So. Who is going to celebrate Easter?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
It's pagan, ya know. I am amused when churches have Sunday services complete with easter egg hunts. :lol:
I already celebrated the Spring Equinox, which I find waaay more epic...


I might still celebrate Easter... albeit with more ancient rites than what people in America are accustomed to.

Its not the same though. On a Sabbat, its like your senses are heightened and you feel more in tune with the World and Nature. The day feels incredibly special, like you are Fated to bring about something incredibly epic. The Energy is overwhelming and you just have an extreme Natural desire to make use of it somehow. On Easter... I do not get the same feeling.

It's pagan, ya know. I am amused when churches have Sunday services complete with easter egg hunts. :lol:
I'm gonna watch "Passion Of The Christ" know, a movie that consists of 45 solid minutes of violent beatings on an innocent man who dared to buck the establishment, by a bunch of demented, sadist, assholes wearing dresses.
I'm amused by the insecure simpletons that have nothing better to do than attempt to mock Christians at every opportunity. must be a sad existence being so insecure, intolerant and full of hate.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr.

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The church I attend calls it Resurrection Sunday. We do not sponsor egg hunts. However, I have nothing against the candy or the eggs as long as such does not take center stage.
Eggs & Abel

The egg hunt is one of the best parts of Easter, and many people make it part of the holiday, and yea, even churches.

It's just about the Resurrection, but there's nothing morally abrasive about a motivated Easter bunny with magical eggs you have to find.

I will celebrate Easter, perhaps simply because there's enough about the occasion being light-hearted because of the egg hunt even if it's about that morally challenging Resurrection of the Christ.

Easter is the holiday that makes Abel look good...there's just too much thriller stuff out there about Cain.


Easter Bunny (Wikipedia)

As the black guy in "Ghostbusters" said (with humorous editing)

"If there's presents or candy in it for me, I'll celebrate whatever you say." :)
It's pagan, ya know. I am amused when churches have Sunday services complete with easter egg hunts. :lol:

No it is not any more pagan than little girls having a slumber party is an orgy. I am sure you understand the differences between the two. It is just as easy to distinguish the differences between a Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus and a pagan celebration of fertility or first fruits.

Loved Easter Egg hunts. My dad never tired of hiding the eggs for us. We had a great day.
lol. Of course christians will celebrate easter and say it's due to the resurrection of Christ. But we don't know if that is truly the day any more than we know dec 25th was when he was born.

It's fun. Keeps the kids happy. Ya get candy. And the devil laughs all day. :lol:

Yes. It is pagan. Pagan origins. Pagan roots. But if it tickles yer ears to pretend a tree was cut down and a bunch of sparklies put on it in the barn when Jesus was born and finding a rabbit that lays eggs and children must seek out those eggs to get candy...then do have yer holidays. ;)
lol. Of course christians will celebrate easter and say it's due to the resurrection of Christ. But we don't know if that is truly the day any more than we know dec 25th was when he was born.

It's fun. Keeps the kids happy. Ya get candy. And the devil laughs all day. :lol:

Yes. It is pagan. Pagan origins. Pagan roots. But if it tickles yer ears to pretend a tree was cut down and a bunch of sparklies put on it in the barn when Jesus was born and finding a rabbit that lays eggs and children must seek out those eggs to get candy...then do have yer holidays. ;)

"Pagan" since the 12th century. Maybe the "Pagans" had some new ideas how to make Easter more funny for the children.

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