Supreme Court to Temporarily Hold Abortion Pill Ban Until Friday

You must not have seen all the references to litigation in the article.

Aren't you the guy who stopped reading when an article started with MTG?

How objective of you...... :biggrin:
I believe that was me, I don't want to hear any of the crazy things that woman says. She's s psychotic.
And they're getting psychotic about it, they actually believe they have the right to do this, especially if it's people they do.not know or care about. Real good Christians, real good human beings - NOT !

The Appeals court's response is not a good indication of the longevity of Judge Matt's process or conclusions.
Women are suppose to be subservient to their husbands. Up until the early 20th. century men were allowed to beat their wives if they weren't. Many women were beaten to death and the husbands were never charged with murder. That had been the practice in western Christian nations for centuries. Also homosexuals convicted of sodomy were put to death. Today the churches still don't respect women as having sense enough to govern their own bodies, the matrimony rites never changed and gays are not respected, they still consider their orientation either wrong in the eyes of god or a mental disorder or both. But since it occurs across all cultures, all generations and is closed insistent that means it's totally natural and what god intended all along. Perhaps being all- knowing that greatest of all entities in the universes it knew mankind needed homosexuals to balance out the tendency of heterosexuals to overpopulate help save them from doing so before they knew better.
1. Why talk about what existed over 100 years ago (if it even actually did exist ?)

2. Churches don't say that women lack sense enough to govern their own bodies. They dont say anything about pregnant women. They only say that abortion is murder, which is a correct view.

3. Homosexuality is a mental disorder, and as such, it is correctly disrespected as other mental disorders are.

4. Homosexuality's UNnatural status comes from its contrary to nature activity, in conflict with body parts, which are designed by nature for HETEROsexual sex only.
And they're getting psychotic about it, they actually believe they have the right to do this, especially if it's people they do.not know or care about. Real good Christians, real good human beings - NOT !
Yes, real good Christians, real good human beings, stopping other people from being killed. YES! Thou shat not kill.
The most common response is a newborn child. That was simple. I asked and the scientific version of baby is an infant between 7 days and 24 months.
A newborn child is one that has skirted a late term abortion procedure.

Like I said, ask any mother what that thing kicking around in her belly is and she'll say 'that's my baby'.
1. Why talk about what existed over 100 years ago (if it even actually did exist ?)

2. Churches don't say that women lack sense enough to govern their own bodies. They dont say anything about pregnant women. They only say that abortion is murder, which is a correct view.

