The Existence of God Almighty

Don't equate us scientific thinkers with commies.

I don't believe god will go away completely either. People are too superstitious, wishful thinking and us atheists can't prove god doesn't exist.

But no doubt the more science we learn, the less likely a god exists. When you understand how old and big the universe is, you sort of realize how silly man made religion is. Completely unnecessary. I know it makes you feel good and I know you don't want to go to hell for doubting so I/we know it is difficult for you to grasp.

Don't label us with Marx and Lenin. It makes you sound stupid. They had wacky political ideologies. They had AN AGENDA. Us Atheists just want reason and logic to prevail. For example we are destroying this planet because our citizens are greedy stupid theists. No coincidence. And every technological advancement including cures have come from science. Stop with the commy talk you dumb old brainwashed fart. LOL.

Follow these rules: Test ideas by experiments and observations. Build on those ideas that pass the test. Reject the ones that fail. Follow the evidence wherever it leads, and question everything.

If you do this you will start experiencing cognitive dissonance.

Actually there is little difference between the scientific materialism of the Commies and that of modern Liberal Progressive Atheists so if that is the way you want to differentiate yourself you fail. The main differences are that Commies would kill Christians for their faith while your strategy appears to be an attempt at ridicule and marginalisation. Also the Commies did not have a clue about economics and were fraudulent and corrupt while most modern Liberal Progressive atheists are better behaved when it comes to money. The abortion rate was higher among Commie atheists than Liberal Progressive atheists ironically. The biggest difference today with the Liberal Progressive Atheists is sexual perversion. The Commies would put queers to death while you play happy families with gay marriages.

Russians are commies still right? Are they killing Christians today? Is there a Russian Holocust going on right now against Christians? Then shut the fuck up.

Russians are not commies now. You appear to have missed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the changes that followed.

So the only commies are liberal Americans now? You guys are so stupid.

Hey, every theist should be required to watch the Cosmos. Not just the new one but the old one too. It explains everything a person needs to know in order to realize that there is no god. Christians say, "you have to read the bible before you can say you don't believe". The truth is, you need to watch the Cosmos before you read the bible because it explains the history of man and religion. When you know the history you know that they made up god AND they use god to hold us back.

Did you know 2500 years ago the Greeks figured out that the earth is not the center of the universe? We aren't even at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. They figured out that all the stars were other suns. They were not Neptune, Venus, Zeus, Hercules, etc. That's what primitive ancient superstitious man believed. The Greeks discovered science. So why/how did all this knowledge disappear? The Mystics, Religious and Superstitious squashed all that knowledge. Then later these stupid humans decided that there is only one god not many. Instead of realizing there is no god, they went from many gods to 1. The Jews, Christians & Muslims would rule for the next 2000 years.

Every time a society is free to think, it never goes well for god. In a free society like ancient Greece or America today, we see science is flourishing because we/they are/were free to think.

And today religion can't squash free thinking and science, so they have tried to embrace science and pretend that they didn't hold us back intellectually for thousands of years.

Religion is an evil thing. It is a lie. I don't care what charitable works it does. That's like saying a slave master is good because he feeds his slaves once a day. BFD. Imagine where we would be today without religion. Instead of just now reaching Mars, maybe we would have already colonized Mars. But no. Instead we have an arms race with Russia for 50 years. We built how many nuclear bombs?

I have very little confidence in the human race. Until I see it shed the delusions of religion that is.

You missed the point - twice in fact!

There is no difference between a modern American atheist and a Commie when it comes to the scientific materialism you swear by. The difference has to do with Commies being murderers and modern Liberals sexual perverts.

The Cosmos is indeed an amazing thing. Its patterns and power and beauty point to an Intelligent and powerful artist.

The Christian monasteries were what preserved knowledge through the dark ages after the barbarian pagan invasions had destroyed so much. It was medieval European Christendom that laid the foundations for the modern scientific enterprise not least with the assumption that the Cosmos is intelligible because it has an intelligent Designer. We have surpassed the ancient Greeks in every way.

I agree that the building of a space faring civilisation would be a better way to spend resources than on futile wars. But the Cold War was not won by Star Fleet but rather by people waking up to the evil that was atheistic Communism and by a steadfast determination by leaders like the pope, Reagan and Thatcher to oppose it.

