So what should Obama have done?

What should have Obama done?

Gotten the HELL out of the way, waived the rules and gotten a handle on this...but Noooo...It was another oppritunity to demonize another industry...and demand another piece of the Statist puzzle be put in place as Cap N'Tax...another in a long series of job killers.
well the incompetent nincompoop you voted for just ensured that we will remain dependent on terrorist oil for the next couple of decades.. obie wan is an asswipe who just put 20,000 people out of work.
Not even LA is claiming that nonsense. Get your talking points straight, dope.

what planet do you live on again?

Obama Drilling Ban Costing Thousands of Jobs | The FOX Nation
20,000 if the moratorium lasts eighteen months. Boo fucking hoo. The moratorium is six months. 20,000 is nothing compared to the amount of people that will be put out of work if the spill travels to Florida and beyond.
Ravi, you have avoided this question the entire thread. Answer. What about your fellow Americans who simply could in noway afford a life of $8/Gal gasoline? Fuck them?
What about the people that live on the probably destroyed Gulf coast? Fuck them?

I think that people can find a way around spending as much on gas by car pooling, riding the bus, etc. A little hurt for a couple of years is nothing compared to decades of sludge in the Gulf of Mexico. Not even mentioning the funding of countries that support terrorism by buying their oil.

I see, destroy the economy....that's exactly what your saying, Ravi. Although, you won't admit that is exactly what would happen.
Wrong. The spill has the potential to destroy the economy. Conserving and finding different fuels does not.
Opinions and rightwing talking points are not facts.

oh brother......sorry, Ravi, facts are facts no matter which side it come from. Doesn't mean they aren't true
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

Excuse me!!!!!!!!!! Quit reading Show some damn facts that we are actually drilling shallow water, or land for that matter.
If you really want to get insulting...please continue....I have a ton of insults for you
Opinions and rightwing talking points are not facts.

oh brother......sorry, Ravi, facts are facts no matter which side it come from. Doesn't mean they aren't true
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

You are wrong on this Ravi, I think you know I'm pretty good at finding facts and I will eventually find a link online, but the truth is BP asked for and got permission from LA to drill 500' from shore and THREE times the federal government denied their application and told them to drill at 5000 feet. Obviously this mess would have been so much easier to clean up at 500 ' than 5000'.
What about the people that live on the probably destroyed Gulf coast? Fuck them?

I think that people can find a way around spending as much on gas by car pooling, riding the bus, etc. A little hurt for a couple of years is nothing compared to decades of sludge in the Gulf of Mexico. Not even mentioning the funding of countries that support terrorism by buying their oil.

I see, destroy the economy....that's exactly what your saying, Ravi. Although, you won't admit that is exactly what would happen.
Wrong. The spill has the potential to destroy the economy. Conserving and finding different fuels does not.

You have proven you haven't a clue about this, Ravi
Not even LA is claiming that nonsense. Get your talking points straight, dope.

what planet do you live on again?

Ravi doesn't care about those 20,000 employees, nor does s/he care about the millions who's financial lives will be destroyed if oil suddenly skyrockets to $250/barrel.

As long as s/he can say "look I care more about the environment than those mean old conservatives who do stupid things like oh look at financial reality, someone pass the chocolate covered unicorn dust"

Fucking stupid ass 2010 versions of 60's hippies. No smarter, no more engaged in reality, just smell a little better.
You're so stupid. You think the environment is turtles and isn' is people, too.

Must be nice to sit so far away from the Gulf in your ivory tower and look down on the possible destruction of the economies of four states while you laugh and pretend only a few pelicans will suffer.
Not even LA is claiming that nonsense. Get your talking points straight, dope.

what planet do you live on again?

Obama Drilling Ban Costing Thousands of Jobs | The FOX Nation
20,000 if the moratorium lasts eighteen months. Boo fucking hoo. The moratorium is six months. 20,000 is nothing compared to the amount of people that will be put out of work if the spill travels to Florida and beyond.

