Stop telling Teachers to Confiscate Kids' Cell Phones/Electronics. It is a dangerous and ineffective practice

Do you think it is justifiable for those filthy TSA perverts to be indiscriminately sexually molesting passengers, on the pretense of making sure they're not armed?
I think that's what you agree to when you fly at the moment. If you don't like it, you can either not fly, or petition to have it changed via the proper channels of our representative republic.

So, for the record, you are in favor of this form of blatant sexual assault, then?

You're not only on the side of robbers and thieves, but sexual predators as well.

If you tackle the TSA agent to the ground, whether you agree with the policy or not, you will be arrested and either jailed or fined.

How fucked up is it that these TSA perverts can sexually assault innocent people with impunity if anyone acts to defend their victims, it is the one who so acts that is at risk of facing criminal charges.

And just how fucked up are you, that you are OK with this?

The correct response to one of these TSA perverts sexually assaulting anyone would be to beat the shit out of him, and then, if he's still alive, hold him until the police arrive to arrest him and throw his filthy ass in jail.

But once again, we see that you are openly, unabashedly on the side of criminals as long as they commit their crimes in an “official” capacity, and very solidly against the side of actual human beings.

Now where, again, was that moral high ground from which you thought you were looking down on me for daring to take the side of human beings against the side of subhuman criminal shit?

Your problem is that you have come to worship “authority”, to place it higher than obvious, basic ethics and morals. You're willing to dismiss or defend horrendous violations of basic human rights, to cast aside basic decency, in deference to false authority.

If you had lived in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, there can be no doubt what side you would have taken; just as you do here, you would there have taken the side of “authority” over the side of those abused under the color of that “authority”.
So, for the record, you are in favor of this form of blatant sexual assault, then?

You're not only on the side of robbers and thieves, but sexual predators as well.

How fucked up is it that these TSA perverts can sexually assault innocent people with impunity if anyone acts to defend their victims, it is the one who so acts that is at risk of facing criminal charges.

And just how fucked up are you, that you are OK with this?

The correct response to one of these TSA perverts sexually assaulting anyone would be to beat the shit out of him, and then, if he's still alive, hold him until the police arrive to arrest him and throw his filthy ass in jail.

But once again, we see that you are openly, unabashedly on the side of criminals as long as they commit their crimes in an “official” capacity, and very solidly against the side of actual human beings.

Now where, again, was that moral high ground from which you thought you were looking down on me for daring to take the side of human beings against the side of subhuman criminal shit?

Your problem is that you have come to worship “authority”, to place it higher than obvious, basic ethics and morals. You're willing to dismiss or defend horrendous violations of basic human rights, to cast aside basic decency, in deference to false authority.

If you had lived in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, there can be no doubt what side you would have taken; just as you do here, you would there have taken the side of “authority” over the side of those abused under the color of that “authority”.

Okay Bob, next time you fly, send us a video of you taking the TSA agent down, mmm kay? But be sure to do it before you head to the clink. No wi fi there.
Okay Bob, next time you fly, send us a video of you taking the TSA agent down, mmm kay? But be sure to do it before you head to the clink. No wi fi there.

I don't fly, because I am not willing to allow those fucked-up TSA faggots to sexually molest me.

You're so far gone that you don't even see what is wrong here, do you? Really, just how fucked up do you have to be to be OK with that? You've become so blinded by your deference to false authority that you cannot even begin to appreciate the deep issues of basic decency and human rights that you are willing to throw away on that basis, that you have thrown away. You've discarded your very conscience, your sense of right and wrong, because Big Brother told you to do so.
Cell phones have been "deemed" a distraction in a classroom setting....

Cell phones are expensive....and these days universal to carriers and extremely portable and easily stolen. (Teacher pay is crap wages). And a young person today might feel a significant portion of their identity is wrapped up in a Cell phone so I can understand why it's important for them.

