The Left Controls the Media

Now depending on how many times the Media cited the think tanks that were rated by the politician cites determines the media bias. This rating system is so moronic and worthless that only a CON$ervative would be stupid enough not to see it no matter how many times it is explained and swallow it whole and without question. Obviously CON$ are the target audience for the phony "study" from the "Liberal" UCLA.

If not stupid than desperate to fill the void that is rightist dogma.
Yes, it was masterful the way Air America put Rush out of business.

Well, there you go...we have one nut in this thread admitting that the left doesn't control the media.

Weak comeback... You were pwned....

I'm not sure how getting daveman to admit that the left does not control the media translates into getting 'pwned' but I'm sure you'll entertain us with an explanation of that.
well, thats always possible. please describe and provide some examples that lead to the contrived or jigged results they wished to validate...thank you in advance.

hello edthecynic, still waiting....:eusa_whistle:
The perpetual CON$ervative dumb act again. They were posted in my exchange with the right-wing hack Meister.

Since, as a CON$ervative, you are too lazy to go back and read them, I'll summarize.

The authors, passed off as Libs because of their connection to UCLA, are hacks for the biggest and most radical right-wing think tanks, Heritage Foundation, AEI, and the Hoover Institute, as well as contributers of right -wing propaganda for RW extremist publications like The American Spectator. Groseclose was a Hoover Institution 2000-2001 national fellow; Milyo, received a $40,500 grant from AEI; and, Groseclose and Milyo were named by Heritage as Salvatori fellows in 1997.

To get their cooked results, they used a Politician's ADA ratings and think tanks to determine MEDIA bias. So if a poiltician with a CON$ervative rating cites the ACLU think tank, that makes the ACLU CON$ervative and any media that cites the ACLU is also CON$ervative. Now you say, the ACLU is about as Liberal as a think tank can get, but in the fake "study" the ACLU was rated as CON$ervative, the Right-wing Rand Corporation was rated Liberal, and the Liberal think tank Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments was rated as more "conservative" than AEI and than the National Taxpayers Union. Thus Drudge leans Left and Brit Hume is in the Middle.

Now depending on how many times the Media cited the think tanks that were rated by the politician cites determines the media bias. This rating system is so moronic and worthless that only a CON$ervative would be stupid enough not to see it no matter how many times it is explained and swallow it whole and without question. Obviously CON$ are the target audience for the phony "study" from the "Liberal" UCLA.

Thank you in advance for your apology.

so their rating system is flawed? I see. and the screed against the authors? in your understanding, anyone that takes grants from any 'right wing' org. is tainted, there fore any study performed under the umbrella of a liberal org. ala grants is tainted as well?

anyway, if the results are cooked, why did UCLA not disown the study? It is published as their sponsored product

and as ucla noted;

"No matter the results, we feared our findings would've been suspect if we'd received support from any group that could be perceived as right- or left-leaning, so we consciously decided to fund this project only with our own salaries and research funds that our own universities provided," Groseclose said.

according to the press release I saw Hume was rated right of center not centrist btw and they noted;

Since Groseclose and Milyo were more concerned with bias in news reporting than opinion pieces, which are designed to stake a political position, they omitted editorials and Op‑Eds from their tallies. This is one reason their study finds The Wall Street Journal more liberal than conventional wisdom asserts.

I find it interesting that you seem to admit the aclu is a liberal org. and I wasn't aware they ran a think tank too, can you link to it please?

and if you are going to just cite media matters you really would have been better off just linking to them.

have you read the study itself? for instance your examples ala Rand corp.;

The second apparent anomaly is the RAND Corporation, which has a fairly liberal average score, 60.4. We mentioned this finding to some employees of RAND, who told us they were not surprised.

