Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

Worshipping idols is the exact reason why we are such a depraved nation. Remember the golden calf? Nobody said anything about worshipping a stone tablet.

I think the Tea Party ultimate goal was a theocracy and the Trump clan are just carrying on. In a theocracy you get to pick a state religion. Seems to be the way we are headed.


The Tea Party started because W and the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" started spending like Democrats, and expanding government like Zionist Fascists, including a fascist

Department of Homeland Security

Zeig Heil!!!!

The Tea Party was fiscally conservative Republicans = THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND BASIC MATH = NOT SUBS

The Tea Party started because W and the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" started spending like Democrats, and expanding government like Zionist Fascists, including a fascist

Department of Homeland Security

Zeig Heil!!!!

The Tea Party was fiscally conservative Republicans = THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND BASIC MATH = NOT SUBS
The GOP has spent money like the Democrats since they started it when Reagan was elected.

The Tea Party started because W and the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" started spending like Democrats, and expanding government like Zionist Fascists, including a fascist

Department of Homeland Security

Zeig Heil!!!!

The Tea Party was fiscally conservative Republicans = THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND BASIC MATH = NOT SUBS
What is a SUB?
The GOP has spent money like the Democrats since they started it when Reagan was elected.


Reagan sent the Congress budgets that cut taxes AND SPENDING.

Your heroes in the Congress, the CROOK KLANSMAN DEM CONGRESS, loaded up the budgets with spending. The Congress does the budget. Just ask Bill Clinton...

The Republican Congress in the 1990s was THE BEST THING EVER in American political history. Then came W, Faux "News" ... and fiscal conservatism has been gone in American politics for a quarter century, and our Federal Debt is up 5 fold....
What is a SUB?

A SUB is a self proclaimed sub human, one who believes one group of humans, Jews, are God's chosen people, and they are hence "sub" to Jews, they "serve Israel" because they are "commanded by God" to do so. Unless you consider Jews to not be human, you cannot even begin to refute it. These are the people W and Karl Rove brought into the GOP. They have no understanding of fiscal conservatism or supply side. They really have only read the Bible and that's all they "know."

They have one goal...

Exterminate all muslims in the Middle East and give that land to israel because their Jew frauds of "Christian Preachers" tell them

THAT is when Jesus will float down from the clouds...

They are the only demographic still fooled by 911.

They do not understand basic math or science.

The are for big spending and things like socialized senior drugs, which was done by W....

They weren't even Reagan Democrats. They voted for Carter and Mondale....

Their take on fiscal conservatives

"assholes who cut taxes"
"I favor raising taxes on the rich"

They are what Faux News and W brought into the GOP, and America has been falling off a cliff ever since....
I have no problem with religion in school. We are a Juedo-Christian nation and religion has played an important part in forming our Nation. But to avoid the government establishing a national religion ever child in that school district who is not Christian should get equal time. So if you have a Muslim kid, or a Satanist kid...well you get it.
We are a secular nation that was started by people who had Judeo Christian backgrounds.

It's easier to make sure everybody is treated equally by not having religion in government schools and let everybody worship how they please.
A SUB is a self proclaimed sub human, one who believes one group of humans, Jews, are God's chosen people, and they are hence "sub" to Jews, they "serve Israel" because they are "commanded by God" to do so. Unless you consider Jews to not be human, you cannot even begin to refute it. These are the people W and Karl Rove brought into the GOP. They have no understanding of fiscal conservatism or supply side. They really have only read the Bible and that's all they "know."

They have one goal...

Exterminate all muslims in the Middle East and give that land to israel because their Jew frauds of "Christian Preachers" tell them

THAT is when Jesus will float down from the clouds...

They are the only demographic still fooled by 911.

They do not understand basic math or science.

The are for big spending and things like socialized senior drugs, which was done by W....

They weren't even Reagan Democrats. They voted for Carter and Mondale....

Their take on fiscal conservatives

"assholes who cut taxes"
"I favor raising taxes on the rich"

They are what Faux News and W brought into the GOP, and America has been falling off a cliff ever since....
I think it was a Stephen King book I read once that you climbed into an old car on one side, and when you got out the other side you were in a completely different world. Sometimes it feels that way around here.
I see this being overruled by the SCOTUS, at the very least. It won't last unless other faiths are allowed and represented.

The 10 Commandments monument that Judge Roy Moore snuck into the Alabama State Supreme Courthouse lobby was removed for the same reasons.
No worries.

If you rock the boat they'll just audit your taxes, investigate your business dealing, investigate you.

And then find a way to charge you with a felony.

We can weaponize the legal system too. :thup:
A good start!!!

The Texas Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require public schools in the state to prominently display the Ten Commandments in every classroom, starting next school year, The Texas Tribune reports. The bill's sponsor, state Sen. Phil King (R), argued earlier this month that the Ten Commandments are part of American heritage, and his legislation "will remind students all across Texas of the importance of the fundamental foundation of America."
I'm sure the Republicans will take a black sharpie to #8 and #9.
I see this being overruled by the SCOTUS, at the very least. It won't last unless other faiths are allowed and represented.

The 10 Commandments monument that Judge Roy Moore snuck into the Alabama State Supreme Courthouse lobby was removed for the same reasons.
And then the GOP tried to run him for Senate.....even tho this so-called "christian" man was a creeper.

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