What I'm having an issue with is what is deemed as a distraction. What happens if a child's haircut is deemed a distraction? Eyeglasses? Or a burka? Or their clothing? Or jewelry?
Is a bandana really a distraction? I remember when calculator watches were brand new and teachers had a hissy fit about them. The impracticable devices were a novelty and worthless to cheat on math tests(all work shown).....or English or history or any other test. The buttons were too small to be practical.

And most schools today are teaching conflicting messages....
On one hand for students to not resist or think through every sex related impulse but to act upon it without hesitation and be a hero....
But then as well to view teachers and the school system as an all powerful authoritative government that imposes rules upon a whim as administered by often highly disreputable people. (They are literally asking for trouble)

Then there's the times lately where everyone is bringing a gun into schools to shoot up the place....and it isn't even a drug war.

And where I do agree somewhat with SweetSue92 do have options and choices....but I and the children have rights and privileges that our tax dollars pay for.

In the workplace you either produce or lose your job....I see no difference here.

Offer the education and test the results. The children either perform or they don't. If they don't perform they do not advance.
Too simple. Because in today's society there are way too many "snowflakes" made special by God who believe that every single whim of theirs should be catered to. (And a pedophile waiting to take advantage of that attitude)

It's time to stop the child/teacher wars.
Teachers in urban schools learn very fast to never try to discipline certain "students."

Those "students" do not like to follow the rules.

And their inner rage will be quickly expressed with their fists.

If you have a child who is planning to be a teacher (or cop) in this changing nation, urge him/her to consider another profession.
Teachers in urban schools learn very fast to never try to discipline certain "students."

Those "students" do not like to follow the rules.

And their inner rage will be quickly expressed with their fists.

If you have a child who is planning to be a teacher (or cop) in this changing nation, urge him/her to consider another profession.
Bullshit on every point.
Obviously, a student will learn more if they are not on their phone. Phones will hinder a child's education much more so than being out of dress code for example. But it has led to violence, and someday may lead to a shooting.

I would get mad if someone took my cell phone from me and I'm a 61 year old man who never had a cell phone until I was nearly fifty. Imagine the reaction of a 14 year old who has been addicted emotionally to having their phone since age 9.

In my school, the principal has strongly emphasized that student keep cell phones turned off and in their backpacks after the first bell rings, even if they are still eating breakfast. Teachers are to take away any phone they spot in student's hand, pocket or anywhere besides backpack (we don't use lockers). At our meetings prior to the school year started, when this came up, some teachers said, "it needs to be all of us doing it," because they don't want to be perceived as the mean ones.

Confiscated cell phones are held in the office for parents to pick up, which for some kids is no problem, but for some kids it can be a huge problem. So the consequences are not equal for all students.

A much better strategy is to tell the child to put the phone in their backpack, which brings them into compliance. It is rare for a student to not comply with that request. But telling the student to hand over the phone meets resistance the majority of the time.

If a student refuses to put the phone in the backpack, write a discipline slip and send him or her to the office. If the student refuses to go, send the slip with another student and a note that the student refused to leave. Then the admins can decide what to do from there, including getting assistance from the school resource officer.

