Soldier's mother confirms "Trump did disrespect my son..."

I guess Presidents shouldn't call families of lost soldiers anymore. I guess that's where this latest Democrat-manufactured outrage scam will end. The man calls to console a family, and the Democrats twist it and turn into something dark. They're pretty slimy folks. They politicize everything. But this a new low for even them. Hopefully most Americans see what they're doing and make them pay at the Ballot Box.

I know Democrat Fake News continues to boast about all their numerous coming election-wins, but i'm not so sure about that. The Silent Majority decides Elections. They don't say much, but many are profoundly angry at Democrat behavior since Election Day. They don't approve of the daily Democrat-manufactured outrage scams. They might make Democrats pay for it.
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Now the butthurt snowflake trump cult is whining about the call being private, while at the same time ignoring the White House admission that the President had witnesses to the phone call. So, now they need to explain how a private call is private when it is not really private. Trump made the call not private by having an alleged room full of people listening to the call. Interestingly, none of the alleged witnesses have come forward and said exactly what they heard.
probably for the very reason of this thread. Private call with the president of the United States. The president did not have the call on a speaker phone. The witnesses were merely in the room and only heard his side of the conversation. I'm sure that happens most of the time.
Now the butthurt snowflake trump cult is whining about the call being private, while at the same time ignoring the White House admission that the President had witnesses to the phone call. So, now they need to explain how a private call is private when it is not really private. Trump made the call not private by having an alleged room full of people listening to the call. Interestingly, none of the alleged witnesses have come forward and said exactly what they heard.
probably for the very reason of this thread. Private call with the president of the United States. The president did not have the call on a speaker phone. The witnesses were merely in the room and only heard his side of the conversation. I'm sure that happens most of the time.

Don't bother trying to reason with em. They're always gonna stay on-message. It's all about the "I HATE TRUMP!" shite. You can't reason with em. They have their Democrat Fake News talking-points, and that's that. But hey, nice try. :)
Now the butthurt snowflake trump cult is whining about the call being private, while at the same time ignoring the White House admission that the President had witnesses to the phone call. So, now they need to explain how a private call is private when it is not really private. Trump made the call not private by having an alleged room full of people listening to the call. Interestingly, none of the alleged witnesses have come forward and said exactly what they heard.
probably for the very reason of this thread. Private call with the president of the United States. The president did not have the call on a speaker phone. The witnesses were merely in the room and only heard his side of the conversation. I'm sure that happens most of the time.

Don't bother trying to reason with em. They're always gonna stay on-message. It's all about the "I HATE TRUMP!" shite. You can't reason with em. They have their Democrat Fake News talking-points, and that's that. But hey, nice try. :)
Some of it, maybe a lot of it, is karma for all the obscene hatred hurled at President Obama and the First Lady while they were in the White House. Right here at USMB we saw photoshopped avatars with them in monkey faces. Large posters at rallies of President Obama in witch doctor costume, complete with a bone through his nose. Stop your whining snowflake and take the karma without the flood of tears.
Now the butthurt snowflake trump cult is whining about the call being private, while at the same time ignoring the White House admission that the President had witnesses to the phone call. So, now they need to explain how a private call is private when it is not really private. Trump made the call not private by having an alleged room full of people listening to the call. Interestingly, none of the alleged witnesses have come forward and said exactly what they heard.
probably for the very reason of this thread. Private call with the president of the United States. The president did not have the call on a speaker phone. The witnesses were merely in the room and only heard his side of the conversation. I'm sure that happens most of the time.

Don't bother trying to reason with em. They're always gonna stay on-message. It's all about the "I HATE TRUMP!" shite. You can't reason with em. They have their Democrat Fake News talking-points, and that's that. But hey, nice try. :)
what I find hilarious is every time Trump pulls a boner like he did at the press conference, the libturds double down and save his ass like this. Truly fascinating. They are indeed working on securing GOP holds on Congress and a second term. They can't help themselves. They demonstrate less restrain than him. And dude, that is hard to do.
This thread is just ongoing proof of how out of touch and completely fucked up the hysterical left is.

The only difference between the Snowflakes on this forum and the Snowflakes in North Korea
is that the Snowflakes here have a choice.....and CHOOSE to be Hysterical Communist traitors.

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Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.
Yep cause his daddy sent him to military school so of course to him, he feels he bravely served his country. Surely he respects the sacrifices men like John McCain made for their country. Right? Oh wait, he already proved otherwise.

