Amazing Grace!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This video is a great testimony to the Amazing Grace of Jesus Christ! If you are a Catholic? These testimonies are you! Listen to these former priests and nun tell their stories of salvation - what their life was like in Catholicism and what happened after they met Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! If you are not a Catholic, who do you know that is? Make sure to share this wonderful video with them today!

A denomination cannot save you. There is not a church on earth that can save you or give you eternal life. It is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ alone that can give a man or woman eternal life. It is not possible to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and remain in a dead religion! Come to the living waters and drink deeply! Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way, the ONLY truth, the ONLY life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. Mary cannot save you. Come out from among them (idolatry, false religions) and be ye separated says the LORD. TODAY is the day of Salvation. The Roman Catholic Institution does not follow the Jesus Christ of the Bible. It is a false Jesus they offer you and there is no life in it.
Are you saved today? If you died tonight would you know for certain where you'd be? You can know, friend!

Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved! Read Romans 10:9,10 today. Today is the day of Salvation! Receive the Lord Jesus Christ and your name shall be written in the Lamb's book of Life. Luke 10:20. God loves you! He sent His Son to die on a cross for your sins and raised Him on the 3rd day! Believe on the LORD today and ask God to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life!

I must tell you that if you refuse to tell your Catholic friends that there is no salvation in Catholicism then you know nothing of Calvary Love. There is no greater love than one who is willing to speak the truth to those who will perish without it.
no love in trying to force others into your views.....

I agree. But this isn't my "view", Strollingbones. It's "God's view" given to us by His Holy Word! You can count on it being the truth! God has commanded his children to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel and compel the perishing to come in!

Tell me something. If your apartment was on fire - you worked graveyard shift and was fast asleep with your loved ones - and I bang on the door to wake you up are you going to be grateful once you know what you were saved from or not?

I say you may be truly aggravated before realizing you were about to perish but if you listen and get out? (and bring your loved ones with you?)
The day will come when you will meet me down the road and say - hey! Thanks for caring enough to knock on my door. Even if you didn't - I would still do it because I know that the LORD loves you so very much and He does not want you to perish! THIS IS LOVE! For God so loved the world that he gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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