Supreme Court to Temporarily Hold Abortion Pill Ban Until Friday

There is never a time that organism is not alive. Personifying it as a baby is to allow the State to define what will become a birthed human less than a baby. Patently absurd.
Actually the term "baby" is pretty generic.
It pretty much applies to a young anything.
Including a developing human organism.
Actually the term "baby" is pretty generic.
It pretty much applies to a young anything.
Including a developing human organism.
Also it is usually an expectant mother who refers to the fetus as a " baby " a term of endearment and / or desire that hopefully doesn't exist in a woman contemplating an abortion. I say that because not all women who have abortions want them, they need them for many equally valid reasons.
You tell me.

How many states have laws on the books that classify abortion as murder?
If they do, it should be challenged as unconstitutional. A fetus does not qualify as a person. See U. S. C. # 2510 ( 6 ).
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If they do, it should be challenged as unconstitutional. A fetus does not qualify as a person. See U. S. C. # 2510 ( 6 ).

Yet many states will charge someone with two murders if they kill a pregnant woman, and I am pretty ok with that.
Yet many states will charge someone with two murders if they kill a pregnant woman, and I am pretty ok with that.
I understand that too. Especially if the pregnant woman was close to term and wanted a new child in their life. It's an understandingly human reaction.Overly emotional, a little irresponsible but understandable..
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court said Friday evening that the abortion pill mifepristone would remain widely available for now, delaying the potential for an abrupt end to a drug that is used in more than half of abortions in the United States.

The order halted two rulings that had sought to curb the availability of the mifepristone as an appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit moves forward: one from a federal judge in Texas who suspended the drug from the market entirely and another from the appeals court that had imposed significant barriers on the pill, including blocking access by mail.

The one-paragraph order, which was unsigned, is the second time in a year that the Supreme Court has considered a major effort to sharply curtail access to abortion. In overturning Roe v. Wade in June, a conservative majority said that it was leaving the issue of abortion to elected officials.
  • Two justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr., dissented publicly. Justice Thomas gave no reasons. Justice Alito wrote that he was aware that the court had been criticized for issuing orders through the emergency applications docket, what critics call the “shadow docket.”
  • Reaction from abortion-rights groups was swift. “The Supreme Court’s decision is a huge relief, but we’re not out of the woods yet,” said Nancy Northup, head of the Center for Reproductive Rights, adding that the Texas ruling blocking access to mifepristone had “sowed chaos, confusion and panic.”
  • The order was in one sense no surprise, as members of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority have generally supported the F.D.A.’s authority to make decisions about drug safety.

Alito and Thomas dissent. Alito talks out of both sides of his face, and the fact Thomas took the time away from his vacation bribes from his right wing billionaire handler, was curious.

The Texas ruling was terrible, structurally. Off the top of my head, standing, statute of limitations, violations of federal law.

Of course it was getting turned back and overriden.
In a free nation the pre-born PEOPLE have much more right to be born and have life, than pregnant women have to prevent them from being born.

Generally, for the pregnant women, it is a matter of convenience. For the pre-born people, it is a matter of life & death. Just ask those thousands of adults whose mothers considered aborting them years ago, but decided to give birth.
It is neither the role nor responsibility of the state to dictate to private citizens whether they may have a child or not – the state doing so is yet another example of government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.
So you would rather they stop access to the kill pill immediately?

That is surprising.

What’s unreasonable is seeking a nationwide ban on mifepristone, a treatment demonstrated to be perfectly safe and effective.

This conservative Supreme Court has long exhibited its inability to be reasonable.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to the lawful distribution and use mifepristone is representative of conservatives’ dishonesty and hypocrisy – that this was never about states’ rights’ and solely about the authoritarian right’s desire to impose a universal abortion ban.
Part of YOUR existence started out as a fetus. Did you not exist during that stage in your "life?"
I started out as a twinkle in my fathers eye and a blush on my mother’s cheeks! :cool:

Before that I came from dust and will return to dust.

Had my parents decided not to have me there would be no reason for “me” to object; if abortion were legal then and they had decided to abort one of us three brothers, on what basis could we object? They loved us all and tried to give us all a good life. I suspect with one less mouth to feed and one less child to educate they would have been even better able to care for the rest of their children and each other.

Little pig embryos are also alive, and look very much like human embryos. :cool:

Let’s talk about modern society and human embryos for a moment …

There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of embryos stored in birthing clinics in this nation alone — frozen in liquid nitrogen just a few days after in vitro fertilization and preserved for … “later.”

Are they “alive”? Are they “people” or “persons”? Are they “babies” with the natural “right” to be born? They will certainly not all become future humans! Perhaps you think they all MUST be implanted in their mother’s — or any woman’s — womb!