The man is a turd floating in the kiddie pool. Get him out of there.

Your blind hatred has you babbling nonsense.

Yawn. The man is totally unfit to serve. He'll be gone soon enough.

Do the US a favor and hold your breath until it happens.
His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Yep, three adults in the car to hear the conversation and 100% confirmed and re-Re-RE-confirmed by each.

Donald says he has proof - where is it anyway, or is he too busy tweeting about Crooked Hillary, his inauguration crowd and standing for the anthem again this morning?

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Yep, three adults in the car to hear the conversation and 100% confirmed and re-Re-RE-confirmed by each.

Donald says he has proof - where is it anyway, or is he too busy tweeting about Crooked Hillary, his inauguration crowd and standing for the anthem again this morning?


The old slut made the allegation. Make her produce hers. Then she can explain why she voted three times AGAINST reforming the young mans VA and also voted not to pay this same man during the last shut down. Due to her past actions, I must take the orange ones word over hers.
His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Yep, three adults in the car to hear the conversation and 100% confirmed and re-Re-RE-confirmed by each.

Donald says he has proof - where is it anyway, or is he too busy tweeting about Crooked Hillary, his inauguration crowd and standing for the anthem again this morning?


Well, he is also handling major issues that face our nation, like, "How are we going to stop democrats from removing Columbus statues?"
His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Yep, three adults in the car to hear the conversation and 100% confirmed and re-Re-RE-confirmed by each.

Donald says he has proof - where is it anyway, or is he too busy tweeting about Crooked Hillary, his inauguration crowd and standing for the anthem again this morning?


The old slut made the allegation. Make her produce hers. Then she can explain why she voted three times AGAINST reforming the young mans VA and also voted not to pay this same man during the last shut down. Due to her past actions, I must take the orange ones word over hers.

Yeah i already made it through your dumb talking point three times and am bored at this point. I'll put a mother, a daughter and a congresswomen's unified word from a conversation on speaker phone against Donnie Dumpster's every day and twice on Sunday.

He lies a lot .. about everything
Every day there’s another problem due to Trump having no idea how to be president or act presidential. Our allies are noticing as is NK. A NK rep said yesterday that he’s mentally unstable. They can see from 4,000 miles away what we can see up close and personal.
His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Yep, three adults in the car to hear the conversation and 100% confirmed and re-Re-RE-confirmed by each.

Donald says he has proof - where is it anyway, or is he too busy tweeting about Crooked Hillary, his inauguration crowd and standing for the anthem again this morning?


The old slut made the allegation. Make her produce hers. Then she can explain why she voted three times AGAINST reforming the young mans VA and also voted not to pay this same man during the last shut down. Due to her past actions, I must take the orange ones word over hers.

Yeah i already made it through your dumb talking point three times and am bored at this point. I'll put a mother, a daughter and a congresswomen's unified word from a conversation on speaker phone against Donnie Dumpster's every day and twice on Sunday.

He lies a lot .. about everything
Exactly. What incentive does the family of a fallen hero have to lie about how insensitive the prez was?
His daily agenda is lying about everything.
Trump has said dumb and insensitive stuff before and people have lied about and misrepresented his comments before unless we can hear the complete conversation unedited no one is going to know for sure what was said. What we do know is absent this people will continue to accept what ever version fits their political narrative.

Time for our President to show some sensitivity

It is not about him, it is about the deceased's family

If they were offended, Trump needs to apologize whether he thinks he is wrong or not
That’s based on the assumption Trump said something that actually was offensive which we don’t know. There are some who would claim offense if Trump said have a nice day to them.

Trump said he has proof it's a lie. Want to bet that proof never comes out?
Maybe he does maybe he doesn’t but I would say the odds are 99.9 percent you wouldn’t accept it if did.

I bet you he doesnt have proof which means he's lying. Want to take me up on that bet?
Seems to me that it would be simple for Trump to type up a transcript of the conversation, and have any witnesses in his office sign it.....
Seems to me that it would be simple for Trump to type up a transcript of the conversation, and have any witnesses in his office sign it.....

Trump said "He knew what he was getting into"......

Where's the insult? WTF is wrong with you assclowns?

Oh right, your uncontrollable hysteria over Hillary's loss because Putin controlled the voting booths has left you permanently brain dead

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