The Mormon Speech is For Real


Apr 11, 2006
Well, Mitt Romney must be getting ready to drop out of the race for President. He has given the ‘Mormon Speech’. In it he told us little about the bizarre sect and just repeated a lot of what we already know.
The United States of America was founded partly to provide a haven for religious freedom. As a result this nation protects Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Bhuddists, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists and people who believe in witches and small singing mushrooms who live in the woods.
The Mormon’s have gotten their twisted views in the national spotlight and that should, hopefully, keep them quiet for 15 years or so. Putting Mitt Romney in the White House, however, makes little sense. His campaign, like that of Barack Obama, seems to be a vehicle for undermining our nation, rather than strengthening it. Barack Obama, you see, has a large following of fringe Muslims – some of whom believe that spaceships are circling earth prepared to destroy white people and put black people in command of the earth.
The Mormon religion was founded by one Mr. Smith – who was about 15 years old and apparently suffering from epilepsy as he (according to a Mormon instruction book) fell down a lot and immediately thereafter seemed to have a vision.
The boy grew to a man and along the way became convinced that an angel named Moroni revealed to him a metal book that described how Jews had landed in Chili hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. They believe that these Jews built the cities of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec empires and were eventually exterminated by the rest of the Indians in what appears to be one of the first holocausts.
The angel Moroni was apparently the ghost of the son of the last leader of the Jews, known as Nephites.
To give you an idea of the sort of racism that is promoted by the Mormon religion one need only to note the description of Native American Indians given by the ‘Book of Mormon’.
“The Lamanites led a roving, aggressive life; kept few or no records, and soon lost the art of history writing. They lived on the results of the chase and by plunder, degenerating in habit until they became typical progenitors of the dark-skinned race, afterward discovered by Columbus and named American Indians.”
Smith claimed to find the book on a mountain in New York near his home in Vermont . Later on he and some of his followers claimed that John the Baptist came back to life or descended from heaven and came to the United States to baptize them.
There were many reasons that the Mormons were driven west into the desert – among them were racism, marrying more than one woman and slavery.
Romney’s speech boiled down to, “I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it.”
Well that’s all well and good but do you want him to live by his faith while he is supposed to be working for you?
Spaceships filled with Black Panthers and Jews in Chile – you can’t say we don’t have a lively Presidential contest brewing up this time.
Well, Mitt Romney must be getting ready to drop out of the race for President. He has given the ‘Mormon Speech’. In it he told us little about the bizarre sect and just repeated a lot of what we already know.
The United States of America was founded partly to provide a haven for religious freedom. As a result this nation protects Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Bhuddists, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists and people who believe in witches and small singing mushrooms who live in the woods.
The Mormon’s have gotten their twisted views in the national spotlight and that should, hopefully, keep them quiet for 15 years or so. Putting Mitt Romney in the White House, however, makes little sense. His campaign, like that of Barack Obama, seems to be a vehicle for undermining our nation, rather than strengthening it. Barack Obama, you see, has a large following of fringe Muslims – some of whom believe that spaceships are circling earth prepared to destroy white people and put black people in command of the earth.
The Mormon religion was founded by one Mr. Smith – who was about 15 years old and apparently suffering from epilepsy as he (according to a Mormon instruction book) fell down a lot and immediately thereafter seemed to have a vision.
The boy grew to a man and along the way became convinced that an angel named Moroni revealed to him a metal book that described how Jews had landed in Chili hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. They believe that these Jews built the cities of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec empires and were eventually exterminated by the rest of the Indians in what appears to be one of the first holocausts.
The angel Moroni was apparently the ghost of the son of the last leader of the Jews, known as Nephites.
To give you an idea of the sort of racism that is promoted by the Mormon religion one need only to note the description of Native American Indians given by the ‘Book of Mormon’.
“The Lamanites led a roving, aggressive life; kept few or no records, and soon lost the art of history writing. They lived on the results of the chase and by plunder, degenerating in habit until they became typical progenitors of the dark-skinned race, afterward discovered by Columbus and named American Indians.”
Smith claimed to find the book on a mountain in New York near his home in Vermont . Later on he and some of his followers claimed that John the Baptist came back to life or descended from heaven and came to the United States to baptize them.
There were many reasons that the Mormons were driven west into the desert – among them were racism, marrying more than one woman and slavery.
Romney’s speech boiled down to, “I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it.”
Well that’s all well and good but do you want him to live by his faith while he is supposed to be working for you?
Spaceships filled with Black Panthers and Jews in Chile – you can’t say we don’t have a lively Presidential contest brewing up this time.

