The beginning of the end

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This teaching is most excellent by Michael Boldea Jr. . I believe it will answer alot of questions for people concerning the times we are living in. The opening is quite interesting on his teaching about philosphers and how they like to discuss God. I have seen this video before - was watching it again tonight and thought of some people here and thought they might enjoy listening to this video too. The viewer will be astounded at Michael's spiritual maturity because he is quite young. He is Dumitru Duduman's grandson and was seeking the Lord at a very young age. Very young. So although he is in his 30's here - he was already 25 yrs old in the LORD or thereabout. Very strong in his faith. You are sure to be blessed! Enjoy!

Yes, Sharty. Dumitu Duduman was a a great man of God who suffered tremendously for the Gospel. He smuggled over 1 million bibles into Russia and never gave up a single persons name who was involved with him and he was tortured to the point of death repeatedly. He bore the sufferings in his body - he endured for the name of Christ. I want you to get the full story on his life so let me get you a video where he gives his testimony. I believe you will be very impressed. In the meantime, I will tell you that he was sent to America by the Lord to warn America that we would burn. That Russia would attack us by a nuclear strike. This message he began to give to America back in early 80's - maybe 1983? Anyhow - the church rejected his message and said this could not be God because America could never fall and then of course Russia was weak and had no power to wage such an attack. Still Dumitru was faithful to obey God and tell the people the message God gave him - that America would burn - specifically Florida, New York, California and Las Vegas, Nevada. So I heard about Dumitru once by a visitor to my home who mentioned him once to me - and while he didn't give me any details I knew he was a man of God - a true prophet - even though I didn't get to hear a sermon or read anything from him at that time. He never went after money - he lived humbly - Mike Boldea Jr. lives in an apartment - he does not own a house -these are servants of God not hirelings - okay? So when I lived in Florida the Lord told me to leave because Florida was going to burn like Sodom and Gomorrah. So my husband and I obeyed the Lord and left Fla and moved to Georgia.

So when I moved here the LORD brought up the name Dumitru to me and as my husband had bought me a computer I typed in his name and found books by him - I found his testimony and read it for the first time and when he said the LORD told him that Florida was as Sodom and Gomorrah I knew that was God. Because He told me that too. I never doubted Dumitru's testimony. I know that many in the church did but I knew he was a holy man of God and every word he spoke was true. And that is why I look up his grandsons sermons and post them - because he knows what he is talking about - whereas the prosperity preachers do not because they are blinded for love of money - sin will blind you - you know -anyhow - I believe I have read every book Dumitru ever wrote ( not many ) and every dream, prophecy, teaching he ever taught. If there is anything out there by him that I have not read I do not know of it. I also listened to the dvd teachings or teaching on CD. He is a very good teacher. So is his grandson. I will go get his testimony for you. * I do not listen to any people in the mega churches who call themselves prophets in the church - they are false - they prophesy out of the imaginations of their mind - for money- they are going to hell if they do not repent.
I believe the LORD used you to remind me to put this up, Sharty. I had put this video up probably a year ago but there are new people on USMB now and this is a message all people should hear. Michael Boldea Jr. was his grandfathers interpreter as he was a Romanian. It was very difficult on Dumitru moving to the US with his family - he did not speak English - they were staying in this awful little apartment - he was very sad - he obeyed God and stayed in the USA and gave the message God gave him and he endured the mockery and the persecution that comes with such a ministry. Here he is - he also gives his testimony of how God saved him in the Romanian jail where he was tortured for his faith.
Dumitru was the friend of Richard Wurmbrand who was the founder of Voice of the martyrs international ministry - Wurmbrand is the author of Tortured for Christ - he is in heaven with Dumitru now.
That was the short video, Sharty, wrong one. This is the earlier one I think it was made in the 80's - John Kilpatricks church had Dumitru come as a guest to speak and in this one you hear his testimony of being put in a basement with giant rats - his being electrocuted - beaten - tortured - this one has his testimony of what happened in Romania and the full prophecy in detail of what will happen to America. God gave him this message back in the early 80's and people said it was impossible because Russia was a weak nation with no power and America was a superpower. Today we see that Russia is very powerful and preparing to make her move against us.