3. Homosexuality is a mental disorder, and as such, it is correctly disrespected as other mental disorders are.

4. Homosexuality's UNnatural status comes from its contrary to nature activity, in conflict with body parts, which are designed by nature for HETEROsexual sex only.
1. Because history DID exist you fool. And smart people learn and don't repeat the same problems again. As far as this issue goes, we' be been down this road before and if we were smart we wouldn't be repeating the scenario again. 2. Show me in the bible where it says anything about abortion. You are pretentious to assume that. ... .3. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and along with heterosexuality and bisexuality fo the triad of normal sexuality. Sexual orientation occurs before puberty. Perversions occur after puberty and are deviations from the normal. The church has been proven wrong about their views for over a century now. ... ........ 4. Design adequately conforms to function, that is just one of the remarkable features of the human body. A bisexual friend of mine said he prefers anal sex with men because god was very intelligent in.puting the prostate in such a perfect place so sex could be enjoyed fully by both people involved and it has no danger of adding to an already overpopulated world. But keep on believing all the lies you' be been told. The world's situation is going to get much worse before it finally gets better. The last thing we need is fighting each other over trivial.matters, especially attempting to impose our will on others.
I see that's difficult for you to comprehend. Obviously those people were NOT aborted. They don't count. You said it yourself. Do you listen to anyone, even yourself ?
Oh they "count" very much. They were fetuses that were in danger of being aborted, just as fetuses now are that same danger. As i said before, when we talk about abortion, the ones we should look at are the adults who did not get aborted (and that includes you, and all those who protest in favor of abortion)
The same "women" who are being victimized by men being in their bathrooms, their locker rooms, and competing against them in WOMENS' sports.
Again with that shit. It's getting old. No I believe most women understand why a transgendered person.would fear for their lives and not want to go to the men's room ever. Women are generally smarter and more understanding. If men were half as nice and good-hearted there would be no problem.
Oh they "count" very much. They were fetuses that were in danger of being aborted, just as fetuses now are that same danger. As i said before, when we talk about abortion, the ones we should look at are the adults who did not get aborted (and that includes you, and all those who protest in favor of abortion)
You have no comprehension of what I said. I feel sorry for you. Those people were NOT aborted therefore they EXIST. Wake up already !
1. Because history DID exist you fool. And smart people learn and don't repeat the same problems again. As far as this issue goes, we' be been down this road before and if we were smart we wouldn't be repeating the scenario again. 2. Show me in the bible where it says anything about abortion. You are pretentious to assume that. ... .3. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and along with heterosexuality and bisexuality fo the triad of normal sexuality. Sexual orientation occurs before puberty. Perversions occur after puberty and are deviations from the normal. The church has been proven wrong about their views for over a century now. ... ........ 4. Design adequately conforms to function, that is just one of the remarkable features of the human body. A bisexual friend of mine said he prefers anal sex with men because god was very intelligent in.puting the prostate in such a perfect place so sex could be enjoyed fully by both people involved and it has no danger of adding to an already overpopulated world. But keep on believing all the lies you' be been told. The world's situation is going to get much worse before it finally gets better. The last thing we need is fighting each other over trivial.matters, especially attempting to impose our will on others.
Bottom lines >>
1. Christians do not endorse misogyny. Muslims do (including wife beating)
2. I never said anything about abortion being in the bible, but it is in the bible under th words "Thou shalt not kill."
3. There is no such thing as "sexual orientation". That is just another goofball phrase concocted by liberals to pander to a minority group to gin up votes,which is what liberals do.
4. I see nothing proving the church to be wrong about homosexuality. It is nuts, and is contrary to nature.
5. I'm not trying to impose will on others, I'm simply stating what is obvious to normal thinking, sane people.
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Again with that shit. It's getting old. No I believe most women understand why a transgendered person.would fear for their lives and not want to go to the men's room ever. Women are generally smarter and more understanding. If men were half as nice and good-hearted there would be no problem.
There is no such thing as a "transgendered person". There are 2 genders. Male & female. That's all.

And I was talking about MEN (posing as women) going to women's rooms, not what you said.
I started out as a twinkle in my fathers eye and a blush on my mother’s cheeks! :cool:

Before that I came from dust and will return to dust.

Had my parents decided not to have me there would be no reason for “me” to object; if abortion were legal then and they had decided to abort one of us three brothers, on what basis could we object? They loved us all and tried to give us all a good life. I suspect with one less mouth to feed and one less child to educate they would have been even better able to care for the rest of their children and each other.

Little pig embryos are also alive, and look very much like human embryos. :cool:

Let’s talk about modern society and human embryos for a moment …

There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of embryos stored in birthing clinics in this nation alone — frozen in liquid nitrogen just a few days after in vitro fertilization and preserved for … “later.”

Are they “alive”? Are they “people” or “persons”? Are they “babies” with the natural “right” to be born? They will certainly not all become future humans! Perhaps you think they all MUST be implanted in their mother’s — or any woman’s — womb!

Well if you think that you are either a sick mother-f*cker or sadly mistaken about the law. By contract these embryos can be used by the biological parents (some 40% of them successfully), donated for research or donated to another woman / couple. Or, after months or decades of biological inactivity these totally frozen and inactive embryos (which can still be de-frozen and implanted) can be destroyed at the word of surviving clients / “biological parents.”

These embryos and this industry was developed to help women and couples who want children, but who — for a thousand different reasons — could not have them immediately.

Being pregnant and raising children is hard, and nobody — especially no woman — should be forced to go through with a pregnancy and birth a child if she doesn’t want to, isn’t ready to, or isn’t healthy enough. Children grow up better when they know they are loved, when they are prepared for and well cared for. They often instinctively know if they are unwanted, and if they are unloved will usually become f*cked-up adults.

Birth control is great, but often — in real life — fails. Then a quick and easy abortion is often the best solution.

On the other side is in vitro fertilization and drugs to encourage pregnancy. Both are modern options that modern science offers us. You are not obliged to use birth control, women are not obliged to get abortions, nor are medicines to encourage pregnancy and in vitro fertilization or freezing embryos obligatory on anyone.

However the government, hypocritical politicians, religious moral absolutists, and misogynists … have no business imposing their beliefs in any of these areas on others.
Notice how liberals always talk primarily about the pregnant "women".. Where in this post is the plight of the preborn people, and their right to have LIFE ?

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