While RAND strives to be middle-of-the-road ideologically, the more conservative scholars at RAND tend to work on military studies, while the more liberal scholars tend to work on domestic studies. Because the military studies are sometimes classified and often more technocratic than the domestic studies, the media and members of Congress tend to cite the domestic studies disproportionately. As a consequence, RAND appears liberal when judged by these citations. It is important to note that this fact—that the research at RAND is more conservative than the numbers in Table 1 suggest—will not bias our results. To see this, think of RAND as two think tanks: RAND I, the left-leaning think tank which produces the research that the media and members of Congress tend to cite, and RAND II, the conservative think tank which produces the research that they tend not to cite. Our results exclude RAND II from the analysis. This causes no more bias than excluding any other think tank that is rarely cited in Congress or the media.

anyway, I assume you have read my posts here-

Q; in light of the following I am curious-

85 percent of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism students identified themselves as liberal, versus 11 percent conservative" (Lichter, Rothman, and Lichter 1986: 48), quoted in Sutter, 2001.

what slant would you expect of the media in general? As further studies have shown newsrooms, networks etc. have approx. the same ideological make up?
Now depending on how many times the Media cited the think tanks that were rated by the politician cites determines the media bias. This rating system is so moronic and worthless that only a CON$ervative would be stupid enough not to see it no matter how many times it is explained and swallow it whole and without question. Obviously CON$ are the target audience for the phony "study" from the "Liberal" UCLA.

If not stupid than desperate to fill the void that is rightist dogma.

or as inept a some who cannot seem to use the quote feature at least half assed effectively, van you please ensure the persons names are on the quoted portion of your posts please?
Air America was more political, Rush is just a bad comedian, he used to be funnier and people were drawn to his wit. Then he got off drugs and now he's just vicious. He wouldn't run because he knows he wouldn't win.
Rush serves his purpose. His job is to get the veins in leftists' foreheads throbbing.

He's very good at his job. :lol:
His job is to fill mindless drones like you with disinformation.

He's very good at his job. :badgrin:
Funny thing is, you quote him more than anyone else here. :lol:

He's playing you, Ed. And you fall for it. Every. Single. Time.

Maybe if conservatives had the business acumen that liberals apparently do, they could come up with conservative programming that would sell and then they could "control the media".

Yes, it was masterful the way Air America put Rush out of business.

Well, there you go...we have one nut in this thread admitting that the left doesn't control the media.
Now, now, there's no need to mindlessly lash out when I point out what an utter failure your vaunted "liberal business acumen" is.

But then, that's pretty much all you're capable of.
Are you saying that if I come up with links, then you agree that it's a Rightwing talking point?
If you come up with links, I'll be surprised, because you mostly never do.

Let's look at this from your pitiful point of view.

You consider me a conservative dittohead, incapable of original thought. Correct? Of course, that's utterly laughable, but you and reality don't get along too well.

If it were a rightwing talking point, I would have heard it. Right?

But I haven't.

Edthecynic just gave you a prime example, with Operation Chaos.

Are you claiming that you never heard of it? Or the rationale behind it? Or did you just not understand it?

Your claim that you haven't heard it is just another blatant lie from a blatant liar.
Wait, I thought you were going to provide links proving conservatives saying the media picks the president is a talking point?

Meanwhile, we weren't talking about Operation Chaos.

Your deflection is noted and expected. You fail. As usual.
And all of his skeletons would be out of the closet. Of course, his lemmings would overlook that stuff.
What's Obama's college transcript look like?
Oh, look -- a lemming overlooking stuff. Right on cue.
Is Poor Sarah ever going to release her High School diploma?
Is Poor Sarah the President of the United States, put there in part because of some alleged overwhelming intelligence?

Hint: No. But again, your deflection is noted and expected.
Now depending on how many times the Media cited the think tanks that were rated by the politician cites determines the media bias. This rating system is so moronic and worthless that only a CON$ervative would be stupid enough not to see it no matter how many times it is explained and swallow it whole and without question. Obviously CON$ are the target audience for the phony "study" from the "Liberal" UCLA.

If not stupid than desperate to fill the void that is rightist dogma.

I wish to Gaea's shell-pink nipples that you would learn how the Quote function works, you fucking moron. :cool:

My achin' pancreas, why do you continue the charade that you're intelligent?
Well, there you go...we have one nut in this thread admitting that the left doesn't control the media.

Weak comeback... You were pwned....

I'm not sure how getting daveman to admit that the left does not control the media translates into getting 'pwned' but I'm sure you'll entertain us with an explanation of that.

Even weaker... If it weren't you, I wouldn't have expected it...

Your fail is, how they say, epic....
Well, there you go...we have one nut in this thread admitting that the left doesn't control the media.

