Let’s get some organizing and funding going to make that come true!


A report shows 75% of illegal aliens have less than a 6th grade education. Over 71% have children. 30% admit of using forged social security cards, and half of them have done so, for more than 5 years.

Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, into their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

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It’s obvious the illegal aliens aren’t the problem it’s the politicians who are the REAL problem.

The may not be a problem in your neighborhood and city but in mine there are a pain in the butt. I have moved three time in the past 10 years to get away from them and the crimes associated. I have seen neighborhoods and people's live destroyed because by illegal aliens. My brother was one of them.
You cannot have the problem is just one of them existed. We can deal with the politicians. Fire them.
(Perry thinks it will)

Secured border will not stop illegal immigration and neither will another amnesty. No matter how secure the border is if there are jobs, Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens, free medical care, social services benefits and free education they will come. Over, under and around a 12 foot electrifying fence, through a moats of alligators. They will eat the alligators and make shoes, purses and belts with their skins. The only way to stop illegal immigration is at the work place and repealing Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens. Trying to stop illegal immigration at the border is a waste time and money and is a 25 year old joke and we have 20 million illegal aliens since the last amnesty in 1986 to prove it. Amnesty now only means another amnesty in another 25 years and so on and so on.

No one really want to do what is takes to stop illegal immigration. Enforcement of our immigration laws. States understand what it take but Obama and the DOJ don’t. Which if not enforced is not worth the time it take to pass them or the paper it is written on.

Birth right citizenship is one of the many great things about our country.

Get over it.
It’s obvious the illegal aliens aren’t the problem it’s the politicians who are the REAL problem.

The may not be a problem in your neighborhood and city but in mine there are a pain in the butt. I have moved three time in the past 10 years to get away from them and the crimes associated. I have seen neighborhoods and people's live destroyed because by illegal aliens. My brother was one of them.
You cannot have the problem is just one of them existed. We can deal with the politicians. Fire them.

Maybe only living through it will show people how destructive it is. Like you, I have. Securing the border is only one solution. We need more. Empower the states to enforce laws. Prosecute employers and landlords who harbor them. Stop prosecuting Citizens protecting themselves from illegals. Stop prosecuting border patrol agents for doing their jobs.

Will it stop illegal immigration? No. Every country has illegal immigration. We can minimize it and make it less damaging.
It’s obvious the illegal aliens aren’t the problem it’s the politicians who are the REAL problem.

The may not be a problem in your neighborhood and city but in mine there are a pain in the butt. I have moved three time in the past 10 years to get away from them and the crimes associated. I have seen neighborhoods and people's live destroyed because by illegal aliens. My brother was one of them.
You cannot have the problem is just one of them existed. We can deal with the politicians. Fire them.

Maybe only living through it will show people how destructive it is. Like you, I have. Securing the border is only one solution. We need more. Empower the states to enforce laws. Prosecute employers and landlords who harbor them. Stop prosecuting Citizens protecting themselves from illegals. Stop prosecuting border patrol agents for doing their jobs.

Will it stop illegal immigration? No. Every country has illegal immigration. We can minimize it and make it less damaging.

And every Empire has its slaves - and that's exactly what got us into this mess in the first place. Undocumented workers have been transported from Mexico for uncounted years and the practice was sanctioned for those years by the State governments.

And I'm still asking for someone to tell me exactly who is going to do the work now done by undocumented workers? And I'm still saying the only people taking American jobs are aliens, just not illegal ones. But then that's how the system works, now isn't it? Especially when the only line that matters is the bottom one.
It’s obvious the illegal aliens aren’t the problem it’s the politicians who are the REAL problem.

The may not be a problem in your neighborhood and city but in mine there are a pain in the butt. I have moved three time in the past 10 years to get away from them and the crimes associated. I have seen neighborhoods and people's live destroyed because by illegal aliens. My brother was one of them.
You cannot have the problem is just one of them existed. We can deal with the politicians. Fire them.

Maybe only living through it will show people how destructive it is. Like you, I have. Securing the border is only one solution. We need more. Empower the states to enforce laws. Prosecute employers and landlords who harbor them. Stop prosecuting Citizens protecting themselves from illegals. Stop prosecuting border patrol agents for doing their jobs.

Will it stop illegal immigration? No. Every country has illegal immigration. We can minimize it and make it less damaging.