Cell phones in the hands of immature children are nothing but trouble in the classroom. Teachers have one and only one job to do, and they have to do it with 20-50 kids in the classroom or gymnasium. They are strapped with getting children ready for adult working lives, and catering to every kid's obnoxious use of electronic devices instead of learning from a live person talking to them about subject matters such as literature, retention of information that comes from reading a chapter or an entire book; retention of verbal information, retention of how to add, subtract, divide, and multiply to achieve a mathematical product accurately, so that they will understand the difference between logic and guessing games in order to make a correct answer to problems that come up in adult life, how to plan a successful life, and to understand how to deal with people according to their age from infancy, to toddlerhood, acceptance of authority of a good teacher, sharing with others while providing for one's own personal need for food, exercise both mental and physical properties of life, doing good for others, self-defense, and honor for one's elders. With all these responsibilities, I can see the teacher's perspective on trying to get children trained to listen to their lectures, and writing down assignments to prepare themselves for tomorrow's lessons without a lot of attention directed elsewhere that causes students around them to become more interested in extraneous noises and visuals than subject matter that doesn't seem to satisfy their minds until the test day of accounting in order to give the teacher a perspective of the child's success at learning information he may or may not be tuned into. Cell phones are cacophony compared to listening to a lecture on how to determine what is the best way to solve a problem using memory rather than carrying around a library of mumbo-jumbo opinions of one's peers, who may be failing at understanding facts and set their sights on getting away from learning that could assist them in their future adulthood of knowing that A square plus B square equals C square to determine issues in everything from building construction to cutting fabric for a pieced quilt to make an affordable blanket for future children, large and small, young and younger, and replacing with a larger blanket when the child is 12 years old when exponential growth has taken place since the child was 12 weeks old or whenever the last small quilt was made that no longer serves to wrap the child from side to side and top to bottom tuck-in lengths and widths to accommodate the child's size. I know that sounds silly, but the Pathagorean theory works well in home construction as well as domestic challenges for do-it-yourselfers that helps people get good choices before them whether rich or poor. Teachers are charged with a lot of things their pupils need to know for future reference.

I don't know where the push for Marxist government is going to take us, I only know that Ike Eisenhower was made painfully aware that some government forms are incompatible with the freedom of speech that gave America an edge over most other countries in more Christian times to debate, deliberate, discover, diversify, define and deliver excellence in any given scientific or political discovery that benefits the best for the most in reality. His years delivering Europe and the rest of the world from genocide in Europe and Kamakazi solutions in the Far East who cozied up to Hitler early on, causing a war that killed 85 million people, not to mention the 100 million people who died in China when the world's attention was directed to Germany and their fellow fascists in Japan, and no attention whatsoever to the Chinese people's mass murders of people who didn't like Mao Zedong, a Socio/Communist dictator who ordered death to entire provinces for one word of criticism to Mao's cruelly bloodthirsty regime. Communism's only benefit is to the dictator and his trusted cronies is expedience in "getting things done" according to a person with dictatorial power who is willing to murder people who don't suck up to his orders that are not made by the governed that is blind to the society's betterment. Hitler hated Jews, and he used his dictatorship of the Thire Reich to "cleanse" Europe. Fortunately for America, Einstein and many of his other Jewish colleagues escaped to help us with superior weaponry that turned the war to Eisenhower's success in stopping Hitlerian mass murders sans trials other than Satanic hatred for God's First Family descended from Jacob's 12 sons. Japan was seriously the victims of nuclear war when The entire civil world was sick and tired of endless wars with fascists. It took a frightening weapon to convince the indoctrinated Japanese War Machine to knock it off. Truman came to the conclusion it had to be them or us, but I don't think he realized the horrifying consequences of nuclear warfare.

I think President Trump's attempts to bring about world peace through wise negotiations and strength is what America needed, and we will be fortunate if the current administration stops the border infiltration madness that will give enemies who hate personal freedoms a leg up on ruling the world. The American people were liking the idea of Trump's efforts to bring peace first to the Middle East to engender a policy that would work to placing both Jews and Muslims in an agreeable conclusion to their 5,000 year old antipathies. If I were a multibillionaire, I'd give half of it to President Trump's 2024 winning campaign in order to try again to get the job of world peace set to bring about 5,000 years of peace amongst mankind's diverse peoples. It's a win-win deal he will bring about if people give President Trump a chance without the belligerence we've experienced from planned false allegations and narratives that in no way resemble a caring for peace on earth by damaging half of the country's citizens of conservative approaches to fiscal responsibility. And I believe that every time the goofball left pushes another indictment Trump, they're headed for their own socio-communists' suicide. Eisenhower the wise pushed it back, but the Congress is scared that if they use the anticommunist act of 1954, they won't get elected due to the nature of politics. That's just my opinion, but I think that since socialism and communism have the same operating points, they're one and the same. One just sounds nicer than the 100 million people in china who decried Mao's communist system and lost their lives because of their criticism of the crazy system that imposes a fate worse than any monarchy ever did.

