The Left Controls the Media


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Have you seen the posts by our less informed colleagues challenging the idea that the media is Leftist? Consider this story the next time you read one of those misguided individuals….

2. “New York-based nonprofit news organization ProPublica is getting a boost from NBC, thanks to its new owner Comcast. And New York television viewers will see more investigative stories…. a partnership with ProPublica…ProPublica, which does extensive investigative reporting and data mining,… ProPublica will receive a donation from NBC, and, in return, will get a wider audience for its stories.”

3. This is how deeply the Left has infiltrated every form of information disseminaton…from Wikipedia: “ProPublica is a non-profit corporation based in New York City. It describes itself as an independent non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest…ProPublica has partnered with more than 50 different news organizations,…” ProPublica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. So…who is ProPublica? The best comparison would be to say that NBC just agreed to take its news from the old Pravda.

a. ProPublica began funded by a billionaire husband and wife team who not only spent millions campaigning for President Obama but also topped donor lists to groups like ACORN and On its website, Pro Publica describes itself as championing the values of the “weak” against the “strong.”

b. The $10 million yearly grant from Herbert and Marion Sandler, the former chief executives of the Golden West Financial Corporation, which was one of the nation’s largest mortgage lenders and savings and loans. Just before the financial crisis, the Sandlers in 2008 sold their business to the Wachovia Corporation for about $26 billion. The Sandlers are major donors to the Democratic Party and are top funders of ACORN,, the American Civil Liberties Union and other far-leftist groups like Human Rights Watch.
NBC newsroom gets fresh leftist invasion. Network teams up with

5. Still not convinced about the control of the media? Perhaps these Leftists simply want to invest in excellence in journalism? Think again. This from the Left-leaning Slate:Slate journalist Jack Shafer raised questions [] about Pro Publica's ability to provide independent nonpartisan journalism given the nature of Sandler's other political donations which include "giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democratic Party campaigns." The concern was borne out in a vicious December 2008 attack on natural gas drilling that followed the Democrat no-American-energy agenda. Pro Publica

6. From the Capital Research Center: ProPublica “churns out little more than left-wing hit pieces about Sarah Palin and blames the U.S. government for giving out too little foreign aid.”

7. Oh…and BTW….”The Associated Press today announced a program to promote nonprofit investigative journalism, including articles from ProPublica, to its members for republication. The material will be distributed to AP members—including essentially all of the nation’s leading newspapers—through the Web-based delivery system AP Exchange .” Associated Press Joins Steal Our Stories Movement - ProPublica

8. So, what is going on? Capital Research Center (op. cit.) explains it this way: Create a media outlet that will produce left-wing “investigative” hit pieces that can be given to cash-strapped newspapers at no cost. NBC…AP…wherever you get your news….The Left has a well-funded effort underway.
The Pro-Republican News Media

The concept of the “Liberal Media” is a myth — and has always been a myth.
The various news media are clearly and unmistakably Pro-Republican.

Only twice since 1932 have a majority of newspapers endorsed the Democratic candidate

The Pro-Republican News Media

The media are controlled by the profit motive, nothing more.
So, what is going on? Capital Research Center (op. cit.) explains it this way: Create a media outlet that will produce left-wing “investigative” hit pieces that can be given to cash-strapped newspapers at no cost. NBC…AP…wherever you get your news….The Left has a well-funded effort underway.
The Capital Research Center is a conservative think tank whose stated mission is to do "opposition research" exposing the funding sources behind consumer, health and environmental groups. The CRC was founded in 1984 by Willa Johnson. Prior to founding CRC Johnson had been Senior Vice President of the Heritage Foundation, then worked as Deputy Director of the Office of Presidential Personnel in the first Reagan administration
The Pro-Republican News Media

The concept of the “Liberal Media” is a myth — and has always been a myth.
The various news media are clearly and unmistakably Pro-Republican.

Only twice since 1932 have a majority of newspapers endorsed the Democratic candidate

The Pro-Republican News Media

The media are controlled by the profit motive, nothing more.

Jonesy....can't you read?