Let's say only 5,000 people lose their jobs because of the moratorium. explain to me how those 5,000 people losing their jobs helps the Gulf get cleaned up faster in anyway?

And I'm pretty sure those 5000 families aren't sitting around going "oh boo, guess we'll just have to suck it up"

Ravi, you have officially moved down on my list from misguided but generally fair minded to full on fucking idiot. Congratulations.
oh brother......sorry, Ravi, facts are facts no matter which side it come from. Doesn't mean they aren't true
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

Excuse me!!!!!!!!!! Quit reading Show some damn facts that we are actually drilling shallow water, or land for that matter.
If you really want to get insulting...please continue....I have a ton of insults for you

Shallow-water drilling companies unite to lobby regulators | NewsWatch: Energy | - Houston Chronicle
oh brother......sorry, Ravi, facts are facts no matter which side it come from. Doesn't mean they aren't true
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

You are wrong on this Ravi, I think you know I'm pretty good at finding facts and I will eventually find a link online, but the truth is BP asked for and got permission from LA to drill 500' from shore and THREE times the federal government denied their application and told them to drill at 5000 feet. Obviously this mess would have been so much easier to clean up at 500 ' than 5000'.
Yes, you will have to find this link.

Why would shallow well drillers have a lobby that is having a fit against the new regulations of there was no shallow drilling?
That's real nice if you live where mass transit in an option. Where I live it isn't. Some people live an hour from work. You're being selfish and irresponsible.

Fuck the people on the gulf coast? Hasn't BP just agreed to spend $20B to clean up that mess and take care of people?
Actually, you're the one being selfish and irresponsible. Your selfishness is destroying the Gulf of Mexico.

And your selfishness would destroy our country's economy.

While we subsidize Brazil drilling...and allow others to come in and take what is ours...I wonder if these Enviro-Whackos will be sorry to see the rigs sail away into the a once proud Republic walks into the same Sunset?
what planet do you live on again?

Ravi doesn't care about those 20,000 employees, nor does s/he care about the millions who's financial lives will be destroyed if oil suddenly skyrockets to $250/barrel.

As long as s/he can say "look I care more about the environment than those mean old conservatives who do stupid things like oh look at financial reality, someone pass the chocolate covered unicorn dust"

Fucking stupid ass 2010 versions of 60's hippies. No smarter, no more engaged in reality, just smell a little better.
You're so stupid. You think the environment is turtles and isn' is people, too.

Must be nice to sit so far away from the Gulf in your ivory tower and look down on the possible destruction of the economies of four states while you laugh and pretend only a few pelicans will suffer.

What you fucking loon? Are you kidding me you actually post in one post that you are fine with between 5-20000 people losing their jobs and then you have the nerve to pretend that you care more about people than those of us who actually do care? Are you that fucking stupid? Rhetorical question, don't even bother answering.
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

Excuse me!!!!!!!!!! Quit reading Show some damn facts that we are actually drilling shallow water, or land for that matter.
If you really want to get insulting...please continue....I have a ton of insults for you

Shallow-water drilling companies unite to lobby regulators | NewsWatch: Energy | - Houston Chronicle

From your own site, Ravi:

The group also notes that shallow-water wells in the Gulf of Mexico, once drilled, are predominantly natural gas providers -- making them less risky from an environmental point of view.
Shallow-water drilling companies unite to lobby regulators | NewsWatch: Energy | - Houston Chronicle
There are still shallow wells being drilled in the gulf. That there are deepwater wells is not because we won't let shallow ones be drilled but it is because the technology has allowed the oil companies to go deeper and deeper into the gulf.

This is pretty basic stuff. Quit listening to Palin...your brain cells are dying.

You are wrong on this Ravi, I think you know I'm pretty good at finding facts and I will eventually find a link online, but the truth is BP asked for and got permission from LA to drill 500' from shore and THREE times the federal government denied their application and told them to drill at 5000 feet. Obviously this mess would have been so much easier to clean up at 500 ' than 5000'.
Yes, you will have to find this link.

Why would shallow well drillers have a lobby that is having a fit against the new regulations of there was no shallow drilling?

