The Evil That Is The TEA PARTY. They Are So Damn Evil They Should All Be Killed!!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Evil Seekers Poem by Anne Sexton - Poem Hunter

We are born with luck
which is to say with gold in our mouth.
As new and smooth as a grape,
as pure as a pond in Alaska,
as good as the stem of a green bean-
we are born and that ought to be enough,
we ought to be able to carry on from that
but one must learn about evil,
learn what is subhuman,
learn how the blood pops out like a scream,
one must see the night
before one can realize the day,
one must listen hard to the animal within,
one must walk like a sleepwalker
on the edge of a roof,
one must throw some part of her body
into the devil's mouth.
Odd stuff, you'd say.
But I'd say
you must die a little,
have a book of matches go off in your hand,
see your best friend copying your exam,
visit an Indian reservation and see
their plastic feathers,
the dead dream.
One must be a prisoner just once to hear
the lock twist into his gut.
After all that
one is free to grasp at the trees, the stones,
the sky, the birds that make sense out of air.
But even in a telephone booth
evil can seep out of the receiver
and we must cover it with a mattress,
and then tear it from its roots
and bury it,
bury it.

And now you can witness evil incarnate in this video:

Liberals should have started long ago. This country is long past the time when there should be a permanent split.

I encourage the libs to pull up their pants and get on with it.
1. Liberals don't pay taxes. They rely on others to foot the bill for them.
2. Liberals use the national debt as a smokescreen to hide the real issues.
3. Liberals have always lived beyond their means, and just filed bankruptcy when they had to.
4. Liberals don't believe in free markets, they believe in shopping at wal-mart only.
5. Liberals wish to abolish the Constitution.
6. Liberals promote civic responsibility, for everyone but themselves.
7. Liberals can't make their own choices they must have someone telling them what is correct, and what is not.
8. Liberals don't believe in freedom, except their own.
9. Liberals detest others using hate speech, but have no problem using it themselves.
10. Liberals have to have someone else tell them what their priorities are, thus they would rather for the feds to do this, so no one actually knows that they have no clue of how to live, act or raise children.

Can you see now, why liberals hate the platform?
All you need do is ask a liberal how they are going to pay for their grandiose plans. No matter what they say after that, they can't win, you slowly whittle it down by logic, right back to their own pocket!
And the mainstream of the GOP hold its collective nose when it comes to the TP.

How is it possible to "eliminate excessive taxes" and "eliminate the national debt" without cutting or eliminating spending programs most Americans, including registered Republicans" will insist on keeping?

It is not. It is a shame that Republicans have to learn that again and again, but it stays true.
1. Liberals don't pay taxes. They rely on others to foot the bill for them.
2. Liberals use the national debt as a smokescreen to hide the real issues.
3. Liberals have always lived beyond their means, and just filed bankruptcy when they had to.
4. Liberals don't believe in free markets, they believe in shopping at wal-mart only.
5. Liberals wish to abolish the Constitution.
6. Liberals promote civic responsibility, for everyone but themselves.
7. Liberals can't make their own choices they must have someone telling them what is correct, and what is not.
8. Liberals don't believe in freedom, except their own.
9. Liberals detest others using hate speech, but have no problem using it themselves.
10. Liberals have to have someone else tell them what their priorities are, thus they would rather for the feds to do this, so no one actually knows that they have no clue of how to live, act or raise children.

Can you see now, why liberals hate the platform?

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

- John Kenneth Galbraith
1. Liberals don't pay taxes. They rely on others to foot the bill for them.
2. Liberals use the national debt as a smokescreen to hide the real issues.
3. Liberals have always lived beyond their means, and just filed bankruptcy when they had to.
4. Liberals don't believe in free markets, they believe in shopping at wal-mart only.
5. Liberals wish to abolish the Constitution.
6. Liberals promote civic responsibility, for everyone but themselves.
7. Liberals can't make their own choices they must have someone telling them what is correct, and what is not.
8. Liberals don't believe in freedom, except their own.
9. Liberals detest others using hate speech, but have no problem using it themselves.
10. Liberals have to have someone else tell them what their priorities are, thus they would rather for the feds to do this, so no one actually knows that they have no clue of how to live, act or raise children.

Can you see now, why liberals hate the platform?

I am called a liberal by many although I probably am not. It appears that the moderates (there are more of us than you) are called dirty names (Liberal said by a right wingnut sounds dirty) that many of the weaker ones will succumb to following like sheep to avoid being called that dirty name.
I live confortable through hard work for the first 60 years of my life. I can afford to think for myself.
Real issues? And exactly what is the fix for those Real Issues? The only one on the right I have heard actually bring up the fixes is Rand Paul. And he doesn't have a ghost of a chance to be the Republican Nominee.
Supporting Walmart is to support total "Free Market". I believe in Fair Market and support doing something about it. If we don't, we lose more jobs oversees.
Since you would call me a Liberal, tell you what, exactly when have I EVER wanted to abolish the Constitution. I do read it a bit differently than you do and want to keep it. But I want to add to it just like my Fore Fathers intended it to be.
I have seen more ultra rightwing nut jobs try and curtail my rights than any other. Most of the things you say about Liberals is actually the plank for the Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs.
Using Fear tactics is what you are trying to use here. Sorry, but I don't scare so easy.
Since I am for States Rights I guess that makes me what you say I am.

Too bad, you sure do make an ass of yourself.
1. Liberals don't pay taxes. They rely on others to foot the bill for them.
2. Liberals use the national debt as a smokescreen to hide the real issues.
3. Liberals have always lived beyond their means, and just filed bankruptcy when they had to.
4. Liberals don't believe in free markets, they believe in shopping at wal-mart only.
5. Liberals wish to abolish the Constitution.
6. Liberals promote civic responsibility, for everyone but themselves.
7. Liberals can't make their own choices they must have someone telling them what is correct, and what is not.
8. Liberals don't believe in freedom, except their own.
9. Liberals detest others using hate speech, but have no problem using it themselves.
10. Liberals have to have someone else tell them what their priorities are, thus they would rather for the feds to do this, so no one actually knows that they have no clue of how to live, act or raise children.

Can you see now, why liberals hate the platform?

You are completely full of Shit.

Why do you seek to blame others for everything wrong in the world? News flash, pal -- some of your buddies need a boot up their ass in order to stop talking conservative values and start actually walking the walk. Anyone can point fingers and write lists; all I have to say is -- don't tell us, show us.
I can't wat for those terrorist bastards to start their revolution. God told me...the streets will flow with teaper blood. He is punishing them for their hate and vitriol.

You teapers should repent...God is going to destroy you.
I finally figured out why we allow liberals to speak .... entertainment.

Kinda like watching Three Stooges movies.

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