My two points are: (1) leave teachers alone who teach within the confines of teaching facts that will help children learn honest ways of making a living and benefitting their fellow man at the same time. And (2) Teachers, cut the sex education crap out entirely, and never again interfere with the parental jobs of teaching children to respect theirs and others' bodies with their Judeo/Christian goals of providing the responsible respect for the Bible's teachings on the traditional man and woman marriages and family values.
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Cell phones have been "deemed" a distraction in a classroom setting....

Cell phones are expensive....and these days universal to carriers and extremely portable and easily stolen. (Teacher pay is crap wages). And a young person today might feel a significant portion of their identity is wrapped up in a Cell phone so I can understand why it's important for them.

What I'm having an issue with is what is deemed as a distraction. What happens if a child's haircut is deemed a distraction? Eyeglasses? Or a burka? Or their clothing? Or jewelry?
Is a bandana really a distraction? I remember when calculator watches were brand new and teachers had a hissy fit about them. The impracticable devices were a novelty and worthless to cheat on math tests(all work shown).....or English or history or any other test. The buttons were too small to be practical.

And most schools today are teaching conflicting messages....
On one hand for students to not resist or think through every sex related impulse but to act upon it without hesitation and be a hero....
But then as well to view teachers and the school system as an all powerful authoritative government that imposes rules upon a whim as administered by often highly disreputable people. (They are literally asking for trouble)

Then there's the times lately where everyone is bringing a gun into schools to shoot up the place....and it isn't even a drug war.

And where I do agree somewhat with SweetSue92 do have options and choices....but I and the children have rights and privileges that our tax dollars pay for.

In the workplace you either produce or lose your job....I see no difference here.

Offer the education and test the results. The children either perform or they don't. If they don't perform they do not advance.
Too simple. Because in today's society there are way too many "snowflakes" made special by God who believe that every single whim of theirs should be catered to. (And a pedophile waiting to take advantage of that attitude)

It's time to stop the child/teacher wars.

I don't think it should be a war either. I think asking kids to put cell phones away during class, while you are teaching, is fair. They can have it on them, fine, but not be "on them".

Turn it around. Let's say a student approaches me for help, but I'm dinking around on my phone. I'm then not doing my job as a teacher. We have the right to ask kids to do their job as a student. If the job is done 10 minutes before class ends and they have free time and want their phones, fine.

Note that Bob above says if a teacher takes the phone for a short period of time, the teacher deserves to be body-slammed. Ridiculous.
I don't think it should be a war either. I think asking kids to put cell phones away during class, while you are teaching, is fair. They can have it on them, fine, but not be "on them".

Turn it around. Let's say a student approaches me for help, but I'm dinking around on my phone. I'm then not doing my job as a teacher. We have the right to ask kids to do their job as a student. If the job is done 10 minutes before class ends and they have free time and want their phones, fine.

Note that Bob above says if a teacher takes the phone for a short period of time, the teacher deserves to be body-slammed. Ridiculous.
Of course some people are all about anger farming due to the anonymity and somewhat security the internet provides to allow such behaviors....people are always going to take advantage of any situation...including kids using ChatGPT on tests and to write research papers.

The kids either will have an understanding of the material or they won't.

It's that balance of rights vs responsibilities. A child citizen has a right to a public education. But much like driving a car (drivers license) or accessing public services if you do not use or abuse the right it can be lost.

Public education needs to stop stretching its function with teaching social agendas (like sexuality and its various perversions) and stick to the normal subjects. If they also stop with the "all powerful government dictators" routine of trying to "weed out the bad seeds" in schools there wouldn't be half the issues they have.
Sure there are disruptive students...not even going to disagree with you on this...but they can be (and should be) removed from the classrooms and sent to video school....where they get to watch instructions on a monitor instead of the classrooms. It's not like we don't have the technology or equipment to do so. We did it for two years already.
Of course some people are all about anger farming due to the anonymity and somewhat security the internet provides to allow such behaviors....people are always going to take advantage of any situation...including kids using ChatGPT on tests and to write research papers.