This teaching is most excellent by Michael Boldea Jr. . I believe it will answer alot of questions for people concerning the times we are living in. The opening is quite interesting on his teaching about philosphers and how they like to discuss God. I have seen this video before - was watching it again tonight and thought of some people here and thought they might enjoy listening to this video too. The viewer will be astounded at Michael's spiritual maturity because he is quite young. He is Dumitru Duduman's grandson and was seeking the Lord at a very young age. Very young. So although he is in his 30's here - he was already 25 yrs old in the LORD or thereabout. Very strong in his faith. You are sure to be blessed! Enjoy!

Are there any excellent Christian teachings that point out 'a lot' is two words? Not one word? :)
I don't even hafta watch that video to know that I prolly agree with it 100%.

I have long believed that Revelation 17 is about America.

"The whore that sitteth on many waters": New York City.

This explains a lot. :)

Even someone who has had relatives who have fought and died for this country and/ or some who are currently fighting for it would be remiss not to recognize some of the evils in American history:

Its enslavement of innocents.

Its latent anti-Semitism, the children of Abraham.

Its at times gaudy, pompous narcissism.

Its persecution of those who truly believe in and understand the Judeo-Christian God.

I love America. But it is not blameless in the course of some of the more nefarious transpirings of contemporary world history.
Even someone who has had relatives who have fought and died for this country and/ or some who are currently fighting for it would be remiss not to recognize some of the evils in American history:

Its enslavement of innocents.

Its latent anti-Semitism, the children of Abraham.

Its at times gaudy, pompous narcissism.

Its persecution of those who truly believe in and understand the Judeo-Christian God.

I love America. But it is not blameless in the course of some of the more nefarious transpirings of contemporary world history.

No arguement here. Was actually referring to wondering what your problem with sex was. You're a delusional fundy.

Can read anything in the Bible as being about America, but that doesn't mean it is. It's just written in that specific way to enable the reader, anywhere they may live, to see it as being about themselves. It's a tactic, not a fact.
Even someone who has had relatives who have fought and died for this country and/ or some who are currently fighting for it would be remiss not to recognize some of the evils in American history:

Its enslavement of innocents.

Its latent anti-Semitism, the children of Abraham.

Its at times gaudy, pompous narcissism.

Its persecution of those who truly believe in and understand the Judeo-Christian God.

I love America. But it is not blameless in the course of some of the more nefarious transpirings of contemporary world history.

No arguement here. Was actually referring to wondering what your problem with sex was. You're a delusional fundy.

Mmm kay, if we're gonna go that route, then you're really creepy, and I wouldn't let you anywhere my children.

Fair play, sport.

Delta4Embassy said:
Can read anything in the Bible as being about America, but that doesn't mean it is. It's just written in that specific way to enable the reader, anywhere they may live, to see it as being about themselves. It's a tactic, not a fact.

No one said it was a fact, Sherlock.

It's merely my interpretation.
I would still appreciate it, Sharty, if you would listen to the entire video and his testimony - I believe it will be a blessing to you.
Here is a word I found this morning on Michael Boldea Jr.'s website. Given some time ago but it is important.

