The Bible. Myth or Reality?

"Operating under the assumption that God is perfect and incapable of error. And that we are inherently flawed,..."

Hmmm....just, uh, isn't there, uh, you know, something a bit, um, 'strange' in that string of words??

Meaning? If we are flawed, assuming God is perfect is flawed?
I am not sure what you mean by validity.

All Gospels are based on myth including the Gnostic Gospels.

Our theology gets more out of ours than what Christianity does, morality wise and that is about the only claim I would validate.

I will wait for your definition of validity though.

The Bible and the Gnostic Gospels can not both be reality, factually sound. Would your question not be better phrased as a specific fact which the Bible states which the Gnostic Gospel refutes? By better phrased I mean to address the intent of your question better.

As I indicated, all scriptures are myths.

That is why they cannot both be reality. Neither is reality.

Myths are never factually sound except to their own story lines. Any relationship to reality is accidental.

If I have to refute a myth to someone then they are literalists and believe with faith without facts and they are likely immune to facts.

Did I not just read you say you were a Gnostic Christian? As JakeStarkey just stated, "Gnosticism is another form of theism, "

We are not the same at all. That is why Christianity decimated us and burned our scriptures.

I gave our friend an example of how we are different just above. Have a look.

There are differences, and similarities. You seem to be arguing against Christianity at the points of similarity not differences or you are just not stating you case very clearly. I asked exactly the question that will answer that in post #2 and you have yet to answer it. Intentionally or not you are being very disingenuous. As well as unnecessarily rude to people who comment on your thread.
Meaning, how can a creation of a flawless creator be flawed?

We were created but given "free will" - meaning, the creation was created given an option to make choices. We chose wrong, thus, we are now flawed and live in a fallen state in a fallen world.
Or, there is no such thing as 'flawed' outside our own creative thinking (read "dualism").
Either way, you have to be open to the fact that you could be wrong. Even if 2 billion people agree with you.
The thing with being truly wrong is that you're open to it whether you know it or not.
So again, dismissing anything "out of hand" is illogical.
Being part of the Southern Baptist church, they believe in a very literal translation of the Bible. Meaning, there was a real Adam and Eve, etc. Growing up in the Lutheran Church, it was "ok" to believe the Bible had some real events and some "stories" made up to make points (my mother believes Adam and Eve is a made up story to make a point...) - so, I happened to believe it's literally true, but, I have had my doubts.

It's human nature to want to only rely on the tangible. The known.
The Bible is true. If it were not, it would be as discussed as "The Iliad and the Odyssey" --- which might just be the topic of a 9th grade literature class and nothing more...
Gnostics stumble every bit as badly as theists or the atheists in explain cosmic cause and effect. Listen to but don't be guided by them.
I disagree. I happen to be a Christian, but I don't leave my brain at the church doors. There are MANY very intelligent Christians out there. Maybe they just don't frequent the message boards.

The Bible makes sense to Christian's or "saved" people. An unsaved person and understand the content, research the translations etc. but, how can you expect an unsaved person to relate to or understand the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when they have not experienced it. To dismiss it out of hand is what is ignorant.
Most atheists were at one time christians or part of another religion. Do you consider yourself ignorant for dismissing every other god and religion?
It's very dangerous to mock the Holy Spirit.

it also demonstrates you don't know anything about the spiritual

You and Jeremiah often post this weird threat but I've never seen either of you say why its dangerous.

Are you saying that if people don't toe the line, your god will strike them down?
I suspect there is quite a lot of history in the bible but much of it just superstitious nonsense.

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