The entitlement of the 34%... Really?


Dec 1, 2011
Recently scanning the forums I find that I commonly come across one concept that I have trouble rapping my head around and that is the so-called "entitlement" of the 34% of people that pay no FEDERAL income tax.

My understanding in regards to these comments, is that the poorest 34% in our nation are demanding memberships to the local country club, a company vehicle, and a vacation home in the Caribbeans? Someone should seriously look up entitlement, because this notion is absurd. The rich in America, are by far the most entitled people in the world.

Average American salary is ~$20-40,000, so lets say 30,000. Now lets take a low-ball salary for a wealthy American. Lets say $1,000,000, although we know that some people receive this as a Christmas bonus' but I digress. At these figures, the wealthy American earns and truly believes he is worth 33 times the Average person. That my friends is what I personally call entitlement. Any thoughts?
ummm... nope. You hit the nail right on the head...

Of course, it's time to cue the "Freedom and Liberty" Crowd to start talking about how that average person has every chance to make that $1M and should just shut the fuck up and get a job, how Labor Unions are thugs, how education is unnecessary, how those of us who feel the way we do are Marxists.

This is NOTHING more than the very wealthy financing a Public Relations Campaign so that they don't have to pay a little more in taxes and to try to derail regulations that keep them from REALLY screwing the people of this country for their gain.

BTW... that 34% number? I've seen it bumped up to as high as 52% by the right.
ummm... nope. You hit the nail right on the head...

Of course, it's time to cue the "Freedom and Liberty" Crowd to start talking about how that average person has every chance to make that $1M and should just shut the fuck up and get a job, how Labor Unions are thugs, how education is unnecessary, how those of us who feel the way we do are Marxists.

This is NOTHING more than the very wealthy financing a Public Relations Campaign so that they don't have to pay a little more in taxes and to try to derail regulations that keep them from REALLY screwing the people of this country for their gain.

BTW... that 34% number? I've seen it bumped up to as high as 52% by the right.

Wow 52%, I will have to check that out. Last time I checked me and my wife both pay income tax and we are far from out of the salary of average Americans. Maybe we are a statistical anomaly... :lol:
Recently scanning the forums I find that I commonly come across one concept that I have trouble rapping my head around and that is the so-called "entitlement" of the 34% of people that pay no FEDERAL income tax.

My understanding in regards to these comments, is that the poorest 34% in our nation are demanding memberships to the local country club, a company vehicle, and a vacation home in the Caribbeans? Someone should seriously look up entitlement, because this notion is absurd. The rich in America, are by far the most entitled people in the world.

Average American salary is ~$20-40,000, so lets say 30,000. Now lets take a low-ball salary for a wealthy American. Lets say $1,000,000, although we know that some people receive this as a Christmas bonus' but I digress. At these figures, the wealthy American earns and truly believes he is worth 33 times the Average person. That my friends is what I personally call entitlement. Any thoughts?

My goodness are you confused. First, to be in the top 1% of money earners, you need an adjust gross income of about $340,000, not 1 million. Secondly, it's closer to 50% of Americans that do not pay federal income tax, not 34%. Third, the average wage in the US is over $40,000...not "let's say $30,000".

More importantly, you are delusional to suggest someone that EARNED their income, whatever the amount, is "entitled" but the people that accept handouts paid for by that person are not. That is among the most fucked up logic I have ever heard.

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