Why the regulations that aren't being observed anyway? Those that serve to strangle productivity? And riddle me this? After last night's little talking down to by the Messiah?

Didn't it strike you as a bit deja-vu from 33 years ago, and Carter as he stated we needed to find alternative sources of energy? Yet here we are?

But I guess NO good crisis can go to waste. Where Carter failed? Obama means to cross the final t on the Death certificate of this Republic and it's economy.
Actually, you're the one being selfish and irresponsible. Your selfishness is destroying the Gulf of Mexico.

And your selfishness would destroy our country's economy.

While we subsidize Brazil drilling...and allow others to come in and take what is ours...I wonder if these Enviro-Whackos will be sorry to see the rigs sail away into the a once proud Republic walks into the same Sunset?
You realize BP is "others", right?
Excuse me!!!!!!!!!! Quit reading Show some damn facts that we are actually drilling shallow water, or land for that matter.
If you really want to get insulting...please continue....I have a ton of insults for you

Shallow-water drilling companies unite to lobby regulators | NewsWatch: Energy | - Houston Chronicle

From your own site, Ravi:

The group also notes that shallow-water wells in the Gulf of Mexico, once drilled, are predominantly natural gas providers -- making them less risky from an environmental point of view.
Shallow-water drilling companies unite to lobby regulators | NewsWatch: Energy | - Houston Chronicle
So there's your answer...the environmentalists didn't force deep water drilling. The oil companies drill wherever they can find oil.

You're welcome.
You are wrong on this Ravi, I think you know I'm pretty good at finding facts and I will eventually find a link online, but the truth is BP asked for and got permission from LA to drill 500' from shore and THREE times the federal government denied their application and told them to drill at 5000 feet. Obviously this mess would have been so much easier to clean up at 500 ' than 5000'.
Yes, you will have to find this link.

Why would shallow well drillers have a lobby that is having a fit against the new regulations of there was no shallow drilling?

Why the regulations that aren't being observed anyway? Those that serve to strangle productivity? And riddle me this? After last night's little talking down to by the Messiah?

Didn't it strike you as a bit deja-vu from 33 years ago, and Carter as he stated we needed to find alternative sources of energy? Yet here we are?

But I guess NO good crisis can go to waste. Where Carter failed? Obama means to cross the final t on the Death certificate of this Republic and it's economy.
No we aren't there yet. Mostly because people are shortsighted and can't see beyond the end of their noses.

How many more terrorist attacks or spewing wells will it take before you actually give a damn about anything but the oil companies?
And your selfishness would destroy our country's economy.

While we subsidize Brazil drilling...and allow others to come in and take what is ours...I wonder if these Enviro-Whackos will be sorry to see the rigs sail away into the a once proud Republic walks into the same Sunset?
You realize BP is "others", right?

I wish I didn't have to comb through the entire thread to read Ravi's Energy Policy.

Could you give it to me, reader's digest version?
And your selfishness would destroy our country's economy.

While we subsidize Brazil drilling...and allow others to come in and take what is ours...I wonder if these Enviro-Whackos will be sorry to see the rigs sail away into the a once proud Republic walks into the same Sunset?
You realize BP is "others", right?

Sure I do. Why stick around when you are about to be destroyed by rogue Statists that mean to take you down? Free Enterprise really bothers Statists...therefore they must destroy them by whatever means they can.

Obama is doing a damned fine job. MORE businesses will go off friendlier WE sink into a mere shadow of what we once were...

Kinda makes a Statist all warm and fuzzy...doesn't it?

From your own site, Ravi:

The group also notes that shallow-water wells in the Gulf of Mexico, once drilled, are predominantly natural gas providers -- making them less risky from an environmental point of view.
Shallow-water drilling companies unite to lobby regulators | NewsWatch: Energy | - Houston Chronicle
So there's your answer...the environmentalists didn't force deep water drilling. The oil companies drill wherever they can find oil.

You're welcome.

WTF? Natural gas is not oil, Ravi. This is an epic fail on your behalf.

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