Weak comeback... You were pwned....

I'm not sure how getting daveman to admit that the left does not control the media translates into getting 'pwned' but I'm sure you'll entertain us with an explanation of that.
Say, was stealing money from a boy's and girl's club part of Air America's liberal-business-acumen-filled business plan?
Weak comeback... You were pwned....

I'm not sure how getting daveman to admit that the left does not control the media translates into getting 'pwned' but I'm sure you'll entertain us with an explanation of that.
Say, was stealing money from a boy's and girl's club part of Air America's liberal-business-acumen-filled business plan?
Keep those CON$ervofascist talking points coming. :asshole:
hello edthecynic, still waiting....:eusa_whistle:
The perpetual CON$ervative dumb act again. They were posted in my exchange with the right-wing hack Meister.

Since, as a CON$ervative, you are too lazy to go back and read them, I'll summarize.

The authors, passed off as Libs because of their connection to UCLA, are hacks for the biggest and most radical right-wing think tanks, Heritage Foundation, AEI, and the Hoover Institute, as well as contributers of right -wing propaganda for RW extremist publications like The American Spectator. Groseclose was a Hoover Institution 2000-2001 national fellow; Milyo, received a $40,500 grant from AEI; and, Groseclose and Milyo were named by Heritage as Salvatori fellows in 1997.

To get their cooked results, they used a Politician's ADA ratings and think tanks to determine MEDIA bias. So if a poiltician with a CON$ervative rating cites the ACLU think tank, that makes the ACLU CON$ervative and any media that cites the ACLU is also CON$ervative. Now you say, the ACLU is about as Liberal as a think tank can get, but in the fake "study" the ACLU was rated as CON$ervative, the Right-wing Rand Corporation was rated Liberal, and the Liberal think tank Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments was rated as more "conservative" than AEI and than the National Taxpayers Union. Thus Drudge leans Left and Brit Hume is in the Middle.

Now depending on how many times the Media cited the think tanks that were rated by the politician cites determines the media bias. This rating system is so moronic and worthless that only a CON$ervative would be stupid enough not to see it no matter how many times it is explained and swallow it whole and without question. Obviously CON$ are the target audience for the phony "study" from the "Liberal" UCLA.

Thank you in advance for your apology.

so their rating system is flawed? I see. and the screed against the authors? in your understanding, anyone that takes grants from any 'right wing' org. is tainted, there fore any study performed under the umbrella of a liberal org. ala grants is tainted as well?

anyway, if the results are cooked, why did UCLA not disown the study? It is published as their sponsored product

and as ucla noted;

"No matter the results, we feared our findings would've been suspect if we'd received support from any group that could be perceived as right- or left-leaning, so we consciously decided to fund this project only with our own salaries and research funds that our own universities provided," Groseclose said.

according to the press release I saw Hume was rated right of center not centrist btw and they noted;

Since Groseclose and Milyo were more concerned with bias in news reporting than opinion pieces, which are designed to stake a political position, they omitted editorials and Op‑Eds from their tallies. This is one reason their study finds The Wall Street Journal more liberal than conventional wisdom asserts.

I find it interesting that you seem to admit the aclu is a liberal org. and I wasn't aware they ran a think tank too, can you link to it please?

and if you are going to just cite media matters you really would have been better off just linking to them.

have you read the study itself? for instance your examples ala Rand corp.;

The second apparent anomaly is the RAND Corporation, which has a fairly liberal average score, 60.4. We mentioned this finding to some employees of RAND, who told us they were not surprised.

While RAND strives to be middle-of-the-road ideologically, the more conservative scholars at RAND tend to work on military studies, while the more liberal scholars tend to work on domestic studies. Because the military studies are sometimes classified and often more technocratic than the domestic studies, the media and members of Congress tend to cite the domestic studies disproportionately. As a consequence, RAND appears liberal when judged by these citations. It is important to note that this fact—that the research at RAND is more conservative than the numbers in Table 1 suggest—will not bias our results. To see this, think of RAND as two think tanks: RAND I, the left-leaning think tank which produces the research that the media and members of Congress tend to cite, and RAND II, the conservative think tank which produces the research that they tend not to cite. Our results exclude RAND II from the analysis. This causes no more bias than excluding any other think tank that is rarely cited in Congress or the media.

