Super Bowl dilemma.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Don't let politics ruin your sports. Watch and enjoy. If you still have a tough time alcohol helps.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Pop some popcorn and get ready to watch the game. Cheer the opponents of the Patriots but tweet 327 times that Cam Newton is an ass and shouldn't even playing in the field. Don't let other tweeters forget that pro football is an honorable game and he doesn't belong there.
Put $50 on each team, and watch Walking Dead reruns.

Monday, collect your winnings, and pay your debts
I hated it that the AFC title game came down to having to root for the donkeys to beat the cheatriots since Peyton Manning is the only NFL quarterback i hate more than Shady Brady.the two teams with the two quarterbacks i hate the most and i had to root for one of them to win.:mad:

I dont like cam but i HATE manning.Here is why and this is why I am pulling for the panthers.

I got the first part of my wish and the donkeys beating the cheaters now I am pretty sure my second wish will happen as well and the donkeys lose sunday with manning throwing a critical pick six at the worst possible time same as he did in the superbowl against the saints.:D

I also swore i would never watch another superbowl again either unless it was my LA RAMS or the chargers because of how the NFL was exposed for being corrupt last year but i cant pass up the chance to see manning get scared and panic against as he always does in the superbowl.:D

this is WHY i hate peyton manning and cannot stand him and will love it when he screws up and why i am pulling for the panthers.

No Peyton Manning,YOU need to stop being an A hole.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Don't let politics ruin your sports. Watch and enjoy. If you still have a tough time alcohol helps.

The cheating by the Patriots isn't political. Politics, specifically political correctness, makes me want to watch it.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Pop some popcorn and get ready to watch the game. Cheer the opponents of the Patriots but tweet 327 times that Cam Newton is an ass and shouldn't even playing in the field. Don't let other tweeters forget that pro football is an honorable game and he doesn't belong there.

Newton has talent and deserves to be there, he just doesn't have any grace or class. That said, I swore never to watch another game and I only break those vows for a good reason. I can't decide if defying the PC Police is a good enough reason.
The Old Man no longer has it and the Snottish Kid is going to lead the cats to a big whooping of the nags.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Pop some popcorn and get ready to watch the game. Cheer the opponents of the Patriots but tweet 327 times that Cam Newton is an ass and shouldn't even playing in the field. Don't let other tweeters forget that pro football is an honorable game and he doesn't belong there.

Newton has talent and deserves to be there, he just doesn't have any grace or class. That said, I swore never to watch another game and I only break those vows for a good reason. I can't decide if defying the PC Police is a good enough reason.
Don't be so hard on yourself for making that vow. You were angry when you made that vow.

However, you are generous that you say he belongs there. I would tweet Newton and let him know he is supposed to be a model for kids admiring his talent and wanting to be a star as well. He does a great disservice to youngsters and young players in the game. Call him out on it.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Don't let politics ruin your sports. Watch and enjoy. If you still have a tough time alcohol helps.

The cheating by the Patriots isn't political. Politics, specifically political correctness, makes me want to watch it.

It also isn't unusual. Every NFL team does it.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Don't let politics ruin your sports. Watch and enjoy. If you still have a tough time alcohol helps.

The cheating by the Patriots isn't political. Politics, specifically political correctness, makes me want to watch it.

It also isn't unusual. Every NFL team does it.

That is just something that Cheatriots fans tell themselves.
After the Cheating Patriots cheated for the 7,502,413rd time last year and got off Scott free, I swore I would never watch another NFL football game, and I have not.

Shortly after the semi-finals, there was an article in a left wing butter newspaper saying how politically incorrect it is to watch the Super Bowl. That and the fact that the Cheatriots got beat gave me a good reason to break my vow and at least watch this one.

Now another problem has cropped up. Cam Newton has turned out to be an arrogant ass, and I was going to root for Carolina too.

So in the one hand I have my vow to shun the NFL, and the fact that Newton is an ass, and on the other hand, watching the game is poking a finger im the eye of the PC Police.

What to do, what to do.

Don't let politics ruin your sports. Watch and enjoy. If you still have a tough time alcohol helps.