Smith was also fucked fourteen year okd girls and was a convicted criminal.

As for your modern day Mormon, apparently RGS didn't mind getting his magic undies off in Asian brothels during his service days. I wonder how old the girls he picked were....:shock:
Smith was also fucked fourteen year okd girls and was a convicted criminal.

As for your modern day Mormon, apparently RGS didn't mind getting his magic undies off in Asian brothels during his service days. I wonder how old the girls he picked were....:shock:

Liar, provide some actual evidence. Ohh wait, I forgot your to insane to actually be listened to.
Reformed (?) Gook Shagger:

Liars need a good memory, SINNER! :eusa_naughty:

Except for the fact I did NOT say I used said Hookers, but of course simple facts like that WOULD escape a retard like you.

Still waiting for evidence that Smith did anything like you claimed. As for being a criminal, ya a RELIGIOUS criminal, charged by locals because of his RELIGIOUS views and nothing else. I might add murdered for them too by a lynch mob. Remind me what happened to the people that murdered him.
I believe RGS used to baptise his hookers...after he sodomised them. :lol:

Wanna play this game? You senile old fuck? I hear your to ugly to even get laid by a PAID hooker, You have to catch Kangaroos and fuck them.

Now provide some evidence that I ever paid a hooker anywhere in the world.
Except for the fact I did NOT say I used said Hookers, but of course simple facts like that WOULD escape a retard like you.

Still waiting for evidence that Smith did anything like you claimed. As for being a criminal, ya a RELIGIOUS criminal, charged by locals because of his RELIGIOUS views and nothing else. I might add murdered for them too by a lynch mob. Remind me what happened to the people that murdered him.

As a liar you are about as convincing as your Presibent! :rofl:

You do realise that you credibility as a Mormon if forever compromised on this board now, don't you!

Furthermore, are you saying Smithy didn't shag 14-year old girls? :eusa_shifty:
As a liar you are about as convincing as your Presibent! :rofl:

You do realise that you credibility as a Mormon if forever compromised on this board now, don't you!

Furthermore, are you saying Smithy didn't shag 14-year old girls? :eusa_shifty:

My religion has nothing to do with my credibility. Now run along and fuck some more Kangaroos.

As for Smith , I notice you have not provided any evidence to back your claim. I also notice you have not addressed what happened to the Lynch mob that shot and killed Smith. Nor the outright theft of early Mormon property in communities they bought and paid for land that others did not want, made productive and then were driven out. Nor the burning of their churches and physical assaults they suffered at the hands of "good" Christian citizens.

You haven't mentioned the Mormon War either, where a sitting President deposed a Territorial Governor, never told him and sent an army to attack peaceful US citizens , for the crime of not relinquishing a post he was never informed he had been removed from.
Here let me help you out. Here is a list of his wives. And yes he married 2 14 year olds in 1843. Hardly the pervert you were hoping for though. He was murdered in 1844 and his first wife opposed all his other marriages so they were secret and with as many as the man married I suggest he was hardly 'shagging" anyone on a regular basis.

But do feel free to twist it anyway you please.
blah blah blah

Soo...what did he say that was so scandalous? Link?

I honestly think people are willing to look past his religion, it's not like he's going to establish a Mormon theocratic government. If his campaign stalls, it will be because people don't like his message and because he's an empty suit.
My religion has nothing to do with my credibility. Now run along and fuck some more Kangaroos.

