The Koch brothers buy the best seats in the House

Life as Progressive must be very comfortable and easy; while we worry about the NSA, NDAA, ACA mandates, tens of trillions of debt...their worst concern is Ayn Rand and the Koch Brothers who have yet to make any visible impact on United States institutions and government.

Look at this flaming liberals who authored and article titled: "How Ayn Rand destroyed the World." All he does is "name drop" in rather obscure and overly-general statements, never explains a single idea of Ayn Rand's, uses the last name "Rand" (Ayn Rand) interchangeably with the first name "Rand" (Rand Paul) after he mentions the Ron Paul movement, only to frustrate ANY reader (right or left), and then somehow declares himself the King of Reality and damns it "Reality be damned."

Lee Stranahan: An Insider's Look At How Ayn Rand Destroyed The World
Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas?

Of course they do. The thing with freedom is you want others to be free so you can be free.

So you think George Soros cares about the people in the races he donates to?
Why do progs hate free speech?

I believe the reason is because progs believe that they are smarter and superior to the stupid "low information" voters. Progs are firmly convinced that votes from stupid voters are easily obtained by TV advertising. They refuse to believe that stupid voters are able to think for themselves, independently voting for issues that affects them.

Once you've been here for a while you'll see how absolutely hysterically funny the very idea of the "Liberal Intellectual Elite" becomes

Yeah its so hilarious that guys like Crusader will tell you it is.
Why do progs hate free speech?

I believe the reason is because progs believe that they are smarter and superior to the stupid "low information" voters. Progs are firmly convinced that votes from stupid voters are easily obtained by TV advertising. They refuse to believe that stupid voters are able to think for themselves, independently voting for issues that affects them.

Welcome Max.

Stop being an asshat. When you ask the wrong question you create the wrong answer.

Oh, hey Max. I didn't notice you were a new member. Welcome. ClosedCaption gives some good advice. ;)

:lol: :eusa_clap: :lol:

Progs = Progressives = Marxists = Statists = neo-communists.

Not all liberals are progs; but all progs are liberals.
Life as Progressive must be very comfortable and easy; while we worry about the NSA, NDAA, ACA mandates, tens of trillions of debt...their worst concern is Ayn Rand and the Koch Brothers who have yet to make any visible impact on United States institutions and government.

Ayn Rand's philosophy works only in her fiction books. :badgrin:

Similar to Marxist/Communist/Socialist philosophy.
good grief, they never worry about UNIONS having bought and paid for a seat in our government though the democrat party, Warren Buffet has the Democrats hearts in his lap, all the commies in Hollyweird bows to the Democrats and throws millions to them and the filthy rich who has paid for the democrat party just goes on and on and on

but like good little sheep they baaa about those EVIL KOCH brothers

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Life as Progressive must be very comfortable and easy; while we worry about the NSA, NDAA, ACA mandates, tens of trillions of debt...their worst concern is Ayn Rand and the Koch Brothers who have yet to make any visible impact on United States institutions and government.

Ayn Rand's philosophy works only in her fiction books. :badgrin:

Similar to Marxist/Communist/Socialist philosophy.

There might be hope for you yet :badgrin:
One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.

Americans for Prosperity is launching a major ad buy hitting Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) on Thursday, pushing the group’s advertising spending in the race to more than $1.4 million so far this year.


The 30-second spot from the Koch brothers-backed group is set to air statewide on cable and networks, along with digital advertising, for three weeks. Text at the end reads, “Senator Mark Pryor voted for Obamacare. Tell Sen. Pryor, Obamacare hurts Arkansas families.”


Pryor, who is facing off with Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in one of the most hotly contested races of the year, was the subject of a six-figure negative ad buy last month from the outside conservative group. The buy for second batch of ads, shared first with POLITICO, totals about $700,000 and links Pryor to cancelled insurance plans tied to Obamacare.

Read more: $700k ad buy hits Mark Pryor on Obamacare - Katie Glueck -

OH BOY!! Another leftist hypocrite spews his bullshit. If you were really concerned about this type of political spending you would have included your comrade George Soros, the labor unions and the PAC's that also spend big money on political issue adds. But at least you commies can be counted on to be consistent in your hypocrisy.
Did anyone notice the pattern from the right? Dont address the issue instead start out with and adjective followed by "leftist" i.e. Stupid, Dumb, Idiotic

Then equate the "stupid" post by the "leftist" to something else that they disagree with but they make the comparison AGREEING with only one.

For example: This is just like what Unions do TO MANIPULATE THE PUBLIC GAWD I HATE UNIONS for doing that. Leave the Koch's alone!

Then after they've expressed anger at only ONE side doing it they express support for only one side doing it.

For example: Stupid ass unions! Leave the Kochs alone!
Wonder if they figured buying elections is more effective than preventing non-repub voters from voting :eusa_think: Either way, they can't get anyone to vote for t3h GObP so they resort to these neg ad buys. Sad :(
Wonder if they figured buying elections is more effective than preventing non-repub voters from voting :eusa_think: Either way, they can't get anyone to vote for t3h GObP so they resort to these neg ad buys. Sad :(


George Soros told me to make a hypocritical fool of myself crying about the Kochs!!!
Did anyone notice the pattern from the right? Dont address the issue instead start out with and adjective followed by "leftist" i.e. Stupid, Dumb, Idiotic

Then equate the "stupid" post by the "leftist" to something else that they disagree with but they make the comparison AGREEING with only one.