The cheating by the Patriots isn't political. Politics, specifically political correctness, makes me want to watch it.

It also isn't unusual. Every NFL team does it.

That is just something that Cheatriots fans tell themselves.

and the NFL fans that have come on here that are not fans of the cheats who say retarded crap like-its no big deal,they are just trying to fool themselves that a game that is near and dear to them has been tainted,they want to live in denial mode that this is the greatest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal they are so much in denial the sport is corrupt.
The Colts got caught with deflated balls the same year the Patroits did. so did the Ravens. The Lions recorded practices too. You can pin cheating to every team and that's without bringing up PEDs.
Has any other team in the history of the NFL used a snowplow to clear snow from a spot so their kicker could kick a game winning FG, after the opposing team's kicker slipped on the snow just minutes before? No. It's a long and disgusting history of cheating by the Patriots that goes back all the way to the AFL/NFL merger.

At any rate, that isn't what this thread is about.
Has any other team in the history of the NFL used a snowplow to clear snow from a spot so their kicker could kick a game winning FG, after the opposing team's kicker slipped on the snow just minutes before? No. It's a long and disgusting history of cheating by the Patriots that goes back all the way to the AFL/NFL merger.

At any rate, that isn't what this thread is about.
oh god here he goes again talking about the snowplow game which is apples and oranges compared to the scandals that have gone on since criminal kraft took over ownership of the team.:rolleyes:

In his ramblings on that he ignores the fact that that was just a case where it was a cold and miserable freezing day so the officials wanted to get the game over as quickly as possible,they did not want to take the chance that the pats kicker would miss the field goal and send the game into overtime so they snowplowed the field to make sure the kicker made it.

that wasnt a case of the NFL being in the pockets of the cheatriots like they are now,that was just a case where the officials abused their power because they wanted the game over with.:rolleyes:

I compare it favorably to an incident i was involved in when i was playing college baseball. the game had gone into extra innings and was going late into the night and i was up with two outs,i grounded to third base and beat out the throw to first base,yet the umpire called me out. Everybody on my team could not believe he called me out,they knew i was safe same as me.

that was just a case of the umpire abusing his power in authoity because he was afraid the next person up might start another rally and tie the game up and send it into extra innings late in the night some more.

the other team did not cheat to win that game,that was just a case of the umpire abusing his power to keep the game from going into extra innings.same thing happened with the officials in that patriots/dolphins playoff game,no cheating by the cheats in that game or the refs being in their pockets like they are now.

Under Kraft though the patriots have cheated with scandal after scandal and a quarterback destroying evidence in an investigation like the criminal he is because he is a liar as well.

the last PLAYOFF game the cheats won was in you'll never guess.2007 when marty the moron SHITTENHEIMER was the head coach,a coach whose teams with the chargers and chiefs always went one and done in the playoffs all the time.:lmao:

when they cant cheat on the road and dont have the home town refs in their pockets,they cant win,plain and simple.period.

they will always have an asterisk for all their superbowl titles and the two AFC titles they won.,winning at home all these years like they have is no longer impressive to me anymore since they have had to CHEAT to do so making the headsets of the opposing team go out all the time,calling penaltys at the most critical time against the opposing team that they never call against them.

but the REAL kicker that proves this is the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal is the fact many former NFL players have come out and called them cheaters.:lmao:

something they havent done with any of the other teams.

facts are-
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facts are -.

Mark Mcguire,
Sammy Sosa,
Barry Bonds,
Roger Clemons,
Lance Armstrong,
Bill Belecheck,
Tom Brady,
Chicago Black Sox
New England Patriots.

what do all these names have in common?

yep thats right an asterisk next to their names.
Has any other team in the history of the NFL used a snowplow to clear snow from a spot so their kicker could kick a game winning FG, after the opposing team's kicker slipped on the snow just minutes before? No. It's a long and disgusting history of cheating by the Patriots that goes back all the way to the AFL/NFL merger.

At any rate, that isn't what this thread is about.

They all cheat, why get hung up about who cheats more.

I wouldn't let political correctness influence me one way or another. If I want to do something, I'll do it. If I don't then I won't.

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