The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist

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Quoting a questionable source like the Blaze is hardly proof of anything. The rapist has confessed and the story has been confirmed.

You’ve been caught believing the lies from right wing media yet again.

Gullible, stupid and believing the rabid right is no way to go through life, Son.

What did you think it was before DNA? A puppy????
According to libs its just a tissue mass
DNA proves otherwise, sweetie :lmao:

They can extract DNA from a fetus in the womb. If that DNA is given to a lab with absolutely no information, the lab can scientifically guarantee 3 things:
  1. It’s human DNA
  2. It’s male or female
  3. It is a unique human life - not “part” of the mother’s body
Stop being a science denying extremist. It’s gross.

The thing is that every fertilized Zygote has "unique" human DNA... but 2/3rds of them never attach to the uterine wall.

And we don't hold funerals for tampons because there might be a lost zygote in there.

The 400K frozen embryos in fertility labs across the country have unique DNA, but no one is going to issue a writ of habeus corpus to insist they be immediately implanted in a woman.
You think everything is financed by George Soros.
Well unlike you, I realize that facts matter. George Soros funds the "Open Society Foundation" and he uses that to fund dozens and dozens of extremist organizations (such as "Media Bias Fact Check"). Sort of like "shell corporations" only instead of hiding taxes, he's trying to hide what he's financing (which itself speaks volumes).
He even helped Hitler came to power when he was three years old.
Again, facts matter. He worked for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis - confiscating property (money, art, land, etc.) from Jews even though he is a Jew. He called it "the happiest time of my life". And it's no wonder. I'm sure he pocketed at least 25% of everything - thus how he was able to come into such enormous wealth.
"Ten year old who doesn't exist"

Well she does and these abortion laws are insane
No she doesn't. At least, not the one you guys are claiming. Her own mother is saying she was never raped. Oops!! :lmao:

You low-IQ leftists fell for the biggest bullshit story ever. You guys are so easy to dupe.

Well she does and these abortion laws are insane
Actually, what is insane, is your fascism.

We the People of each state get to decide for ourselves what type of communities we want to live in. And we don't want to live in communities where people murder their own fucking children (even filth barnyard animals don't do that).

And you know what? We don't give a fuck if you fascists don't like it. There is nothing you can do about it and there is nothing you will do about it.

You could move to another state and murder defenseless babies all you want. Speaks volumes that you don't. You're not happy enough just executing babies. You want to force others to do likewise. Tough shit. Not happening.
Well unlike you, I realize that facts matter.
Like saying a 10 year old rape victim doesn't exist?

Again, facts matter. He worked for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis - confiscating property (money, art, land, etc.) from Jews even though he is a Jew. He called it "the happiest time of my life". And it's no wonder. I'm sure he pocketed at least 25% of everything - thus how he was able to come into such enormous wealth.

Soros did not work for the Nazis, you stupid ignorant parroting dumb fuck.
No she doesn't. At least, not the one you guys are claiming. Her own mother is saying she was never raped. Oops!! :lmao:

You low-IQ leftists fell for the biggest bullshit story ever. You guys are so easy to dupe.

Of course she exists, ya buttplug. Even if her mother is trying to protectbthe rapist, she still exists and she was still raped.
Actually, what is insane, is your fascism.

We the People of each state get to decide for ourselves what type of communities we want to live in. And we don't want to live in communities where people murder their own fucking children (even filth barnyard animals don't do that).

And you know what? We don't give a fuck if you fascists don't like it. There is nothing you can do about it and there is nothing you will do about it.

You could move to another state and murder defenseless babies all you want. Speaks volumes that you don't. You're not happy enough just executing babies. You want to force others to do likewise. Tough shit. Not happening.

You poor thing, there will always be states where it's legal (i.e., not murder). So there is something pregnant women can do.
Well unlike you, I realize that facts matter. George Soros funds the "Open Society Foundation" and he uses that to fund dozens and dozens of extremist organizations (such as "Media Bias Fact Check"). Sort of like "shell corporations" only instead of hiding taxes, he's trying to hide what he's financing (which itself speaks volumes).

Again, facts matter. He worked for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis - confiscating property (money, art, land, etc.) from Jews even though he is a Jew. He called it "the happiest time of my life". And it's no wonder. I'm sure he pocketed at least 25% of everything - thus how he was able to come into such enormous wealth.

Facts matter????? George Soros was born in 1930. He was 9 years old when WWII started and 15 when it ended. He didn’t work for ANYONE because he was too young you clueless dolt.

Soros is your go to all purpose left wing boogie man. You people have mythologized Soros beyond belief. But like everything else you’ve been told by right wing media, it’s all a bunch of lies.

Soros donates a lot of money to liberal causes. He doesn’t control ANY of the groups he donates to. He’s not Rooert Murdoch or Robert Mercer.
Again, facts matter. He worked for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis - confiscating property (money, art, land, etc.) from Jews even though he is a Jew. He called it "the happiest time of my life". And it's no wonder. I'm sure he pocketed at least 25% of everything - thus how he was able to come into such enormous wealth.

Uh, he was 9 years old when the war broke out...
Soros did not work for the Nazis, you stupid ignorant parroting dumb fuck.
He absolutely did - and openly admitted it many times, you ignorant fuck high school dropout.

His job was to confiscate the personal belongings of Jews. This is well documented, you worthless piece of shit.
Vox!! :lmao:

Fucking Vox!! :lmao:

Literally competing with for being the most extremist left-wing propaganda site :laugh:

George Soros has stated in interviews multiple times that he worked for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, but G-string wants you to believe that propaganda extremist site Vox knows more about George Soros’s life than George Soros.

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