The Left Is Palinising The Royal Wedding

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I, for one, am offended that the Palins did not rate an invite to the royal wedding

The Queen must be jealous of Sarah
I guess there must be something I could care less about, but offhand I cannot quite identify what that something is.
beautiful couple? you mean some geeking guy who was born into privilege from a familily that made it's fame and fortune on the dead bodies of the poor and helpless(many of them Americans) is going to marry some good looking gold digger......BEAUTIFUL!

I don't see how you can live with yourself.

Nothing in this world is good, except for the hope for communism in this country, aye comrade?

Would it help if his Daddy Charles was an avid supporter of Global Warming?

what? I live quite weel thank you ,you think hiding the truth makes one happy? I'm not a communist, just a realist.
I, for one, am offended that the Palins did not rate an invite to the royal wedding

The Queen must be jealous of Sarah

Or..... it could be that no one, other than really, really stupid people (on either side of the aisle) are the only ones who give a shit about Palin.

In fact, I'd go on the record and state that most people in the UK wouldn't even know who the hell Sarah Palin is. But, please, do not let facts and reality get in the way of your rampant stupidity. You never have before.
I just wonder when the media is going to realize that we don't have royalty in this nation.
beautiful couple? you mean some geeking guy who was born into privilege from a familily that made it's fame and fortune on the dead bodies of the poor and helpless(many of them Americans) is going to marry some good looking gold digger......BEAUTIFUL!

I don't see how you can live with yourself.

Nothing in this world is good, except for the hope for communism in this country, aye comrade?

Would it help if his Daddy Charles was an avid supporter of Global Warming?

what? I live quite weel thank you ,you think hiding the truth makes one happy? I'm not a communist, just a realist.

What country do you live in?

And you don't have to be a communist to admire it, just willfully ignorant.
I don't see how you can live with yourself.

Nothing in this world is good, except for the hope for communism in this country, aye comrade?

Would it help if his Daddy Charles was an avid supporter of Global Warming?

what? I live quite weel thank you ,you think hiding the truth makes one happy? I'm not a communist, just a realist.

What country do you live in?

And you don't have to be a communist to admire it, just willfully ignorant.

United States and I don't admire communism it's a fallicay much like free markets.
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I tuned into NBC this morning by accident this and in only a few minutes I could not believe all of the nasty off-hand remarks they made of the Royal wedding.


What the hell do they have against Prince William?

This is getting to be an obsession. What happened since the days of Lady Di.


I keep seeing CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NBC laying it to the royal couple. It's like the way they treat Donald Trump. They just think it's a friggen joke.

I've got ideas why this is happening, but I wonder why all of them are doing it?
Who's going to the royal wedding? Check out the guest list! -

You're full of shit. I've watched MSNBC's coverage of the wedding 3 straight days. I haven't heard one negative thing about the couple. Just coverage on who's gonna be there, and what the ceremony will involve. I personally couldn't give a shit about the wedding.. but hey, I wish them well. They're a great looking couple.


You're just using this as a chance to attack Obama. As you use everything to do.

There's a name for what you guys do..

Obama Derangement Syndrome: The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.

Urban Dictionary: obama derangement syndrome

I would add to that..

"Never letting anything pass without blaming Obama". It's so stupid and childish.. :lol:.

And wtf is "Palinising?" :eusa_eh:.. New right-wing word?
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what? I live quite weel thank you ,you think hiding the truth makes one happy? I'm not a communist, just a realist.

What country do you live in?

And you don't have to be a communist to admire it, just willfully ignorant.

United States and I don't admire communism it's a fallicay much like free markets.

Living "weel" in America doesn't prove that communism is a great way of life.

It proves the opposite.
I tuned into NBC this morning by accident this and in only a few minutes I could not believe all of the nasty off-hand remarks they made of the Royal wedding.


What the hell do they have against Prince William?

This is getting to be an obsession. What happened since the days of Lady Di.


I keep seeing CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NBC laying it to the royal couple. It's like the way they treat Donald Trump. They just think it's a friggen joke.

I've got ideas why this is happening, but I wonder why all of them are doing it?
Who's going to the royal wedding? Check out the guest list! -

You're full of shit. I've watched MSNBC's coverage of the wedding 3 straight days. I haven't heard one negative thing about the couple. Just coverage on who's gonna be there, and what the ceremony will involve. I personally couldn't give a shit about the wedding.. but hey, I wish them well. They're a great looking couple.


You're just using this as a chance to attack Obama. As you use everything to do.

There's a name for what you guys do..

Obama Derangement Syndrome: The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.

Urban Dictionary: obama derangement syndrome

I would add to that..

"Never letting anything pass without blaming Obama". It's so stupid and childish.. :lol:.

And wtf is "Palinising?" :eusa_eh:.. New right-wing word?

Muddy has to have some diversion, their presidential playing field is looking so glum. Especially Palin's pathetic polling.
I tuned into NBC this morning by accident this and in only a few minutes I could not believe all of the nasty off-hand remarks they made of the Royal wedding.


What the hell do they have against Prince William?

This is getting to be an obsession. What happened since the days of Lady Di.


I keep seeing CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NBC laying it to the royal couple. It's like the way they treat Donald Trump. They just think it's a friggen joke.