I don't know what scientific materialism means. All I know is I study the history of man and the more I learn about how we came up with the character god, the more I realize it isn't true AND the more I realize it is bad for us. "THEY" use it to keep the masses down. And it has held us back big time. One great example is hockey great Gordy Howe had to fly to California to get stem cells he could not get in Michigan. Why can't the procedure be done in Michigan? The answer is religion. People think a stem cell is too valuable to experiment on. Why? Because of their stupid religious beliefs.

And the more I learn about the Cosmos, the more absurd religion sounds to me. We now know there are millions of stars in our Milky Way system and millions of planets and moons circling those stars. And that's just the Milky Way. There are millions of other galaxies in the universe. The universe is teaming with life. We're just too small to find it or get to it. It'd take us forever just to get to the next closest star. So just because we're the only life we know of so far, doesn't mean anything. Who tells us this? Atheist scientists like Carl Sagan.

If you have watched the old and new Cosmos and still believe in God, it is only because you want to believe something despite the evidence. Wishful thinking. Just know the idea itself is holding mankind back and that ignorance will probably be what does us in. Jesus isn't coming back but great floods are because of Global Warming, not gay butt sex.
There are certainly forces not yet known about by science. There is still room for a God outside the universe.
I am speaking from the Islamic perspective.

The proof that God exists is His act. Like footprints indicate a walker, His act indicates His existence. The rain that comes from the sky, the constellations of the Zodiac and the vast pathways above you in the sky point to the existence of a unique Almighty God.

Not necessarily. There's nothing that says that creation need be singular. There could have been two creators working together. Or two trillion trillion of them. Or that a creator be 'all mighty'. Or even worth worshiping. Or exists after creating his creation. Or be sentient. The only prerequisite of a 'first mover' is that it move first. All other attributes are merely assumptions and embellishments.
I speak from the traditional knowledge in Islam and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said:

"Faith consists of more than sixty branches."

There are 77 branches of faith. The highest branch is to believve in God, the 2nd branch is to believe in the Messengers of God, the 3rd branch is to believe in the angels, the 4th branch is to believe in the Qur'an, the 14th branch is to believe in the obligation to love Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), the 36th branch is the prohibition of murder and other felonies, the 45th branch is sincerity, the 57th branch is good character, etc...
I am speaking from the Islamic perspective.

The proof that God exists is His act. Like footprints indicate a walker, His act indicates His existence. The rain that comes from the sky, the constellations of the Zodiac and the vast pathways above you in the sky point to the existence of a unique Almighty God.
Is it not wonderful that you can post an Islamic Message in America and not be beheaded for it? Free will and Free speech in this country comes from the Christian faith of the founders of America who believed in religious liberty and the right to worship how where or what you may as long as it did not harm or take from your fellow man the right to do the same.
A reminder.

The existence of God Almighty who created the universe (and is above any form of humanness) is something proven, as taught in Islam.

Footprints indicate a walker. Likewise the vast pathways in the sky above you or the constellations of the Zodiac or even the rain that comes from the sky; those are clear indications of the existence of a unique Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything it it.

Then because He owns you as He created you, He has the right that you love Him, that you worship Him. He loves you. Since He created you, He loves you. So love Him also.
A reminder.

The existence of God Almighty who created the universe (and is above any form of humanness) is something proven, as taught in Islam.

Footprints indicate a walker. Likewise the vast pathways in the sky above you or the constellations of the Zodiac or even the rain that comes from the sky; those are clear indications of the existence of a unique Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything it it.

Then because He owns you as He created you, He has the right that you love Him, that you worship Him. He loves you. Since He created you, He loves you. So love Him also.

I despise your rotten God, because the quran says many times that he will burn unbelievers in eternal hellfire.
As far as I am concerned that makes Allah a raving monster. Or to be more exact, it makes Muhammad an evil liar, and God has nothing to do with it.
I am speaking from the Islamic perspective.

The proof that God exists is His act. Like footprints indicate a walker, His act indicates His existence. The rain that comes from the sky, the constellations of the Zodiac and the vast pathways above you in the sky point to the existence of a unique Almighty God.

Not necessarily. There's nothing that says that creation need be singular. There could have been two creators working together. Or two trillion trillion of them. Or that a creator be 'all mighty'. Or even worth worshiping. Or exists after creating his creation. Or be sentient. The only prerequisite of a 'first mover' is that it move first. All other attributes are merely assumptions and embellishments.

There is nothing that says that there even needed to be a "first mover" either. That thinking is based on the mythological fallacy of the first 3 words in Genesis. "In the beginning".

There is nothing about the universe that requires a beginning. The laws of conservation of mass and energy stipulate that matter is neither created nor destroyed.