As for Smith , I notice you have not provided any evidence to back your claim. I also notice you have not addressed what happened to the Lynch mob that shot and killed Smith. Nor the outright theft of early Mormon property in communities they bought and paid for land that others did not want, made productive and then were driven out. Nor the burning of their churches and physical assaults they suffered at the hands of "good" Christian citizens.

You haven't mentioned the Mormon War either, where a sitting President deposed a Territorial Governor, never told him and sent an army to attack peaceful US citizens , for the crime of not relinquishing a post he was never informed he had been removed from.

What was go “good” about the Filipina hookers, Shag Nasty?

Were you - like your equally hypocritical Presidrunk did with “Pooty Woot” Putin - looking within at their potentially decent Mormon souls? :badgrin:

Were they simply innocently parading for you in those neck-to-knee passion-killer underpants, that Moron women wear, while you starched the front of yours hands-free? :eusa_sick:

I said you fuck slopehead prostitutes. I proved that to any reasonable man's satisfaction.

As for Joe Smith, I'm sick of proving what a felonious pervert he was

The rest is just your usual feeble attempts to create strawmen/draw a red-herring over your slimy trail.

Face it, Gummy, you've been shown up as a classical Seppo hypocrite, without enough sense to shut the fuck up before he digs himself an even deeper hole :rolleyes:

Now fuck off, I watching the golf!

What was go “good” about the Filipina hookers, Shag Nasty?

Were you - like your equally hypocritical Presidrunk did with “Pooty Woot” Putin - looking within at their potentially decent Mormon souls? :badgrin:

Were they simply innocently parading for you in those neck-to-knee passion-killer underpants, that Moron women wear, while you starched the front of yours hands-free? :eusa_sick:

I said you fuck slopehead prostitutes. I proved that to any reasonable man's satisfaction.

As for Joe Smith, I'm sick of proving what a felonious pervert he was

The rest is just your usual feeble attempts to create strawmen/draw a red-herring over your slimy trail.

Face it, Gummy, you've been shown up as a classical Seppo hypocrite, without enough sense to shut the fuck up before he digs himself an even deeper hole :rolleyes:

Now fuck off, I watching the golf!

Your Ignorant slander is hardly proof of anything. You can not find a single quote by me where I ever said I had sex with prostitutes. Your whole claim is based on the fact I knew, as did any person with eyes, ears and the capacity for thought, that was in Subic Bay or Olongapo City PI in the early 80's that the place was crawling with hookers. They worked in the bars, they prawled the streets, they were even on base at the beach I also spoke of.

One did not even have to leave the barracks to see them as the Navy rules allowed them to be in the barracks at any hour as long as they were not actually sleeping there. You could not go to the shower or bathroom without running into one or more "visiting" some occupant of the enlisted unaccompanied barracks. And if you rented a room in a hotel in town you would find them in the buildings there also. Jeepney and Tricycle drivers ask you if you wanted one when you rode in their vehicles. They offered unasked to take you to any of a number of places to get a "massage" shower and screw. Hawkers stood outside bars and shouted out they were available inside. You ran into them at the bank and any restraunt you went to.

None of which is proof that I ever slept with one. And having never had a veneral Disease or AIDS I suggest that is pretty good proof to counter your ignorant claim.

Using your logic, every cop and every emergency medical person in every major city in the world must pay hookers, since they KNOW of them.

When your done fucking your latest Kangaroo get back to us with some actual proof of your claim you moron.
:redface: :redface:
Your Ignorant slander is hardly proof of anything. You can not find a single quote by me where I ever said I had sex with prostitutes. Your whole claim is based on the fact I knew, as did any person with eyes, ears and the capacity for thought, that was in Subic Bay or Olongapo City PI in the early 80's that the place was crawling with hookers. They worked in the bars, they prawled the streets, they were even on base at the beach I also spoke of.

One did not even have to leave the barracks to see them as the Navy rules allowed them to be in the barracks at any hour as long as they were not actually sleeping there. You could not go to the shower or bathroom without running into one or more "visiting" some occupant of the enlisted unaccompanied barracks. And if you rented a room in a hotel in town you would find them in the buildings there also. Jeepney and Tricycle drivers ask you if you wanted one when you rode in their vehicles. They offered unasked to take you to any of a number of places to get a "massage" shower and screw. Hawkers stood outside bars and shouted out they were available inside. You ran into them at the bank and any restraunt you went to.

