The little known rule of law that could have saved millions


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
There's a little known law that surfaced in the dead sea scrolls that could have stoped most human attrocities over the ages.
The law suggested we not listen to or follow those teachers and leaders who were political prisoners. (Probably because it causes them to be cold and callous towards humanity or even do anything to survive and not ever be a prionser again thus over compensating through attrocious actions.)
List of Political prisoners who caused and lead people to attrocities and wars: Jesus, Paul (both lead followers to death & responsible for more then 50 Million murders and thousands of wars including church synods influence on Nazis which influenced Arafats Uncle the head Imama who fled towards Berlin and learned Hate Propaganda and tactics which influenced present day Jihaadist therefore even Jesus and Paul and it's church are responsible as the source of Radical Islam and their crimes against humanity and nature),
Then there is the likes of:
Napolean, Hitler, Stalin (who was arrested and exiled to Siberia numerous times),
Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Saddam, Arafat, MOKHTAR BELMOKHTAR, & The Leader of Isis Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Imagine if we obeyed this one rule how things would have been different in this world.
How about MLK,and Gandhi?

I am pretty sure if I look around I could find more leaders that fit the description.

I bet I can find callous leaders that never went to jail but were highly successful in accomplishing goals for his people--like Ben-Gurion!
And MLK followers resented his constant arrests for protests and in the 60's up north some of those protests got mighty violent. Sometimes its not the teacher who gets violent minded it's the followers who want the revenge or justice and they tend to do things they themself protest or end up being that bad thing they hate. Sort of like how Christians became that which they hated upon their icon.
IF MLK and his surpressors didn't follow Jesus or Paul then his mission might have been more successful in the long haul and full scope of things and he himself might have found a different venue then protests thus not got arrested. That would have also saved his brethren from using that idea and tarnishing it with riots that end up doing things they themselves are protesting against.
Leads back to the original law doesn't it?
And yes Ghandi is a good example of the exception however are they better off then those nations which England helped shape into progressive and advanced countries?
And MLK followers resented his constant arrests for protests and in the 60's up north some of those protests got mighty violent. Sometimes its not the teacher who gets violent minded it's the followers who want the revenge or justice and they tend to do things they themself protest or end up being that bad thing they hate. Sort of like how Christians became that which they hated upon their icon.
IF MLK and his surpressors didn't follow Jesus or Paul then his mission might have been more successful in the long haul and full scope of things and he himself might have found a different venue then protests thus not got arrested. That would have also saved his brethren from using that idea and tarnishing it with riots that end up doing things they themselves are protesting against.
Leads back to the original law doesn't it?
And yes Ghandi is a good example of the exception however are they better off then those nations which England helped shape into progressive and advanced countries?

....however are they better off then those nations which England helped shape into progressive and advanced countries?

I guess the term 'better off' means technological or financial advanced nation. I guess in India's case, it really financial since technological, they are on par with first world countries.

Since they maintained their identity and retain the right to choose their destiny as based on their cultural identity, I will say yes. In fact, much better off.

ps-I editted the post for clarity
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All the other countries England was involved in ended up free eventually and better off, but Gandhi's approach was spot on and we must see that change and justice can be reached through kowledge and truth and a sWORD out the mouth rather then a violent sword from the hand.
Look at the difference between the actual Tanakh story and Christian and Islamic Bastardization of the concept of the great battle between light and darkness.
In the story Light=knowledge and truth cuts through darkness (ignorance & lies) and is done through Michael's sWORD out of the mouth as he is the messenger of truth and righteousness teaching us what is right and what could and should be proper social behavior and order. We see that battle today on forums, in the media, and in collegiate revisions. Counter missionaries and counter propaganda is another example of thus batyle being fought through the minds nit the fists and not with weapons nor fear.
Christianity however needed violence, torture, subversion, and saw the battle as violent hence became violent. Because truth needs no violence, only a lie needs forcing through the aggresive violence. Islam soon followed in this idea of litteral physical violent confrontation, both groups did so for affiliation pride reasons as egos of the group trying to convert people to validate their being part in the group. It took Christianity to get back to it's Judaic
roots and Torah influences before that violent pride subsided, so when looking at radical Islam the one thing they are missing is what early abusive Christianity
was, that same root source. They need to accept the people of the book like their Quran says, and they need to revisit the love thy neighbors lessons of Abraham, learn that the Al-Isra can't take place without Peace, and stop this seperation that limits the good assests and broad rich experiences they lose out on in being a closed society without Jews, Hindus, Toaist, and other cultures.
How about MLK,and Gandhi?

I am pretty sure if I look around I could find more leaders that fit the description.

I bet I can find callous leaders that never went to jail but were highly successful in accomplishing goals for his people--like Ben-Gurion!

Nelson Mandela springs to mind.

And let's not forget unindicted co-conspirators like Dick Cheney who should have been in prison.

Way too many exceptions on both sides of this rule for it to be effective IMO.

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