Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

Prayer is not establishment. It is the free exercise of religion by religious people. Nobody is required to participate in it or agree with it or even acknowledge it other than common decency of showing respect for others. The state disallowing prayer or requiring a specific religion's prayer is a violation of the First Amendment.

The Ten Commandments are about as historical a document as you can name. They are present in the structure of the Supreme Court building as is Moses and other historical law givers.
Sanctioned prayer is establishment. I am sorry, but you are dead wrong. The courts have ruled on this.

Their inclusion in the Supreme Court building was a grievous error by our founding fathers.
Apparently looks ARE everything! You're a freaking jackass!

Moses going to Mt. Sinai was a real man and event that every scholar knows happened at a place and time and was not just dreamed up.

Geese, you were never any kind of "educator" I hope I ever paid for!
Is it a historical document , in that it is included in our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or in our federal laws? No.

Why not post the Code of Hammurabi, which is a non-religious text?

I really would like to compare your education to mine, because there is no way you have much with that room-temperature IQ you display!
I have no problem with religion in school. We are a Juedo-Christian nation and religion has played an important part in forming our Nation. But to avoid the government establishing a national religion ever child in that school district who is not Christian should get equal time. So if you have a Muslim kid, or a Satanist kid...well you get it.
its a christian nation....try preaching christianity in Iran dude...
I have no problem with religion in school. We are a Juedo-Christian nation and religion has played an important part in forming our Nation. But to avoid the government establishing a national religion ever child in that school district who is not Christian should get equal time. So if you have a Muslim kid, or a Satanist kid...well you get it.
they always have
Sanctioned prayer is establishment. I am sorry, but you are dead wrong. The courts have ruled on this.

Their inclusion in the Supreme Court building was a grievous error by our founding fathers.
So what is sanctioned? That people want and benefit from a moment of prayer and not interfering with them having it is sanctioning? If I live to be a 100 I will never understand the twisted rationale of the left.
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Is it a historical document , in that it is included in our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or in our federal laws? No.
That wasn't the question nor the argument, but thanks for trying to again move the goalposts.

I really would like to compare your education to mine
Sure you would. Over the years Tory, lessee: first you blew your hole about electronics but when I tried to pin you down you packed up and ran with some story about just being a radar operator/repairman in a submarine in WWII or something. Last I heard on that.

Then another time in a mathematics thread you again were blowing your hole about what a professor of math you were all the while failing to actually explain anything to the OP about what he was actually asking about until I came along and explained everything clearly and simply, then you went on to tell us what a great educator you were who then said you mainly worked in public school administration you say, the same school system that leaves our kids about 28th in the world. I've yet to ever once see you lucidly explain a thing to anyone here. You mainly just blow your hole here always about trying to put down someone else which is always a sure sign of some total loser.

Is that about it, Corporal?
Prayer is not establishment. It is the free exercise of religion by religious people. Nobody is required to participate in it or agree with it or even acknowledge it other than common decency of showing respect for others. The state disallowing prayer or requiring a specific religion's prayer is a violation of the First Amendment.

The Ten Commandments are about as historical a document as you can name. They are present in the structure of the Supreme Court building as is Moses and other historical law givers.

If you are referring to the friezes decorating the US Supreme Court building, there are numerous examples of law givers, not just the 10 Commandments. And the 10 Commandments is not the basis for our laws, since most of the commandments are not laws in our legal system.
The deception comes in here: the alibi that no one is required to partake in it. Maybe not, but being seen exercising your "right not to pray" gives (all those present [italics]) an opportunity for discriminations-stigmatizations later. If those fascists who were present then tell others who were not, the social-stigmatization tumor metastasizes out into the socius.
If you are referring to the friezes decorating the US Supreme Court building, there are numerous examples of law givers, not just the 10 Commandments. And the 10 Commandments is not the basis for our laws, since most of the commandments are not laws in our legal system.
No one is saying they are the basis for our laws, but our laws are based on Christian ethics by Founders who embraced the Christian faith no matter how much anti-Christian people want to dispute that. And the Ten Commandments are historical and part of the human experience for at least more than 3000 years. And yes there are many historical figures and symbols of laws and law givers incorporated onto the Supreme Court building.

The Founders were wise in not allowing any faith group or other ideological group any power to exercise control over others by controlling the government and not allowing government control over the exercise of faith or ideology of any group.

Social contract that includes public prayer or posting of the Ten Commandments or any other expression of the common human condition is NOT coercive or authoritarian in any way to anybody.

Government forbidding such expression is.
No one is saying they are the basis for our laws, but our laws are based on Christian ethics by Founders who embraced the Christian faith no matter how much anti-Christian people want to dispute that. And the Ten Commandments are historical and part of the human experience for at least more than 3000 years. And yes there are many historical figures and symbols of laws and law givers incorporated onto the Supreme Court building.

The Founders were wise in not allowing any faith group or other ideological group any power to exercise control over others by controlling the government and not allowing government control over the exercise of faith or ideology of any group.

Social contract that includes public prayer or posting of the Ten Commandments or any other expression of the common human condition is NOT coercive or authoritarian in any way to anybody.

Government forbidding such expression is.

Numerous people, in numerous threads, have said the 10 Commandments are the basis for our laws.

In a school, posting of things like this are most certainly coercive. A 4th grade child does not understand why his family believes differently than other families. They just want to fit in.
No one is saying they are the basis for our laws, but our laws are based on Christian ethics by Founders who embraced the Christian faith no matter how much anti-Christian people want to dispute that. And the Ten Commandments are historical and part of the human experience for at least more than 3000 years. And yes there are many historical figures and symbols of laws and law givers incorporated onto the Supreme Court building.

The Founders were wise in not allowing any faith group or other ideological group any power to exercise control over others by controlling the government and not allowing government control over the exercise of faith or ideology of any group.

Social contract that includes public prayer or posting of the Ten Commandments or any other expression of the common human condition is NOT coercive or authoritarian in any way to anybody.

Government forbidding such expression is.
Your simply incorrect. The book that will justifiably crucify your overconfident beliefs: Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American.
Numerous people, in numerous threads, have said the 10 Commandments are the basis for our laws.

In a school, posting of things like this are most certainly coercive. A 4th grade child does not understand why his family believes differently than other families. They just want to fit in.
So which set of commandments.? There are four of them. (Seidel, op cit)
So what is sanctioned? That people want and benefit from a moment of prayer and not interfering with them having it is sanctioning? If I live to be a 100 I will never understand the twisted rationale of the left.
It is not the "twisted rationale of the left". It is the United States Constitution's 1st Amendment which does not allow establishment of a religion. I suggest educating yourself.

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