Enabling Evil
Enabling Evil
May 1, 2007
Enabler: One who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior by providing excuses or by helping that individual avoid the consequences of such behavior.
As of late I have been receiving an increasing number of correspondence, enough so that it warranted a public response, concerning the contradictory revelations, dreams and visions that are being touted by some well known Evangelists, who foresee not judgment or hardships, but rather an unprecedented season of blessing, prosperity, and human understanding, a utopian world of men living and coexisting in peace.
I have been asked to comment, to confirm or deny, to make a case for what God is showing this ministry, to attempt and convince the divided heart that we are on the side of right. In this case, as in most other cases of this nature, I will defer to the Word, wherein we find wisdom knowledge and understanding, wherein we find the answers to the questions that fill our hearts and minds. I have never in my life attempted to sway anyone when it came to prophecy, or try to prove that I am on the side of right, but merely directed them to the Bible, and asked them to confirm, in the Word, what they are hearing from the mouths of men. Simply put, I stand on the Word of God, and look to it for confirmation of every word I hear, no matter how respected an individual that person might be in Christian circles, or how well known.
It seems to me, and increasingly so, that the current prophetic climate in this country is closely mimicking the prophetic climate during Jeremiah's time, wherein although sin abounded, men despised God, and walked according to the imagination of their own hearts, the prophets of that time prophesied only peace, and good times ahead.
Click red letters above Enabling evil - to continue reading full message -
Reading this - this morning reminded me of when I first moved to my city - I visited some places that were doing exactly this! They were prophesying falsely out of their own imaginations. When I told them God showed me judgment was coming - not good times - they told people do not listen to her - listen to us - Back then there was a big prophetic movement going on - such as - this is what Bob the prophet says! Bob the prophet has since died - yet those who loved smooth prophesies payed money to get into meetings to hear him tell his latest vision of this or that! I warned people but they did not listen. I warned a famous ministry couple who was holding meetings with Bob the prophet and they would not listen either because the love of money had blinded their eyes to the truth! They misled those following their ministry! They are still alive - they could still repent! The people had to rush to this meeting and that meeting and would not seek the LORD for themselves.

People didn't bother to check the scriptures to see whether or not what these false prophets were saying was true or not! Paul commended the Bereans for studying the scriptures to confirm every word spoken. Why do Christians not do this more? Jesus said in Matthew 24 if it were possible the very elect would be deceived! Shouldn't we be diligent to know the truth and obey it so we don't get bamboozled by some false preacher?
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I don't even hafta watch that video to know that I prolly agree with it 100%.

I have long believed that Revelation 17 is about America.

"The whore that sitteth on many waters": New York City.

This explains a lot. :)
The prophecy of America's destruction is found in Revelation 18, Delta Embassy. Let me explain why it is significant that John on the isle of Patmos had been given this word of the destruction of Babylon the great ( America ) being a place that is surrounded by many waters. Because we are surrounded by many waters. If John had been speaking about Babylon which is known as Iraq it would not make sense. Iraq as landlocked. Look at a map. America is surrounded by many waters. America is under the judgment of God which has yet to fall on us. When it does, it will happen in a single hour. Just as it is described in Revelation 18: 8

It is written:

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judged her. - Rev. 18: 8

Last verse reads:

And in her was found the blood of the prophets, and of saints, and of all who were slain upon the earth. - Rev. 18: 24

This is America.

See Zechariah 14. That is America.

Consider this from Jeremiah 7: 9 Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods, who ye know not. And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD.

The truth is - this is what is going on in the house of God today. Preachers I once thought to be sold out to God - men who would never part with Christ for filthy lucre? Well. It looks like many are departing from the faith. Robbery is going on in the sanctuary and from the pulpits of America! It is true! Apostasy is everywhere throughout America. I see very few crying out against it. I see very few speak up for Jesus. Many do not even tell their neighbors, their co-workers, the people they talk to every day anything about Jesus. Not one word. It is as if they are saying to themselves - so long as me and my family are going to heaven I'll not bother myself with telling others because what is that to me if they die and go to hell without Jesus? So long as I and my family are going - that is all that matters. God forbid. God forbid. Every word that we have ever spoken we will be held accountable for and every word we should have spoken and didn't we will be held accountable for. Christians are mistaken in thinking that obedience to the Holy Spirit is optional. It isn't. He is either in charge of your life or He is not in charge of your life. If He isn't? Repent.

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