Well if you think that you are either a sick mother-f*cker or sadly mistaken about the law. By contract these embryos can be used by the biological parents (some 40% of them successfully), donated for research or donated to another woman / couple. Or, after months or decades of biological inactivity these totally frozen and inactive embryos (which can still be de-frozen and implanted) can be destroyed at the word of surviving clients / “biological parents.”

These embryos and this industry was developed to help women and couples who want children, but who — for a thousand different reasons — could not have them immediately.

Being pregnant and raising children is hard, and nobody — especially no woman — should be forced to go through with a pregnancy and birth a child if she doesn’t want to, isn’t ready to, or isn’t healthy enough. Children grow up better when they know they are loved, when they are prepared for and well cared for. They often instinctively know if they are unwanted, and if they are unloved will usually become f*cked-up adults.

Birth control is great, but often — in real life — fails. Then a quick and easy abortion is often the best solution.

On the other side is in vitro fertilization and drugs to encourage pregnancy. Both are modern options that modern science offers us. You are not obliged to use birth control, women are not obliged to get abortions, nor are medicines to encourage pregnancy and in vitro fertilization or freezing embryos obligatory on anyone.

However the government, hypocritical politicians, religious moral absolutists, and misogynists … have no business imposing their beliefs in any of these areas on others.
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What’s unreasonable is seeking a nationwide ban on mifepristone, a treatment demonstrated to be perfectly safe and effective.

This conservative Supreme Court has long exhibited its inability to be reasonable.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to the lawful distribution and use mifepristone is representative of conservatives’ dishonesty and hypocrisy – that this was never about states’ rights’ and solely about the authoritarian right’s desire to impose a universal abortion ban.
So what is unreasonable about leaving it to states to vote on and make laws about them?
I started out as a twinkle in my fathers eye and a blush on my mother’s cheeks! :cool:

Before that I came from dust and will return to dust.

Had my parents decided not to have me there would be no reason for “me” to object; if abortion were legal then and they had decided to abort one of us three brothers, on what basis could we object? They loved us all and tried to give us all a good life. I suspect with one less mouth to feed and one less child to educate they would have been even better able to care for the rest of their children and each other.

Little pig embryos are also alive, and look very much like human embryos. :cool:

Let’s talk about modern society and human embryos for a moment …

There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of embryos stored in birthing clinics in this nation alone — frozen in liquid nitrogen just a few days after in vitro fertilization and preserved for … “later.”

Are they “alive”? Are they “people” or “persons”? Are they “babies” with the natural “right” to be born? They will certainly not all become future humans! Perhaps you think they all MUST be implanted in their mother’s — or any woman’s — womb!

Well if you think that you are either a sick mother-f*cker or sadly mistaken about the law. By contract these embryos can be used by the biological parents (some 40% of them successfully), donated for research or donated to another woman / couple. Or, after months or decades of biological inactivity these totally frozen and inactive embryos (which can still be de-frozen and implanted) can be destroyed at the word of surviving clients / “biological parents.”

These embryos and this industry was developed to help women and couples who want children, but who — for a thousand different reasons — could not have them immediately.

Being pregnant and raising children is hard, and nobody — especially no woman — should be forced to go through with a pregnancy and birth a child if she doesn’t want to, isn’t ready to, or isn’t healthy enough. Children grow up better when they know they are loved, when they are prepared for and well cared for. They often instinctively know if they are unwanted, and if they are unloved will usually become f*cked-up adults.

Birth control is great, but often — in real life — fails. Then a quick and easy abortion is often the best solution.

On the other side is in vitro fertilization and drugs to encourage pregnancy. Both are modern options that modern science offers us. You are not obliged to use birth control, women are not obliged to get abortions, nor are medicines to encourage pregnancy and in vitro fertilization or freezing embryos obligatory on anyone.

However the government, hypocritical politicians, religious moral absolutists, and misogynists … have no business imposing their beliefs in any of these areas on others.
Men should not play God. Modern men speak of abortion like they do the next sporting event or the featured entrée at their local restaurant. Nonchalant -- as if it's just a normal fact of life. Let's just get an abortion and not worry about raising the brat. But let's have some more unfettered sex, so we can get another abortion next month. Ho-hum ... yawn.

It's an upside down world when animals live by higher standards than humans do. When's the last time we heard about a lioness ripping her cubs out of the womb limb by limb?

But mankind has become so pompous, arrogant, and callus that crushing a life "ain't no thang" as long as it isn't THEIR life getting crushed. Little "gods" they have become.

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