anyway, I assume you have read my posts here-

Q; in light of the following I am curious-

85 percent of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism students identified themselves as liberal, versus 11 percent conservative" (Lichter, Rothman, and Lichter 1986: 48), quoted in Sutter, 2001.

what slant would you expect of the media in general? As further studies have shown newsrooms, networks etc. have approx. the same ideological make up?
Gee, what a surprise! NOT! Rather than admit the rating system is not just flawed, but moronic on its face, you choose to misrepresent what I said. I pointed out the the authors are CON$ and not Libs because they are from UCLA as presented by CON$. Rather than admit your fellow travelers were deliberately misrepresenting the authors as Libs, you misrepresent me. No surprise there from a typical CON$ervative.

And it is the "study" you are worshiping that lists the ACLU as a CON$ervative think tank, so you have unwittingly exposed yet another flaw in their "study."
Thank you, keep it up.

And don't change the subject with questions from more phony data to deflect from the stupidity of the "study" in question.
I'm not sure how getting daveman to admit that the left does not control the media translates into getting 'pwned' but I'm sure you'll entertain us with an explanation of that.
Say, was stealing money from a boy's and girl's club part of Air America's liberal-business-acumen-filled business plan?
Keep those CON$ervofascist talking points coming. :asshole:
Poor Ed. Just can't handle the truth.

Air America Funds Returned To a Bronx Boys and Girls Club - September 28, 2006 - The New York Sun

Last summer, as part of DOI's investigation into the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club regarding improper expenditures of city funds, the agency discovered that the club had transferred $875,000 to Air America in the period leading up to the network's launch in March 2004. A co-founder of Air America, Evan Montvel Cohen, had simultaneously served as development director for the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club. Mr. Cohen later told The New York Sun that he arranged the transfer of $875,000 to the radio network from the club.​
Screw the poor kids. There are leftist rants that need to be broadcast!!
The perpetual CON$ervative dumb act again. They were posted in my exchange with the right-wing hack Meister.

Since, as a CON$ervative, you are too lazy to go back and read them, I'll summarize.

The authors, passed off as Libs because of their connection to UCLA, are hacks for the biggest and most radical right-wing think tanks, Heritage Foundation, AEI, and the Hoover Institute, as well as contributers of right -wing propaganda for RW extremist publications like The American Spectator. Groseclose was a Hoover Institution 2000-2001 national fellow; Milyo, received a $40,500 grant from AEI; and, Groseclose and Milyo were named by Heritage as Salvatori fellows in 1997.

To get their cooked results, they used a Politician's ADA ratings and think tanks to determine MEDIA bias. So if a poiltician with a CON$ervative rating cites the ACLU think tank, that makes the ACLU CON$ervative and any media that cites the ACLU is also CON$ervative. Now you say, the ACLU is about as Liberal as a think tank can get, but in the fake "study" the ACLU was rated as CON$ervative, the Right-wing Rand Corporation was rated Liberal, and the Liberal think tank Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments was rated as more "conservative" than AEI and than the National Taxpayers Union. Thus Drudge leans Left and Brit Hume is in the Middle.

Now depending on how many times the Media cited the think tanks that were rated by the politician cites determines the media bias. This rating system is so moronic and worthless that only a CON$ervative would be stupid enough not to see it no matter how many times it is explained and swallow it whole and without question. Obviously CON$ are the target audience for the phony "study" from the "Liberal" UCLA.

Thank you in advance for your apology.

so their rating system is flawed? I see. and the screed against the authors? in your understanding, anyone that takes grants from any 'right wing' org. is tainted, there fore any study performed under the umbrella of a liberal org. ala grants is tainted as well?

anyway, if the results are cooked, why did UCLA not disown the study? It is published as their sponsored product

and as ucla noted;

"No matter the results, we feared our findings would've been suspect if we'd received support from any group that could be perceived as right- or left-leaning, so we consciously decided to fund this project only with our own salaries and research funds that our own universities provided," Groseclose said.

according to the press release I saw Hume was rated right of center not centrist btw and they noted;

Since Groseclose and Milyo were more concerned with bias in news reporting than opinion pieces, which are designed to stake a political position, they omitted editorials and Op‑Eds from their tallies. This is one reason their study finds The Wall Street Journal more liberal than conventional wisdom asserts.