The kids either will have an understanding of the material or they won't.

It's that balance of rights vs responsibilities. A child citizen has a right to a public education. But much like driving a car (drivers license) or accessing public services if you do not use or abuse the right it can be lost.

Public education needs to stop stretching its function with teaching social agendas (like sexuality and its various perversions) and stick to the normal subjects. If they also stop with the "all powerful government dictators" routine of trying to "weed out the bad seeds" in schools there wouldn't be half the issues they have.
Sure there are disruptive students...not even going to disagree with you on this...but they can be (and should be) removed from the classrooms and sent to video school....where they get to watch instructions on a monitor instead of the classrooms. It's not like we don't have the technology or equipment to do so. We did it for two years already.

Amen to this, but the problem is that society can't decide what it wants. My fellow conservatives rail all the livelong day about teaching the three R's, but then as soon as it comes up, rail also that schools don't teach "life skills" like financing, changing tires, sewing buttons.


This is never more prevalent in the mess special ed is in. Let me be clear that many special ed families are wonderful. But some encourage each other to be on the schools and teachers constantly to ensure their rights and the law is being fulfilled. And no one will speak up about their behavior because, you know, it's for special ed students, and that's sad, etc.

I get all of that. But the people teaching special ed are also actual humans. And because they are railed at constantly, they're quitting. And they're warning others not to go into the field. So when I see special ed parents seething online about this and that, I want to say, "Listen. You can make all the demands you want, but you cannot DEMAND people be special ed teachers. Oh, and look. No one wants to be."

All this to say that everyone wants to discuss their rights these days but no one is keen to talk about responsibility.
How fucked up is it that these TSA perverts can sexually assault innocent people with impunity if anyone acts to defend their victims, it is the one who so acts that is at risk of facing criminal charges.

I fly all the time, never once been sexually assaulted by TSA. My daughter flies even more than I do and she has never been sexually assaulted by TSA.

It seems you have no clue what you are talking about.
Amen to this, but the problem is that society can't decide what it wants. My fellow conservatives rail all the livelong day about teaching the three R's, but then as soon as it comes up, rail also that schools don't teach "life skills" like financing, changing tires, sewing buttons.


This is never more prevalent in the mess special ed is in. Let me be clear that many special ed families are wonderful. But some encourage each other to be on the schools and teachers constantly to ensure their rights and the law is being fulfilled. And no one will speak up about their behavior because, you know, it's for special ed students, and that's sad, etc.

I get all of that. But the people teaching special ed are also actual humans. And because they are railed at constantly, they're quitting. And they're warning others not to go into the field. So when I see special ed parents seething online about this and that, I want to say, "Listen. You can make all the demands you want, but you cannot DEMAND people be special ed teachers. Oh, and look. No one wants to be."

All this to say that everyone wants to discuss their rights these days but no one is keen to talk about responsibility.
I'm guessing here but is Special Education what we once referred to as Juvenile Delinquent school?

Now you know that the second we have kids learning outside of classes there's going to be an uproar from a myriad of profiteers. Especially School lunch programs and some special needs programs. (Which is what the whole school voucher program ran into)

And during the pandemic quarantines there were moms and dads and others who warehoused kids to do schoolwork online so parents could go to work. These homes were often much much stricter than any public school in some ways and more free in other ways. Some kids were very ready to go back to the classrooms but others....not so much.
And you take the side of that teacher violently assaulting that student and attempting to rob him of his rightful property.

What high ground do you think you have on which to stand, taking the side of a violent robber against the right of that robber's intended victim to defend himself and his property?

Not only was it just plain wrong to try to rob that student, but it was damned stupid to pick such a fight with someone who was bigger and stronger and well capable of defending himself.

She got what she deserved.
Suppose the rightful property was an AR 15 that the student got for his 18th birthday?

You gonna insist on his right to not be "robbed" of it?
I have a Red Light/Green Light device (my own creation) on my desk. When the light is green, the students may use their laptops while working on an activity. When it is red, they may not. They are NEVER allowed to use cellphones.

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