Something else to think about before you cheer on or beg for more war

PTSD incorrectly calculated among soldiers: Veteran’s Administration « RAWA News

To date, the military has diagnosed 78,000 cases of PTSD, but the Veteran's Administration says that number is inaccurate.

The V.A. say the real number is closer to 800,000.

The military's latest mental health survey of combat troops in Afghanistan found 20 percent, one in five, suffering from acute stress, depression or anxiety.

Sad that this basically gets ignored by the media which for the most part lets our foreign policy go unquestioned.

Keep this in mind the next time you cheer on Obama for expanding the warmongering in Afghanistan. Keep this in mind the next time you cheer on someone who brings up the idea of War in Iran. Not only will it result in tens of thousands of dead american soldiers, tens of thousands of physically wounded soldiers, but HUNDREDS of thousands of mentally wounded soldiers who the vast majority will never get any help.

This is why I'm anti-war in ALL situations. The follow up war is always worse than what led up to it or worse than another alternative (only instance i can think of this not being the case is our Revolutionary War).

The damage done by these incredibly expensive, wasteful wars has been incalculable. Thousands of lives lost, more than that damaged, and the bad guys will just move back in when we're gone.

All the fist-pumping, chest-thumping and flag-waving by those who claim to "care" about the troops can't change that tragic fact. Ever.


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