I find it interesting that you seem to admit the aclu is a liberal org. and I wasn't aware they ran a think tank too, can you link to it please?

and if you are going to just cite media matters you really would have been better off just linking to them.

have you read the study itself? for instance your examples ala Rand corp.;

The second apparent anomaly is the RAND Corporation, which has a fairly liberal average score, 60.4. We mentioned this finding to some employees of RAND, who told us they were not surprised.

While RAND strives to be middle-of-the-road ideologically, the more conservative scholars at RAND tend to work on military studies, while the more liberal scholars tend to work on domestic studies. Because the military studies are sometimes classified and often more technocratic than the domestic studies, the media and members of Congress tend to cite the domestic studies disproportionately. As a consequence, RAND appears liberal when judged by these citations. It is important to note that this fact—that the research at RAND is more conservative than the numbers in Table 1 suggest—will not bias our results. To see this, think of RAND as two think tanks: RAND I, the left-leaning think tank which produces the research that the media and members of Congress tend to cite, and RAND II, the conservative think tank which produces the research that they tend not to cite. Our results exclude RAND II from the analysis. This causes no more bias than excluding any other think tank that is rarely cited in Congress or the media.

anyway, I assume you have read my posts here-

Q; in light of the following I am curious-

85 percent of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism students identified themselves as liberal, versus 11 percent conservative" (Lichter, Rothman, and Lichter 1986: 48), quoted in Sutter, 2001.

what slant would you expect of the media in general? As further studies have shown newsrooms, networks etc. have approx. the same ideological make up?
Gee, what a surprise! NOT! Rather than admit the rating system is not just flawed, but moronic on its face, you choose to misrepresent what I said. I pointed out the the authors are CON$ and not Libs because they are from UCLA as presented by CON$. Rather than admit your fellow travelers were deliberately misrepresenting the authors as Libs, you misrepresent me. No surprise there from a typical CON$ervative.

And it is the "study" you are worshiping that lists the ACLU as a CON$ervative think tank, so you have unwittingly exposed yet another flaw in their "study."
Thank you, keep it up.

And don't change the subject with questions from more phony data to deflect from the stupidity of the "study" in question.
Yeah, Trajan! You just admit Ed is right, or he'll oh-so-cleverly put a dollar sign in "conservative" and capitalize the first three letters again!

Because, you know, that's utterly devastating.
If you come up with links, I'll be surprised, because you mostly never do.

Let's look at this from your pitiful point of view.

You consider me a conservative dittohead, incapable of original thought. Correct? Of course, that's utterly laughable, but you and reality don't get along too well.

If it were a rightwing talking point, I would have heard it. Right?

But I haven't.

Edthecynic just gave you a prime example, with Operation Chaos.

Are you claiming that you never heard of it? Or the rationale behind it? Or did you just not understand it?

Your claim that you haven't heard it is just another blatant lie from a blatant liar.
Wait, I thought you were going to provide links proving conservatives saying the media picks the president is a talking point?

Meanwhile, we weren't talking about Operation Chaos.

Your deflection is noted and expected. You fail. As usual.

Operation Chaos is an example - do you need me to link to Operation Chaos? :lol:

Keep running from your contention that it's not a Republican talking point that the media picks the president. You're not fooling anyone, except maybe Dr. House.
Say, was stealing money from a boy's and girl's club part of Air America's liberal-business-acumen-filled business plan?
Keep those CON$ervofascist talking points coming. :asshole:
Poor Ed. Just can't handle the truth.

Air America Funds Returned To a Bronx Boys and Girls Club - September 28, 2006 - The New York Sun

Last summer, as part of DOI's investigation into the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club regarding improper expenditures of city funds, the agency discovered that the club had transferred $875,000 to Air America in the period leading up to the network's launch in March 2004. A co-founder of Air America, Evan Montvel Cohen, had simultaneously served as development director for the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club. Mr. Cohen later told The New York Sun that he arranged the transfer of $875,000 to the radio network from the club.​
Screw the poor kids. There are leftist rants that need to be broadcast!!
The New York Sun!!! :lol:

They are further down the journalistic rung than The National Enquirer.
Say, was stealing money from a boy's and girl's club part of Air America's liberal-business-acumen-filled business plan?
Keep those CON$ervofascist talking points coming. :asshole:
Poor Ed. Just can't handle the truth.