None of which is proof that I ever slept with one. And having never had a veneral Disease or AIDS I suggest that is pretty good proof to counter your ignorant claim.

Using your logic, every cop and every emergency medical person in every major city in the world must pay hookers, since they KNOW of them.

When your done fucking your latest Kangaroo get back to us with some actual proof of your claim you moron.

Was it Liberace or Elton John who said:

San Francisco was a shit-hole, except for the Golden Gate Bridge and the wall-to-wall faggots, that sucked your cock for free!! :eusa_drool: :eusa_drool: :eusa_drool:

Not that I fucked any of them :hellno: :eusa_angel: :eusa_angel: ....just a passing observation! :redface: :redface: :eusa_liar:
Well, Mitt Romney must be getting ready to drop out of the race for President. He has given the ‘Mormon Speech’. In it he told us little about the bizarre sect and just repeated a lot of what we already know.
The United States of America was founded partly to provide a haven for religious freedom. As a result this nation protects Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Bhuddists, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists and people who believe in witches and small singing mushrooms who live in the woods.
The Mormon’s have gotten their twisted views in the national spotlight and that should, hopefully, keep them quiet for 15 years or so. Putting Mitt Romney in the White House, however, makes little sense. His campaign, like that of Barack Obama, seems to be a vehicle for undermining our nation, rather than strengthening it. Barack Obama, you see, has a large following of fringe Muslims – some of whom believe that spaceships are circling earth prepared to destroy white people and put black people in command of the earth.
The Mormon religion was founded by one Mr. Smith – who was about 15 years old and apparently suffering from epilepsy as he (according to a Mormon instruction book) fell down a lot and immediately thereafter seemed to have a vision.
The boy grew to a man and along the way became convinced that an angel named Moroni revealed to him a metal book that described how Jews had landed in Chili hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. They believe that these Jews built the cities of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec empires and were eventually exterminated by the rest of the Indians in what appears to be one of the first holocausts.
The angel Moroni was apparently the ghost of the son of the last leader of the Jews, known as Nephites.
To give you an idea of the sort of racism that is promoted by the Mormon religion one need only to note the description of Native American Indians given by the ‘Book of Mormon’.
“The Lamanites led a roving, aggressive life; kept few or no records, and soon lost the art of history writing. They lived on the results of the chase and by plunder, degenerating in habit until they became typical progenitors of the dark-skinned race, afterward discovered by Columbus and named American Indians.”
Smith claimed to find the book on a mountain in New York near his home in Vermont . Later on he and some of his followers claimed that John the Baptist came back to life or descended from heaven and came to the United States to baptize them.
There were many reasons that the Mormons were driven west into the desert – among them were racism, marrying more than one woman and slavery.
Romney’s speech boiled down to, “I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it.”
Well that’s all well and good but do you want him to live by his faith while he is supposed to be working for you?
Spaceships filled with Black Panthers and Jews in Chile – you can’t say we don’t have a lively Presidential contest brewing up this time.

You know, considering this information isnt very difficult to find online, you sure dont know jack about mormons.
Smith was also fucked fourteen year okd girls and was a convicted criminal.

As for your modern day Mormon, apparently RGS didn't mind getting his magic undies off in Asian brothels during his service days. I wonder how old the girls he picked were....:shock:

again, facts arent really that difficult to find. Joseph wasnt convicted of anything.
:redface: :redface:

Was it Liberace or Elton John who said:

Hate to tell you this Chips, but what he says about Subic Bay and Olongapo City is quite true, and you damned sure wouldn't catch me touching any of those disease-infested whores. Shit, most everyone I knew that did was getting penicillin shots the next week.

It's like that in Bangkok, Phuket, and Bali as well, and certain areas of Hong Kong.

I haven't seen any pussy yet worth dying over.

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