I've got ideas why this is happening, but I wonder why all of them are doing it?
Who's going to the royal wedding? Check out the guest list! -

You're full of shit. I've watched MSNBC's coverage of the wedding 3 straight days. I haven't heard one negative thing about the couple. Just coverage on who's gonna be there, and what the ceremony will involve. I personally couldn't give a shit about the wedding.. but hey, I wish them well. They're a great looking couple.


You're just using this as a chance to attack Obama. As you use everything to do.

There's a name for what you guys do..

Obama Derangement Syndrome: The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.

Urban Dictionary: obama derangement syndrome

I would add to that..

"Never letting anything pass without blaming Obama". It's so stupid and childish.. :lol:.

And wtf is "Palinising?" :eusa_eh:.. New right-wing word?

You're so blind.

I guess this is why you're so lost. MSNBC is one of the worst when it comes to making fun of the wedding.

I guess you're used to the way they talk so much you don't notice an obvious snub.

Chris Mathews really tied into them with his panel yesterday.
I tuned into NBC this morning by accident this and in only a few minutes I could not believe all of the nasty off-hand remarks they made of the Royal wedding.


What the hell do they have against Prince William?

This is getting to be an obsession. What happened since the days of Lady Di.


I keep seeing CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NBC laying it to the royal couple. It's like the way they treat Donald Trump. They just think it's a friggen joke.

I've got ideas why this is happening, but I wonder why all of them are doing it?
Who's going to the royal wedding? Check out the guest list! -

You're full of shit. I've watched MSNBC's coverage of the wedding 3 straight days. I haven't heard one negative thing about the couple. Just coverage on who's gonna be there, and what the ceremony will involve. I personally couldn't give a shit about the wedding.. but hey, I wish them well. They're a great looking couple.


You're just using this as a chance to attack Obama. As you use everything to do.

There's a name for what you guys do..

Obama Derangement Syndrome: The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.

Urban Dictionary: obama derangement syndrome

I would add to that..

"Never letting anything pass without blaming Obama". It's so stupid and childish.. :lol:.

And wtf is "Palinising?" :eusa_eh:.. New right-wing word?

Muddy has to have some diversion, their presidential playing field is looking so glum. Especially Palin's pathetic polling.

Like that bothers me.

We'll see how the election turns out regardless how the press tries to suppress the GOP vote.

Usually elections turn out the way people are talking around the water cooler, and what I hear is not good for Obama.
What country do you live in?

And you don't have to be a communist to admire it, just willfully ignorant.

United States and I don't admire communism it's a fallicay much like free markets.

Living "weel" in America doesn't prove that communism is a great way of life.

It proves the opposite.

Didn't say it did nor is America Communist. The poster asked "How do I live with myself" and my response was " quite weel".
You're full of shit. I've watched MSNBC's coverage of the wedding 3 straight days. I haven't heard one negative thing about the couple. Just coverage on who's gonna be there, and what the ceremony will involve. I personally couldn't give a shit about the wedding.. but hey, I wish them well. They're a great looking couple.


You're just using this as a chance to attack Obama. As you use everything to do.

There's a name for what you guys do..

Urban Dictionary: obama derangement syndrome

I would add to that..

"Never letting anything pass without blaming Obama". It's so stupid and childish.. :lol:.

And wtf is "Palinising?" :eusa_eh:.. New right-wing word?

Muddy has to have some diversion, their presidential playing field is looking so glum. Especially Palin's pathetic polling.

Like that bothers me.

We'll see how the election turns out regardless how the press tries to suppress the GOP vote.

Usually elections turn out the way people are talking around the water cooler, and what I hear is not good for Obama.

Hang in there, maybe Trump can bring it home to the GOP for ya.
United States and I don't admire communism it's a fallicay much like free markets.

Living "weel" in America doesn't prove that communism is a great way of life.

It proves the opposite.

Didn't say it did nor is America Communist. The poster asked "How do I live with myself" and my response was " quite weel".


I think you're lying to yourself.

You can derive from the Royal Wedding all of that pain and suffering, all of the negativity and you think you're living weel. It's also why you identify with Obama so easily.

Could it be you can't stand seeing someone else being privileged. Does envy rule your life more then you will admit?

I think it's highly possible.

Its why Obama and his like are able to use our worst character traits against us. How he and those who are like him are able to manipulate us into thinking that the rich need to be punished. It's an age old game they're playing. It's brainwashing.

Obama will never be able to bring us together because he can't help himself. He considers himself to be better then us and anyone who is really royal is a source of scorn for him. He can't help but hate those he feels are privileged. His head is so full of nonsense that he can't think straight. Having been surrounded by communists from birth has taught him this. He's smooth and clever and well practiced, he even gave classes at the university on how to be a radical and not appear confrontational. He sometimes lets loose with a gaff that shows his true feelings but the press takes it a upon themselves to cover for him.

I for one don't envy Obama. I feel sorry for him. He could be a source of hope for this nation instead of source of constant conflict. His constant need to divide and conquer is his only goal in life outside of living high on the hog on someone else's dime. The Royals can see right through him and for that he hates them.
I tuned into NBC this morning by accident this and in only a few minutes I could not believe all of the nasty off-hand remarks they made of the Royal wedding.


What the hell do they have against Prince William?

This is getting to be an obsession. What happened since the days of Lady Di.


I keep seeing CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NBC laying it to the royal couple. It's like the way they treat Donald Trump. They just think it's a friggen joke.

I've got ideas why this is happening, but I wonder why all of them are doing it?
Who's going to the royal wedding? Check out the guest list! -

I like them and plan on watching the wedding.

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