Air America Funds Returned To a Bronx Boys and Girls Club - September 28, 2006 - The New York Sun
Last summer, as part of DOI's investigation into the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club regarding improper expenditures of city funds, the agency discovered that the club had transferred $875,000 to Air America in the period leading up to the network's launch in March 2004. A co-founder of Air America, Evan Montvel Cohen, had simultaneously served as development director for the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club. Mr. Cohen later told The New York Sun that he arranged the transfer of $875,000 to the radio network from the club.​
Screw the poor kids. There are leftist rants that need to be broadcast!!
Defend one CON$ervative talking point with yet another CON$ervative talking point.

First of all GOP operative Cohen, former Chief of Staff for Republican Governor Tommy Tanaka, only transferred $480,000 to Progress Media, not Air America, the other $395,000 was embezzled by the other executives of the Gloria Wise B & G Club for their own personal use. When Progress Media was sold to Piquant LLC in 2004, the $875,000 was repaid by Piquant, not Air America, as part of the sale. The truth is never quite the same as CON$ spin it! But keep those CON$ervative talking points coming.

Air America Scam Artist, Montvel-Cohen, Arrested in Guam

Cohen was the Director of Development for the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Clubs, in 2003, when he and business partner Rex Sorensen, CEO of Sorensen Media Group, created Progress Media Inc. On March 31, 2004, Air America was launched. It was discovered that Cohen had secured part of the money used to found the network by a loan from his employer, the non-profit Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Clubs. Approved by the board of directors and in the amount of $480,000, it went to Cohen's company Progress Media, then owner of Air America Radio. The Gloria Wise group was a non-profit organization, partially funded by the city of New York, which provided services for children and seniors in the Bronx. When the funds were transferred, Evan Montvel-Cohen, was still Director of Development for Gloria Wise. This was part of a larger misappropriation of funds by the organization's executives, which saw several of them receiving money from the organization that was in turned used for personal expenditures. By the time this was revealed, Progress Media Inc. had sold its Air America rights to Piquant LLC (in November 2004), who later agreed to repay Gloria Wise $875,000 worth of the debt, as a condition of the sale.
Edthecynic just gave you a prime example, with Operation Chaos.

Are you claiming that you never heard of it? Or the rationale behind it? Or did you just not understand it?

Your claim that you haven't heard it is just another blatant lie from a blatant liar.
Wait, I thought you were going to provide links proving conservatives saying the media picks the president is a talking point?

Meanwhile, we weren't talking about Operation Chaos.

Your deflection is noted and expected. You fail. As usual.

Operation Chaos is an example - do you need me to link to Operation Chaos? :lol:
You said: "Is it or is it not a Rightwing talking point that the Liberal media will pick the president?"

You didn't mention OC. Why do you want to move the goalposts now?

That's a rhetorical question. I already know the answer.
Keep running from your contention that it's not a Republican talking point that the media picks the president. You're not fooling anyone, except maybe Dr. House.
Did you ever find any links proving "the liberal media will pick the President" is a right-wing talking point?

Because you haven't posted any. I know you desperately want me to just accept your word, but that's simply not going to happen.
Keep those CON$ervofascist talking points coming. :asshole:
Poor Ed. Just can't handle the truth.

Air America Funds Returned To a Bronx Boys and Girls Club - September 28, 2006 - The New York Sun

Last summer, as part of DOI's investigation into the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club regarding improper expenditures of city funds, the agency discovered that the club had transferred $875,000 to Air America in the period leading up to the network's launch in March 2004. A co-founder of Air America, Evan Montvel Cohen, had simultaneously served as development director for the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club. Mr. Cohen later told The New York Sun that he arranged the transfer of $875,000 to the radio network from the club.​
Screw the poor kids. There are leftist rants that need to be broadcast!!
The New York Sun!!! :lol:

They are further down the journalistic rung than The National Enquirer.
Yet not one word of condemnation for leftists that take charity money from children.


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