Try the OP again.
So, what is going on? Capital Research Center (op. cit.) explains it this way: Create a media outlet that will produce left-wing “investigative” hit pieces that can be given to cash-strapped newspapers at no cost. NBC…AP…wherever you get your news….The Left has a well-funded effort underway.
The Capital Research Center is a conservative think tank whose stated mission is to do "opposition research" exposing the funding sources behind consumer, health and environmental groups. The CRC was founded in 1984 by Willa Johnson. Prior to founding CRC Johnson had been Senior Vice President of the Heritage Foundation, then worked as Deputy Director of the Office of Presidential Personnel in the first Reagan administration

"The Capital Research Center is a conservative think tank..."

I was hoping some slow-witted dolt would jump at the bait....Right on cue, Beets! conservative is

How 'bout dat, boyeeeeeee???
I was under the impression Fox was the number one rated station out there. IF so, here is a question. Are they left leaning?
The left controls the media because the media is comprised of educated people.

Speaking of comes yours:

1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

2. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51

3. “[The radicals] did not go away or change their minds; the New Left shattered into a multitude of single-issue groups. We now have, to name a few, radical feminists, black extremists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, activist homosexual organizations, multiculturalists, organizations such as People for the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Planned Parenthood.” Ibid p. 53

4. [Dr. Thomas Sowell] has an enviable gift for showing that many of our social problems arise from the differences between “the theories of intellectuals and the realities of the world.” When confronted by these differences, many intellectuals conclude that it’s the world that is “wrong and needs changing.”Intellectuals often make the mistake of basing political analysis on clichés that misrepresent reality. Sowell shows, for instance, how debates about income distribution in the United States have been distorted by a preoccupation with statistical categories.
An Independent Mind by Daniel J. Mahoney, City Journal 18 June 2010

Now then, when you're finished slapping your forehead, say 'thank you,' and be gone.
I was under the impression Fox was the number one rated station out there. IF so, here is a question. Are they left leaning?

What is the basis of your question?

Certainly, not logic.

Did you believe "Fox was the number one rated" = "left leaning"?

No, Fox is "Fair and Balanced," as well as "number one rated."

In point of fact Fox hires more Liberals than the other cables hire conservatives.

Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum
The left controls the media because the media is comprised of educated people.

Educated people are not a problem.

Impudent educated people are.

It is the educated people who believe in their hearts that they are superior to the great unwashed masses that are the danger. These folks will altruistically torture the rest of us with stupid ideas and bad plans based on the noblest of intentions. One of my great pleasures is to watch a media minion possessed of the idea that he/she is intelligent coming into contact with someone who actually is intelligent on a mission to make them look bad.

Generally, the media minion does not even know that their innate, vacuous and embarrassing lack of depth or understanding is on display for the amusement of all.

If it was painful to them, I would feel bad for them, but they blissfully continue as if everyone sees them as they see themselves. It's not too much different than watching a dog put his nose into a fan.

The dog learns, though.
The Pro-Republican News Media

The concept of the “Liberal Media” is a myth — and has always been a myth.
The various news media are clearly and unmistakably Pro-Republican.

Only twice since 1932 have a majority of newspapers endorsed the Democratic candidate

The Pro-Republican News Media

The media are controlled by the profit motive, nothing more.

really? so if msnbc went to a cons slant, their viewership would not grow? Or say, CBS?
Conservatives claiming to be victims of media bias is one of the oldest examples of victimology in the modern era.

no not really, an uber- partisan like you knows no difference becasue you eat whats put in front of you, and you are a
you are happy with what you have becasue you probably never started from a point where in you had any intellectual honesty/objectivity anyway. so, to you what was was just left of center say, 20 years ago is now zero on the number line dead center. Anything right of center is now far far right wing. Eat your grass.
I was under the impression Fox was the number one rated station out there. IF so, here is a question. Are they left leaning?

you can always measure the throw weight, that is the viewers and potential viewers of cnn abc msnbc, abc cbs and nbc, vs fox. what do you come up with?
The Pro-Republican News Media

The concept of the “Liberal Media” is a myth — and has always been a myth.
The various news media are clearly and unmistakably Pro-Republican.

Only twice since 1932 have a majority of newspapers endorsed the Democratic candidate

The Pro-Republican News Media

The media are controlled by the profit motive, nothing more.

really? so if msnbc went to a cons slant, their viewership would not grow? Or say, CBS?

No... Fox has cornered the market on stupidity.

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