We are merely observing the current state of the universe. The Big Bang was merely the origin of the current state but the state of matter prior to the Big Bang is not "nothing". It still existed, just in a different form.
I am speaking from the Islamic perspective.

The proof that God exists is His act. Like footprints indicate a walker, His act indicates His existence. The rain that comes from the sky, the constellations of the Zodiac and the vast pathways above you in the sky point to the existence of a unique Almighty God.

Not necessarily. There's nothing that says that creation need be singular. There could have been two creators working together. Or two trillion trillion of them. Or that a creator be 'all mighty'. Or even worth worshiping. Or exists after creating his creation. Or be sentient. The only prerequisite of a 'first mover' is that it move first. All other attributes are merely assumptions and embellishments.

There is nothing that says that there even needed to be a "first mover" either. That thinking is based on the mythological fallacy of the first 3 words in Genesis. "In the beginning".

There is nothing about the universe that requires a beginning. The laws of conservation of mass and energy stipulate that matter is neither created nor destroyed.

We are merely observing the current state of the universe. The Big Bang was merely the origin of the current state but the state of matter prior to the Big Bang is not "nothing". It still existed, just in a different form.
Imagine you live in one bubble in a lava lamp with an infinite number of bubbles. Our bubble will one day pop but dont worry other bubbles are constantly being formed.
A reminder.

The existence of God Almighty who created the universe (and is above any form of humanness) is something proven, as taught in Islam.

Footprints indicate a walker. Likewise the vast pathways in the sky above you or the constellations of the Zodiac or even the rain that comes from the sky; those are clear indications of the existence of a unique Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything it it.

Then because He owns you as He created you, He has the right that you love Him, that you worship Him. He loves you. Since He created you, He loves you. So love Him also.
Islam is the embodiment of pure evil, formed from the delusion if a pedophile psychotic.
I don't know what scientific materialism means. All I know is I study the history of man and the more I learn about how we came up with the character god...

You've got it backwards.

Humanity did not 'come up with the character god', God created the universe and within that universe he created humanity.

You're inability to recognize God is because you are animated by Evil. Everything you know about 'life', is a lie... in that absent God, life IS A LIE.

To know the truth, you must accept God and and until you do, you will never know truth.
There is nothing that says that there even needed to be a "first mover" either. That thinking is based on the mythological fallacy of the first 3 words in Genesis. "In the beginning".

Yet, no where in the universe, is there ANYTHING that does not have a beginning... EVERYTHING in the Universe has a beginning, it's existence and its end.

Yet in Relativism, absent any sense of truth, they simply create the notion that the Universe itself had no beginning. The notion is so foolish, unreasonable and out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous... which is to say that it is ludicrous. But no more so, than anything else that Relativism advances. Because Relativism is a lie.
There are certainly forces not yet known about by science. There is still room for a God outside the universe.

That's a good place for god. I am comfortable with a god outside of the known universe.

God is the known universe... Which is to say, that absent God, there is no universe.

That is just another way to excuse yourself from responsibility for your own participation in life.

How convenient for you. How cowardly.

Ya..right. Just keep babbling about how your god is mysterious and expecting intelligent people to excuse you to act like a moron.

HUGGY "That was stupid"

Lost His Keys "But... But...But...god!"

Hey Sport, your make believe stories mean NOTHING. YOU have to make sense when communicating with thinking people. Some of us are not idiots that need an excuse to exist. We don't give credit to mythical creatures. Wake up to the fact that you are alone. YOU deserve ALL of the credit for what you do and what you do not do. Christians and all people that have this weakness called faith are just scared little minds that haven't figured out the OBVIOUS. Bottom the people that are looking to make our existence permanent your peanut gallery nonsense is just annoying. Only children are excused from believing in fairy tales, tooth fairies, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies and all powerful mythical gods. Grow the fuck up and start acting like a man.
God is the known universe... Which is to say, that absent God, there is no universe.

That is just another way to excuse yourself from responsibility for your own participation in life.

Did I? You're basing that upon what, exactly?

Perhaps you sustained those charges in the would-be points you have posted below. Let's examine those comments for sustaining reasoning.

How convenient for you. How cowardly.

Nope... nothing in the way of sustaining argument there... just more fallacious prattle.

Ya..right. Just keep babbling about how your god is mysterious and expecting intelligent people to excuse you to act like a moron.

Nope... just more fallacious prattle.

HUGGY "That was stupid"

Lost His Keys "But... But...But...god!"