And every Empire has its slaves - and that's exactly what got us into this mess in the first place. Undocumented workers have been transported from Mexico for uncounted years and the practice was sanctioned for those years by the State governments.

And I'm still asking for someone to tell me exactly who is going to do the work now done by undocumented workers? And I'm still saying the only people taking American jobs are aliens, just not illegal ones. But then that's how the system works, now isn't it? Especially when the only line that matters is the bottom one.

The evidence doesn't support that. Since the illegals left Alabama, the unemployment rate has dropped two full points.
It’s obvious the illegal aliens aren’t the problem it’s the politicians who are the REAL problem.

The may not be a problem in your neighborhood and city but in mine there are a pain in the butt. I have moved three time in the past 10 years to get away from them and the crimes associated. I have seen neighborhoods and people's live destroyed because by illegal aliens. My brother was one of them.
You cannot have the problem is just one of them existed. We can deal with the politicians. Fire them.

You're right that was a wrong statement. What I meant was the illegal aliens wouldn't be a problem if the politicians didn't leave the border open and give them incentives to come to America. You are right by saying they are a huge problem in America. The politicians created this huge problem and the Americans have to deal with it, on an everyday basis across this nation. That’s not right!

I feel for you and I have read some of your posts and I want to tell you that I am proud of you for fighting back. It takes a lot of courage and I hope you keep yourself safe, buy a gun if you don’t already have one. So, many people just take it and don’t do anything about it. Some people just move away from the problem and the illegal aliens take over their neighborhoods.

I believe that the Politicians are the biggest problem for allowing it and condoning it. The illegal aliens are a HUGE problem in the United States only because the politicians encouraged them to come and allow them to work and allow them to get on welfare and other social services and make the taxpayers pay for it.

I know exactly the vicinity that you speak of in Reno in the Neil Road area. They use to call it "Little Tijuana" when the non-English speaking Hispanic started moving in because they were so backwards. I think they chose that area because it’s walking distance to some of the casinos and near the city bus routes and K-Mart.

I remember when that area was filled with only American people and the Smith Ridge apartments and condominiums were brand new and were absolutely beautiful properties. Everything in that area was really nice.

Then the casinos started inviting in the illegal aliens to work as maids, bust boys and general grunt workers, and they ruined everything. I might add that the American did do those jobs before the casinos found out the illegal aliens would work for half price. The illegal aliens drove people out with their violence and 3rd world ways and people they sold their homes and left in fear and the dwellings went downhill from there. The illegal aliens just ran everybody out and took over.

I heard that the illegal aliens lived with 7-15 people living in 1 & 2 bdrm. apartments. People who owned the buildings said that when the illegals would move out (had to flee) there would be bunk beds in every room and garbage everywhere. One guy said he rented his house to a couple and it ended up with 20+ illegal aliens living in it and they had to get a Hazmat company to go in and clean it up after he got his house back.

I also, saw them destroy other neighborhoods if you drove down Sutro St. by the fairgrounds (which is now called Martin Luther Dr.) you would see in the illegal aliens back yards farm animals and hear chicken crowing and dirty kids running around underneath clothes lines and that was in the city limits on a major thoroughfare. It was a residental area and it was happening everywhere people were appalled by it. When the city came down on the illegal aliens and they thought that their rights were being violated and a spokesperson complained to the media about it.

The illegal aliens congregated in other places in Reno. They would move into older mobile home parks where one illegal would shoot at another illegal and the bullet would go through 2 or 3 other mobile homes with the residence inside.

I talked to one guy and he said that they butchered a pig in his neighborhood and it was squealing loudly and it was a bloody site and they did it on the front porch, facing the street. The kids were riding their bicycles up and down the street and went and told their parents what was going on and the police were call. The police asked them why they didn’t just kill the pig and they said that they were bleeding it ,and that’s why the pig was squealing so loudly.

Back then I was totally unaware of the dangers of these people nobody knew anything about them and they didn't speak English and they stayed to themselves. I might of even thought that they “poor” and were trying to make a life for themselves.

Then the crimes started and I realized that we had created a monster by letting them get away with lesser crimes like crossing the border illegally. The crimes have gotten worse and more of them. I fear that they get away with their most heinous crimes. If they commit a crime and things get too hot for them they just change their name and move on. This seems to be a pattern of what illegal aliens are doing in America.
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