The Koch brothers buy the best seats in the House

One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.


Ewwww, how salacious.... How about your butt boy Soro's? Hmmmm?

Total contributions to super PACs: $5.1 million**
•$1.1 million combined from son Jonathan Soros, son Alexander Soros and daughter Andrea Soros Colombel to Friends of Democracy (pro-campaign finance reform)
•$1 million to Priorities USA Action (pro-Barack Obama)
•$1 million to American Bridge 21st Century (pro-Democratic)
•$850,000 combined from Andrea, Jonathan and daughter-in-law Melissa Soros to Planned Parenthood Votes (pro-Democratic)
•$675,000 to House Majority PAC (pro-Democratic)
•$300,000, all from Alexander, to the Jewish Council for Education and Research (pro-Barack Obama)
•$100,000 to Majority PAC (pro-Democratic)

Notable federal hard money and 527 contributions:
•Between 2004 and 2008, George Soros contributed $32.2 million to a variety of Democratic-aligned 527 committees, including $23.7 million during the 2004 election cycle alone, when he ranked as the No. 1 donor to these political committees, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
•Jonathan Soros and his wife Jennifer gave more than $880,000 to federal candidates, PACs and political parties during the 2012 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
•Alexander Soros contributed at least $348,500 to federal candidates, PACs and political parties during the 2012 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Notable state-level contributions (see here):
•$1.4 million in support of California’s Proposition 5, the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (2008)
•$1 million in support of California’s Proposition 36, which modified the state’s “Three Strikes” law (2012)
•$1 million in support of California’s Proposition 19, which would have legalized marijuana in the state (2010)
•$406,000 to oppose Arizona’s Proposition 302, which gave judges more latitude in dealing with drug probation violations (2002)
•$400,000 in support of Massachusetts’ Ballot Question 2, which eliminated criminal penalties for marijuana possession (2008)

Donor profile: George Soros | Center for Public Integrity
I'm just curious why Random didn't respond to this post by Westwall?

b/c it's different when a remorseless jewish nazi sympathizer buys politicians.
It is telling that the GObP is running against someone rather than touting any of their own platform :eusa_think: Could it be because they don't have a platform other than the tried & failed "deregulate & cut taxes"

Our current problems can be fixed by more regulations and higher taxes, right?

That is the tried and failed Dem platform.
One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.

Americans for Prosperity is launching a major ad buy hitting Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) on Thursday, pushing the group’s advertising spending in the race to more than $1.4 million so far this year.


The 30-second spot from the Koch brothers-backed group is set to air statewide on cable and networks, along with digital advertising, for three weeks. Text at the end reads, “Senator Mark Pryor voted for Obamacare. Tell Sen. Pryor, Obamacare hurts Arkansas families.”


Pryor, who is facing off with Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in one of the most hotly contested races of the year, was the subject of a six-figure negative ad buy last month from the outside conservative group. The buy for second batch of ads, shared first with POLITICO, totals about $700,000 and links Pryor to cancelled insurance plans tied to Obamacare.

Read more: $700k ad buy hits Mark Pryor on Obamacare - Katie Glueck -

The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton

OMG! Free speech.

so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books.

And if it did, so what?

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas?

Sure they care, they're trying to get rid of Pryor.

The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda.

OMG! Freedom to petition government.

Text at the end reads, “Senator Mark Pryor voted for Obamacare. Tell Sen. Pryor, Obamacare hurts Arkansas families.”

OMG! Truth hurts.

"Freedom and capitalism," yeah, that's a "sick" agenda. The Koch brothers gave money to people who got elected? Horrors! Libturds would never do such a despicable thing.

These libturds are a hoot, aren't they? Apparently they believe that conservatives aren't allowed to petition their government or influence the public discussion.
It is telling that the GObP is running against someone rather than touting any of their own platform :eusa_think: Could it be because they don't have a platform other than the tried & failed "deregulate & cut taxes"

When did it fail?

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