Nope... but you've now wandered from merely offering unsound constructs, to building your own straw argument.

Hey Sport, your make believe stories mean NOTHING.

More straw reasoning...

YOU have to make sense when communicating with thinking people.

Fallacious prattle, of the straw variety.

Some of us are not idiots that need an excuse to exist. We don't give credit to mythical creatures. Wake up to the fact that you are alone. YOU deserve ALL of the credit for what you do and what you do not do. Christians and all people that have this weakness called faith are just scared little minds that haven't figured out the OBVIOUS. Bottom the people that are looking to make our existence permanent your peanut gallery nonsense is just annoying. Only children are excused from believing in fairy tales, tooth fairies, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies and all powerful mythical gods. Grow the fuck up and start acting like a man.

Ohhh... how disappointing.


God is the known universe... Which is to say, that absent God, there is no universe.

That is just another way to excuse yourself from responsibility for your own participation in life.

Did I? You're basing that upon what, exactly?

Perhaps you sustained those charges in the would-be points you have posted below. Let's examine those comments for sustaining reasoning.

How convenient for you. How cowardly.

Nope... nothing in the way of sustaining argument there... just more fallacious prattle.

Ya..right. Just keep babbling about how your god is mysterious and expecting intelligent people to excuse you to act like a moron.

Nope... just more fallacious prattle.

HUGGY "That was stupid"

Lost His Keys "But... But...But...god!"

Nope... but you've now wandered from merely offering unsound constructs, to building your own straw argument.

Hey Sport, your make believe stories mean NOTHING.

More straw reasoning...

YOU have to make sense when communicating with thinking people.

Fallacious prattle, of the straw variety.

Some of us are not idiots that need an excuse to exist. We don't give credit to mythical creatures. Wake up to the fact that you are alone. YOU deserve ALL of the credit for what you do and what you do not do. Christians and all people that have this weakness called faith are just scared little minds that haven't figured out the OBVIOUS. Bottom the people that are looking to make our existence permanent your peanut gallery nonsense is just annoying. Only children are excused from believing in fairy tales, tooth fairies, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies and all powerful mythical gods. Grow the fuck up and start acting like a man.

Ohhh... how disappointing.



An apt conclusion. I agree that your weak response was an epic fail.

Closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and repeating "prattle, prattle, prattle" hardly rebuts my observations. That is how small children deal with something they are afraid of. My conclusion that you are a coward still stands.
A reminder.

The existence of God Almighty who created the universe (and is above any form of humanness) is something proven, as taught in Islam.

Footprints indicate a walker. Likewise the vast pathways in the sky above you or the constellations of the Zodiac or even the rain that comes from the sky; those are clear indications of the existence of a unique Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything it it.

Then because He owns you as He created you, He has the right that you love Him, that you worship Him. He loves you. Since He created you, He loves you. So love Him also.
Islam is the embodiment of pure evil, formed from the delusion if a pedophile psychotic.
They all are. None of them are real and no good comes from a lie. I guess that's not true. A lot of good Muslims out there doing good things in the name of Allah.
A reminder.

The existence of God Almighty who created the universe (and is above any form of humanness) is something proven, as taught in Islam.

Footprints indicate a walker. Likewise the vast pathways in the sky above you or the constellations of the Zodiac or even the rain that comes from the sky; those are clear indications of the existence of a unique Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything it it.

Then because He owns you as He created you, He has the right that you love Him, that you worship Him. He loves you. Since He created you, He loves you. So love Him also.
Islam is the embodiment of pure evil, formed from the delusion if a pedophile psychotic.
They all are. None of them are real and no good comes from a lie. I guess that's not true. A lot of good Muslims out there doing good things in the name of Allah.
Ya can't hide evil.
A reminder.

The existence of God Almighty who created the universe (and is above any form of humanness) is something proven, as taught in Islam.

Footprints indicate a walker. Likewise the vast pathways in the sky above you or the constellations of the Zodiac or even the rain that comes from the sky; those are clear indications of the existence of a unique Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything it it.

Then because He owns you as He created you, He has the right that you love Him, that you worship Him. He loves you. Since He created you, He loves you. So love Him also.
Islam is the embodiment of pure evil, formed from the delusion if a pedophile psychotic.
They all are. None of them are real and no good comes from a lie. I guess that's not true. A lot of good Muslims out there doing good things in the name of Allah.
Ya can't hide evil.

For ten years areal Castro was a school bus driver and had 3 young girls tied up in his place and raped them for years. He his it.

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