The Four-State Solution

This isn't about religion..

For centuries there was no conflict. In the 19th century the land of Palestine was inhabited by a multicultural population – approximately 86 percent Muslim, 10 percent Christian, and 4 percent Jewish – living in peace

For centuries there was no conflict.

Except for the periodic slaughters when muslims heard a rumor.
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The current Israel-Palestine bifurcation has resulted in seemingly endless conflict. The frequently mentioned "two-state" option would do nothing more than to memorialize this religious/political conflict. Perhaps it is time to expand the concept of what a lasting solution to this problem might look like.

As previously mentioned, this conflict is both religious and political in nature. Israel considers itself to be a Jewish state governed by a secular political system, whereas Palestine considers itself to be a political entity to be governed by Muslim principles. As a result, there are at least four different concepts which must be deal with. Why not divide these concepts and try to conquer the status quo?

A "Four-State" solution would entail the establishment of a single political entity that would recognize the rights and responsibilities of all citizens within its boundaries. This would include a governing legislature comprised of four houses: Israeli, Jewish, Palestinian and Muslim. Each citizen would have to register for and vote in only one house election. In order to pass new legislation, at least three of the four houses would have to agree. Otherwise, the current governmental structure would remain in place.

Wouldn't this provide new opportunities for a way out of the present dilemma? Are there any other feasible solutions out there?

Religion has nothing at all to do with it.
Judaism and Islam are essentially identical, both relying in the exact same Old Testament.
And the Zionist are totally atheist, in direct contradiction with Judaism, which says no Jews are to return to the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.

The proper solution is a one state solution, so that the illegally displaced native Palestinians could return to their ancestral homes they own.
The roadblock is the fact there are only 6 million Jews in Israel/Palestine, but 13 million Moslems.
So the Zionists won't let Palestine be a democracy.
They are the one that want the racists dictatorship.
For centuries there was no conflict.

Except for the periodic slaughters when muslims heard a rumor.

That is propaganda.
There were no "periodic slaughters" under Islam, only under Christianity.

If there were historic animosities, then why would the Palestinians invited the Euro Jews to Palestine in 1920?
If there were historic animosities, then why were Jews doing well in the Mideast under Moslem rule for over 1400 years?
If there were historic animosities, then why would Euro Jews have wanted to go to Palestine rather than non-Molsem places that invited them, like Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, etc.?

If you look at the Hebron riots of 1929, they were started by Zionists who shot an Arab strawberry vendor to death over the price of strawberries, and the death toll was equal for Moslems and Arabs. About 200 on each side.

If you look at the main violence, it was all Jewish.
Like blowing up the King David Hotel, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
Religion has nothing at all to do with it.
Judaism and Islam are essentially identical, both relying in the exact same Old Testament.
And the Zionist are totally atheist, in direct contradiction with Judaism, which says no Jews are to return to the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.

The proper solution is a one state solution, so that the illegally displaced native Palestinians could return to their ancestral homes they own.
The roadblock is the fact there are only 6 million Jews in Israel/Palestine, but 13 million Moslems.
So the Zionists won't let Palestine be a democracy.
They are the one that want the racists dictatorship.

The proper solution is a one state solution, so that the illegally displaced native Palestinians could return to their ancestral homes they own.

You mean the homes they rented from the Ottoman landowners?

The roadblock is the fact there are only 6 million Jews in Israel/Palestine, but 13 million Moslems.

The muslims should move to Syria. Plenty of room, no pesky Jews.
That is propaganda.
There were no "periodic slaughters" under Islam, only under Christianity.

If there were historic animosities, then why would the Palestinians invited the Euro Jews to Palestine in 1920?
If there were historic animosities, then why were Jews doing well in the Mideast under Moslem rule for over 1400 years?
If there were historic animosities, then why would Euro Jews have wanted to go to Palestine rather than non-Molsem places that invited them, like Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, etc.?

If you look at the Hebron riots of 1929, they were started by Zionists who shot an Arab strawberry vendor to death over the price of strawberries, and the death toll was equal for Moslems and Arabs. About 200 on each side.

If you look at the main violence, it was all Jewish.
Like blowing up the King David Hotel, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.

If there were historic animosities, then why would the Palestinians invited the Euro Jews to Palestine in 1920?

They didn't invite anyone.

If there were historic animosities, then why were Jews doing well in the Mideast under Moslem rule for over 1400 years?

Because you're lying.
There are 6 million Jews ruling over and taking the land of 13 million Moslems.
So that can not be allowed to continue.
It is inherently criminal.
Translation, Israel does not have the right to exist. It does and it will.,, deal with it
The roadblock is the fact there are only 6 million Jews in Israel/Palestine, but 13 million Moslems.
So your final solution is to replace Israel with the Islamic Republic of Palestine?
The history of humanity has been a history of conquest and mass murder. The winner enslaves and/or exterminates the loser,

It sucks, but that's humanity.

Western civilization evolved the concept of war. They developed rules of war. Western civilization makes war against the government or leadership of their enemies, but only installs a new government which respects the rights of the conquered people. Sometimes they invest in the conquered people and help them economically. They turn them into allies.

It is hard for a conquered people to accept that they've lost. That leads to unending guerilla warfare and terrorism. Their own people suffer.

Native Americans realized that their fight against White Europeans was hopeless, and if they continued their own people would suffer. They eventually gave up and became part of the conquering civilization.

Some People in the U.S. South also accepted their loss in the Civil war. The same for the Germans and Japanese. All are better for it.

Some Palestinians have accepted that Israel is a permanent reality (right or wrong), and that it is in the best interest of the Palestinian people to accept that fact. If they had accepted it in 1948 the condition of the Palestinian people would be far better than it is today.

Unfortunately, some Palestinians have refused to accept their defeat. They believe they can take advantage of the West's 'Rules of War' - to take advantage of the West's humanity. They will not succeed - it will continue to destroy the Palestinian people. They are fools to rely on the humanity of their enemies for their continued existence. That humanity has it's limits.

Losing sucks, but that's life.

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