For example: This is just like what Unions do TO MANIPULATE THE PUBLIC GAWD I HATE UNIONS for doing that. Leave the Koch's alone!

Then after they've expressed anger at only ONE side doing it they express support for only one side doing it.

For example: Stupid ass unions! Leave the Kochs alone!

because you ARE stupid and dumb; and when left-wing idiots lie more to themselves than they do to others; there really is no rehabilitating people like you.
Did anyone notice the pattern from the right? Dont address the issue instead start out with and adjective followed by "leftist" i.e. Stupid, Dumb, Idiotic

Then equate the "stupid" post by the "leftist" to something else that they disagree with but they make the comparison AGREEING with only one.

For example: This is just like what Unions do TO MANIPULATE THE PUBLIC GAWD I HATE UNIONS for doing that. Leave the Koch's alone!

Then after they've expressed anger at only ONE side doing it they express support for only one side doing it.

For example: Stupid ass unions! Leave the Kochs alone!

and you wonder why you're ridiculed?
if we didnt remind you moronic hypocrites that unions have every bit as much influence in the Dem Party as the Kochs do in the Republican Party; you idiots would go on endlessly making compete fools of yourselves with mindless and massively hypocritical rants about the Koch brothers. everybody knows who the Koch's are; they are the guys that employ over 50,000 Americans and pay them well. but your Messiah George Soros funds literally dozens of far-Left groups with shadowy funding; and you expect to get a pass..

just because you're the massive hypocrite here; dont thinnk your hypocrisy and projection isnt being noticed
Did anyone notice the pattern from the right? Dont address the issue instead start out with and adjective followed by "leftist" i.e. Stupid, Dumb, Idiotic

Then equate the "stupid" post by the "leftist" to something else that they disagree with but they make the comparison AGREEING with only one.

For example: This is just like what Unions do TO MANIPULATE THE PUBLIC GAWD I HATE UNIONS for doing that. Leave the Koch's alone!

Then after they've expressed anger at only ONE side doing it they express support for only one side doing it.

For example: Stupid ass unions! Leave the Kochs alone!

and you wonder why you're ridiculed?
if we didnt remind you moronic hypocrites that unions have every bit as much influence in the Dem Party as the Kochs do in the Republican Party; you idiots would go on endlessly making compete fools of yourselves with mindless and massively hypocritical rants about the Koch brothers. everybody knows who the Koch's are; they are the guys that employ over 50,000 Americans and pay them well. but your Messiah George Soros funds literally dozens of far-Left groups with shadowy funding; and you expect to get a pass..

just because you're the massive hypocrite here; dont thinnk your hypocrisy and projection isnt being noticed


I swear this is not a sock puppet account this guy is making me look this good without knowing it
Life as Progressive must be very comfortable and easy; while we worry about the NSA, NDAA, ACA mandates, tens of trillions of debt...their worst concern is Ayn Rand and the Koch Brothers who have yet to make any visible impact on United States institutions and government.

Ayn Rand's philosophy works only in her fiction books. :badgrin:

Similar to Marxist/Communist/Socialist philosophy.

How would we know? Any Rand's philosophy has never been implemented anywhere in the world at any point in history.
As long as the Koch brothers spend their money representing my interests I have no complaint. More power to them.
As long as the Koch brothers spend their money representing my interests I have no complaint. More power to them.

But making profit and spending money is evil, didn't you know?

It's like guns, they both possess evil spirits that corrupt and subvert the minds of those who possess them.

Even [MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION] said so!

I'm pretty sure that if Fred owned a gun, and in addition to hating gays, he was in favor of shooting illegal immigrants, 2nd would support his nomination for the presidency.

Since [MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION] statement is in the Conditional Form (it is an "IF+THEN" statement) we make a minor adjust to his grammar in order to yield the proper statement:

I'm pretty sure that if Fred owned a gun, and in addition to hating gays, then he would have been in favor of shooting illegal immigrants, 2nd would support his nomination for the presidency.

You see, according to liberals, inanimate objects possess dark phantoms that poison the souls of their owners. Had Fred Phelps owned a firearm, his mind would have been instantly corrupted by the possession of that firearm (because firearms are evil spirits that must be exorcised from society) and produced horrid desires and visions of mowing down illegal immigrants.

Such a vile human being would be indistinguishable from Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Castro, who disarmed undesirables and slaughtered them with pleasure, because Guns have evil spirits, that's why when Hitler disarmed Jews he became evil, because now he possessed their guns. Hitler did the Jews a great service by disarming them, he purged them of evil spirits, and took it upon himself to suffer those evil spirits in place of the Jews, even says confirms this narrative:
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As long as the Koch brothers spend their money representing my interests I have no complaint. More power to them.

Do not the Koch brothers preach everyone for themselves? By definition you and them have different interests. You are merely a pawn in their plans. Daddy don't love you. :crybaby: :itsok:
We just finished watching the most disgusting displays of wealth and decadence during the Academy Awards and the radical left is worried that real (Jewish) philanthropists might get good seats.The world is upside down in the liberal mind.

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